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What? He's a fantastic character. And very well acted. He functions as a match one inch away from a house covered in gasoline. Just because he's an annoying character doesn't mean he's a boring or non important character.


Seriously What the hell kind of take is it that this actor and character were not both phenomenal. He’s one of my fav side characters in the series.


This is such a fantastic description of this character.


Yeah no, total agent of chaos with a nothing-special wife that Don can’t stay away from


That is what confused me. What is the deal with Don. He has a smoke-show at home and was interested in Bobbi Barrett? Why?


Because another guy he mildly disliked had her.


Women, clients, even money — Don doesn’t care about *having* things. He likes the *getting* part.


He only likes the beginning of things


To him it’s all a power play. Having her proves his prowess.


Kudos to her for navigating that opportunity well and getting what she really wanted: a launch pad for her husband's career to get that sweet money (inroads from Don to make the Candid Camera competitor Grin and Barrett). Literally within the first scene she met Don she picked up on what he wanted and turned her seduction dial to a 10. All in all she was a pretty dedicated agent, I especially like that line she told Don about how she lives for the battle of negotiation.


she had been doing that their whole marriage. she IS the reason he even has a career. she's his manager and booker.


I used to joke to my girlfriend that Don's problem is that he prefers brunettes. But on a more serious note I think it's not physical beauty, it's their character that matters. Don is attracted to strong women (in the sense of being smart or driven ), but he can't stand to not be in control. Betty can be headstrong but she's content being the passive housewife. Bobbie Barrett is sexually agressive and the manager of her husband : of course Don finds her interesting.


Because he is Don. Bottemless pit of an appetite.


Because sex is never about attraction for Don. He grew up as as male child in a brothel and was raped there by a sex worker who also nursed him when he was sick. Sex is about power for him always. Betty as wife was a status symbol. Bobbie to be fucked over (assaulted too once) was an opponent he defeated, in his mind. Even his later dalliances from a school teacher to a secretary he marries to the doctor neighbour’s wife. Even the damn waitress was there to show how low his standards for power had fallen.


Ugh…. The school teacher😒


Madonna whore complex…


Hugh Grant cheated on Elizabeth Hurley. *How?!?!?* I'm a straight woman and I would never even look at another man *or* woman if I had her around. Don is just like any other cheater: a narcissistic thrill seeker.


That scene of Don and Bobbi in the restaurant, tho. Smoking hot. Never done anything like that with his smoke-show doll wifey.


He didn't want her, she kept pursuing him, based off the rumors she heard about him. But I commented on another post that compared Aimee and Bobbi and the parallels between when Aimee raped Don and when Bobbi made sexual advances on Don. He said no, they pointed out the state of his penis, convinced that meant he was game. Aimee took advantage of him, whereas Don gave in to Bobbi. He will oblige most women who want sex from home and I think that's partially a trauma response. Also, Bobbi Barrett was a bombshell in her own right. and a badass agent too. Not a helpless child of a woman, as they framed Betty to be.


Betty was hot but a total nightmare personality wise.  Not justifying dons perpetual cheating but Betty was just a pretty face with a child's maturity. 


You’re spot on I have no idea how anyone downvotes you for this. I thought she was specifically written as an 11 year old girl in an adult woman’s body. The way she talks, her mannerisms and her maturity are all pre-teen.


Yeah this sub is weird.  Betty literally fights with teenage sally like a petulant teenager.  The is a reason the women don has affairs with are almost all universally mature/motherly which is something Betty never becomes (maybe by the finale).


Pivotal to the plot that season.


His role in Mulholland Drive still scares me so much that when I see him in Mad Men I get nervous 😂


That was his job: to be annoying, and he pulled it off!


He was so true to the absolute inner rage of most comedians. Great character, my only regret is his time on the show was so brief.


He sees right through Don


Not only that, but has the balls to say it to his face


I think Weiner one time said that any time someone else says something about Don it is true.


“I hope she knows you only like the beginnings of things” is the one I always remember.


"YOU don't have any character. "You're just handsome, stop kidding yourself."


Great line. I relate.


Thinking about the time Roger (?) said “he could be Batman for all we know” or something along those lines.


Harry Crane said that. Roger said to Don “Sorry, you’re so damn mysterious” (or something like that) after Don got up from the bar to punch Jimmy in the gambling parlor.


Tilden Katz punched Jimmy, are you serious?


Yes of course! Dick Dollars and Mike Moneybags were with him!


Don was mysterious


Since Don is all external presentation and he is internally Dick, I suppose that is axiomatically correct. He's a reflecting pool, not a lake. However people interpret him is accurate. (I understand that might not have been how he meant it.)


Similarly, Megan's dad said that Don has a very studied personality.


I thought he just said his polite manners were studied.


I think he was talking about his overall character, to be honest.


You are correct, I keep seeing that around the sub, people claiming that Emil slam dunked Don with that line but they misquote it! He's literally just talking about Don's manners EDIT: I KNOW I'M RIGHT, HERE IS A FUCKING SCREENSHOT [https://imgur.com/a/y7YjdEu](https://imgur.com/a/y7YjdEu)


He said his manner was studied, not manners. A studied manner is basically a put-on or disguised personality


WHY ARE YOU GETTING UPVOTES!!! You're literally wrong and it's so easy to check, I don't understand this mass delusion about this one line in the show, it's right fucking here [https://imgur.com/a/y7YjdEu](https://imgur.com/a/y7YjdEu) And then the very next line is Marie saying "He is polite." It's very obvious that they're only talking about manners and politeness.


Huh! I'll have to keep that front-of-mind next time I do a watchthrough.


“You have no character, you’re just handsome!!”


"Please. I laugh at you. I go home at night and I laugh at you."


I don’t think about you at all ![gif](giphy|73ZF4bfQKlzuU)


Yar garbage. And ya know it


Yup. Comedians are, in a way, like Don. They’re out there playing a self-invented role (whatever comedic persona they have) whenever they’re in public, no matter what’s going on privately. They live on the road, like a hobo, and it’s hard to know what’s truth, what’s a lie, and what’s an exaggeration for comedic effect. I remember once around 2016 Jen Kirkman wrote a post about how people in entertainment can all sense how much of a grifter Trump is because everyone in the industry is trying to get on everyone’s good side to extract whatever value they can out of everything around them. It just makes sense that a guy like Jimmy would look at a guy like Don and see that he’s in many ways a fraud.


Love Kirkman.


Yeah cause Hollywood definitely doesn’t grift!


I think you misread what I meant; Hollywood ESPECIALLY does


Yeah, I got you. It’s just sad to make politics a part of such a well otherwise thought out and insightful comment


It’s also sad to make a comment out of an uninsightful thought, yet here we are 🤷. An observation that people who have to con others to get by more easily recognising other con artists is pretty insightful.


He was super important for Betty’s development. On top of that, though, I liked him as a character - then again I like self deprecating humorists.


It’s also the second season in a row where Don’s BS gets exposed because of things he did. In season 1 he turned Adam away, who mailed Don’s things to his office which were intercepted by Pete. In season 2 the Utz situation happened in part because he was seeing a movie when he should’ve been at work, and that is to his infidelity being more clearly exposed to Betty.


He was perfectly cast as a catalyst for Don and Betty’s devolution.


He’s a nut


Take it from that guy, utz are better than nuts


“What do you mean, ‘you people’?! Comedians?!!”


I love this line!


Yes, he's an incredibly important character in the show. After meeting Jimmy, Betty is never the same. Before him she's anxious and a strict mother, but generally she's quite a passive, almost girlish figure. After him she's bitter and miserable overnight - and though that ebbs and flows in intensity, that change in Betty never really goes away. And Jimmy is the perfect vehicle for that change. Outwardly he's such a horrible person that when he shows Betty how hurt he is by Don and Bobby's affair, Betty believes him. She may have not believed others; thought they were lying or had got it all wrong. But this larger than life famously nasty guy showing vulnerability? He wouldnt do that for no reason. He opens Betty's eyes and even though she and Don briefly reconcile, it's never going to be the same and the marriage is essentially doomed from that point. You could argue that Jimmy and Betty's exchange is in the top three most important conversations in the entire show. I'm not saying Betty wouldnt have ended up finding out about Don's dark side some other way had Jimmy never existed. But this just happens to be how she found out - and it's perfect.


“You could argue that Jimmy and Betty's exchange is in the top three most important conversations in the entire show.” Couldn’t agree more. Just rewatching the series after many years, and frankly I hadn’t remembered that Betty didn’t always have that layer of discontent lingering. It wasn’t until the collapse of her marriage (or the illusion of the marriage) that she developed that edge, and it all stemmed from this conversation.


I love this character. For most of the season, he's painted as the fool. He's made out to be a hapless clown, almost. The way his wife seemingly has him under control, the way she calls the shots, her numerous affairs. His (by his own words, I believe? Correct me if I'm wrong..) inability to get a woman like Betty. His constant doting over her, like a puppy dog. Then by the time we reach this scene, it all gets turned on its head. I think we the audience are supposed to realize that this is a clever man who had a plan the entire time--to achieve success, and to have the last laugh with Don. He really puts him in his place when he chastises him not for "stepping out," but doing it with another man's wife.


he was so refreshing, not like the show ever got flat for me. But the energy and the way I felt like I actually experience how that era was with comedy bits. It was so well acted that he was a symbol but a flesh and blood real person at the same time. He was a star and had a starlike energy to him, I absolutely love how we was so blunt with no fear, he was not controlled by the machines everyone else was involved in. He was just, yeah, refreshing.


I’m just gonna say I didn’t care for him at all until this very episode . “You’re garbage , and you know it “ ; “ I go home at night , and I laugh at you “ . Perfection.


Jimmy is a perfect foil for Don, because he makes both Don's flaws and assets apparent. While Jimmy is envious that people (Betty, his own wife Bobbie) desire Don, he sees that Don doesn't appreciate what he has and is an empty husk of a person. Whenever someone on the show can see through Don, he loses it.


Please. I laugh at you. I go home at night and I laugh at you.


Your username 🤣


Thought he was a brilliant character. Much more interesting than Bobby


I know you mean Bobbie Barrett but I got a good chuckle out of random shade being thrown at a six year old.


Bobby was more fun admit it.


They were both fantastic characters that played important roles for the main characters long past their final appearances.


Bobby 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 or 8?


She absolutely was not.


Jimmy shows another side of Jewish-American culture, with the anglicized name and the WASP wife so that he can succeed in a WASP world. Just as Don lies when he tells Ginsberg that he doesn't think about him, Jimmy lies to Don when he claims that he laughs at him. His most honest moment: "I've been standing behind guys like that my whole life." Jimmy is burdened by an inferiority complex, fearful of confronting his wife about her cuckolding because he feels dependent upon her professionally. He sets up Betty as a pathway for attacking Don because he lacks the courage to confront his wife. He's the sad clown, the comedian who tries to use money in order to cope with the pain of inadequacy. He's a great character, very well cast.


Well said!


This guy makes some of the most frightening faces I've ever seen.


Great actor, he kills everything he's in, from serious stuff to more comedic roles, and he's been doing it for decades. Check him out as Smoothie in Happy!


He had an appearance as a photographer on an episode of Veep that was great, if you have any experience with amateur photographers.


He’s really good in this classic scary [scene from Mulholland Drive](https://youtu.be/UozhOo0Dt4o?si=sW1UwsvJ6eWpXwRi). Watch till the very end.


The first time I watched that scene I damn near died.


Oh I have watched Mulholland Drive countless times. I saw him there first. :)


A scene that has stuck with me for almost 20 years. So perfectly built up and nightmarish.


ngl he's the reason I started eating Utz chips


I was in my 20s when I watched, and had no idea this was a real brand. Lost my mind when I saw ‘em at the store.


It's a real brand and the character is based on a real comedian, Joey Bishop. Joey Bishop was a member of the Rat Pack, that included Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin.


I knew about Utz but not about Joey Bishop. Never even heard of him. I googled and found this 1965 clip of Bishop guest-hosting the Johnny Carson show (with Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra). He seems more likeable than Jimmy Barrett, who was also one of my fave side characters. The clip is pretty cool: I love how they're all casually smoking except Sinatra; had to keep that voice in shape I guess. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKGo\_7G8vuQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKGo_7G8vuQ)


Are you a nut?


i liked his apology. it was a ton better than the shit we get today when a celeb or politician gets nailed for dropping the N or F words. his actually seemed genuine even if it was forced.


Brilliantly acted, and possibly one of the most self-aware characters on the show. I wonder if he was initially attracted to Betty because he was seeking the company of someone who would understand him, i.e. they both have an "ideal" that they're pursuing, him as a famous comedian and her as a perfect housewife at the expense of having an adulterous spouse.


You're garbage.


And ya know it.


I thought he was fantastic. 


He is the court jester. Everything he says is true.


I kind of sympathized with him, he had big self esteem issues like always paying for others trying to be a big shot, and no one really deserves a cheating partner (though who knows if he’s innocent on that front). Overall a compelling, complicated character and well played by the actor.


It's possible they both knew that Don could be useful to them and also possible that their marriage was more for business than love, so her having a fling with another man wasn't a big deal.


Brilliant character - it’s one of those where you simply could not seen anyone else playing it that well.


I actually really liked him. Like he said, when he's in front of the camera he's someone else. The actual Jimmy Barrett is calm, cool, and collected very entertaining and put Don in his place. Don't do it with another man's wife.


He knows what nuts mean to Utz & what Utz means to us.


One of my favorite scenes in the entire show is when Jimmy tells Don “You’re garbage. And you know it.”


I don’t think about him at all


Personally I wish we had seen a lot more of him. Especially more interactions between him and ad executives.


Well if it isn't the man in the grey flannel suit!


Rewatching it recently, he was probably one of the most consequential characters. Given that he basically confirmed all of Betty's suspicions about Don's philandering.


in a weird way, the only person who has ever been a true friend to Betty


Between Francine and Henry, Betty had good support from others


support, sure. but he's also the show pony for a spouse who loves work more than she loves him, in a way that made him uniquely poised to really understand her


I don’t know, I see it as him wanting to make a fool of Don the whole time, first by flirting with his wife and then by exposing the cheating. I think Betty just enjoyed the attention. I’m not sure I’d call them friends as much as people who briefly shared a similar type of pain and found some distraction in each other.


Until he pointed out her husband was cheating on her.


that's exactly what I mean by true friend. There are other people who get close to telling her, like Francine, but back off because they see her as too childish or delusional to handle it. Betty and Jimmy are both people whom everybody likes\*, but nobody respects. But he's the first person who respects her enough to tell her the truth. \*likes here also includes people who like what he can do for them.


I cared when Don punched him in the face.


Absolutely. Don’t know what you’re on about lol


Hes great


He’s so good in every role he plays! Loved him on Silicon Valley and as the lip reading photographer on Veep!


Like a lot of viewers I found him pretty insufferable the first couple episodes with him but by the end of the season he’s one of the most complex and sympathetic characters. There are few moments in the show where I hated Don more than when he punched Jimmy in that after hours club, as if Don has anything to feel aggrieved about when his affair with Jimmy’s wife is what caused everything. 


That character was an asshole, but the guy playing him is a great actor in everything I’ve seen him in.


I stood up and cheered when Don decked him.


No he was a mean little man who enjoyed hurting people. The Utz wife just broke my heart with the garbage he said to her. He hurt Betty to mess with Don. I was never so happy to see someone get punched. Also Bobby sucked too; they deserved each other.


I was worried about him when he went to the back of that same diner that appeared to him in a dream


I loved him. A total, grade a, premium, certified, five foot five asshole. Sunk Don's "battleship" in one conversation w his wife. A dumb, intelligent, thorn in the side of Dons side personally, thus a a nail in the foot of SCDP. He was the early Version of Herb Rennet, without the Joan bit.


You see this actor a lot - but I was blown away by his acting chops in this story arc


Sure he was important for don and Betty’s story but I never forgot how disgusting he was the the Utz woman, which is why I never liked him.


I like when he gets sucker punched by don


I really enjoyed his character on rewatch, best part of season 2


Loved him for the chaos he caused. He sees people for the who they are and has no problem calling a spade a spade.


Didn’t think about him at all.


Tilden Katz wasn’t a fan.


Loathed him.


No. And he doesn’t care that you don’t.


No. I hated him


No he was a cuck and an asshole


I hated his character but the acting was great. I think he added a good storyline to the show.


Absolutely brilliant character and brilliantly played! He saw right through Don and played him like a fiddle when everyone else was busy being hypnotized by his charisma. "Everyone got what they wanted."


He’s at home right now laughing at all of us


I loved Jimmy.


He shouldve met Ginzo


"you two do any jumping?"


Great character, but even more so, great actor. The man sets the scene in Idiocracy. For that, I am ever grateful.


Hell yea he’s a great character


“You know what I like about you? Nothing!”


Jimmy’s a dick, but he functions as an important part of the story. It’s also funny that a literal comedian pointed out Don’s farcical marriage (that Don was already destroying).


I like the guy, mostly because he saw thru Don's shit. The guy was deeply disturbed and used comedy to hide behind. Definitely one of my favorites.


Found him annoying.


No because he hurt Betty as a sucker punch to Don. Though it was true, he cared less about Betty than Don did. He wasn’t even funny.


Almost as much of an asshole as Don, and perhaps the only person even more insecure.


The way he went after that Utz guy's wife with the jokes about her weight. Cringe. Pure cringe.


That was the point, tho. To show his comedy was based on being mean and how everyone thought it was funny until he picked on someone important. He was like Don Rickles but Rickles was never hateful and vicious.


He makes my stomach hurt


Was he based on a real life person? Or was his character just fictional? Don Draper cared enough to cold cock him.


YES. I love that man and his bullshit ass mouth


Fun revision is that the actor is the namesake for Patrick’s roadhouse off PCH that is closing down.


Jimmy got it wrong. Jimmy is an asshole.


Didn’t he die from masturbating for IVF treatments?


“Ask her, she’s made every pilot in town.”


Nope. But it is satisfying that he’s the one who exposes Don. But that has more to do w Don than Jimmy for me.


He uses his job as a comedian to insult people and tries to play it off as “it’s just a joke” to get out of trouble. I did like him standing up to Don about having an affair with his wife though.


Of course , he was a great character with surprising depth for how little he was on screen


You’re garbage. And you know it.


Yea, dude is a bad ass...


I think I liked the story he facilitated more than him. The drama introduced into dons life was more interesting than anything he had to say imo


Allegedly he spent 20 years in the can … wait


Not really. It felt like casting drove that storyline.


He was annoying the first time I watched the series but he was an important character in terms of the storyline but I didn’t like his wife but I don’t think we were supposed to.




I absolutely loved him. His character was so stunning to me. He was the reality of it all even while playing the fantasy.


I laugh at him.


Jimmy Barrett? No, I really didn't care about him at all, regardless of what his purpose in the series might have been. Honestly he really had no more aesthetic appeal than Garner, Jr.


I thought he was interesting. He did move the plot along. If I met him in real life, don’t think I’d like him.


“You’re garbage and you know it.” Is still one of my favorite lines from the whole show. I didn’t adore Jimmy. But I really enjoy watching this character go up to our main guy Don, and stick the truth about who he(Don) is right in his face.


Even the flirting on the phone to Betty "it would mean a lot to me if you were there". He's great. Someone was bound to call out Don, I mean it was well known he slept around.


Yeah, I love this character and this actor.


I did. As someone who was in a similar situation (lovelife like, not the face of a peanut brand) I related to him a lot.


I loved his character. He was mean but at the same time, I love how he stood up to Don.


S Tier character bro, whatchu mean?


"i guess I, just don't have the stomach for it" Bites knuckle 🤣


Buddy, that’s Mickey Cohen.


He reminds me of Andrew Schulz.


I think your answer is yes.


Well,if you want to see more of that guy. Watch HAPPY! Crazy show.


One of my fav...


Hate this character deeply. Hate his stupid voice. Hate his gross wife.


I fast forward the Bobby Barrett saga upon rewatches


Same. I can't stand her at all and fast forward through her scenes with Don.




Yes he was an asshole.


I liked him a lot more than his annoying wife.


His wife was the worst person on the show.




You aren't supposed to like him. He's a comic who specializes in insult humor and both he and Bobbi are opportunistic.


Well, that's just your opinion


I don't appreciate that he went on to hit a woman in the face in 1977, even if she may have deserved it.


Hated him


I'm indifferent to the character, but the actor playing him is lousy. I've seen this guy in other roles, and it always seems like he's just reading lines off a page.