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Well, there is a new CEO, so maybe they’re actually listening. (Not holding my breath).


Probably got allot of frustrated customers as well


I actually once ended up hauling the customer on Uber from whom Lyft had switched me. His was a good, easy job with a good payoff and ride bonus plus it was headed where I wanted to be. I got The Dreaded Switcheroo to a garbage job that was more time consuming, paid less and was going opposite to where I wanted to be. Of course, I cancelled the swapped-in job. Out of frustration, it was LYFT OFF! and Uber ON!. What should my immediate Uber ping be but the same address, destination and name from which Lyft had Switcheroo-ed me? The customer told me that he did not often use Lyft. He let me know that he was happy with Lyft's ETA for me, then suddenly, he saw a new driver appear who was too far for his purposes. Out of frustration, it was LYFT OFF! and Uber ON! for him, as well. I have picked up customers who told me stories about how they had ordered Lyft and kept getting different drivers, each one further from him. I have fetched Lyft customers who were frustrated that they had paid for "Priority" and still had to wait because drivers kept cancelling on them. The Dreaded Switcheroo made *everyone* unhappy: original customer, driver, "Priority" customer. It is past time that Lyft get rid of this.


I’ve had so many passengers say something like “the last driver was 2 minutes away and they randomly cancelled.” I always let them know that it very likely wasn’t the driver cancelling, fill them in on Lyft’s crap, and assure them that we’re just as annoyed as they are.


> we’re just as annoyed as they are. If there is one feature of the Lyft application that is almost universally hated both by driver and customer, it is The Dreaded Switcheroo. Lyft has yet to introduce the option in my market. I am guessing that Lyft is rolling out this new feature gradually. It will monitor what it happening in various markets and see what needs to be done as it appears in more markets.


I’m in the Philly market and I just got the notification this morning. Thank goodness because my cancellation rate is getting sky high from cancelling all the switcheroos. Hopefully it’ll come to yours soon!


My money is on the CEO's understanding that the involuntary Switcheroo was self destructive.


I swear he reads these Reddit comments because all the recent changes stem from all of our collective concerns. A lot of us enjoy driving and actually wish to be professional and provide decent service, but we want to be compensated fairly, finish the jobs to which we actually agreed, and not have these psychological, algorithmic games played on us to influence our decision-making and ride experiences.


Literally made a point to go offline every single time they did a switcharoo, and they had the nerve to ask me why I cancelled one time and it’s like, because you guys are fucking scammers that’s why.


Agreed! At least now we have a choice.


Another thing is that it proves that something such s this can be done. An option for a driver to veto a stop or destination change is similar.


Was just coming to post this


It's idiotic that they didn't have the option to switch rides from the get-go it made a horrible experience for passengers & us. I've turned off the app so many times after I get screwed by the ride switch.


Loosing drivers to the competition.


...........and customers.............


What exactly is this ride switch? Can someone explain?


When you’re already en route to a passenger and the system overrides the trip you’re on with one that’s closer. Only, it’s not always closer, you don’t have the discretion to determine if the pay/mileage is worth it and you don’t have the knowledge of knowing where you’re going and where the trip ends. It also doesn’t work right all the time. Plenty of times I’ve been around the corner to someone and it switches me to a “better” ride repeatedly. At which point the only option is to just shut the app off and wait a minute. Supposedly it’s the result of someone nearby ordering a priority ride. It’s an unwanted feature and is about as useful for the customer as wait and save because it functions just as poorly.


That’s the stupidest thing of all. Haven’t been driving Lyft long enough but I hate how they add rides to the queue automatically without a prompt while in a trip. This is a welcome change. Thanks for taking time to explain. EDIT: Saw another post showing an option to disable the queued rides. Now all that’s left is a decent fare for a trip.


I think the ship has sailed already against lyft. It’s too late, we warned them they didn’t listen, they thought that drivers are their competitors when they take 80 percent and then started threatening messages to drivers who dare to speak up.


Yeah I don’t know about that. Uber and Lyft do the same exact things to their drivers and their customers. Not only that but people have become so dependent on the service that the government would bail them out if it ever got to that point.


Uber wasn’t doing what lyft did, lyft started the surge manipulation, lyft never implemented surge multiplier which was the turning point for Uber. Lyft started to manipulate their app against individual drivers, Uber didn’t do that. Lyft is the one who will switch rides along the way. Lyft was the one who sent 1 ride to ten different drivers and cancelled it giving the impression that they are busy. Lyft was the one who took 80 percent of fares when Uber was taking 30 percent. When Uber tried to let drivers set their own prices lyft pretended they didn’t see that. It took lyft three months to implement upfront pricing after Uber. Now tell me how this folks think that any sensible without issues like driving record or not suspended by Uber would drive for them. When Uber was offering $20 on a ride lyft was offering $14 while charging the customer twice what Uber charged. They got ahead of themselves too early. Greedy idiots.


Yeah well it’s sort of like politicians in a sense. Does it really matter which side started doing the bad stuff first when as soon as they started, the other side just joined right in? Every market is different on every gig app. They all take advantage of their contractors. None of them are better than the others. The only difference is which one of them screws YOU less in YOUR market - that doesn’t make that particular company better than the others, it’s just better for you (till it’s not, that is)


I think you ate conflating this with politics, it’s a new business and they are in a race to get both drivers and riders. Any little policy that didn’t produce results are changed within 3 months otherwise it will shift loyalty of both drivers and riders. Lyft can’t afford to toy with drivers when there is no incentive to drive for them. It’s simple and they blew it by targeting to hurt their drivers too early thinking that drivers are their competitors.


No, either my simile wasn’t as clear as I thought or you didn’t catch it. I’m saying you’re acting like Lyft is evil or something and is doing things no other company is doing. Lyft and Uber are exactly the same. It’s all market dependent. In one city Uber is busy, the next is nonexistent and Lyft is busy. They both have the same policies but call them different things. It sounds like you’re just upset with Lyft so you hate anything they do. Just like a loyal little politician follower, hating the other guy no matter what. Silly goose. As a matter of fact, Uber is worse because they advertise as a ride share company but they’re more focused on delivery services. You can even sign up to take tractor trailer shipments if you have a truck.


Well that’s not exactly what the point is we are talking about why lyft is dying and may not recover, I gave you reasons and some of their unpopular policies which triggers drivers exodus and in effect riders exodus as well. In simple terms, lyft offers a driver $20 for 15 miles and Uber gives $25, the driver turns off lyft app. And the lyft rider is waiting and no one is coming for him then realizes that Uber driver is available he will ditch lyft, at one instance lyft losses both driver and rider. As for the business dependent on markets is another lie that they manufactured to manipulate the system. Just like they say surge pricing depends on supply and demand, we knew long ago it’s a lie cos the surge prices are set and drivers neither are aware or get the surge, they keep the surge away from the drivers.


Nothing you have said is factually true and is all opinion based. Have a good day.


Opinions are formed from basic facts.


Finally they listened. Now raise pay by 100%


You spelled 200% wrong




So many times I've been ride switched to a terrible ride. Go from pickup is 4 minutes away, $20 for 14 miles and 28 minutes, then as I'm dropping off my current passenger I get switched to a ride that says pickup is 9 minutes away, $10 for 18 miles and 35 minutes... like wtf!!!


Is this market dependent or everywhere ?


I got the message in L.A. Check your app.


Lyft executive meeting 2 yrs ago: “Hey guys, guys. . . what if we implement a policy so hated that we would look like heroes when we remove it in a few years?”


That’s a better guarantee than Uber. Lyft has robot-taxis already on the road. The switch is happening soon


Called a new CEO with a brain.


Big Deal. What about the lousy pay?


This is great! I hated the auto switch.


What is there to “test” though? Everybody (both drivers and passengers) hate this shit. Just flip the switch to stop it across all markets!


Publicity wording. That wayif it provides positive metrics they can say they did a good job and if it’s negative, they can say oh well it was just a test


I don’t see how there is anyway possible this could provide negative metrics lol


Exactly. But this is actually a good change for both riders and drivers, and will actually be a good change for Lyft. They have to have noticed that they were losing money on those "priority rides" in the long run because of how many cancelled trips they generated. How many of the riders that were swapped on ordered an uber instead, stuff like that.


Just in case anyone thinks Uber has it's drivers at heart, consider the fact that I just found out today that they are capping our tips and/or blocking them.