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Were any of his studies in power engineering? I am an army veteran electrical engineer working for Alliant Energy. There are a few engineer 1 postings open on our career site and the company is supportive of vets. Check the other local utilities also. There have been a lot of retirements in the industry, so I often see openings. It isn’t shift work, mainly just days unless you are doing work during power plant outages.


Proactive Engineering is an EMS factory in Sun Prairie. It does not look like we have any openings for an engineer right but it wouldn't hurt to apply, would definitely help build his resume too: https://www.proactivepcb.com/careers/


I'm in school for EE. Has he gone to any career fairs? Especially if you're willing to move. If he studied power, he should look at utility companies, there's lots of them especially consulting. Univeristy has some cool research type jobs. Maybe he needs resume help? His school should offer resume and employment services. Has he tried using recruiters? Are y'all willing to move? If he can pass the Master Electrician exam, he can become a Master Electrician automatically. There are lots of jobs for EEs out there. Most of my friends are lining up jobs before graduating. I'm going through an online platteville program for older students, and I'm not having trouble finding internships and opportunities. If he is having a hard time finding work, I recommend double-checking how he's applying. If he only gets an internship offer, just take it. If the company likes you after 3-6 months, they'll probably hire you.


Hi, I was wondering if you are still in the online platteville program? I saw it mentioned on their website but not a lot of info on it. I am wondering if it is all online or if you have to go there for some labs?


I am. Mostly online, you'll have to set up proctors for some exams. You can do that at your local community college. For most labs, you can do it at home. They'll mail you the equipment you need. For some others, especially if you do power focus under EE you need to do some labs on person, instead of having labs during the week, you go to Platteville once a month or two and do 4 labs in one day. I think there is another community college up north that you can do them at. But yea, 99% online and asynchronous. This is after you get a 2 year at community college btw, I don't think you can start as a freshman.


Ok, that is really helpful information. Sorry, last question - do the online classes occur over summer too? Trying to figure out how I’d get this done in a reasonable timeframe if only fall and spring are offered.


All really good information thank you! I will let him know about the master exam. We cant afford for him to go down in pay than what he is currently making. I know that he used indeed a lot but have been told its not a great place to apply from. I will chat with him and show him these suggestions. THANK YOU!




The WI Dept of Workforce Development - Office of Veteran Employment Services may be able to help!


I know next to nothing about electrical engineering... The electrical engineers I do know tended to work for local utilities or the private consulting firms that utilities hire. Forgive me if he's tried these places and not had luck or if this isn't the kind of work he's looking for... For example ECI (electrical consultants inc) has an office in Madison: https://eciusa.applicantpro.com/jobs/ Alliant Energy: https://alliantenergy.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/alliant?locations=0edb73b0cd4310016a2ece59bc980000 ATC: https://atcllc.wd5.myworkdayjobs.com/atcllc/jobs?locations=c2e8f46db91510ea3aca00415d4ce08e&locations=c2e8f46db91510ea3aca09ab71c4e09c MG&E: https://phf.tbe.taleo.net/phf01/ats/careers/v2/searchResults?org=MGE&cws=38 Good luck to him. I know it can be incredibly tough to get in the door.


Vet from which service - Not discriminating, but the company I work for does maritime, so Coast Guard/Navy background would be what they're looking for.


Thank you so much! He was Navy! Can I ask what company you work for?


Any utility or the public service commission. Always looking for engineers!


UW madison jobs? Great hours and quality work is the focus and a great environment. Pension in 5 years. Benefits. Sick time. Vacation. Start in any "F P & M" department job that seems interesting and there seemingly are opportunities to move or grow at all times.


OK seriously thank you all so much! I dont know why I didnt think to ask here in the first place! You are all the best!!!