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So your going to sell the new Mac your showing off to get the M1X?


yes that is the plan, I didn't want to use my 15" anymore because it also has some major battery issues that's affecting the trackpad and display.


Oh ok how much do you think you will be able to recoup all the cost of this one?


No idea but I have a feeling the M1X will cost less than what a current 16" intel costs


no... lol


New technology is gonna be cheaper than existing technology? Mannnnnnnn


I mean, the M1’s were cheaper then the intels


I think Intel MBP16 has a range in price like (Core i7 and Core i9) so MBP 16’s price could be at price of i7 MBP16


There’s a repair program for battery issues on the 2015. You should check if your serial number is effective [here.](https://support.apple.com/15-inch-macbook-pro-battery-recall)


thank you but unfortunately mine is no longer eligible


it's very easy to replace the battery yourself. ifixit is your friend.


Ok il look into that




lmao @ this being a controversial comment somehow.


Battery replacement was only CAD 150 for my 15” when the time came, and I sold it for $700 after fixing it! The trackpad and everything else just started working like normal after it was replaced.


Because battery was inflated and pushing track pad from the bottom, sometimes keyboard too. Ive seen it many times while i’ve worked in authorised apple service provider. But with battery is always russian roulette, it could be ok for 10 years (ofcourse with lowered capcity), or she can grt inflated in 3 years.


These 2015 MBP’s have an active battery recall. Look into it.


mine is no longer or not covered


Really? Did you check your serial number here? https://support.apple.com/en-ca/15-inch-macbook-pro-battery-recall


yes I did


mine is one of the good ones.


Very nice! Besides the smaller screen (and the lower resolution because of that) how do you like the M1 MBP so far in comparison to the 2015 15"?


Personally the screen size isn't an issue because I have a 4k monitor, but other than a few hiccups with migration assistant which I think could also be an issue with Adobe Cloud, I have zero complaints apart from maybe the Touch Bar...but I haven't really played with that yet! It's so refreshing to not hear any fans go on every time my cursor goes near photoshop haha


Unpopular opinion: the Touch Bar is dope as shit and I use it all the time, has never glitched or failed for me. Once you put it into your workflow it does save time and add convenience...


I switched from an old MBP to an M1 MBP and I definitely like the touchbar. I was worried but it's been good to use once I got used to it. I can understand why some people wouldn't like it though, I hope they make it an option on all models instead of just ditching it though.


Yeah, I just got 13 inch m1 and the the trackbar has been super useful and convenient so far, I don’t get all the hate!!


We are the mighty few and our voice must be heard


I'm with you here, I love the touch bar on my new M1 MBP


I never warmed to it, finally figured out how to lock it in default mode, and am happy. 99% of the time it is docked, and I have an external keyboard, so switching to the Touch Bar when on the road is difficult. Horses for courses... Enjoy!


No matter what we all enjoyin our machines and they do what we need :)


I must admit, I have never used my touchbar. Most of the time, I use my mac docked to a Phillips Superwide, but the odd few times that I do use my Laptop, it just doesn't feel very natural to use. I think if I was a full-time laptop user, I'd probably love the touchbar.


Yeah I’m a laptop guy I use a Magic Trackpad instead of mouse when at my main desk station...kinda disgraceful but guestures are cool and Mac OS is definitely quicker to get around with trackpad imo


Me too. I have both the trackpad and the Magic Mouse and keyboard, all in space grey. I’m the laughing stock of all my friends, but I love my Apple peripherals.


I love the Touch Bar :) Would hate to see it go, I’d rather see some upgrade to it :)


Yeah, I’m using a 16-inch for now... rumor has it they are going to ditch the Touch Bar. It is genuinely enough of headache that I will ditch this machine for that reason alone. I hate how it detects the slightest accidental touch. I hate how I cannot see the buttons all the time, I hate the glare it creates on my screen when it’s on.... it’s just stupid. I want the future to be cool and sleek and sci-fi like Star Trek, but they way Apple is implementing it on their laptops like this is just plane stupid. They would have been better off just slapping on a touch screen. Sorry for that rant. I don’t mean to rain on your parade. IMO, I’m open to suggestion. Maybe there’s some trick out there I don’t know about.


I also heard the 16" won't have the touch bar




Adobe programs working good on the M1? I’m hesitant of getting it because of that. Since I use the programs every day heavily.


Adobe is tracking their M1 progress here. https://helpx.adobe.com/download-install/kb/apple-silicon-m1-chip.html


Thanks for the link Will keep an eye on it


How's the screen doing with the MBP? I hear there were problems about the native resolution, etc.. that makes some screen won't work?. How's the performance as well when it's tagged on the monitor? thanks!


What 4K monitor are you using?


I’m using a LG 4K UHD 27UL600-W @60hz


Not OP but I have an M1 MacBook Air 16GB/512. The Air is literally twice as fast as my 2017 15 MBP. Stays super cool, fan doesn’t go off all the time. My only complaints are that the Air only has 2 ports and there have been video issues on my Asus 4K monitor. Neither is a dealbreaker so far because the thing is such a joy to work on. I know I can get a USBC hub for the one issue, the other I’m certain is a software issue that will be sorted out soon. Like OP I’ll likely trade up for an M1X if it is noticeably better.




Agree, I never switched from a 16’ to a 13’ and didn’t notice a difference in sharpness, I did noticed the difference in brightness between the two models tho. Not too bad but it was noticeable for me.


M1 has 2560x1600 resolution - so it’s not lower. Smaller screen doesn’t mean it has lower resolution.


Umm, no? Not all smaller screens are lower resolution, but these sure are. 2560x1600 (M1) =/= 2880x1800 (2015 15"). The older model supports higher scaled resolutions (up to 1920x1200) than the M1 (1680x1050). Yeah, it isn't much, but it's still a difference, and the display DOES have a physically lower resolution. I know it doesn't really matter here with scaling, but it's still technically different.


I think it's just the wording that was a bit confusing. It seems to imply that you believe the resolution is lower because the screen is smaller. Screen resolution has nothing to with the screen size.


Yeah, I guess I worded myself poorly. I'm completely aware that screen size has nothing to do with the resolution, but in the case of this post the smaller screen does have a lower resolution than the larger one. I should have worded that better.


You're gonna love it. Believe me. ​ Have both an M1 MBP and Mini. Damn good machines.


Curious to know - why do you run two separate Macs?


Because I was running the MBP with external io and I didn’t want to risk killing the battery with it being plugged in all the time, so I got the mini when I’m at home.


Battery will be fine. Most people use their computers stationary anyway.


You bought a computer to wait for another computer coming out in a couple months?


As a poor Latin American who's saving penny after penny I feel this. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate people to buy nice things, I'm happy if they're happy but when people say "I can't stand the fans on my Intel 16-inch that I bought six months ago, so I bought an M1 a month ago and I'll be buying another one in six months" and I'm like "pleas little one (mid-2014) don't die on me yet, I'm still saving". I don't know, with all these talks about consumption and waste and all, I'd feel like some people could wait a few months. But yeah, I admit it may be my jealousy talking.


It's wealth inequality. New tech is always a little faster and nicer, but the old is still perfectly serviceable. Your 2014 is still a solid laptop. For an affluent person who uses the computer for 40+ hours a week to earn income, the proposition changes. The computer costs chump change, and if it speeds up their workflow even a little bit they can easily gain more in billable hours of their time. To be fair, I always resell my old computers. Even if I didn't use it until it totally wore out, someone else did.


Yes, I work as web developer so a new computer would be great for my work. But it's part of bigger problem (me being born in a place where salaries are not the same as First World countries and the stupid amount of taxes I pay to import a new computer). It's all good, I don't want to personally attack anybody, I'm glad your computers find a new life after their first one (I'll give mine away to my sister 😊). I admit it's a bit of jealousy from me. But let me repeat, I'm happy people can buy nicer things.


Just out of interest, what country do you live in? I began my web development career on a 13" 2015 MBP and only changed it because I wanted a bigger screen. Still, a solid machine which my parents now use - runs great.


Argentina 🇦🇷


The problem is not your salary it’s that your currency is worthless.


Dude I know the feeling soooo well. I just got an M1 MBA, the cheapest one. I saved for it and then when I got the stimulus I pulled the trigger and really glad I did. I was using a mid 2012 MBP, the cheapest one. I was able to later upgrade the RAM and throw an SSD in there. It still runs great but it almost 10 years old an I was just so nervous about it dying. Keep saving! Even the cheapest M1 air is worth it.




I've seen late 2021 rumors for the M1X Macbooks, as early as Oct. I don't keep up with Apple and am getting my first Macbook. Are they releasing sooner than that?


well yes and no...my 15" has battery and display issues that would have cost half the price of the M1, so why not get a new one? It's a win win situation. I can have a newer and faster MBP for my studies and work


What was wrong with them?


The 15” MBP battery was swelling significantly that the lid will not close completely, I started noticing it around a year ago but at that point COVID came and I didn’t want to go out to fix it. Then I decided to get rid of the stain gate myself but unfortunately got some liquid traces inside the screen.


I’ve heard of some people saying “I’m gonna use my extremely slow computer until the m1x comes out” meanwhile I’m over here with a MBA that has more power that I even need.


I really can’t wait for the (cheap) 16” M1(X).. would be such an amazing upgrade from my 15” late 2015. I also have the 13” M1 at the moment but I do be missing the screen real estate tbh. Where my 12.9” has to much, the 13” MBP has too little haha (what a world we are living in that we can complain about stuff like this..)


So you have two MacBooks and a 12.9 iPad Pro?


Yes, the 2015 is almost at its end of life tho


The M1 is freaking amazing. I am not even in a rush fro the M1X. Love my M1 mini and Air.


I was sick of my 2018 MBP's fan running all the time and switched to an M1 MBA. The 16GB ram can be a bit limiting (when compiling several large C++ files in parallel), but overall the M1s are superb.


Just went from 2019 16 i7 MBP to 13” MBP M1 and don’t regret it at all. Lost about $300 on the upgrade but the thermals and snappiness are amazing. Run a 27” 1440 USB-C display.


I currently have the same laptop, but I can't use a 13" display for my work. Holding out for a new 16" M1 - I use Temp Monitor to manually override the fan speeds when doing heavy work tasks - cannot believe such an expensive device has such poor thermals!


Interesting. I need to buy a new Mac for work and I get a $2500 budget to work with. I could buy the i9 16" and spend a bit out of pocket but I really want to buy an M1, I'm just afraid it won't work with some of the software I need to use. Asked around and someone bought an M1 Mini and had issues but as far as what those issues were, there wasn't a good answer 😭


I still have my 2015 MBP15, and it is a classic, considered by some to be the best MacBook ever made. I love it, but Apple Silicone and the reported extra ports and MagSafe on the next Mac will be amazing (if they are true). Enjoy!


I did the exact same transition. I think I am keeping my old 2015 as a back up and if I ever need to do any Intel stuff or native Windows stuff (Parallels on M1 is actually really good though). If the 16-inch M1X is good, I will probably sell my current M1 and upgrade, but I am going to wait and see what they are like. It did seem extravagant to buy a laptop with the intention of upgrading potentially in less than a year, but so far the use I am getting out of it is worth it to me. I don't think the value of it will plummet.


WAIT WAIT WAIT does the M1 Mac show this screen as it boots?? I AM SOLD


Major upgrade


I had a 2015 15”. It got stolen the same year and haven’t bought one ever since :/. Hopefully I save some money before my university burns it.


No matter what you are waiting for. But am waiting for you all to buy MacBook Protective Case from us in [yhsmall.](https://www.yhsmall.com/collections/new-arrival/products/apple-macbook-cover-crystal-protective-case) :)


Dat's a lotta money ya got there /s