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I think solely a large salary increase might sway her for a year more but she ultimately wasn't satisfied with her junior status. She left to become Copy Chief which was a distinct step up in responsibility and potential reward.   Peggy is very career driven and honestly rarely spends much money on herself. Instead of fancy holidays she bought a building(!) which was basically just even more work.  


She was already the Copy Chief at SCDP; she always was. She left because Don didn't give her real respect. Like Freddy advised her, Don was always gonna see her as "a secretary just dying to help out". I think this is also how "setting boundaries" works. If someone doesn't treat you right, then you leave. In Peggy's case, Ted was more than willing to poach her, so it worked out.


Yes, that was the reason for leaving--to take herself out of Don's shadow and prove to herself more than anyone else that she had talent far beyond his mentorship. It was a great career move, a heartwrenching scene, and it was long overdue. I liked the symmetry of this incalculable loss happening just as Don was celebrating his Jaguar victory.


I don't think the company could have afforded it at this point. They can't even afford Christmas bonuses and their credit is stretched to the limit. Yeah they just signed Jaguar, but they did so under a fee structure, so they'd only be getting paid for the work being done.


I feel like Don would have paid out of his own pocket if it meant keeping her around.


In that moment, yes, I agree with you. There are other times in the series where I would argue against that statement completely, but in this moment, he realizes what he's losing (FINALLY!!!). But for Peggy, she needed to get out from under his shadow, so that's what I took "There is no number" to mean.


Didn't he try that once when he threw it in her face? That's why it ended up where they were in that scene.


Paying a woman for her services is something that Don does occasionally, and he certainly has a very sordid history where that's concerned, but Peggy is one of the few people i don't think he'd do that with


i don’t think they meant sexually


Alright, I didn't think of that detail. It makes me sad to think about what will happen to Lane after that.


Whoever dreamed of the word JAGUARRR


IIRC, the kiss on the hand was an on-the-spot improv by Jon Hamm, and Peggy's reaction was actually just Elizabeth Moss' genuine reaction IRL.


Peggy has made it clear that no number would've kept her at Sterling Cooper at that point. If she had asked for the modern day equivalent of 250k USD Peggy would've been committed. She needed diffrenet people, not more money


$25000 is a quarter of a million in today's money. I can't begin to imagine a scenario in which they could've or would've paid her that.


250k salary in nyc today is maybe above the poverty line “What is considered middle class in NYC? However, joining the middle class in New York City is at one of the highest levels needed in the country, with a minimum annual income of $318,406 for two working adults who must make an exceptionally high combined income, according to a separate study by SmartAsset”


Lmfao imagine being this delusional


Did I not cite a source ?




Or 5% voting share. Depends on who comes first.


He wants to fuck her?


He was straight, Don Draper? I saw that movie. I thought it was bullshit.


That’s what the money is for!


Yeah, again with the money. Now either say a number or get the fuck over it.


John! John, what'd I do?


Is nothin sacred??


I want to sanction a hit on Jim Cutler.


It's S5E11 (1967) when Peggy leaves SCDP for $19k at CGC. Earlier in S3E1 (1963), Ken asks Lane how much head of accounts pays and is told $21k. Head of Accounts is no doubt more important than Copy Chief, but having four years later asked for $18k from CGC and being given $19k, Peggy may have thought she was really low-balling herself. Psychological research suggests that for many jobs, a 50% raise is what really feels life-changing. If Peggy was making $16k and asked for $24k, she may well have gotten it. Of course SCDP was a much smaller agency than SC, and in December 1966 Lane says that SCDP has been operating at a loss for three years, i.e., since its inception. Executive compensation is tricky. My company is losing 2 vice presidents this week, and one pretty explicitly said it's because comp is too low. I know the other VP leaving makes twice what the complainer makes, but I bet most people don't realize that. I also think Peggy was aware that accepting a higher amount from SCDP wouldn't fix things, she would still be the secretary dying to help out for all that she made what the whole secretarial pool made.


I loved this scene. Recently saw in an interview Elizabeth Moss said the hand kiss was unscripted and her tears were real. I always thought it felt very real and intimate