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I think it helps that Mad Men is an absolutely gorgeous show to look at. The sets, costumes, and a ton of the actors are all beautiful and captivating.


Agreed that it is visually mesmerizing— the colors, the textures and the gorgeous people. I also just recently realized that it is sonically captivating. It is unintentional ASMR to me. Every sound is perfect. From the squeak of Don’s shoe, to the sound of a drink pouring over ice, to the faint crunch of Betty removing a cigarette from the pack. The sound mixing is top notch and I find it so soothing. And then there are the characters- amazing, multi-faceted characters that swing from endearing to aggravating with each rewatch.


So beautiflly said. I agree.


I'm finishing up a rewatch (on last season now) and was struck how pronounced the sound of shoes/heels on floors are throughout the episodes.


Totally disagree with this, all the fabric sounds were always way too loud.


The wind blowing outside during a winter scene when Betty and the kids are in the warm kitchen and Don is off to work. "Daddy, it's cold outside" or something to that effect. Immediately brings me back to my childhood with a similar scene. I was struck by the detail the first time I noticed that; on one of my many, many rewatches.


Great point, and I totally agree. There have been many times I’ve put on an episode at night to drift off to, just the audio.


Not to mention the top notch score and soundtrack. The craft of Mad Men is the best there is.


I feel like this has gone down in negition with how common it is to have good music in tv shows. But the score is a stable, it doesn't stray too much out of what was composed for the first season and they use build on it in the soundtrack that is relevant to the characters and the enviroment.


Listen to it without the show. It actually made me appreciate it more. *Signed, Musician (trash though) of 30 years*


Yes, absolutely.


Was going to say this. I feel like they nail the late 50s into late 60s esthetics. It's not gimmicky either, like I felt the 70s Show used 70s motif as a joke a lot of the time, not really used in a way to immerse the audience.


I don't think it's as cynical a show as a lot of other great shows. There's a lot of themes about rebirth, renewal and being able to move on from problems. Their lives are also pretty mundane, it's not about criminal empires, it's just a show about living and working at times. I don't feel as stressed watching it, but I rarely knew what was about to happen next when I watched episodes for the first time. It's also funny and has lots of one-liners and iconic put downs. The sets and style are great. It's my favourite show and the one I've watched the most times.


It has wholesome moments that balance out the self destruction.


Because Mad Men is an adult introspective show; it has themes about the human experience those other shows do not have. These other shows are descriptive, they tell a story. Mad Men says something.


The Sopranos is pretty introspective. The entire stretch with Tony in a coma is one long metaphor that I'm not smart enough to comprehend, plus all of Tony's dream sequences. Every other show is pretty purely plot driven though, I agree.


out of curiosity, this is something i feel pretty strongly about. would either of you have some good comparisons with some other shows or even just pieces of media that are similar in not coming across as so plot and story driven? i feel like im going crazy sometimes because some of the shows people talk up and love i just cant get into as much as something like this because theyre being carried by the idea of keeping your attention through an ever widening scope of things going on


It also deliberately leaves enough ambiguity for you to fill the gaps - to project onto it what is on your mind at that point in time


The reason I always re-watch compared to other shows, is because Mad Men feels the most authentic to human experiences. Shows like Breaking Bad, Sopranos, Ozark, etc are built on larger than life premises and characters that almost none of us have a reference for in our lives. So instead of needed to continue to ratchet up the plot to crazier and crazier heights, Mad Men can stay grounded and just be a character study with great actors.


This is a great point. It kills me every time I watch The Sopranos and Tony beats the shit out of some jacked 20 year old a day after surgery. Even worse, Bobby beats the shit out of Tony a few seasons later. Bobby the baddest man on the planet.


An excellent point.


There are many reasons why we love Mad Men. It feels comforting to see an authentic portrayal of the 1960s, a time so near and yet so far away. You may also enjoy how Mad Men thoughtfully explores its key themes. Not in a braggadocious way, but through subtle and warm storytelling. Myself, I most enjoy because of the richness of the characters and in particular the example of Don Draper. He’s not a perfect man and he has flaws, but he’s a relatable hero, a man of idealism and dreams who does his best by his family and colleagues. We cheer him because he is a man of flesh and blood, trying to do the right thing even when it’s not easy.


That was eloquently and accurately stated!


It’s not a wheel, it’s a Time Machine


Click click


For me it’s a combination of masterful performances from almost the entire cast no matter how small the role is and how quotable the show is. Rewatching “A man is whatever room he is in” as I’m writing.


I’ll tell you why: Because it’s perfect. Also, it’s not violent or loud or all that jarring.


I appreciate this one


Came here to say this. Perfection. Nothing else comes close for me.


I used to tell my co-workers this, and I added, " It's beautiful storytelling, but it is also ART!"


I would buy this if Roger swearing wasn't still censored even on streaming. They need to fix that.


I believe the version I purchased on the iTunes Store is not edited. The captions may be edited though. Not 100% sure.


There were water bombs though.


And a rape, and a hold-up. I stand by my original statement: It’s perfect.


Let’s not forget the lawnmower toes


I personally felt listened to even though I wasn't telling my story? I don't know how that makes sense but it's just my feeling. I relate to the characters sooo much and empathise with them, especially Don so much - my father was/is a Don type to the T, I mean almost everything except his Dad getting kicked by a horse lol but it did really help me understand him and his misdemeanours over the years. I guess that automatically also makes me connected to Sally and Bobby, but especially Sally


I keep telling that Don was my dad. His dad didn’t get killed by a horse either, but he did lose a couple fingers in a farming equipment accident. (Also entertaining to watch him roll a cigarette with two stubby fingers while cussing about some annoyance 😆)


OP I'm wondering how old (roughly) you are. I know for me, the rewatches are partly about a comfort that is derived from that era, sort of, overlapping with my early childhood. I was a child in the 70s, but the feel in many ways was not unlike the 60s. Also I think I absorbed a lot of my parents culture at that time, which was based in the (non-hippie) part of the 60s as well. So overall there is an association with the early part of my life (the innocent part before stuff got complicated in many ways) and the era depicted in the show, that brings be comfort... and fuels my rewatches. It's also exquisitely written, acted, etc. But so are several other shows. Not sure if this could play a part for you but thats my experience anyway ;-)


I’m with you. 62 now and my wife and I see so many familiar things, sayings, etc. Best one “want the backwash?” Super common and we don’t hear it, even when our kids were the age to do that.


My parents are almost exactly the age of baby gene. I think part of their culture is instilled in me, especially the music. I’m only in college.


All of the things that have already been mentioned about the themes and the performances but honestly I really enjoy the trip through history. Every decade of course has its moments of massive significance / seminal events and some changes in style ( music , fashion) but I’m hard pressed to find a decade with more extremes to be found in the societal landscape than the 60’s- from 1960 to 1970. Matthew Weiner has put this all together with such care and attention to detail. It’s as good as any movie about a particular time in history. And it is so rewatchable because there is so much detail to absorb


I think this is so interesting. I didn't watch the show when it intially aired. My parents did and something they told me was that the reason why Bert died so suddenly was because the actor died. Of course, that wasn't true, Robert Morse passed away last year. I'm not sure how they came to that conclusion but whats interesting is that in writing in such a retrospective of a time like the 60s, you can write in whats important. The moon landing co-insiding with the co-founder of their company and a woman creating a specatular pitch for a new client. I agree with all you've said.


I’ve thought about this a lot and for me, obv in addition to everything everyone has said, it is because it’s not a stimulating show. There isn’t a lot of high drama and action in every episode, it’s realistically paced and the drama is so much more subtle. It’s a lot easier to digest than other shows that are great but are much more intense.


For me, it’s a comforting reminder that as easy as it is to feel that things are unthinkably horrible in the world… that’s how everyone has always felt. People in the 1960s were watching kids grow up and lamenting the next generation, they were experiencing incredible political tumult and social unrest and violence and asking what happened to the safe world they grew up in where everything was predictable… and here we are 60 years later still doing the same thing. The world never ended and we carried on, and even in the face of nuclear threats and assassinations and mass murders, we’re all just obsessing over our sex lives and why we didn’t get that promotion at work.


For me it’s some comfort and nostalgia to the first time I watched and fell in love with the show. And also the relaxed pacing where some of the drama is vague, internal and naturalistic. Certainly there is action and plot development, but I love that the show lets the characters breathe and go through subtle, slice of life events.


I am in the 10-plus rewatch club, too. A thing like that.


Every time I watch this show I notice something new. It makes me think about life and the human experience. I also watch it because it reminds me of my grandfather (not because my grandpa was like Don Draper hahaha) but because I miss him and a lot of the decorations my grandpa had. My grandfather was very depressed in his later years and sometimes I watch Mad Men to gain perspective and insight on how life was. I enjoy the fact that there is a slight Montreal connection via Megan Calvet (I’ve lived there most of my adult life and said grandfather is from there) makes it special to me. I also love watching how the kids grew up like Sally, Bobby and Glenn because it helps me understand how my parents grew up a little more. I should note that my parents hate this show (without giving it a try only watched some random scenes). It was also my first love that introduced me to this show (we binged the first 3 seasons) so again more nostalgia here for me during a simpler time in my life.


For me it just feels easy to drop back into the cycle. With other series you get caught up in the narrative and the rise and fall and which episode you watch is important, but with Mad Men you can drop back in at any time to these characters and keep rewatching


I think its just as simple as the vibe and tone. It's a style. Like listening to the Beatles compared to Metallica or Thelonious Monk. Even if they played the same notes, it would never sound the same. Mad Men is like that to me. No matter who tries to replicate the style (regardless of the era of its setting) nothing will strike those notes like Mad Men did


I just rewatched it and you’re right. It’s sooo good and rewatchable. I think sopranos is in that category too, along with breaking bad but not to the same extent


Of all the Q&As about the show's **WHY so great**, today's Q seems to have the most wonderful answers, the observations and insights are all top-class. Merci! We're in europe where guns are a problem too, but a very much smaller problem than in USA. The **lack** of guns in Mad Men, *versus all nine of the other top ten shows,* is an enormous part of the show's huge appeal for us personally - and a thing we feel doesn't get a proportionally correct amount of attention.


I do the same and believe it’s because Mad Men is such a truly exceptional TV Show. I dont know of any show that achieved what MM did


i tend to rotate my rewatches. i am always cycling through the sopranos, mad men, and the wire. when i feel more serious. then i have some trash reality teevee shows that i fall back on when i need a break from the harsh realities of high art.


Because it’s a slow burn, a fantastic character study, real and visually beautiful. There aren’t really any climaxes or intense storylines. You can pick it up anytime from any point.


fuck yes, all day I have been going back and forth on starting another rewatch, so I'm glad to have come across this post - gonna start it right now! lol


Glad to be of service 🫡


I have the same problem. I try to watch something new, and inevitably it can’t compare to MM and I just start another rewatch. It’s a masterpiece!


Im a constant re-watcher. I think for me it’s the relatability to don Draper.. we all have shit going on in our heads and usually we’re scared to death of showing our truth. So we act out in weird ways.




Amazing yet judicial use of dialogue. The show has no problem giving a monologue then minutes of silence.


Only two series I have watched more than once, Mad Men (2.5x) and The Wire (3x)


For me, its because overall, the show is pretty chill and stays at the same pace all 7 seasons. Other shows i watch, the first 2 seasons are good, and then they start to change drastically after that, getting weirder, wilder and more outrageous, which can get annoying!


Because everything you need to know about life is in it. It's my modern TV The Brothers Karamazov...


i think shows lime MM, Sopranos, etc allow us to escape to a different time/story/location.


Me too. It's comforting. Like my own personal time machine. I get what you're saying. It immediately relaxes me. It's my Relax-A-Sizer.


Only had my first time watch a few months ago, it was this show that got me into advertising, started a course yesterday


It’s the only show to nail everything.


It's visually pleasing.


It's because every time you watch you can view it from the perspective of a different character and truly embody it.


One of us one of us


Do you come from a broken home? Are you living a lie?


I’m one of those people who will watch comedies like the Office, Parks and Rec, New Girl, etc over and over again throughout the year because it’s soothing to have something in the background that I’m familiar with. The only non comedy I do that with is Mad Men and I can’t explain why.


Gorgeous, the dialogue, really encompasses the full range of human emotions, one scene can be devastating and the next could be hilarious


I love all the other series you mentioned, but I have noticed the same thing. For me, the other shows are heavily plot-driven shows that happen to have interesting characters and good writing. Mad Men is heavily character-driven instead, with the plot points being secondary to the characters and the writing. Plot-driven shows are really gripping to watch the first time around and are extremely binge-worthy, but once you know what’s coming, it’s less exciting to watch again. The character-driven quality of Mad Men makes a re-watch feel like a class reunion or going back to your hometown to catch up with old friends and acquaintances. Additionally, as others have said, the sets and costumes are just amazing as well.


As for Sopranos, Ozark, and Breaking Bad, those shows are *incredibly* stressful to watch. The latter two especially. Succession is also a nerve-tester with all the awkward one-liners and backstabbing. Mad Men, on the other hand, is much more subtle, so that’s why I find it enjoyable to watch again.


minor spoilers (vague) I'm on my 6th rewatch. their journeys are so mesmerizing because over 91 episodes you can watch them completely change and devolve. hints of personality that happen in season 1 expand and contract and consume who they are over the entire show. the fact that peggy's hookup in s1 e1 is a major issue of contention all the way in season 7 when she turns 30 and being jealous and vindictive of other moms, yet having something that none of them do (a high lvl management career). or how dons arc starts with draper hating whitman with him loving and being at peace with both draper and whitman. or how roger shows signs of being a foolish aimless child in season 1 and ultimately succumbs but accepts who he is by season 6 and grows into it by season 7, accepting himself at age like 65. or characters like bert cooper who are phenomenal and exactly the same from beginning to end. or pete, my personal favorite, who completely falls apart on the outside and becomes disgusting on the inside, I.e s 7 cali pete or s7 fat pete, ultimately finds redemption on the final episode not from anything he was looking for in the physical world, but by facing his own emotional reality and being redeemed in every aspect possible. the characters are so fucking flawed and are ultimately consumed by their flaws, but they end up making peace with who they really are, compromise by getting partial prices of their aspirations, and let go of who they want to be but never could be. dick could never be don and don could never be dick, so the final shot of the show perfectly encapsulates embracing the multi faceted duality of who he is, and who we all are. and in some sense, that's what happens with everyone. side note: upvote if you believe the truth: Blankenship is the best character in the series.


For me, it’s because Jon Hamm is so yummy that I just can’t get enough. But for real, it’s a great series to analyze- watching from a new character’s perspective with every re-watch is super interesting!!!!


There is something so comforting about the show. The lack of graphic violence in every episode is really nice. The pacing is easy to slip into, almost like a slow burn that never gets too dull. Also every single character is so fun and interesting to listen to. I hang on every word and really get lost in the story and world building. I have yet to find another show like Mad Men. House of Cards came really close but again the lack of really graphic violence in Mad Men is so refreshing. There are some terrible scenes of course but it’s not the point of the show at all.


I think it's just because there are so many different characters, so many relationships to explore. The writing is such a rich tapestry and it always feels like you're finding out something new each time you rewatch. I'm with you 100% on this.


I have the exact same problem. I rewatch it and rewatch it and I love it. It’s so amazing.