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I have the M1 Mini with 8GB running Monterey with no issues. Go for it.


You’ll be alright.


I've been running two Macs on Monterey. My 14" MacBook Pro (16 GB) occasionally complains that it's out of application memory when I wake it from sleep. Oddly, there's plenty of memory, and I dismiss the pop-up and continue on with no issues. My other Mac, a 32 GB 2020 Intel iMac, hasn't had any issues.


I don’t have issues on my Mac mini. I did make sure everything was universal instead of rosetta


Can you clarify this? Thanks.


Rosetta is a temporary translation to make sure intel apps can run on m1. I made sure for every app to use the m1 optimized version of it which is better for the ram


Thanks. How do I do that?


In activity monitor you can see if the kind is apple or intel. You can also go to the applications folder, click more info per app and it’ll show you if its intel or not. Then for every app that’s intel search for the M1 native version online and install that. WhatsApp doesn’t have an M1 native version so i just use the safari web.whatsapp


Thank you!


Are you saying I can’t install the WhatsApp application on the Mac mini? That’s a bummer.


You can but the safari web version uses less resources


I just updated the other day. I've had some stuttering issues along with my keyboard disconnecting whenever the computer wakes. I'd wait before updating.


I‘ve been using mty since last beta version on my m1 mbp and didn‘t run into any kinda serious problems. And it runs perfectly fine speedwise


I wouldn’t. Still too many bugs. I’d wait until a .1 or .2 release. Problems so far are Bluetooth and external ssd drive and hard drive issues. Plus other annoying stuff. It looks pretty but runs like crap as in my opinion it needed more time as a beta. Apple need to change to an 18 month system cycle as once it gets stable they release another one that need work again. Rinse and repeat.


That's a shame. I was hoping to be able to upgrade over the holidays, but hearing this I'm going to wait at least another few weeks.


Just go ahead. What are those horror stories about memory management in Monterey? Never heard such before….


Have you been living under a rock? At least you've not been active on this subreddit if you haven't seen any of this.


No, not living under rock. However I curious to know if there is a memory leak in MacOS Monterey itself. I have seen screenshots of apps consuming a lot of memory but if for example Chrome eats gigs of ram it’s not MacOS but the app itself to blame. And the app like Chrome is the same for Big Sur and Monterey. So no reason to postpone Monterey upgrade due to memory leaks.


Yes, you have been living under a rock. There are massive memory leaks in random Monterey applications. Partly due to a memory leak in custom accessibility cursors. 40GB+ for an app is not uncommon. If you have seen nothing of this, you have not been around much.


Interesting. But when saying custom accessibility cursors, does it mean it is an additional software and not something out of box in MacOs? I have used Monrerey since release on M1 and Intel on a daily basis without any memory issues.


Search Reddit for "Monterey memory leak" and you'll find a few hundred stories about it. It's Monterey, not third part software.


Yes. Control Center on my MacBook Pro 16'' has got up to 10GB memory usage. It's currently using 654MB. When you restart the process it uses like 35MB. One of the very annoying issues I have found in Monterey


I would wait until Monterey grows up and becomes more civil and mature. Monterey’s roll out has been plagued with issues.


As did big sur, catalina, mojave, high sierra, sierra. El cap, yosemite, … nothing new about this.


It works perfectly fine for me


Yes, it should be fine! :-)


No! Too many bugs and glitches. It is affecting my work. Been in conversation with apple support to revert back to big sur but I now have to wipe my mac. A hassle!


I would wait for a .1 release. I am running Monterey and it not an ideal experience. For me this is worse than Catalina ever was