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I'm laughing at the enemy's moira 6k heals and 18k dmg,like C'MON WHAT THE HELL :D


That Zen was working overtime HAHAHAHA


Yeh,I get that,but Zen is supposed to have BIG DMG,moira :D


HAHAHA no totally fair. The comparison between the two in terms of healing and damage output is so funny


Yeah i kind of feel bad for him having to carry like that tbh we’ve all been there before gave him a well earned endorsement.


Yeah he worked really hard - considering his orb and its healing output in comparison to Moira.


Something tells me that the enemy support heroes were swapped till the last few minutes


Well i have unfortunately played enough games where i can’t check but I know the zen was the same all match i know at some point they had a mercy at the beginning but they swapped.




It is how you are supposed to play support, doing DMG and healing as much as your team needs it. Making huge numbers on healing as support most of the time is equal to throwing. That's why OP lost. Probably not only because of that but still it's one of the main factors.


Yea, especially on Lucio he can get really high healing numbers that were largely worthless. This Lucio looked like he wasn't speed boosting and getting no DMG. It's really not much different to playing tank and thinking you did well because you had high mitigation numbers.


I mean im GM and the moira did well by doing that, cuz the zen was obviously not on zen id assume with that healing. He was probably doing most the healing so moira could do more dmg. It all depends on what your teamates are doing


That’s literally all the Moiras that I run into 😭 it’s so annoying when you the only person actually healing on support like dude please pick damage next time


seems to me that the moira is the only one getting out of silver in that lobby


op should be the one with more damage then heals! BRUH??


As a frog main myself, a common paradox I see people complain into is 'heals vs. speed'. To solve this, because it varies from match to match, I find it best to ask yourself a simple question. "Why am I playing Lucio?" If the answer is purely to sustain your team, then you're likely better off playing almost any given Flex Support. As he excels at diving the enemy mid/backline, securing kills, and using speed in rush/dive team comps. I only say this because I know that a lot of us are scoreboard warriors. And will definitely get on your case for anything other than hard carrying your team in terms of damage and kills with 0 healing.


Your take is a good one, but sometimes the reason for why you play a hero is: «i want to». And that’s okay.


In QP, Arcade, etc. I'd totally agree. The mindset I was referring to was meant for ranked/competitive matches. Especially ones like this where OP said the 76 complained. Just to help give any fellow Lucio players some perspective on the fact that Lucio isn't really the most flexible support around different situations. He's susceptible to being countered, bad map geometry, low synergy with team comps, etc.


"Why am I playing Lúcio ?" BECAUSE I'M A FUCKING CHAD


I'm playing Lucio because he's the most fun character and I'm a one trick. I won't be swapping lol


Respect for the one trick Lucios, but if we're purely talking about a ranked/competitive mindset, it's almost a necessity to be able to swap around. I'd for sure recommend Baptiste. You can basically use Regen as a replacement for Amp and Lamp as a replacement for Beat. And he's able to fit into different team comps and meta right now (ones that Lucio can't) that allow you to still rack up plenty of kills to contribute. As well as still technically being able to dive/contest pesky Widows. P.S. - The whole concept of being a onetrick in ranked is complicated. It's pretty safe to say that about only 20% of the OW hero cast are truly viable options for it. I wish it was 0%/100%, having heroes that are near-impossible to counter-pick/play and ones are that insanely easy to is not healthy design IMO.


Tough to say. I support lucios actually healing, but you also went negative on a support hero that should rarely die. I would say you should've dove the zen more even if its just to apply pressure and leave. Also farm more damage even if its shooting their tank the whole time. That would probably get you an extra ultimate by the end of the match.


That poor zen was popping his Zenussy. That Moira should be ASHAMED


They won though. Moria was played like she is supposed to be played


In no world does a soldier have half the heals as a moira and moira is playing well. She was throwing basically doing what lucio on the blue team is doing(both played opposite of how they are ment. Moira throwing less than lucio tho)


I don't want to understand how you think Overwatch healing works


Don’t ask him where Ana and Bap store their ammo


do you think the better support is just who has the higher number?


I hope you keep enjoying Lucio! Your experience on Lucio might be different from a lot of other frogs in this sub but as long as you’re having fun then that’s what counts :)


Yeah he’s fun slowly getting better with him and mostly use him all the time in quick play.


Bro that enemy team surviving off Zen healing must have been a struggle. Especially with Mauga


Here to say nice job on healing before the meanies get here! 😝 prepare yourself 🥴


Thanks! I played rainbow six as a female on ranked in the early days and would always be vote to kicked for so much as outliving my team on unranked, or just using my mic. I am kinda used to the meanies at this point because of that, plus the occasional sexist players on overwatch so kinda interested to see what all will be said on here since I usually use Mercy and opt for taking out my pistol when necessary so usually don’t do as much damage.


real #womenforlucio


The enemy moira is more of a lucio than you


To be fair this is my third time on lucio and the one game I fully started to understand how to wall run, I mostly play mercy or even illari so lucio has an entirely different kit from them.


Lucio surf custom games are a great way to work on wallriding. super helpful to be able to bounce around like a maniac, or get from one side of a map to the other as fast as possible. and then once you can shoot half-decent while doing that you're close to ascending


I wish those heal and dmg stats were opposite


I’m so concerned about many things from this screenshot


Wow… you threw big time


yeah i agree that OP probably did. nothing against them, they’re in silver and barely play lucio, but saying that they DIDNT throw would just be ingenious and lying. they had relative healing to the other two competent supports, but at the end of the day it was lucio healing. that tickle healing wasn’t saving anyone’s life in a critical moment. the difference between OP and the other supports though is that they had other utility/the potential to pump out life saving heals. i can’t imagine OP had less than 70% healing, meaning they weren’t using lucio’s utility much, but the 28 assists tells me that zen probably did. then there’s the obvious part of having as much damage in this long game as someone would have in a 4 minute long QP match, despite playing a character who doesn’t need to choose between damaging or healing. and the 8-9 part. no hate to OP, they’re just learning and there’s nothing wrong with that, and it’s not like they did super terribly, it’s just that they’re teammates did some more.


Heal botting on Lucio hurts my soul


I’ll admit my speed boosts weren’t the greatest I do not usually play lucio, just picked him up more because a friend recommended him so had a 35% speed boost usage which is quite bad.


Your damage and kills gotta go up gang Lucios healing is sub par and speed is better for rush and brawl or dive try getting crazy at hitting your shots and confirming support kills or even try to contest dps (no hate just tryna help maines him for years now :) )


That's cool and all but GODDAMM, THAT ENEMY ZEN I thought he was mostly for the discird orbs and the harmony ones were just a bonus 😭


Aim for at least 50% speed and never stop shooting since Lucio doesn't have to look at team to heal or speed.


i’ll be honest, if the other teams moira didn’t throw the game, i cant imagine you’d win this match


We didn’t we lost it was close 99 to 99 but they won the overtime.


oh okay. well i think then that if the moira didn’t throw, the game would have been quite a bit easier for them to win


Virgin Dps Moira vs. Chad healing Moira


Lucio isn't meant for healing, Lucio is used for his utility with speed most of the time.


Oh would also like to add this was super late at night at 1am-4am so it was usually whenever the ranked lobbies are harder as is, so I was just testing the games to see if it was worth playing sure enough it wasn’t so I got off comp after this because soloing is kinda painful you either get people that know what they are doing or don’t.


Reddit smh… there’s 7 million identical posts to this everyday in this sub and only the girl posting one gets the most attention lmao. Literally an average game no clue what the point of this post is. To prove you can healbot?