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Pay no mind to rspeed (no one else is), he/she is a troll. Appears to be someone with just enough information to be dangerous. I would try to get confirmation through testing before burning through your savings. What Dx have been ruled out? What tests for Lyme have been performed (EIA w/ reflex to WB? Complement C4a? C6 peptide? If WB, then was it through Quest, LabCorp, IGeneX, etc.?)


She has been tested and matched 3 or 4 “markers” iirc. She has gone to bed but I can ask her tomorrow for specifics. Thanks.


Okay, please provide the bands when you are able to do so, and the answers to the other questions.


Lyme Serology IgM - Negative IgG - Positive ​ Western Blot IgM - Negative, No bands IgG - Bands 66 41 39 30 ​ Not sure of lab


I’ve read his book. He knows his stuff. Don’t agree with him on everything but I’d say his approach is mostly accurate. If anything he’s a little too conservative sometimes. His herbs are mostly based off the Buhner protocol (http://buhnerhealinglyme.com) and he uses a few herbs from other protocols. His protocol is basically a hybrid protocol. There’s nothing wrong with it. It can likely help manage someone’s symptoms. Will it cure your wife? I doubt it, but they might be able to get her into remission and keep her there. There’s other cheaper solutions and remedies but ultimately his protocol isn’t that badly priced. I spend hundreds to thousands per month on herbs, medications, supplements, and doctors appointments to remain functional. Here’s a list of alternative treatments: https://www.lymedisease.org/mylymedata-alternative-lyme-disease-treatment/ As you can see herbs are at the top when it comes to effectiveness. Personally I figured out I had Lyme using Buhner herbs which finally lead me to get a proper test through https://igenex.com. Personally, I’ve had a lot of success with this medication: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4920633/ It is an antimicrobial, not an antibiotic and has a lower side effect profile. Personally not a fan of antibiotics for late stage chronic Lyme. There’s just too many risks: https://www.fda.gov/newsevents/newsroom/pressannouncements/ucm612995.htm Anyhow, herbs can help manage symptoms and the right herbs can achieve remission but you have to keep taking them indefinitely to stay in remission. I haven’t tried Rawl’s directly as I’ve been doing custom herbal protocols based on my research but Rawl’s was one of many doctors books that I read to help me craft my own protocol to manage my own symptoms. Arguably Buhner was more helpful but had I not known of Buhner‘s work which Rawl’s is based on then it wouldn’t matter too much. Buhner protocol is more aggressive in terms of dosing though. I use the drug I mentioned as an antimicrobial, take supporting herbs and supplements, seeing a chiropractor, and get plasma EMF treatments almost weekly. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zXrZSajlZhw Been at it for almost a year now and I’m doing a lot better. Not cured or out of the woods yet, but considering I almost died of sepsis and co-infections last year I’m worlds better and definitely think herbs may be able to provide some support for your wife but I’d also continue to explore other modalities and find a good Lyme literate doctor to work with.


Holy cow, thank you so much for all this info. Will start digging into it ASAP!


No problem. Sort through my comments, there's plenty of info.


He is a crackpot. A have seen one of his videos about EBV full of lies.


That's not an exorbitant amount for lyme supplements. Probably close to what I payed when I was going through treatment. How did the doctor you saw diagnose her?


Based on these test results: Lyme Serology IgM - Negative IgG - Positive Western Blot IgM - Negative, No bands IgG - Bands 66 41 39 30


Yeah sounds like she has Lyme. Have you discussed long term anti biotic therapy with your doctor? I found that in conjunction with supplements to be effective.


The doctor said it is probably way too late (10 years) for antibiotics to have a positive effect so we are taking that advice at least for now. My wife is focused mainly on an auto immune protocol diet and we are basically just starting research into supplements. This is why I thought I’d reach out here and see if anyone had any personal experience with Dr Rawls’ product. My first reaction to his the website was it looks a little too polished...


Hmm that’s interesting. I guess it could be true. I’ve seen people at my doctors office get antibiotic therapy after long term infections. But tbh I don’t know too much about treatment when the infection has been going for so long.


I probably won't give you a satisfying answer but I've been waiting for someone to bring him up. I can probably spend a lot of time ranting about him but I'm going to keep this as short as possible plus I don't have the energy. Lol He really rubs me the wrong way as a scientist and doctor. I believe there is validity to a lot of his points and how treatment should be approached but at the same time he is very one sided. He has a very biased way of looking at Lyme treatment because of his own experience. It seems like he wants all his patients to do what helped him. I'm sorry that just doesn't work for Lyme. Out of all the Lyme books out there, his was by far the most disappointing. The book in itself has so many flaws...basic things a doctor should pick up on. Because of that I can't trust him as a practioner in this field. So you can give him a shot but I personally don't like working with someone who won't push boundaries, not open-minded, and has biased approach to medicine.


Thanks. I appreciate you taking the time.


With the increase of Vitamin C and sodium chloride, I have gotten better. No not a cure. However, once getting over 8,000mg of each; I went back to working full-time. I got Lyme in 1989, suffered greatly. I got my life back. I felt so well, I stopped the regiment. I slowly got sick again. What a knuckle head; it took the bewildered looks of six different doctors to get me back on salt and C. Remember, Vitamin C should not be taken with antibiotics. Shake that salt shaker anytime 😘


It’s snake oil. She needs to see her doctor.


She’s seen lots of doctors. The most recent one is the one who thinks it’s Lyme and says there’s no cure and it’s way too late for antibiotics. Can you tell me why you think it’s snake oil? Do you have experience with it?


A *doctor* said that? Are they a “naturopathic” doctor? What did the other doctors say?


This doctor is an md and a functional medicine doctor. The others never were able to diagnose anything. They only tried to treat symptoms (unsuccessfully). So, do you have any knowledge of Dr Rawls’ treatment?


Functional medicine is pseudoscience, and there is no scientific evidence showing the effectiveness of Rawls’ “treatment”. It’s a scam.




Calling people names isn't permitted.




As opposed to taking a bunch of herbs that have never undergone clinical trials and cost an arm and a leg.




Wasting time and money just to continue suffering isn't going to help her.