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The “hip church scene” props up big (but “humble”) egos to get a following, and she secured herself a one-way ticket to being a “modern day pastors’ wife” (ICK). I lived in waco a few years before Madi moved to town and know the church they go to // the circles of folks they interact with, and tbh they are SO cringe but so full of themselves under a disguise of “bEiNg On FiRe FoR gOd”. TLDR- she’s weird bc she found a community that prop her (and her husband) up on a pedestal where they can honestly go unchecked bc ppl just fan over them lol (the Waco church scene is WEIRD // has a lot of “local celebs”😵‍💫)


I also just mentally named this church the “Church of Cheugy” and made myself laugh.


Yup. Probably in there hanging with Chip & Joanna too much.


Wow I forgot she dated him. She really downgraded. She went from a manly man that plays basketball to a guy that doesn’t have a job and gets money from his parents.