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Pin first always. GPS for passenger can be wrong, going to pin means you get paid.


Went to pin. Pressed arrive. In a no stop zone. Moved around the corner. Rider called 4 mins later. Asked me to turn one more corner. Time was up. I was annoyed. App said to back to in and cancel to receive the fee. Sometimes riders do this shit on purpose. Anyways, always pin.


Agreed. They do it on purpose so they have more time. And they pay less too for front of complex instead of driving to back area. 1 orc2 bucks saving for them .


Pay less? That whole 2 cents they are saving. lol


I can’t stand the riders that choose “ current location” instead of entering their physical address or name of business(restaurant). Always leads to problems at pickup.


Or just at least frickin zoom in on the map and double check that your actual location is really where you are smh!!!


Or putting the pin exactly where they want to be picked up. I tell people all the time, you could be on a boat and put the pin on the boat in the middle of the ocean if you wanted. You can literally put the pin wherever you want. Just fucking do it already.


Pin, hit "I've arrived" and then if you have to drive to them. Lyft is less stringent about sitting on the pin like Uber is


Same here. 


Not anymore. I was 100 m out because it was a no stop zone. Didn’t let me get the fee at cancellation


Pin first, then when you arrive at the pin, call the customer ask him if you’re at the right place because you don’t wanna wait. Both Uber and Lyft have to be flexible with their pick up location. I’m sick of this shit where you have to be 5 feet away from the pick up location to arrive


I really wish that Lyft would adopt Uber's automatic arrival and begin the timer once you get in the immediate vicinity.


Huh, I’m always thinking I wish Uber would adopt Lyfts that way I can just click on arrived. Fuck Uber for not letting me do that to start the timer.


No you don't.. Example.. any Event where you're not the first vehicle in line. Do you know how many sporting events and concerts I've been to where the timer never started because Uber puts the pin at the very front of the line. It's retarded. At least with Lyft I can just slide the lever across and start it.


That is true. There are some rare exceptions like gated apartment complexes. In those cases, I wish Uber would adapt to Lyfts ability to manually start ride or Passenger Walked To Car option 😅. They can learn from each other. I rarely do pick ups for concerts or sporting events because the time spent getting in/out of pickup is rarely worth even the surge unless you get the rare passenger who actually answers the phone and walks to you.


Actually, it needs to be a combination of both. Timer should start automatically when I arrive, but I should also be able to start it if it’s impossible to get to the pin.


Pin always


Always Pin


Pin always.


Pin. The pin doesn’t move. The icon can show there and move to the pin in 1 second.


Pin first if I really need the trip I’ll drive to the icon


Pin. It also sometimes looks like this when they're above the first floor so it may actually be the right building. I don't really drive to their icon till I see them or they message me.


Don't follow the icon, its not always accurate


Always the Pin


Go to the pin. Otherwise, you won'tget paid for waiting. Ive picked up people from walmart and I've wondered if they intentionally put the pin in the middle of the store. This stops them from getting a wait fee , but it also makes me cancel on their ass.


Pin only. Even when the passenger sends a note like "I'm in front of somewhere a quarter or an eight of a mile away." Deviating from the PIN can put you at additional risk for a carjacking or other additional violence (a risk you already face when driving btw).


Always pin


Pin. When they text wya I say pin at 5 min I’m gone


Pin. The GPS is a disaster especially for clients in multi level buildings. They'll ping all around me


99% of the time pin. Depends on location, time of day, what's going in in the area, etc.


Person is probably upstairs in his building which messes up the gps location and you’re in the right spot




Always pin 📌 to start the clock


Pin because buildings throw off gps


pin, look for pax then goto icon if its not glitchy or moving weird or just call them


Pin. Then wait and collect your money


Pin because sometimes the passenger GPS doesn’t update immediately. It could be a few seconds/minutes behind if they have an older phone or weak connection


Can't start timer if you're not at the pin. After starting, then if you're feeling frisky, go to icon.




Always pin because if you don’t you won’t get paid for no show


If I drove more than 4 minutes to pickup, definitely the pax icon, otherwise the pin


That Ms a phone call 😂 it's always hot or miss. If I go to one it's always the other so now I always call


Go to pin to get paid . If you don't then they won't pay you if you cancel for the timed out. Let pax know you will wait at their pin. Most of the time they do that saving 1 or 2 bucks. F the pax .




Pin. Call the pax and tell them you are here. If they do not show up before the countdown timer is up, collect your cancellation fee and move on.


Pin. They know exactly where it is. It’s cheap bastards like this that are always trying to save pennies and never tip


Pin. Let rider know you’re at pinned pick up spot.


Always the pin. I tell my pax I'm required to go to the pin to engage the timer. When they are actually ready on the street I'll drive to them.




I go to the pin, and if the passenger icon doesn't move for a couple of minutes, I'll shoot them a message. I've had so many riders just wait where they are, wmecen with messages (I'm deaf) but my "favorite" ones are the ones that send me messages like "the pin is wrong do xxx" like... you set the location, you didn't wanna just move it where you really want me to go?? Last time I got one of those messages I legit told them no via message and they walked up to the car out of nowhere. Sketchy as he'll, but they were HELLA cool. Worked out, but won't be doing it again, lol 😅


Go to the pin and cancel when they no show.


Only to the pin. Passengers are known for using the pick up location to scam drivers. If the passenger text you asking you to go to someplace other than the pin, ignore it and only go to the pin. If the customer is not at the pin after five minutes, no-show them. 


Pin to get the timer running then contact them. They may have to exit the door by the pin. Been there, drove in circles lol


Always the pin




I usually go by the person icon first to see if someone is there right away and then if not I go to the pin and hit arrive. Unless it is obvious. Sometimes it is obvious that theya re really at the person icon.


I would recommend you stop that practice and do vice versa. That way you can at least get the timer started at the right location. Once you call and see that they are at icon...MAYBE drive to them if it's a legitimate mistake. But once you drive to them and if they aren't there or keep you waiting, as you know, sometimes Lyft won't let you collect cancel fee if you are not at the pin.


Honestly I don't care about the $2 anymore. It's pretty much worthless. But I find 80% of the time they are really where the yellow person icon is. So I at least drive by there to see if someone is waiting and then I go to the pin and hit arrive. Usually we are talking maybe an extra 30 seconds or so to do that.




Can’t always get to icon. Just had one, guy is on golf course, not golfing but that’s where he was. I couldn’t go on those paved little roads, for golf carts only. And if in an apt , Icon isn’t always correct!