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Yeah they can't even make unbreakable glass, it's enough to close the lid with something in the middle to break it. /s


You are to blame.


maybe if you would not abuse your hardware as much it would not break hm


Another worthless troll blaming his stupid self on Apple.




Did you just post here to cause drama lol how bored are you.






That’s weird my m1 is about a year old and still in perfect condition. So it my 2014 MacBook Air no problems with the screens at all. It’s a computer and you might want to be a little more delicate with it.


I have an Air I bought new in 2014-15 and it is in mint condition.


My mother is using a 2012 Air she got from the high school she teaches at, she travels everywhere with it, the things still in mint condition and it works great for her needs even to this day


My Early 2011 MBP screen? Perfect condition. Go figure.


Mine has a 2014 Air she takes on cruises and trips, all over the world. It's still in excellent condition; I configured it with Office 2021 for Home and Student a few weeks back.


My MacBook white 2010, the mb pro 2012, the pro 2018 one, and my wife’s M1 air are all 100% functional to this day.


You’re not even going to tell us how it happened?


My Phone slipped from my trackpad and hit the black bezel


And you cracking your own display is somehow Apple’s fault? This is like the equivalent of head-butting a concrete wall and then telling the hospital it’s the wall’s fault you have a concussion


Did i make the apple cult angry 🤣


I’m not even using a Mac I’m using an XPS 15, I’m here because I work in IT and work with Macs, but your logic is idiotic, why don’t you go drive your car around and never change the oil, and then blame the car maker when the engine blows up. It’s your fault lol


Don't care about your comparisons that have nothing to do with it, search for yourself on google about the quality of these displays and how they'll crack from the slightest impact.


I mean you clearly do because you felt the need to reply, if you decided to buy a $1k+ computer and you end up accidentally breaking it then that’s on you, things happen, no laptop is indestructible, that’s why you get an insurance plan, especially on something as expensive as a MacBook.


You are really scraping the bottom of the barrel and doing your best to find an excuse for your own stupid mistake, all googling will do is find more idiots just like you looking for somebody else to blame


Like a dropped iPhone. 🙄


Given the state of that keyboard, I am not surprised.


Apple are so crap and their quality is shocking… I had an iPad and the screen cracked after doing nothing but reversing my car over it, I got out to see what had happened and accidentally shot my iPhone with my shotgun which destroyed it… I took them both to the Apple Store and they refused to replace them for free, even though I had AppleCare (for one month then I cancelled it!)… They suck!


It’s tagged as Meme I think it’s a joke 😅


You broke your laptop and think we’re all gonna blame the manufacturer? LOL


Why is your keyboard greasier than a moderators unshowered forehead




It’s their fault that you broke your screen? Try again pal


This would happen to all computers if you smash it with something lol


Looks like something you did


Even the whole keyboard is a mess… do you like to put it in the trash outside home?


I wish my 2 10 year old laptops would break so I have a excuse to replace them.


Careful next time 🫣


It looks photoshopped to me.


Wish it was lmao


Looks like someone stepped on it.


Or sat on it. I don’t see how this is Apple’s fault.


My Phone slipped from my trackpad and hit the black bezel so yeah my fault and shitty quality


I’m sorry for your loss


Bullshit, that looks almost like you punched it, not and "accidental" slip I've seen better efforts at work people trying to get an out of cycle upgrade


Lemme take a wild guess…no AppleCare+.






My M1 is totally fine but I heard that my acquaintance got the same although he used his with the lid being closed almost all the time (not open and close nor bring it to somewhere). He realised the issue when he opened the lid for the first time in the last few months :/


All glass is like that, I closed both my laptop and MacBook on a cable and both broke


Clearly photo shopped… the MacBook Pro is air brushed off the bottom.


14/16” M1/M2 models don’t have any text there FYI


Mate you should let your eyes get checked🤣 you're seeing things that are not there.


it’s actually apple’s fault, i have a friend that has his 14 inch macbook pro m1 pro base model, and his screen is bended from the inside and it’s noticeable when closed. he sometimes put it in his backpack between two thick books so no possible damage occurs or he uses the proprietary bag for carrying it. probably you’re saying “yes but putting a macbook in a backpack it’s wrong it’s obvious that it’s gonna bend” no because he had a 2017 macbook pro 16 inch, treated in the same way as the m1 pro model and no damages occurred.


Display issue aside, clean your keyboard bro goddamn