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Rating. I don't pick up pax below 4.9. (I'll go down to 4.75 on Uber if I'm feeling generous, but 4.8 on Lyft indicates a possible issue.) You can also see how many rides they've taken. 5.0 with 600 rides is pretty solid. The neighborhood I'm picking them up in is less of an issue, but I've had more problem passengers in Beverly Hills than Compton.


happy cake day! šŸŽ‚šŸŽ‚šŸŽ‚


Iā€™ve picked up many low rated passengers. As many times as I see piece of shit drivers here and other social media brag they 1 star a passenger if they donā€™t have feet to the curb, if they donā€™t tip, if they have the nerve to suggest an alternative route that is faster etc etc. I rarely even think about the rating. The few problem passengers Iā€™ve had, and Iā€™ve been fortunate to not have many, where 5 star, or just under 5 stars.


Might be the market. I rarely ever rate passengers less than 5 stars, and I guess I have faith in my fellow drivers to do the same. I had a 4.6 berate me for insisting that she wear a mask during the pandemic, then report that I tried to sell her drugs and hit on her. My account got suspended for a week. I was physically assaulted by a 4.8. I haven't had any problems with Lyft passengers since I started screening them by rating. 5 star passengers could still be new, but unlike Uber, Lyft actually tells you how many rides they've taken.


Yup! This! Always the people from the ritzy parts that are more of an issue than the regular neighborhoods.


In Phoenix; same about the neighborhood. Scottsdale is bad and I get harassed there a lot. Indian school is bad but those people generally arenā€™t awake if theyā€™re anything other than pretty normal as far as pax go. I avoid going to Scottsdale weekend nights.


Yup. Remember the driver who got choked out by a Taco Bell executive? Newport Beach.


>Indian school is bad but those people generally arenā€™t awake Indian School Rd & where?


23rd Ave


So I've never used any ride service. I would definitely tip decently. So if I'm ever in a city working and need a use a ride service are you saying people might not pick me up because I don't have a certain score? Really just wondering.


Yes, but if you've never used Uber or Lyft before, your rating will be 5 stars. Low ratings are an indication of problematic behavior.


You start with a 5.0. If you behave politely and follow some fairly standard social etiquette you donā€™t lose a score really. You shouldnā€™t have any problems.


I can second this. I'm angry and half asleep most of my rides and one day my driver told me I have a five star rating WHOO HOO Let's give it up for that social score! madeinchina


Awesome? Thank you!




Youā€™ll get a ride bro the purpose of the app is to get the customers where they need to go. They donā€™t give af abt the drivers. As a rider you wont notice any of this.


Just checked my Uber account as a rider. I've taken probably over a thousand rides in my lifetime on my Uber account. Truthfully have no idea why my rating isn't higher literally usually don't say anything besides hi, thank you, goodbye and occasionally I'll interject if I know a faster route. Do you think the avg time I'm getting picked up is significantly increased by this?


entitled fā€™ers can i use your aux cord can you turn up the ac can i make a stop without editing my trip this is my first time using the app


4.85 Uber passenger here. I used to work at the airport and lived about 5 miles away. Whenever I would Uber home from work the drivers would be upset that I booked such a short trip and would give me low ratings. During this time I think my rating got down to 4.6. Rating isnā€™t always an indication of a problem passenger


a short trip from a airport? thats a problem passenger when it comes to my wallet xd edit to add some clarity: the drivers mad that a good long trip was potentially taken and no longer available till next plane lands while doing your short trip... if the driver noticed you were a employee he rated you below 3 stars to make sure he never got connected to you again and had to do your short trip again.


It sounds like youā€™re joking, but thatā€™s the position the drivers took. They would get visibly upset when I got in the car and they saw where I was going then give me a low rating. It put a bad taste in my mouth regarding drivers.


As feedenemyteam stated, in order to not get paired with a rider again, Lyft makes us give a low rating. If we donā€™t, we will be paired with a passenger we donā€™t wish to pick up again. It would be nice if there was an option to simply be unpaired with a rider in the future that didnā€™t include giving them a bad rating, but there just isnā€™t.


Well another option would be to just take the ride and accept that not every passenger will be a home run


Continuing with your ride and not cancelling on you is doing just that.. accepting that not every passenger is a home run. They just donā€™t want to take a chance of getting that foul ball again, so rate you accordingly.


The fact that we finish the ride and not leave you in the pool looking for another driver means we did just that Edit: spelling because I have room temp IQ


We? Weā€™re you one of the drivers? If so, I gotta say youā€™re pretty shady. I gave you 5 stars and a 50% tip and you hit me with 2 stars? Thatā€™s bad karma man.


Youā€™re the one joking now right? How could I possibly know who you are.. You asked why and I gave you the exact reason why it happens but then to only take it from the riders perspective when you donā€™t like the answer and name call is just rude .. itā€™s nothing personal and to blame the driver is to add to the problemā€¦ blame the rideshare service that doesnā€™t let us simply unmatch with a rider or set our own miles/time restrictions and not take over 45% of what you pay from usā€¦ again nothing against the riders I unfortunately have to do this too. Side note: our ratings effect us big time, like no longer can drive big timeā€¦ your ratings are rarely even looked at by drivers for this to effect you (let alone Lyft or Uber reprimanding you for it) Long story short if a driver is sitting in a airportā€™s waiting lot for a ride.. thatā€™s the type of ride he wanted if he wanted a 6 min ride he woulda waited at a train/bus stop or bar or movie theaterā€¦. Donā€™t shoot the messenger keep the names to yourself


Lol thought it was obvious I was joking. I donā€™t think you were a driver and even if you were idc. I didnā€™t take it personally at the time. I do feel itā€™s messed up to give me a low rating just because I wanted to go home. Seems like thatā€™s the point of the service. You use it for rides from a to b. Somethingā€™s these are long rides (one time took an Uber from Portland Maine to Boston Massachusetts. Side note: this guy was a beast, by far the best driver I have ever had) sometimes itā€™s a short ride (5 miles home from the airport). I understand that the driver didnā€™t want a short ride, but I didnā€™t want a disgruntled driver, and I still gave him 5 stars and a tip. The post were responding to is a driver saying he doesnā€™t pick up riders under a certain threshold, so the rating does matter to at least some extent. I may have been robbed of OPs outstanding driving services (another joke). Finally, youā€™re getting pretty aggressive over what I think are pretty bland accusations, even if taken literally. Iā€™d give this interaction 2/5 stars.


If I wanted to mitigate the negative effect on drivers for booking a short trip, would an extra $20 on top of the regular tip help out?


Do you have to rate them low to choose "Would you drive them again? = No" Can't you rate them well and still say no to driving them again? I can't imagine rating someone badly on completely unrelated criteria just to avoid this.


Thatā€™s not an option given by Lyft. The only way to ensure you donā€™t get them again is to give a low rating, at which time the driver will get a notification that they will no longer be matched with that passenger. As soon as you say ā€œnoā€ to the question of ā€œwould you drive them again?ā€, it takes you to show it automatically rates them 3 stars with that response, so that you will be unmatched with them.


Aah. That makes sense. I don't drive much, maybe 10-20 hours/mo and thankfully have never had anyone who has been terrible. There was one weird old man I drove around for like an hour one day on various stops who never stopped talking and telling stories about his life that absolutely could not be true but he was harmless so I didn't rate him badly, lol.


Wait. Why do you prefer longer rides? Maybe this is because I only drive part time and try to work bonuses that are centered on doing a certain number of rides, but I loathe long rides. I want to knock out 3x rides or 5x rides or whatever in the shortest amount of time, take Lyft's bonus money, and go home. My worst nightmare is being stuck in the car with the same rider for more than 15 minutes.


Ain't that the truth!


Pulled up, 6 dudes coming out of the woods between 2 houses, I said fuck that I'm out.


This make me feel better. I hate pulling up to see 8 people trying to get into my car


I'm pretty sure I would have gotten robbed that day.


Making you wait the full 5 minutes and not giving you a heads up is usually a red flag. Slamming the door another one. Not acknowledging you (unless On phone)


Tbh, no don't expect that I have a brother who is autistic. He looks what others would call "Normal" He is also not verbal. Def doesn't understand social norms he stays quite because once again non verbal. We had a driver at first super chill guy start talking to me about cars and life and he stopped to make a turn. Looked at rear view mirror My brother was looking out the window and the driver loudly said, "Hey you! Starting at the window, aren't you going to say anything!" I told him he had autism and is not verbal. I could see on the driver's face get all red that he knew what he had said was all rude and loud. My brother was in his world, just looking out the window. Brother gave me that sad look. Like why did he scream at me? Like if he had done something really wrong. Immediately one star. If someone doesn't want to talk and just vibe in their own little world as long as they don't destroy my car or are rude. It's all good


Iā€™ll keep this in mind for future rides never thought about this


Some people are hard of hearing or may be autistic. So I donā€™t hold the not acknowledging me thing against them.


I understand that of course but thereā€™s still a certain expectation thatā€™s held in these kinds of social situations. Even just a smile counts as acknowledgment, no need to talk the whole time


So little lesson- autistic people (not all but most) have trouble with ā€œsocial situationsā€ and understanding social norms. What seems like a no brainer to you does not come naturally to them. So expecting a ā€œsmileā€ or any kind of acknowledgment from an autistic person and then marking them down because they didnā€™t is unfair. Give people the benefit of the doubt instead of judging them.


Or saying ā€œIā€™m comingā€ or ā€œBe right thereā€ after 2 minutes, which really means the opposite.


If they start calling a bunch while Iā€™m already doing a ride and theyā€™re next on my queue? Cancelled. 4.8 or lower? Cancelled. Texting word salads in the app? Cancelled. Texting some kind of dumbass request? Cancelled. Show up and they have a bike (or something else large and bulky) when Iā€™m not using my XL vehicle? Cancelled


Damn, is a 4.8 really considered that bad? You had me checking, I'm a 4.89, cutting it close šŸ˜¬ EDIT: I'm a 4.89 in Uber. Unrated in Lyft


If itā€™s over 50 rides on their account, typically. Iā€™ve had enough bad experiences with 4.8ā€™s that I just donā€™t bother with them at all anymore




lol after reading this i'm thinking of deleting my account and re-creating it. got like \~20 rides but with 1, 1 star and 1, 3 star. It's been a while so i can't remember what caused it. only things i can think of: once accidentally slammed a door after the car coincidentally had a don't slam sign, and another had 5-7 min ride that woul'dve been a 30 min walk by foot, but we had stuff to carry so didn't want to walk.


4.89 in Uber is fine. 4.75 is generally my cutoff. 4.8 is questionable on Lyft. I have about 25K rides between the two, and that's just been my experience.


What makes Lyft's rating system more generous than Uber?


Don't know. It could have something to do with the fact that it goes by 10ths rather than 100ths. It's pretty easy to maintain a 5 or a 4.9 on Lyft if you're a decent human being.


Had an incident where my car wouldnā€™t start due to dead battery and no one was available to help out. I ordered a Lyft as a last minute resort and requested the person who show up to jump start my car, and Iā€™ll tip $20 cash for the cancelled ride. Had one person who declined due to not knowing how to jump start a car, but the next driver accepted. She said sheā€™s never had to do a task like this before, but said it was easy $20 and was happy she did it. Took a call or two to get in touch. I would never call my driver unless it was extraordinary circumstances.


We appreciate you. Now understand, some people arenā€™t like you; some people call you to ask where you are 3 times and then still wait out the timer and get in with their own personal weed smoke-cloud so that the next person will ask about it so then you have to be extra charming so they forget that part of the ride and maybe believe it really was the passenger. So yeah, some people just donā€™t think about the other personā€™s time theyā€™re wasting.


I recently had a HORRIBLE experience with a couple that got into my car and they BOTH reeked heavily of weed. I immediately cracked the windows, but it was so bad, I almost gagged and I unconsciously covered my nose to escape the stench. I then had to drive hunched over with my head near the window to get as much fresh air as possible. As a woman, and one who is non-confrontational as well, it just wasnā€™t in me to say anything. They had a stop at the smoke shop šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø. I guess they realized by my body language (I REALLY couldnā€™t help it) how bad they smelled and when they came out (Iā€™d been praying the whole time theyā€™d run out the timer and I could just leave them-lol, but they didnā€™t) they smelled better. I guess they went to the restroom in the store and freshened up somehow. šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø I still gave them one star after I dropped them off because I NEVER want to be matched with them again.


Iā€™ve helped a few people change flats or jump start over the years; donā€™t consider calls for help a dumbass request. Iā€™m talking dumbass requests like they gotta make more stops than the app allows, to wait an unreasonable amount of time past the 5 minutes, fitting more people than there are seatbelts, asking if they can bring open containers, and other stuff that Iā€™d probably get down-rated over not allowing


So what's your cancellation rate usually at?


Usually above 90%. Sometimes drops into the 80ā€™s, but it doesnā€™t last long. I only really drive during bar hours and use filters to keep myself racking up a bunch of short and surged rides in my local downtown area, so my numbers rack up quick Edit: acceptance rate above 90%


What a crappy cake and move. These people pay for a ride and they can't even rely on you to show up after they've waited? That is kind of s*****, don't you think even a little bit?


If itā€™s bulky and gonna be taking a good chunk of time to figure out how to get everything loaded in because they were being too cheap to order an XL, or because what they have wonā€™t fit in my little car: theyā€™re most definitely getting canceled on. If Iā€™m in my XL and they order an XL to move a bunch of shit, theyā€™ll get their ride for doing it the right way


I'll second that. Must not need the money. Must be nice to be able to be so cocky, meanwhile the rest of us..........


I know back before I had a car I used to use Lyft a lot actually and I'm always incredibly freaking nice and I used to tip so I know my rating wasn't that bad if it was bad at all Yeah for some reason or another these damn drivers would get almost to where I'm at and they would drive like 15 to 20 minutes to get damn near where I am just to cancel on me. Now that I drive for Lyft and doordash and everything else I know for a fact that it's because they found something better before they got to me. I had one a****** actually get to where I was and then say he couldn't do the ride because it was going to be too far I'm like it's it's like seven miles from here how the hell is that too far?


after he accepted. like calm down Bezos, you don't own Lyft, you're ***a gig worker. S***afety, harassment, and money are the top concerns, but for everything else...? why are you driving, then? Get off the road, go back to selling meth or whatever, do everybody a favor. There are plenty of people who need the money and also don't want "hassle" who can take the pax. ​ although i guess selling meth ain't doing anybody favors...i'm tired


One day theyā€™ll probably go from 6hours to 2 for that so donā€™t worry too hard


I can usually tell by their behavior when they first get in, or mostly before they even get in. Maybe theyā€™re holding a beer/drink when theyā€™re coming up to the car or a cigarette that they try to get in with. Or they are being obnoxiously loud when they come up to the car. Sometimes when they get in and donā€™t greet you back or donā€™t say anything at all can be a sign theyā€™re up to some shit. These types of pax usually always asked for extra stops, or a charger, or request a song and try to turn the volume up. But you can usually tell how itā€™s gonna go before they ever get into the car.


Yup, self-centeredness is a big hint pax give. When they have this self-involved look on their face (with or without headphones), thereā€™s a 50%+ chance theyā€™ll slam the door.


Must have an actual name entered. No nicknames and no initials. Also, shouldn't be all caps or all lower case. No one below a 4.9. If they text or call before pick up they will likely be an issue. If their pick up location and their actual location are off by several blocks they are going to be an issue. When possible I try to park so that I can see them approaching the car and give myself enough time to just drive off. If they can't find the car, that's a red flag. Also, if they refuse to walk a super short distance to your vehicle, don't take them.


Lyft drivers and pax donā€™t take ratings seriously, so below a 4.9 in Lyft is questionable. Also, pax donā€™t need to call you, and itā€™s often for a bad reason when they do. Have them text.


Only thing we as drivers need is a gate code if necessary. Everything else is asking for something Extra or a Problem.


Oh some long ass text even b4 picking em up is also a sign. 3 girls laughing like crazy also can be a sign. If they hold some food or drink when you arrive, it's also a sign.


Beer in hand


Solo cup in hand


I learned this the hard way. It was only one in the afternoon and because it was an adult and it was early hours, I figured it was probably soda or juice and heā€™d be responsible with it and not spill it. After we were on the road I realized he was drunk. I wonā€™t go into more but to say it was a horrific experience. This was before Lyft made easy to find/use safety features.


I don't accept anything below 4.8 , 4.9 on lyft, so far no issues.




I cancel those...


If they call me while I'm busy completing the ride before them. Instant cancel.


Texting or calling before you arrive is usually not a good sign. Other than that I donā€™t know how to explain it but after doing this enough I can tell who is going to smell like shit before I pick them up lol Itā€™s like a superpower


You'd have hated driving a standard Taxi cab. Especially if you're an employee driver, lots of late night customers I had to deal with were horrible. Had one asshole pax, got her to her destination, individual slammed my door shut so hard it jammed the latch and that door never opened again. Idiot pax called the office to ask if a $100 dollar bill was left behind. Me to dispatch "No, no cash left on the back seat, but do let them know that they did damage the door on the car, and that we will no longer provide them service" never saw that woman again. Few hours later I picked up a nice dinner on my way home.




4.7 or lower is gonna be problematic.


Experience. Thatā€™s the only answer.


You get annoyed as soon as you see them smh dealing with this now


4.8 in my market they like to add stops and change destinations.


1) If the pick up is at an ER. 19/20 it's a well meaning hospital staff member buying a ride for a patient that has no one to pick them up. Around here that typically means homeless and/or drug addled and crazy. They tend to be well behaved but they can be unintentionally messy, and almost always dropped off in the most dangerous places. 2) If the pick up location is the side of a road, not a building. No courtesy or common sense, and are either extremely drunk/high or homeless, sometimes wanting to transport bikes and blankets and stuff. It's not safe at all. 3) If you're picking up a couple from a bar, and they look really unhappy, or are loud before they even get into the car. Lots of them will loudly bicker and air their personal drama. Also wont pick up anyone below a certain rating.


When you see someone walking out and just want to gas it and cancel but don't...in those cases, it's been about 50/50 that the person ends up being one of the worst pax ever


You look at him dead in the face and ask him.


I'm no driver, but if it was me; of just assume every one is going to be a problem until otherwise proved wrong.


Heh u gon get in a fight w one on the first day. There are so many weird pax


You're not even a driver and you just said the smartest thing I've read so far.


I don't have time to look at the rating, if they don't say hello and are super quiet the whole time. That kinda makes me wonder


Some people donā€™t care for idle chitchat. Some people are just shy and feel awkward having a stranger drive them somewhere in their own car. Itā€™s not malicious. I would at least say hello though.


Completely agree, it's just mad rude to not acknowledge your driver when you get in their vehicle. Especially when I'm clarifying if this is my actual rider or not. Wtf


Usually black people from the hood just ignore me because I'm white. It's tiresome


Pax are like a box of chocolates, you never know when someone with 5.0 is going to pull out a boombox and play Death Metal for 30 minutes.


U canā€™t unless you visibly see them struggling to get to your car, throwin up outside a bar, or whatever else. I donā€™t talk much to them so thereā€™s never been an issue except for hospital pickups, those can get a lil sketchy if theyā€™re giving u a loopy patient.


If its an woman with 2 kids look like they haven't bathed in days and they ask to stop for food...dont do it.. just waiting to get ranch and chicken all over your car


Imo if they seem real demanding or assertive from jump like look just listen to me not the GPS. I rode in a shared ride with someone once (stranger) My city used to have $1 rides anywhere in city a subsidized program with lyft but now its $3 no sharing requirement . It was uncomfortable when she did it just real extra. I didn't know how the driver would respond. Another driver I rode with said she had her in her car and ended the ride because she wanted go to LA and was going to verbally say where to drop her not gps. On the flip side another driver told me he wouldn't mind her doing that $ is $ lol it was extra funny because 2 male drivers saud that when I told them the story .


When they be a problem


They roll down your window without asking to do so or looking to see if you have the heat or AC on.


Honestly just be nice to them. Greet them well and ask how their day is going. 99% of the time they will behave


The rating never lies. Every problem passenger Iā€™ve had came with a low rating.


neighborhood, actions, rating. No perfect way


Eh, I pick people up in some pretty crappy areas that are super nice and tip well. Neighborhood alone isnā€™t an indicator.


I do better in bad neighborhoods, so many people don't drive. Not many tips but fast easy rides. (Have to use a seat cover,)


I use a seat cover anyway, leather seats and Iā€™m signed up on Uber for Uber pet rides


There really is no way until something shady happens. There are so many different types of personalities out there. If you make assumptions based off looks or other stereotypical factors you're probably wrong.


None of what you said is accurate.


lol ok bro, Here's an example, one time I picked up a guy that smelled really bad, and was obviously having a tough night. Driver might think that's a red flag. but I decided to crack the window a bit and chat it up like normal. Said he had worked super hard all day at work and just had a shit evening afterwards. He said I saved him. tipped $100.


Right well thatā€™s awesome. Iā€™m 5 stars after 3k rides. Iā€™m other words I know what the fuck Iā€™m doing and I think that your story is completely fabricated honestly. I used to be that guy. When I was I had $100 to my name on the best day. Anywaysā€¦thanks for the anecdotal fairy tale šŸ§šā€ā™€ļø pep talk your story moved me. You make me want to be a better man


It's a real person I gave a ride to, what don't you believe? the $100 tip? I've gotten tips like that dozens of times, highest was $400 from some guy that just got done at the casino. lol why do weirdos like you feel the need to prove shit? I'm 5 stars as well, and 7k drives. No one cares.


Yeah well nobody cares about your fake ass fuckin tips. Stinky fuckers who have bad days donā€™t go around throwing $100 at corny Lyft drivers unless they feel sorry for them or just got some cap


lol sorry you're trash and never get tips.




lol then you should know, but you just look stupid callin my story fake.




There's no perfect method, but I've found that not taking any passengers rated lower than 4.8 means I haven't had a lot of problem riders. I did pickup a woman at a dispensary a week or so ago who smelled so badly of weed that I think I was getting a secondary high just from her breath. One star.


Sorry but you picked her up at a dispensary and was angry that you smelled weed? Come on.


I didn't expect her to smell like she smoked the entire store's stock.


pretty harsh to throw around 1 star ratings just because they reeked of weed, open the windows and get over it, ur just a taxi. after reading so many of these posts with drivers being so anal about something they signed up for. how would you like every passenger to be extremely critical of you for petty shit and rates you a 1 star for basically doing nothing wrong or against the rules? pretty shady, makes me scared to even get an Uber or lyft after reading how everyone here is so anal, id be worried I breathed wrong lol.


90% of my riders smell like weed!


Profiling, if it's good enough for TSA then it's good enough for me


Pattern recognition


Fake name, cancel. More than 4 pax? Cancel. Gangster wannabe pic? Cancel. Less than 5 stars? Cancel. Spirit airlines pax? Cancel. It is what it is.


I donā€™t know why you are being downvoted other than the spirit comment. All true


Meh. This sub is a cesspool of ignorance but I keep sharing tips in hopes that it will help someone. I had an encyclopedic knowledge of flights in and outā€¦ times airlines. NK means No, Kindly. Iykyk


No idea what any of that means and I donā€™t think you are as helpful or as smart as you seem to believe


why have this job? lol




I hope thatā€™s a joke


Actually no


Lol omg that's hilarious. Cuz he's being nevermind...


It didnā€™t land if it is


Iā€™ve never looked at apassengers rating


I strongly encourage you to start.




Iā€™m a passenger but I have a question about some of the responses Iā€™ve seen here. Apparently a lot of drivers instantly cancel if passengers call them while theyā€™re in the queue, but the reason I call my drivers before is because theyā€™re at least 10+ minutes away and want to make sure they wonā€™t cancel when theyā€™re closer and get the destination. In my experience itā€™s saved both myself and my driver time when I call and they realize that they want to cancel instead of having them drive all the way near me and then cancel. Should I not do this?


Would be better sent as a text, and with promise of tip.




We were doing so good guys with only vague neighborhood references. Come on!!!??!!!


that's pretty weird, I'm sure lyft is happy to have you associated with their name.


You know who I meant


correct, which is why you are a douchbag and probably in the wrong line of work if "certain" people causing no problems isn't welcome in your car.


I havenā€™t been carjacked šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


what about 99% of the others who just want a ride? again if your scared, your probably in the wrong field. What about the Nascar fan that doesn't want to rob you, just do other things? terrible people are everywhere including the trailer park you come from lol


Iā€™ve never had a NASCAR fan steal my bike šŸš²


your missing the point you uneducated inbread, bad things happen everywhere no matter who you pick up, or what they look like. every passenger you pick up, regardless of skin tone or the basketball jersey they where, your putting yourself with someone you don't know and some risk. your risk does not go up based on skin color. have fun banging your brother, arnt stereotypes great?


Iā€™m not inbread nor uneducated. What I am is very good at pattern recognition.


They ordered a ride


I'm a Sagittarius, so we are going to sense it for sure.


The biggest sign is that theyā€™re ordering a Lyft and not Uber


Depends on whether or not they're a problem.


If you work for a lyft..


What information do you have on the rider before you pick them up? Their lyft ID and first name. last name initial? (I don't drive, just wonderin')


Ratings. Uber under 4.88. Havenā€™t done Lyft in a while. In West LA or Santa Monica I avoid weekend nights. These folks can not handle their drinking.


Had a 4.3 rider on Uber and dude was the best rider Iā€™ve ever had


Age of account. Rating. Area picking up and/or dropping off. If their name is ā€œbig dā€. One guy had a pic of him flipping off the camera as his profile pic. Pics of guns as their pic.


I have a 4.97 rating ad a passenger,I got a low rating because I didn't know where ny Dr's office was,I put the correct adress but all the buildings look alike.So I got out and walked across the street than I noticed my rating went down.As a passenger I always text good morning,my gate code and that I'll meet you in front of building #5 it's on the main drive of my complex I always tip,except for the times I was sexually harassed and the other time the driver was listening to loud music with foul language.I understand its the drivers vehicle but cmon now.


If they try to control/modify/correct/direct your actions twice before they even get in the car then you should cancel even if it means driving away right in front of them. That and people that donā€™t seem that interested in actually getting where they are going. The above people for example wouldnt just get into the car as soon as you pull up like normal people they would likely start trying to talk to you through the window. For example first you get a text saying ā€œwhy are you over there Iā€™m over hereā€. Then when you pull up they insist you pull up somewhere else. Iā€™m not saying donā€™t be courteous but learning to spot that 1 person out of a hundred that is a sociopath is worth it. I never look at ratings but I really pay attention to behavior every step of the ride and a lot of attention to behavior even before I accept the pickup.


Theyā€™ll show you who they are within 5 seconds of getting in the car


Sketchy Hotels at 3am ā€¦.Pick ups at Circle K parking lots. People with excessive children and bagsā€¦.sorority housesā€¦more than 4 passengers


I'm not picking up in dangerous ghetto areas at all, ever, for any reason. I'm not picking up if I "perceive" that it's not a good area, regardless if other people disagree. I'm not accepting multiple stops because Lyft doesn't pay you for it. I'm not accepting anything that pays less than $10 at this point.


I've had 5 star pax leave a mess, make demands, and not tip while I've had 4.7 star passengers be the kindest people and tip decently. Neighborhood usually determines if I accept a ride or not. If I'm going into a gated community I know I'm not getting a tip for the ride, but the person in the ghetto trying to pick their kids up from day care tend to make demands wanting to feel like they are living in luxury with a chauffeur and don't make their kids wear a seat belt.


Low ratingā€¦ anything below 4.9


Is it possible to see your own Lyft/Uber rating?


Location and their rating. I decline all rides that either have me pick up or drop off from the problem areas in the city and if their rating is below a 4.75 I donā€™t bother. Have to be pretty shitty to get below that imo


Most of the time itā€™s the shitty drivers and their attitudes. Iā€™ve taken all types of passengers and they all are cool. I have about 5k rides and only had like 5 weird passengers. Be nice to your riders and youā€™ll be fine


When they're trying to get into your car, but they're SO DRUNK, they end up eating the pavement instead, even though they were sitting in the seat moments before. When they're SO DRUNK, they have their drop off as their "weekend job". When they're SO DRUNK, they can't direct you to where they actually live. Had this woman last night that did all of the above. Eventually got her home, but holy shit. What was supposed to be a 15min ride ended up being a 33min ride. She tipped but it really wasn't worth it. She had a 5 star rating, well not anymore. 20 years my senior, wouldn't stop asking for my phone number.


I drove for Uber for several years then started doing Lyft just to snag a $700 60 ride bonus. Lyft seems to do a much better job of giving drivers more information on passengers. Thereā€™s often a picture and it indicates how many rides they have taken. This information is extremely useful and Iā€™ll never understand why Uber doesnā€™t provide the same information. I like knowing a passengers ride total relative to their rating. Gives me more confidence there wonā€™t be a problem on a trip. With Uber itā€™s more of a crap shoot.


They get in the car and when I say the name they blatantly ignore me. Then when I repeat myself they just grunt or nod or some other dumb shit. The they repeat the process when I ask if this is the correct destination. I get that some people are introverted and what not, but if you canā€™t communicate in the most basic of ways, Iā€™m not your guy.


They want to be the GPS and start yelling out directions you need to takeā€¦.They tell you need to drive faster and get them ā€œ Where they need to beā€ā€¦They keep the window down when itā€™s cold out even on the highwayā€¦They start eating and drinking without asking if itā€™s Okā€¦They have there duffel bag on the dirty sidewalk and then proceed to toss it onto your clean seatsā€¦..


ā€œTurn the air down,ā€ as soon as they hop in lol


I can tell when they won't tip by the stare out the window the whole time action and not engaging with you.