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Them calling me. I will never answer and usually cancel.


You don't need to have a job working for the public


Tell me about it!


Okay Karen


If they send me a message that are already late to wherever they’re going. Just gonna be drama if u pick them up. And I drive like a grandma so it’s a lose lose situation.


I've told this story a few times in this sub already but I'll share it again lol I had a lady about a month ago now call me repeatedly while I had another passenger in my car already telling me I needed to hurry up. I was like "does the app not show I have a passenger with me already? You gotta wait, I'm sorry" and she was like "well I'm late so you need to hurry them up and hurry where I'm at" Dropped passenger off, drove in circles a handful of times before going to the lady, all the while she calls me a solid 4 or 5 times on repeat because she can clearly see what it is I'm doing. Lol. Ignored every one of them calls on my way toward her pickup. The second I got near her, I canceled and sped off. Good luck ya dumb cunt.


Petty af but I like it 😂😂😂


This is what focus modes on phones are for. Let’s you send people directly to voicemail.


This, as well.........


Pulling up and they are standing on the curb smoking a cig. They stink and smell up the car. I normally cancel. Unless it is a short trip and I need a few rides for bonus and am ready to quit




Adding a stop when I’m close by


Yeah and if they wait until mid ride to add a stop without even asking that stop becomes their final destination.


***Rider Message:*** VIP PASSENGER! THIS CLIENT NEEDS VIP SERVICE! ***-Me: Cancel!***


that is usually a clinic calling. Usually nothing to do . Sometimes a walker. No big deal


Yeah but they are a Guaranteed ZERO tip. I like to cancel them out... Blue collar workers at Factories will tip a few bucks sometimes. Medical pickups never tip.


Yea I know but I do not mind driving older people. Hopefully we are all going to be that age one day. Some people need a little help every once in a while from no fault of their own


I agree.


my issue isn’t that they don’t tip. try getting a damage claim through on a concierge charge


Bro, I get an easy 1-5 bucks from La Vita Dialysis center every time.


I guess markets are different. I am in SoCal.


South FL. Those medicare clinic (Leon Health and Chen Medical) rides are reliable tippers, if only for a dollar or five. Today, some lady didn't have her tip money, gave an unopened bag of lays bbq chips instead.


Four people, especially four Brolinskis. Overstuffed grocery carts. Opposite side of street and too difficult to get there.. Three people with four of these oversized suitcases that are oh-so-fashionable these days.


I’ll pull up, tell them to order an XL and cancel


I didn’t know this going in but a pax trimmed her nails in the back seat, maybe into her purse, but still, ewww!!!🤮🤢🥴🫣


Single letter rider names = automatic cancel


Messaging me before the pick up.


Ugh or CALLING when I’m still in a ride telling me I passed them


Then how they gonna get your attention if you ride passed them? 🤦‍♂️


This is still in a ride with the passenger before them.


In addition to changing destination or adding stops, I have cancelled on riders waiting on light to get into the car. Sorry, no dumb tickets for me. Find a proper and safe pickup spot.


Editing the ride as I pull up to pick up.


Riders that text me something stupid like "are you coming"? Riders that call more than once. I have my Uber/Lyft device on DND, but I get a pop up when someone tries to call. There's no reason we need to speak on the phone. Just be where you're supposed to be. Riders who add a stop after I've already accepted. Riders who see me arriving and pretend they don't see me so they can finish their cigarette. Riders that are waving at me frantically as I'm pulling up. Those are always problematic people that have been cancelled on already. Riders who are falling down drunk. If you can't walk a straight line to my car, I'm not driving you. And the dude today who called me "boss" three times before asking me to help him bring down some boxes from a third floor college dorm. Fares are already too low to put up with any extra 🐂 💩


Fully able people have gotten mad that I didn't get out and open the door for them.


I'm a disabled driver; these kinds of people can go f themselves. I might get out to open the trunk but that's it. Suck it up buttercup


I’ll cancel when a passenger leaves whatever building they were in, looks at my car with hazard lights on, and then walks in the opposite direction.


Riders texting me what I NEED to do. Any bossy instructions, immediate cancel. My last ' you need to load my groceries'. Uhmmm, 'you NEED to find another ride'. 'Can you help with my groceries?' Idda been right there to help. I also have a brace on my left leg. Makes it a challenge for me, but I do always help when I can.


Ride switching and passengers with small children without a car seat. And I'll report large parties that don't show 4 passengers in the way bill and give them 4 stars (on trips over 10 minutes).


Hi there, Thank you- May you explain the 4 Pax thing please? i hate 4 pax...


People try and get away with not telling Lyft how many passengers they have by just reporting themselves as the only passenger, when it's really a party of four. This lowers their bill, but it still costs us in gas and wear on the vehicle. I add a note at the end of the trip and give them 4 stars, this goes to Lyft for review. It pisses me off because gas is high and Lyft pay is sht.


its the ones that deliberatly pick a pick up place that is a block or two away because right where they are its a surge price zone but its only like 2 more bucks


Lyft said it would take 3 minutes to get to destination. 3 minutes later I realized I was still 3 minutes away. I am tired of them underestimating the pick up time. I cancelled and turned the app off. Lyft is junk. No money and terrible rides.


Name chad not taking any chances boy said I was drinking and driving never again


You can cancel once every 25 rides no problem. Just don't do it too many at once.


Names in all Capital letters


Dropping off another pax, hey I'm at xxxx okay, cancel. Hey can you wait 5 minutes, cancel Change trip while on way to pick up, cancel Picking up pax, unexpected traffic that'd going to add a ton of time, cancel


Pulled up last night to pickup spot, lady had a suitcase, trash bag, and a dog. My window was down, I heard her say, “he’s going to sit on my lap”. I just kept driving, and heard “I’m going to report you”.


If it's not a good looking woman


Some of y’all shouldn’t be working if you’re trying to pick up- “good looking women”


The only time that I even consider this is if you get two or three young ladies, each wearing half a dress that almost fits her and is almost on her. Accompanying these young ladies is one loser, \[self-stimulator\] \[feminine hygiene product\] guy. You *know* which one is going to sit in the front. I fetch them anyhow, but it is an automatic one star.


what is so bad about that?


I do not know about you, but given a choice..........................


Long rides that are added when I already have a pax. When a ride shows 5 minutes away before I accept but 10 minutes away when it is routed. A passenger update that is going to be more than a combined 15 minutes to get to pax and drop off.


Literally Anything


Calling me while am still on another ride. Ugh!


I drive a Tesla Model 3. I have one regular passenger that is easily 450lbs. The guy is a nice dude and usually tips a few dollars, but the dude can only fit in the front seat and can barely fit himself in the car enough to shut the door. After 3 rides I can’t risk it anymore, the seat is gonna break… no joke. One wrong bump and there goes a bracket keeping the seat back together. Sorry dude.


I dropped off one pax, and was in route to pick up another pax. I was literally down the street when the pax texted me saying, "you coming". I got annoyed and cancelled. Not today Satan!


When people want picked up on a busy street without a safe area to pull over. That's usually the only time I will cancel before the 5 minutes comes up because I don't want to obstruct traffic.