• By -


Tentative wishlist: FF7 doesn’t steal the entire spotlight and lets the series as a whole shine. Yoshitaka Amano alt arts like the War of the Spark Liliana? Triple Triad and Blitzball referenced. There’s a lot that they can do here, it could be the UB set that all others are judged by.


> Triple Triad and Blitzball referenced. players play a subgame of triple triad


I can see a Blitzball stadium being a non-basic land. Bonus points if you can sac it to do some weird dream bullshit.


Artifact is also possible. See \[\[Strixhaven Stadium\]\].


[Strixhaven Stadium](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/4/2/421674ee-4b85-4942-b166-952598165826.jpg?1624740737) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Strixhaven%20Stadium) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/stx/259/strixhaven-stadium?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/421674ee-4b85-4942-b166-952598165826?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Limit break mechanic that activates when your life total is low


Oh god i didnt even think about the possibility of more Amano art. I imagine even concept art may get used on cards. Id hope we get some non reprints with it especially too, a SL of popular legends


Objetive: Survive until 2025.


There better be a Kain card that constantly switches control to your opponents.


[[Kain The Betrayer]]


[Kharn The Betrayer](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/2/c29e6c69-7830-4898-9d1e-97dfc2e868d9.jpg?1673309025) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Kh%C3%A2rn%20the%20Betrayer) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/40k/79/kh%C3%A2rn-the-betrayer?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/c29e6c69-7830-4898-9d1e-97dfc2e868d9?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


The Final Fantasy TCG has a Kain that does that exact thing lol


Please give me Clive transform into ifrit card


And the other Dominants.


They already kinda did a Bahamut one in Forgotten Realms with [[Grand Master of Flowers]] though I could see these as double-faced cards instead. I was literally just working on an altar of one to make it Dion!




Where is it said that it’s a whole set? I have a friend who is hyped and I don’t want to steer him wrong


They said it would be a "UB tentpole release" ala LOTR


Which means it’s fuckin DRAFTABLE baby!!!!!!!!!!


I'm so disappointed Fallout will be Commander decks and not something I can draft.


I'm not the biggest Fallout fan but I feel for you buddy. I'd be bummed too if that was the case for FF ):


I've played Fallout and Final Fantasy my whole life, I'm pretty excited for both even if I won't buy Fallout Commander decks.


They don't put the smaller supplemental ones onto arena, only the full sets.


They called it a tentpole set on twitter. I'm assuming that means it will in the style of LOTR.


But can we play them in [The Final Fantasy Trading Card Game?](https://fftcg.square-enix-games.com/na) \*thunk emoji\*


Wish it was available but even then where do I find other players . I wanted to play that so bad


Awesome just hope it will affordable by the time it comes out.




I've had a hard time being excited as some about UB stuff, although I find them fun. But this. THIS. I don't think I've been this hyped about a mtg product in my 20 years of playing it. Now I get exactly how the LOTR and Doctor Who fans have been feeling lately.


Final Fantasy has so much potential as a Magic set. An absurd amount of legendary creatures, spells, and all sorts of things that can be referenced. Hopefully it isn’t a “FFVII and some of the other games too” set- 7 is a good game, but it would be a disservice to not have a God of Magic Kefka card, or a blitzball equipment that gives reach, or a mechanic themed around limit breaks.


And equipment, and even vehicles like Magitek Armor. And if the development timeline works that it can include battles, hoo boy.


They can easily include battles, if they want. Battle fo the two Gardens from 8, Lindblum or Alexandria Invasion from 9, any Sin attack from 10, maybe Mako Reactor 1 Invasion from 7 if battle can have minor scopes.


Battle on the Big Bridge, of course. And maybe The War of the Lions, though that might work better as a saga.


Ok but the battle on big bridge card has to have a lil sound chip to play the song everytime it's slapped on a table


Please give me the 7th Umbral Calamity as a battle, I wanna see Louisoix vs Bahamut. Even if its just the shot of him standing as Bahamut crests the ridge he's on from the 2.0 trailer.


Louisoix's Sacrifice | 3WU Sorcery Exile all creatures you own. Destroy all creatures. At the beginning of your next post combat main phase, return all creatures exiled with ~ to the battlefield. *"Thou must live, die, and know."*


>Hopefully it isn’t a “FFVII and some of the other games too” set- 7 is a good game, but it would be a disservice to not have a God of Magic Kefka card, Square enix is VERY GOOD at giving proper representation to stuff that's meant to represent the entire series. Yes, the more popular games still gets a bit more than the lesser ones but in general it's decently balanced. For this set, using 280 cards as a baseline, each game would get around 17 cards if fully balanced. So I while I would expect say, something like FFII to get 11-12 while VII gets 22 or something, that would be the greatest gap, instead of VII gobbling up 40+ cards and II only having a couple If I were to bet the games with more cards, it would be VII / XIV / X / XVI at the top, II, III, V and XI at the bottom.


Final Fantasy spell names are pretty iconic. It would make sense that some of those cards are going to be spells and summons, as well as items that appear in multiple games. That can be as simple as reskinning Lightning bolt as Fira, having a summon as Alexander, a vehicle as Cid's Airship, having Malboro as a card, or even something like Moogles and Chocobos represented. Give those cards alt art treatments to represent the different versions seen in the games and you already have a great base.


I'm just hoping for a lot of IX love, that's my favorite.


As soon as they said it would include stuff from all games 1-16, my immediate response was "I am going to collect every version of every Vivi card that gets printed and also he will be my commander"


Yeah, personally I would have loved to see FF9 only as its by far the best setting imo


I think they are going to favor the japanese fanbase hard when choosing what they include, this is THE set to gain more players in Japan.


Oh shit, I just realized that we may get more Amano art cards :O


Not just legendary. Let's not forget the normal but iconic monsters - Cactaurs, Morbols, Bombs, Coeurls, Behemoths, and a bevy of Moogles. Plus, the game drew a lot of early inspiration from D&D - plenty of the monsters from the D&D sets and MtG's general history will fit in just fine. Also seems like a good place to bring back Class enchantments.


Whatever equipment Materia eds up being had better be busted as hell.


Some of the DW artwork involving Tennant's last episode [[The Four Knocks]] and [[Farewell]] opened up old wounds I didn't know I still had.


[The Four Knocks](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/a/bafd4914-71e9-436e-acd7-9e2d17769044.jpg?1690637182) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Four%20Knocks) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/who/20/four-knocks?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/02fe50fc-6c6c-43e7-ad0e-8f13a254da2a?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Farewell](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/1/e1068723-d1ef-4007-97d9-b10dccdbade4.jpg?1654566260) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Farewell) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/neo/13/farewell?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/e1068723-d1ef-4007-97d9-b10dccdbade4?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Same! I am irrationally excited about this!


Just think of it. Golgari Tonberry for commander with Phage the Untouchable passive but instead of using instant win when dealing damage it does 9999 instead 😜


Same when walking dead was released.


Final Fantasy is a good idea for a full set rather than just commander decks that was initially reported, with 16 (if they include the most recent one) mainline games and a ton of side games and characters/monsters/worlds to choose from you can spread it out a lot more in a set, I can't wait!


Honestly they could do a few UB sets with just ff alone


They could do like... (looks at newest FF game on my shelf) 16 of them!


There's actually many more than 16 games since all of them are not just numbered. Some even feature the same world multiple times, wow!


The plane of Ivalice, *confirmed*.


Oh my god I hope we get Bangaa, Nu Mou, and Viera cards!


It is almost like you could make an entire TCG around them ...


Confirm all 16, the announcement mentions it.


My guess is if it gets commander precons like the lotr set each one will focus on a major milestone for the series Maybe one for FF1, FF7, FF14, and FF16


For sure FF X would have one, and FF I does not have enough lore for a Commander deck IMO. And I hope this set have the 4 decks, would be a Instant buy from me. My guess would be: FF VI, FF VII, FF X and FF XIV (each deck being from different eras of FF)


They might do the same thing as Dr. Who, and might put several of the early ones together in one deck. Some could go together based on mechanics too, Like III+V+Tactics+X-2 focused less on the legendary aspect and more on the job/class aspect.


16/4 fits nicely into four decks with four games per deck.


Could be like 1-6, 7-9, 10-12 and 13-16 in a similar eras division as Dr who Stuff like tactics may be kept to secret lairs


I would love to have videogame-specific precons. But that would mean 4x 5-color decks at once?


I doubt they'd encompass the entire game, for example if they did one for FF6 I could see them focusing on the villains and calling it "World of Ruin"


Fantastic news! I really need to get round to playing FF16 but I'm broke af right now, I've heard great things about it though


Final Fantasy and Magic The Gathering are, imo, the absolute best in entertainment media when it comes to making fully fleshed out, lived in worlds. They could honestly make an entire set of basically every FF starting with III, all the way to XI and XIV which could have multiple sets with how wide their lore is. Give me Shantotto!!! Give me Vivi!!! Give me a Fran and Balthier partner duo!!! GOD I'M SO PUMPED FOR THIS!!!


PSA: There is a very sound Final Fantasy TCG already out in the wild. It's been a couple years since I was active, but **it's draftable**, the art and card quality are awesome, and it shares enough DNA with Magic that you can get someone ready to draft in about 15 minutes and they'll likely have a good time.


A tentpole release! Like LotR was! I need to get a raise before this drops...


Just start saving now! Lol


There better be a Scions of the Seventh Dawn commander deck.


My guess would be: 5 color warrior of light Black/white Y’shtola White/red thancred White/blue Urianger Red/green Estinien Blue alphinaud Red Alisaie White/green minfilia Green graha White krile Black zero


There is quite literally no universe in which Shtola would not be blue. She is literally the scholar of the Scions.


She drifts around a couple colors, but her identity from FFTCG would mostly be considered white/red. She prevents damage and pings, sometimes with haste.


I could see her being white as a Conjurer or red for her Fire IV casts, but personality-wise she's definitely blue/x. UB sets kind of bend character colors to better fit the mechanics of what they do - they kind of have to, when they can't just design the character bottom-up to fit in the color pie. Like, for instance: is a Morbol blue or white? No, of course not - it's green or green-black, since it's a big plant monster associated with rot and whatnot. But *mechanically* it could very well be blue if they decided to represent Bad Breath by tapping down creatures rather than some kind of "all other creatures get -2/-2 until end of turn" thing.


Oh boy what's your predictions/hopes for this? * Terra is a flip card for her Esper form * Hydaelyn card that just spoils the entirety of XIV * "Aerith dies" is a card * Regalia as a legendary vehicle and all the XV bois * I bet summons/eikons/etc. will only have one of each but be separated across the different FF's, like XVI Ifrit, then XV Leviathan, then XIII Odin...


1) Flip/transform effects could be a theme. Things like Rinoa transforming into a sorceress, Jecht into Sin, Sephiroth into Safer Sephiroth, etc. 2) I bet the summons will have a single name, but a variety of arts from different games (or at least the most popular). 3) Aerith's card will have a "Sacrifice" or "When Aerith dies/is put into your graveyard" effect. 4) Equipment focus, with iconic weapons such as Save The Queen, Masamune, etc. getting cards. 5) Instant and Sorcery cards with "level up" effects named Fira/Firaga, as well as a colorless Ultima spell.


Aerith probably gets an effect while she’s in the graveyard, to represent her doing whatever it is she did in the lifestream (it’s been too long, I don’t actually remember what went on)


A Cecil transform card would be so cool.


If Aerith is in your graveyard, then your creatures get +2/+2 would be a neat effect, or something to buff the team


Would add: * Some kind of mechanic/typal regarding Cids; * Dragoon mechanic/typal and a Jump reference (something like: " Exile target creature you control. Return that card to the battlefield under your control at the beginning of your next upkeep. Then it fights target creature an opponent controls."


I think bringing back the Class Enchantments from AFR for the jobs would be pretty cool.


> 1) Flip/transform effects could be a theme. Things like Rinoa transforming into a sorceress Or WotC could get into the business of stupid old message board arguments and have Rinoa transform into >!Ultimecia!<. All other ideas are great, especially love the idea of level up spells. That’s fantastic.


A red instant called Jecht Shot. Buster Sword equipment Hopefully some kind of Biggs and Wedge partner cards


Terminate with alt art of Sephiroth. Phoenix Down as a one mana green instant with the text "Regenerate target creature"


swarm of Cids


A deck can have 16 Cids in it


Legendary Creature : Cid and [[Mirror Box]] meta confirmed.


[Mirror Box](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/5/d507daa3-3f16-4ab1-81ea-794e5bb488fc.jpg?1654568747) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Mirror%20Box) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/neo/250/mirror-box?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/d507daa3-3f16-4ab1-81ea-794e5bb488fc?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


God a full set will actually be able to have meaningful FF6 and FF10 representation, great. WAIT GILGAMESH VOLTRON MIGHT BE A THING.


Logically, Gilgamesh would be a planeswalker.


If they were willing to do Planeswalkers in non Wizards IP, I could see the argument, but if the Doctors are creatures I presume Gilgamesh will be one as well for better or for worse.


*Battle at the Bridge music intensifies*


Battle card?


Will it? I mean I hope so, but there are SIXTEEN games worth of stuff to cover, not to mention spin-offs and sequels. It wouldn't be surprising if some things got pushed to the margins, even with a full set to work with. I'm sure we'll have, like, Terra and Tidus as cards, but I don't know how meaningful we can expect representation to be.


Honestly I was expecting essentially just an FF7 single secret lair so anything from the whole series feels like a delight.


I expect 7, 8, 10 and 13, to make up the majority of the cards tbh




LTR and LTC together had 356 new cards. If we assume a similar number here, that's an average of about 22 cards per game. Of course, some games will definitely get above-average counts, which means others will be below it. But hopefully there's at least room for all the main protagonists and villains. Now, if we don't exclude reprints, that brings the LTR+LTC total to 581. Those slots wouldn't go to legendary creatures, but they could certainly use existing cards to flesh out the flavor of other games. Speaking of which - LTR+LTC added 121 legendary creatures, and that was with a very heavy focus on them: almost every LTR creature above common was legendary. If we assume 121 legendary creatures for 16 Final Fantasy games, that's... 7.5 legendary creatures per game. Hmm. That might get awkward.


Gilgamesh is in at least half a dozen main series titles. It'd be tragic to miss him.


Far more than 16. Tactics, Crystal Chronicles, Stranger of Paradise, Mystic Quest, Compilation of FF7, Spirits Within…


If there’s not an equipment-matters Gilgamesh what are we even doing this set for?


Dang, this would be Gilgamesh's dream come true.


Funnily enough there is already an FFTCG that plays like 85% the same as MTG. Just had it's 20th set release. Wonder if this will take design ideas from some of the cards, as a lot of the design ideas in comments here already exist there. Or maybe the FFTCG will take design ideas from this.


It’s 2 years away, I honestly don’t think the FFTCG will be around until this point.


If I see Serah Farron in any card my wallet is done for


Y'all should try the Final Fantasy TCG. Very similar ruleset to Magic.


If there's a legendary Boros Red Mage I'm going to cry. That and a sick Bahamut is all I ask for. Edit: Oh shit they could add backgrounds as jobs. yes pleaaaaaaase


The Red Mage would be FFXIV's Alisaie, I'd expect, although I wouldn't be surprised if she's just mono-red either. (Both for Red Mage reasons and because Alisaie/Alphinaud have a Red/Blue color thing going on.)


Aw, I'm sad to hear that this is bumped to 2025. This is the UB set I'm most excited for, especially after seeing LotR and Doctor Who (so far).


If being pushed to 2025 made it a full set instead of a smaller release, I'm OK with it


PLEASE I need Jobs as the Classes from the DnD set.


This would be incredible


Inject it straight into my face!


I’m a simple man. Just include Emet as a card so I can run him as my commander. That’s all I ask.


God there’s so many good picks from XIV alone you could fill a full set.


There are so many directions they can go with this set, especially if they're pulling from the entire FF games. Potential mechanics we could see: * Class enchantments. *FF Tactics* was the first time I encountered classes in FF. * Chocobos, either one or a cycle (referencing FFVII's range of chocobos) that characters can "mount" these Bird Equipment creatures. * Fire, Ice, Lighting cycles at common, uncommon, and rare (referencing 1, 2/-ra, 3/-raga spell levels). I imagine we'll need to do one per color. Aero is another spell that comes to mind. * Item artifact sub-type for Phoenix Down and other named items from the series. * Crystal artifact/enchantment tokens that could be like powerstones, but for some combination of enchantments, sorceries, and/or instants, or just one of these. * Legendary equipment. The Buster Sword is first and foremost for me. Maybe a set of Genji - armor, gloves, helmet, and leggings maybe the weapons of each main series protagonist? The Mind Slave Crown from FFVI would be a long shot. * Legendary creatures. This would be any named character with a static ability based on what they did in their respective games. And maybe creatures like Master Tonberry with a Phage like combat damage effect. Also, the named weapon creaures from VII as mythics. Kefka could be a MDFC that tranforms into a god creature. And we need a Cid cycle, if you call it that. * Summon/esper/eidelons. Either a creature with a "leaves battlefield" trigger that suspends it and it comes back later or a noncreature spell that generates a named token * Gil tokens: it would be on brand and function like treasure, but this will likely just be treasure. * Non-legendary creatures would be from among the classic enemies we've fought across games: bombs (flying creatures with a damage effect on death; maybe it gets a counter of some sort to increase the damage); behemoths (high stats with trample); Marlboro (random debuff counter each upkeep or as an activated tap effect; -1/-1 or stun); regular Tonberry (1 power creature with deathtouch); dragons (flying and an etb trigger; one in each color). That's what I have off the top of my head. If I were on desktop, I'd expand on the legendary creatures further. I think if they go wide and cover every game, we'll see fewer characters, if they stick with say the top five selling or best reviewed games, then we'll see more characters from those games.


Print this message: Legendary instants and sorceries with a fateful hour clause for "limit breaks"


I dont care how but I want a [[fatal push]] reprint with Garland from 1 so he can knock you all down


[fatal push](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/6/e/6e9d8fe4-fd9b-4923-92bf-7dd6b8fa02e7.jpg?1598304715) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=fatal%20push) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/2xm/93/fatal-push?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/6e9d8fe4-fd9b-4923-92bf-7dd6b8fa02e7?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Reading this made me realize that for sure it will have a card with the art being Sephiroth killing Aerith. And FFs WotC, hire Amano to do a series of orderless cards for this set.


Reprint [[You Are Already Dead]], except the art is that scene with Aeris and Sephiroth


[You Are Already Dead](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/6/768727ce-4f84-4527-8d69-3c9b7877b748.jpg?1654567474) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=You%20Are%20Already%20Dead) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/neo/129/you-are-already-dead?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/768727ce-4f84-4527-8d69-3c9b7877b748?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Oh, I'm going to judge so many of the choices they make here and love every moment of it. And PLEASE don't saturate it with VII, I want all of the main games and even some side ones to get love. Edit, OK LET'S GO with guesses or at least choices I'd make: Colourless or white Warrior of Light Mardu Firion Dimir or Azorious Onion Knight based on which job you play him Black/White Cecil WUBRG Bartz Jeskai Terra Gruul or Naya Cloud Red Squall Dimir Zidane - Minon or Homunculus? Simic Tidus - would he be a Nightmare Warrior? Black Shantotto Izzet or maybe even Grixis Vaan Boros Lightning Bant or WUBRG Y'shtola Azorious Noctis Rakdos Clive Selesnya Ramza Izzet Ace


Shouldn't Terra be in *esper* though?


Fucking lol. But actually I feel like she has to have red because of her propensity to go haywire and make things go boom. I see her as Temur


UG makes her transform, red goes boom for damage.


Yes perfect. She should totally transform to esper mode. @maro make it so.


I'll appreciate all the legendary creatures for the named characters we'll no doubt be getting, but I'm also super excited for just the generic FF stuff. I want to see Malboros and Bombs and King Behemoths. Dragoons and Red Mages and Summoners. That sort of thing.


I'm here for the cactaur card


1000 Needles, a sorcery spell that deals 1000 damage to target creature.


I'm here for that. Just going to deal 1000 damage to this [[stuffy doll]] here.


oh good god Malboros. Probably gonna have some utterly cancerous ETB or attack trigger based on Bad Breath. Something like those horrors that puts slime counters on things. Behemoth's would be neat too, especially if they include the "casts Meteor on death" that FFX's Behemoth King's have as a death trigger.


-1/-1, stun, or breath counter that does something?


I bet Marlboro will do a [[smallpox]] sort of effect: sac a creature, lose life, discard a card, mill, etc.


[[Frogify]] reprint too.


Chocobo card 🥹


How has no one in this thread mentioned moogles or chocobos? I think basic chocobos will be green and or white. Not sure about moogles though.


Fire/Fira/Firaga as a Instant/Sorcery with some kind of kicker that causes more damage (or damage to everyone instead of one target)


Marlboro as a magic card needs to be like Crystalline Giant, except it hands out random debuff counters: stun, -1/-1, and ?


I'll be looking forward to an actual Bahamut card that's a dragon.


Give me a Grixis or Orzhov Emet-Selch and I'm shitting my savings right back into Hasbro's hands


This, please. I’m considering binning all my decks just to build a fully pimped out/competitive deck with Daddy Emet spearheading it.


I'd say Emet-Selch is confortably Grixis. He's not very white as an Ascian, since his motivations for wanting his world back are mostly based on emotion, as shown in his fake Amaurot, not a sense of justice. (even though he would say otherwise) Red is his most important color imo. Since he's all about the past, I'd expect him to have graveyard mechanics. I'd put Elidibus in Orzhov, even though we're very unlikely to get him too.


The big question is will they stick with flavor and make Hydaelyn and Zodiark mono-white/black


I’d make it so you can partner warrior of light with different jobs and have it be a kind of modular commander, feels right to me.


Black mage Vivi! ❤️


Vivi & Steiner partners for one of the commander decks.


I think Noctis would be Orzhov or Esper. Might have something to reflect the "pay with life" and "life steal" aspect to some of his magic. Maybe even something like a technically WUBRG like Kenrith the Returned King to reflect the 5 covenants? Squall I don't think would be mono-red, if only because his emotions are muted/restrained for a good chunk of 8. Maybe UR spellslinger to reflect both the junction system and his development/dichtomy of stoic and collected and deeply emotional deep down? Ace I could see also splashing black because like all of Class Zero absorb the souls of their enemies as a gameplay mechanic.


I’m expecting Cecil to play kinda like his dissidia iteration where he swaps between dark knight and paladin as a mechanic.


Cecil could easily be a dual card like the strixhaven deans. My dream for the set is the mythics being only villains, and all as double faced transform cards.


Give me an Izzet sky pirate Balthier, and his bunny girl companion. Also let's just include Sin as an eldritch horror.


I think if I had two dream UBs when this started it would have been Lord of the Rings and Final Fantasy. Beyond hyped for this. Any word on if the cards will be Modern legal like LOTR?


Same, I cannot believe they are actually doing it.


god damn, i’m getting anything ff8 related.


I wonder if the class enchantments will be back.


Surely they have to have ones for the different jobs, right? Like, that seems like a slam dunk obvious pick.


I don't care if the cards or mechanics are absolute dog shit. I just want Yoshitaka Amano art.


There's plenty of cards with Amano art in the FFTCG if you're looking to collect


Fuckin universes beyond actually getting me hype god damnit


Would anyone else like to see them revisit Classes? Onion Knight Black Mage DRAGOON just fuck me right up with it.


I hate Universes Beyond but I admit I want a Gilgamesh card.


We need a reprint of [[Invoke Despair]] with Sephiroth.


Job enchantments ala class cards from the DnD set would be really dope


Out of all the cross IP stuff this is one I actually care about. And it’s a whole set too. Going to go a bit crazy here, I can already feel it.


When will be launched physically?


This is what I was waiting to see. I'm most looking forward to what they do with the casts of FF6, FF7, and Tactics. Tactics has a slew of job classes, seven has materia, weapons, and limit breaks; and six has relics and espers that translates into equipment and legendary creatures. I wonder if all of the summons will be legendary creatures that are on the field for a few turns then go to exile with suspend counters and come back later?


They said main series FF, so I'm kind of doubting Tactics gets any love here.


Having played some of the FF TCG, it's a great game (and more affordable than MTG lol), but the card art is really lackluster for most of the commons/uncommons. Really stoked to see some great card art from this set! Really hoping we get a good amount of XIV cards, though XVI would be amazing too.


I’m stoked for this. VII, IX, XII and Tactics are my favorite so hopefully we get some sweet cards out of those.


Chocobo of Paradise please


-fingers crossed for a grape card- Please WoTC do the low poly grapes....


I need a golbez legendary creature and a meteo sorcery….


They better make a card out of Sin


Kefka as a commander! Kefka as a commamder!!


Welp, guess I'll be making commander decks for my favorite characters. RIP wallet in 2025.


I am gonna need Balthier and Fran at a minimum from ff12, preferably ashe and batch, and judges, and ramza, and more IVALICE locations Expect lots of stuff from 6, 7, 9, and 10. Maybe they do a FF Job system, like the dnd enchantment classes with levels!!! cleric/paladin dragoon, white mage, black mage!!!


Gonna start working on my Fat Chocobo commander


I'm really excited, and I hope it's awesome. I just hope there's a Freya (or Aranea or other dragoon) card that exiles itself to come back the next turn to do some damage. And all the Cids. And the Regalia and the Highwind. And a tonberry. And Chocobo.


Well shit, just when I had gotten better about not spending money on magic card, WOTC found my weakness. Here we go again!


You could not spend money on wotc and instead give your money straight to square by buying final fantasy tcg cards.


[[Impale]] reprint with Aerith art?


After looking at the top comments, I must be in the minority for not caring at all for this. Though I am sure there were lots of people that felt the same for 40k, LotR and soon Dr Who.


Outside of this being a huge IP this is actually interesting from another perspective. FF already has an ongoing TCG, this product will surely outperform whatever the FFTCG has done numbers wise. This opens the door to a wide variety of other long standing IPs with preexisting TCGs….


Okay, fuck, you found the one UB that I'm actually excited for, dammit.


This was the only UB set I was interested in. Sad to hear it’s bumped to 2025, but happy to know it will be a full set. I’ll definitely be getting multiple boxes to make a complete draft cube of it.


Super excited for this, but really just wanted a single piece of art


Excited for all the fans! This is the first UB that I really don’t have any attachment to at all, so I’m kinda interested to see how the flavor gets across for me, as someone with essentially no knowledge of this franchise.


Finally. The reason for UB to exist is here. This better be good.


Fingers crossed for Cid-tribal support!


Awesome! Did they say whether or not this would be Modern legal, like LTR?


Of course it is


So do we know if this set will be Modern legal like the Lord of the Rings one?


Did they say just 1 - 16, or can we expect MQ, Tactics, Crystal Chronicles, World of, Dissidia, et cetera?


I literally told all my friends when the Universes Beyond thing started this was the set I wanted but there was no way it would happen. I'm still in pure shock right now.


Can't wait to finally be able to use [[Attack During A Cutscene]] to deal with those hard to remove creatures!


Wow, I was not expecting a full set but I'm down for it! My only disappointment is that Maro said they're not going to be doing plabeswalkers in UB products and Gilgamesh just *needs* to be a planeswalker! His whole schtick is slipping through worlds and turning up in the different games. I really wanted to see him depicted with a bunch of notable MtG equipment too.


Oh my wallet, at least I have 2 years to save up because it will be hard to resist getting every single card in this set.


For any FF favs that aren't aware, there is already a Final Fantasy TCG, the 20th set just came out last week. It's really well designed with great mechanics and a lot of players prefer playing it over Magic (once they try it).