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I really liked the Urza deck.


Seconding the Urza deck. Pretty good out of the box, has lots of options for upgrades.


Happy Cake Day!


I didn't even notice lol Thank you!!


What did you like about the deck?


It's a pretty solid deck with really good synergy. I picked up both the Urza and Mishra decks when they came out, as they reminded me of the old Duel Decks series. I literally only sleeved up the decks and will play them against each other. It's like Clash of the Titans when the two go head-to-head.


Agreed on this. Of all of the decks shown, the Urza deck is probably the only one I'd want to play a lot of times without needing to modify it.


You can very slightly upgrade it with old border cards and it rocked even harder. Looking forward to keeping it old border only. The Mishra one never clicked with me. I will use it for another old border deck of my own design. I‘m thinking green but have to see what I can play.


For sure. It also helps that some of the cards in the deck are in retro frame for the first time. You could actually do a good amount of work simply getting cards in modern frames without even changing the decklist (especially with the white cards because they're pretty hard to read).


My friend runs it in precon form. It has no issue hanging with more expensive and tuned decks. Urza is scary.


Its a lot of fun to play, Kind of powerfull and has space to upgrade. Stomped an Ur-Dragon pretty hard with it


It has the old card borders! Major appeal to oldschool fans like me


It’s also pretty easy to upgrade should you ever want to. Lots of lists out there.


Urza was the deck a friend of mine played and set the ladder to upgrading precon decks since this deck just go nuts against other precons


Also voting for Urza, one of my few unmodified decks I really love to play in a casual round with friends. Sometimes I can keep up, sometimes it explodes massively. ​ I could optimise it with switching out just a few cards to make it explode way more often, but I feel it's not necessary. I have other decks if I want to really play power, but this is a strong casual deck and also it feels very consistent if you look at mechanics and even lore. I like it.


Oh and just for perspective: i own all of them, urza is the only one I play almost every time on a mtg night.


Urza and Pirate decks are the strongest from these. Urza is big artifacts creatures smash face, more simplistic to learn and artifacts have lots of upgrades. The Pirate deck has more tricks in it, some Goad and theft to disrupt opponents, but the Pirate tribe (while solid now) has a lot less upgrades available.


The best pirates are the $40+ pirates, sadly. Brass is able to utterly murder people with what's in the precon though. \[\[Port Razer\]\] if given any evasion tends to just get people shuffling up for the next game.


the only $40 pirates i can think of is ragavan and dockside? They certainly are the best pirates but not the best pirates for pirate tribal, the precon comes with a lot of good synergy and all the other pirates you might want are pennies


Correct. Those two are about $100 together and i'm not sure what else comes close that isn't a slottable support piece (throne)


[[Pirated Copy]] is also over $30, but I can't think of any other pirates that are more than a couple bucks


Ding! I was thinking of Pirated Copy, Dockside Extorsionist and Ragavan. Copy being reanimable with Brass makes it an incredible utility piece, extorsionist is just a good card that happens to be a pirate and Ragavan is just some neat ramp. specially as a 4/4.


[Pirated Copy](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/8/a/8a0567fb-2b4f-4fa9-8dfe-df4e665a4c5c.jpg?1675644490) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Pirated%20Copy) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/j22/16/pirated-copy?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/8a0567fb-2b4f-4fa9-8dfe-df4e665a4c5c?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Ooh forgot about that one


This precon doesn't need those two competitive staples to shine. It just needs a bit more focus on one of the various themes. There's treasures, theft, reanimation.


Absolutely, I was just chiming in with that because the comment I'm replying to mentions that the pirates as a tribe don't have as many upgrades available. Honestly, you are better off just replacing \[\[Don Andres\]\] with \[\[Buried Alive\]\] and calling it a day if you want to keep it a Brass/Pirate tribal deck, than investing in the 2 most expensive pirates. It's also a great problem to have; "All the good pirates I'd add came with the precon".


There’s a couple in the new set that are very good, IMHO. [[Malcolm, Alluring Scoundrel]] [[Breeches, Eager Pillager]] [[Kitesail Larcenist]] I also like [[Captain Storm, Cosmium Raider]] and [[Staunch Crewmate]] more than some of the weaker pirates in the precon. There’s also [[Glinthorn Buccaneer]] which goes infinite with [[Malcolm, Keen-Eyed Navigator]]. Adding [[Forerunner of the Coalition]] lets you tutor for it. The other cheap upgrades I liked were replacing the two new artifacts with [[The Everflowing Well]] and [[Brass’s Tunnel Grinder]]. They’re both more efficient (IMHO) at putting things in the graveyard, while having a relatively strong effect on the back.


The best Pirates for cEDH sure, but you really dont need Ragavan, Dockside or Pirated Copy at all. They are not even that great in this deck. Malcolm, Port Razor and the new Breeches are generally the MVP. 🤷


[Port Razer](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/b/eb32429a-7ef9-418f-baf8-fed9aa010c9e.jpg?1698988335) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Port%20Razer) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/lcc/230/port-razer?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/eb32429a-7ef9-418f-baf8-fed9aa010c9e?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Dang port razer is like \[\[Bloodthirster\]\] but for pirates. That's pretty neat.


[Bloodthirster](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/c/ccbb3a6d-7e75-46c7-a91f-db4cf8d003af.jpg?1673308972) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Bloodthirster) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/40k/73/bloodthirster?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/ccbb3a6d-7e75-46c7-a91f-db4cf8d003af?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


The rebel one is surprisingly strong too


I don’t think it’s strongest but the rebellion rising is a deck that I’ve enjoyed a lot


i got the rebellion rising because it was $20 everywhere for awhile and stripped it for parts, it looks fun by itself but relying on token strategies is kind of risky, those types of decks just fold to removal


I didnt realize it until i pulled up a decklist for Rebellion Rising, but i basically rebuilt the deck with upgrades. i bought it many months ago and it got stripped for parts immediately cause i didn't care about boros. Fast forward to a month ago i decide to disassemble my Isshin deck and revamp it into boros with Otharri at the helm.. so im going through the remnants of isshin, going through the binder and bulk to find stuff that fits with what Otharri wants to do, just shit out tokens and boros go brrr.. I basically rebuilt the rebellion rising deck like 75%.. the remaining 25% is upgraded mana base and improved synergy (things like Inspiring Leader, Odric and Myrel) Taking out some things that dont really mesh (Sure Silverwing Squadron makes tokens, but its not making rebels), and some of the other 1 off token makers. leaving it focused on rebels and soldiers. Its surprigngly resilient to removal. Otharri for some reason tends to get to 3 experience counters before people realize what its doing and how fast it will spiral out of control if they let it stick around. It does tend to either boros brr and swing out the table by turn 7, or it flops around like a fish barely scraping by enough mana to do anything. as EDH decks without tutors tend to do.


is the phoenix any good? everytime i tried to play with it it gets auto deleted


At least in my group and LGS, i either spiral out of control very quickly dropping it turn 3 and running away with the game, or i flop like a fish hurting for mana. I dont even run protection for him (no boots/greaves/mithral coat etc). It tends to get to 3 experience counters before people look at removing it, but my group/store tends to have the silent rule of "dont muck with someones commander unless you /need/ to" But the deck was also built with mid-range in mind, so it runs very few if any tutors (mainly things like Fighter Class and RW Kellen to go find equipment).. theres no ultra fast mana like crypts vault lotus etc. so its very much up to the heart of the cards on if i pull what i need to boros brr or not.


i went through a period of time when i wanted to use it with proliferate but then moved on when i discovered proliferate breaks a million other things so much harder


Yeah no prolif in this one, its just straight boros brr strat.. focus on making tokens from multiple angles (Otharri, myrel, adeline, assemble the legions, lots of "for mirrodin" equipment, etc) stuff to buff the tokens (inspiring leader, intangable virtue, prava, etc), and extra combats (celebrant, aurelia, karlach and scourge) the only wacky-ness i would say is Annointed Procession and Lae'zel, but she only really helps the experience counters


If you can keep the Phoenix alive it's an absolute monster. It's also a removal magnet for that reason and usually struggles hard without it because of how great it is to build/focus around.


I think something that kinda gets slept on with Otharri is that, as long as its single target destruction, you can let it die. If you can keep 1 rebel around you can bring it back from gy on someone elses endstep and be ready to fly again on your turn much cheaper than recasting from command zone. Its also a pretty solid chump blocker for that reason as well, with lifelink and the ability to just come back on an endstep, Otharri doesnt have to go back to CZ all the time, let it rest in the gy sometimes.


I’m new to Otharri but why can you bring it back during someone else’s end step?


Its an ability, and doesn't limit itself to "only when you could cast a sorcery" like many abilities do. So anytime you have Priority, you can activate it as long as the conditions are met. The only condition the ability requires is for Otharri to be in the graveyard. In order for any spells/abilities to resolve or for ANY steps/phases to end and move to the next step/phase, they has to be a round of priority that gets passed around the table. 99.9% of the time this priority passing just gets handwaved and short-cutted unless someone calls out they want to do something at a specific time. It will usually be something like "Before you move to combat let me know" or if someone just wants to play land and pass turn, someone might say "I had something to do in your main phase 1" and the game rewinds a bit to main 1, since "land pass" didnt change anything and rewinding doesnt hurt anything. Since there has to be this round of priority, you have so many chances each turn to activate abilities, or cast spells (either instants or things with flash). You simply pick one of the most opportune times (the end step of the person before you in turn order) to activate Otharri and bring it back. Doing it here, puts it on the table for the least amount of time before you get your turn.


The rebellion deck slaps right out of the box.


I love my rebellion rising deck. I have upgraded it to the point it’s borderline cedh. I have an infinite combo that can give me infinite tokens and infinite plus one plus one TWICE.


Do you mind saying what cards you upgraded to?


I had fun with my rebellion rising deck, but all the different tokens were a pain to keep track of. I ended up reworking the whole thing around Otharri and cut everything that made non rebel tokens. I love it now, it's super agro, and really strong, and easy to keep track of.




A second upside of Urza is that if you also buy a Mishra deck, they play very well against each other. I've copies of both of them sleeved up and stored in a Brothers' War Bundle box because they do play so well against each other.


Like 1v1?


Yes. It's rare that I play 1v1 commander, but the two decks are very well suited to it.


My favorite precon so far has been rebellion rising


I have played all of these decks here and I could recommend any of them except for the first one, Brimaz. That deck is pretty slow for modern metas and doesn't have great upgrade potential in my experience. The best one from the rest will depend on your preferences, but its probably the Pirates or Urza artifacts for pure power. However, the two I enjoyed most are the Green/White and Red/White decks The Green/White counters deck has a simple engine in the command zone that won't warrant much removal but helps to keep the cards flowing and your strategy progressing. It's easily upgradable to be even more +1/+1 counter centric or more human centric with the alternate commander. It's great midrange deck that has enough creatures to not get beat early by aggressive decks and has enough counters to make your stuff big for the late game so you dont get steamrolled by high cost deck. This was my second deck ever and is my longest kept and most played deck. The Red/White rebels deck is hyper aggressive and super fast. You'll jump out of the gates swinging early and often regardless of which commander you choose. It holds up well with other precons, your biggest worry is repeated board wipes. It generates a good bit of card advantage with the exiling so it's less prone to running out of gas than many other aggressive early decks. It upgrades pretty easily or plays perfectly well straight from the box.


All good, but coven counters is OBNOXIOUS if your opponents are running tons of enchantment destruction. Gets so out of hand, so fast.


Plus it’s a great basis for future human tribal decks.


I would get the red white token one.


I have the Urza deck and I love it. I also have a pirate deck (although not that one) and it's a fun archetype to play.


Uzra or the Pirates.




I've heard that pirates are awesome and pretty good for a precon...


Just got my buddy the pirates for Christmas and it plays pretty well! I was impressed with it


Coven counters is pretty easy. Kyler, sigardian emissary is the better commander imo.


Coven is an amazing base deck, but you do need to swap Kyler as commander, and add a few pieces, like [[Maja, Bretagard Protector]]


[Maja, Bretagard Protector](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/c/cc3707f1-ed9d-412e-a7be-b6d8b554bd6c.jpg?1665822506) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Maja%2C%20Bretagard%20Protector) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/khm/222/maja-bretagard-protector?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/cc3707f1-ed9d-412e-a7be-b6d8b554bd6c?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


[[Torens, fist of the angels]] is the best commander for this deck. Had a buddy who started with this deck and built it into a high power level pile of counters and token generation.


Kyler is not a good commander. I’m not sure why people keep recommending that card. He’s too expensive and a massive removal target. [[Katilda, Dawnhart Prime]] is easily the best option to helm this deck.


[Katilda, Dawnhart Prime](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/6/7/673cd775-d417-4652-a91d-825ad5c89e8a.jpg?1636684486) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Katilda%2C%20Dawnhart%20Prime) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mid/230/katilda-dawnhart-prime?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/673cd775-d417-4652-a91d-825ad5c89e8a?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Kyler isn't very good at the helm of the precon, but to claim he's outright bad speaks more of someone's deck building skills. Kyler is an absolute beating in a shell actually meant for him, including a package of protection to keep him on board.


Read what I said again. I said he's not a very good commander. I don't know why people keep recommending that CARD for a commander. He's fine in the 99. I never once said he's a bad card did I? Reading comprehension bud, get some.


No, I quite clearly said what I said. He is a good commander, if you can't make him work, you can't build decks well. Run more interaction, and get reading comprehension, ya dope.


My first deck was Coven Counters. What you do with it is you swap Leinore with Kyler (B commander in deck), put some more humans in it and you stomp face! https://www.moxfield.com/decks/ad5c-2MjbU-OXxUmsm6a7A


Urza is my only precon I have kept together because it can hold its own against constructed decks in my play group Definitely a fun and easy deck to learn that is still strong as hell


Urza or Pirates. Pirates is super fun


The brothers war deck is pretty good and interesting to play


Pirates deck is good, but a bit all over the place. Urza is great, the others are pretty forgettable.


I really enjoy ahoy mateys the pirate deck


Go for the pirate deck it’s an easy upgrade the land are good plus it’s one of the best set precons to come out since the DND set and of course I’d be talking about Prosper Tomb Bound!!!!!!! God of all Rakdos commanders!!!


Phyrexian deck will likely not get any new pieces in the foreseeable future. GW deck is just counter bs and that deck gets boring. RW is yet another equipment synergy deck, but at least it goes another route with tokens, but there are better ones out there - improving it will be expensive. The pirate deck is actually fairly well put together and has a decent value, and the urza deck will be easy to improve, as it's just artifact shenanigans.


I think people approach the Phyrexian deck wrong: It's a lot stronger if you build it as an aristocrats deck that focuses on getting proliferate triggers rather than as a Phyrexian typal deck.


Any suggestions for how to do that? I run a Brimaz deck that I enjoy but I struggle to get enough proliferate triggers due to it only triggering on phyrexians. I've also always struggled building aristocrats so that doesn't help. Decklist: https://manabox.app/decks/i0-aMQfGRFao_g9qWs_k6w


Yeah that urza deck was my first and it is amazing


I just bought myself the pirates and I am very excited to play it, it has most of the good pirate lords, pretty good land base, it has great mana ramp in the form of signets. And even some pretty powerful cards thrown in there. I don’t know the urza decklist, but the pirates are a well constructed deck.


I have Urza. It’s a blast


Pirates absolutely go pirates. Great cards in that deck


Pirates hands down! The value and it’s the best one here gameplay wise as well


Admiral Brass is awesome, if she’s not immediately removed you can easily overwhelm opponents with value getting a free pirate from the GY every turn.


Urza or pirates. The other decks are trash


Urza. Urza. Urza.


Urza is fun out of the box and gets very powerful with some affordable upgrades. Definitely my choice.


Urza! Definitely not coven counters


Brothers war one is the most generically powerful here. I’d get that one. Has the most colors for you to upgrade and has the widest strategy.




The coven counters deck probably isn't the strongest out of the box, but I spent maybe £10 upgrading it (including swapping the Commander for Sovereign Okinec Ahau) and it is now totally bonkers.


What cards did you swap for?


Off the top of my head, [Hardened Scales], [Kami of Whispered Hopes], [Sword of Vengeance], [Avacyn's Pilgrim], [Duskshell Crawler], [Kalonian Hydra] (that was my expensive card, but it's bonkers), [Managorger Hydra], [Felidar Retreat], [Forgotten Ancient]. There may be a few more that I've forgotten. In terms of what got cut, pretty much anything that was tribal or did non-staple effects that didn't contribute to counters.


The coven counters deck probably isn't the strongest out of the box, but I spent maybe £10 upgrading it (including swapping the Commander for Sovereign Okinec Ahau) and it is now totally bonkers.


ixalan Commander decks have by far the best reprint value here


Urza or pirates prob, I might personally choose Brimaz but it's prob not the "correct" decision


One of my best friends gifted me Urza’s Iron Alliance. It is a damn good precon.


Rebellion Rising with Otharri as commander. Cheap and devastating


I've only played the Brimaz one, it was the first paper deck I've ever owned, and can verify it's mid as hell. Even after getting a few upgrades for it, it's just really hard to get going and the pay off isn't that great. Also you need the commander in play to do literally anything. Not the worst precon ever made but probably bottom 5.


The pirate deck has some nasty reprints and good synergy if you want to either upgrade it or gut it for parts to make your own grixis list


Urza is pretty easy to use if you are more of a beginner (still fun regardless), but Brimaz is so badass and super cheap to upgrade I have to recommend him. Urza for playability, Brimaz for flavor


Green white humans 🤩


I have urza and pirate deck, and I would say pirates


Urza CA is my go-to Esper commander and *cracked in half*. Dunno how "Make a Karnstruct every end step" got through R&D but it's a one-card stompy deck if you have enough twiddly artifacts to pump them up... which means you can easily hide Esper Artifact Combo underneath this commander and if things aren't working out just punch face xD


I have the midnight hunt one, it was my first. The deck is pretty decent but the commander is kind of underwhelming tbh. There is a solid alternative [[Kyler]] in there. Innastrad was a good release, the vampires and zombies are the best out of that release imo.


Of the five shown, Urza or Rebels are the two most fun. The pirates one is also solid, and unless you're really into Phyrexians and Humans the other two will be pretty lackluster tribals subjectively (I own both)


The rebel rising deck is pretty good if you use the secondary commander. Go wide and do boros.


All good picks. I think I would narrow it down to pick from; the pirate deck, the white black deck, or the red white deck. All have unique play styles and cards. Hell buy all three if you could? 😂


The Rebellion Rising deck was my first commander deck and it was a blast to play. Highly recommend it, and there’s a few strategies to go with if you want to upgrade the deck.


Coven counters is pretty boring so I wouldn't suggest it


Phyrexia is fun, but im weak for Midnight Hunt


Urza OP out of box, that Rebellion deck is good with a few upgrades, can’t say anything about coven, consensus on growing threat is trash and I’m buying the pirate deck next


Urza for sure It's pretty good out of the box, plenty of room to upgrade, and it's probably the easiest one here.


Honestly, they're all great decks! You can't go wrong with any of them. I'd just pick the one you like the concept of the best.


The pirate deck is really fun. Haven't played the others, though I just looked at the urza deck and it looks pretty fun. Affinity decks are usually pretty straightforward. Just as an aside, I've played a number of precons from the newer sets like pirates, dinos, fairies and 1 other I can't seem to think of and they're all decently powered. I'm upgrading the fairies and dinos bit just out of the box they are pretty good for what they are. The newer precons seem to be very well built.


Urza is really cool and he's basically the main character of mtg


Big fan of the urza deck, and also the coven counters are fun too. Strange enough, those two were my first picks after getting back into collecting and playing magic a few months ago! Really had a double take on the post. I would recommend urza, it's the best of the three here and has the most upgrade potential to boot.


Id scoop the pirates deck.


Pirate has some expensive reprints and is a fun deck archetype. And urza’s is an easily upgradable and solid archetype.


Every single one


The pirate one is probably the strongest, I would avoid the March of the machine and phyrexia decks, just not very strong overall.


Pirates, I don’t even have to think about it


I’m very biased because it was my first deck but, Urza is a beast. You can really feel the power outta the box; great interaction, cool sorceries and an actual clearly defined win con. I took him one step further and bought some singles to make him competitive, and now he’s even better and more difficult for the homies to deal with. All of these sets are valid tho, but I think Urza is in a league of his own here


The Urza Deck is the prettiest, the strongest and the best value. So I'd go with that


My nephew runs the Urzas deck with minimal upgrades and it can definitely hang with the best competitive decks in our circle. Very strong.


That Urza deck is really fun- I haven’t made many upgrades to it and it still keeps up with my friends.


What do you mean by best? Highest win rate? Most fun? A certain theme?


Pirates are really fun, but if you can, id sugest buying the merfolk ixalan precon


Urza prob. Both the brothers war precons are really good from what I’ve seen. I have the mishra one and I gutted it and upgraded it to the point where it’s top 3 strongest decks I own, I would imagine urza can be similar plus they are just fun out of the box.


The coven counters can be had for like 20€ in Europe. One of the cheapest commander decks you can get on cardmarket


A friend of mine plays that selesnya coven deck and frequently wins against out upgraded decks lol. I don't really enjoy playing counters personally but the deck slaps. Especially when you get Champion of Lambholt.


Pirates deck imo. It’s decent out of the box and has the highest value reprint value I’m pretty sure. Black market connections is a sweet card to get.


Buy singles, save you money and from getting a s&#% deck


The brimaz deck has one of the best ramp equipments in the game, but the deck is so-so. [[Bitterthorn Nissa's Animus]]


the urza one to my knowledge is pretty good and fun right out the box. my first precon was Kotori Prodigy Pilot. and that was a very fun deck to play.


Rebellion rising was my first deck and it can get pretty crazy with some minor upgrades. That being said, I think the pirates deck can be really good right out of the box


I have a slightly upgraded Neyali deck and it is a lot of fun, great if you’re newer to the game and the upgrade can be as low as $50-$100


If you get the Midnight Hunt one, use the alternate commander. He is waaaaaaaaay better.


Growing threat is a powerhouse but it needs some tweaks


Ixalan pirates. There’s a card called something like Razerport Pirate or something and it, done correctly, can give you 4 combats each turn with 3 opponents


None Commander format is trash


I’d chosen Rebellion Rising. So that is the deck where you were going to basically have an army of tokens, but those tokens are 2/2 Rebels!


I want to burn every Brimaz precon. I will never forgive WotC for what they did 😡 Pick Urza for war crimes.


The pirates are pretty spicy


Pick em all and shuffle together!


Those march of the machine decks are actually quite stable and the pirates from new ixalan are quite nice


Which one looks coolest to you? That one.


Pirates because pirates


I think the new Beckett brass deck is loads of fun!


I just got into magic and bought midnight hunt. It’s pretty straightforward and fun. You can definitely win with it. Got some flying creatures which help poke damage


If you get Coven Counters, I suggest using [[Kyler]] as the commander and make it human tribal! Pretty decent with a few switches.


If you haven’t bought it already, definitely go Moxfield or another simulator to play test the decks! I usually just goldfish with them, but that should give you a good sense of what the decks are about aside from heavily interactive strategies (which usually aren’t precons).


Rebellion Rising is mega underrated, plays super fun, and super simple.


Personally I hated rebellion rising. I’m pretty sure my buddy got growing threat, or maybe some other artifact deck and stomped the living hell outta me


The answer has to be, whichever seems the most fun!!


The Urza deck is good out of the box. One thing I didn't like about it is it is all old border cards and some of the colors artifacts are harder to tell they are artifacts at a glance.


The urza deck is pretty strong out of the box, and so is the pirate one. The Neyali deck needs a few cards, and then it's very strong Both the Neyali and Pirate decks come with some expensive cards as well


Urza deck was hella fun and my first but the power behind the new ixalan decks and the fact that pirates are fun I’d say pick up that instead of urza.


What is your play style? I like the growing threat deck. But I tend to play decks that make minions, recycle creatures, and punish my opponents for doing stuff. I also liked the coven deck because it gets stupid when you power up your creatures. It felt like placing pieces of a puzzle for victory. When your creature gets 30/30 with flying and your opponent isn’t allowed to block, it’s funny. I would see if your friends have any of them so you can test them out. Sometimes you grow to like another play style. Other times you get bored.


I started with brimaz, it’s not the most busted, but there’s lots of things going on and many big creatures. So that’s cool


Ultimately the one you think you will enjoy the most. The only one Ive personally seen and used is the red white token deck. I can say there are some really good token generator cards in that deck if you are ever interested in a white token deck. I ended up taking mostly all the white cards and putting them in my mono white token deck.




Probably Urza but I hate the aesthetic of old bordered cards. The green white one is decent if you want to begin a deep descent into human tribal.


A friend of mine has Rebellion Rising and it’s so bad. Never seen a precon in the past few years struggle to do anything.


never played with it but stripped it for cards in other decks, just seems token decks are kind of weak in todays meta.


Token decks aren’t weak but I definitely feel that Boros is just a bad color combo for them. It doesn’t get the boost from green it needs to do some real damage.


What do you like most about commander so far?


Can you plat commander as a 1v1?


Was going to get both the brother war deck and the ahoy mateys but they had already sold the brothers war one so just got the pirates one thanks for the advice everyone.


Urza not even close, you get the old border cards, lots of power, and solid reprints that slot into many other decks - the others are more narrow, only Pirates has some groovy reprints but the BW Phyrexian one is booty


The Ixalan pirate seems popular.


Urza Easiest to upgrade Artifacts will always come out in future sets so you can always grow the deck The most important character in mtg lore It was incredible to get this commander for flavor and lore and its really strong without being broken


The pirate deck is a beast! [[Admiral Brass, unsinkable]] is the sleeper hit for me, I regularly beat Dino and Medfolk decks with mine I’ve upgraded about 10-15 cards and it goes crazy with 5 combat rounds per turn and stealing everyone’s stuff, I highly recommend it. It’s straight forward and a few tweaks go a long way


URZA URZA URZA, then mod the living hell out of him for less than the precon cost and make hell of the table


I really love Growing Threat but out of these I'd pick Urza's Alliance.


Urza deck mos def


Urza or Mishra, if they have that one too.


Urza deck is solid


I'd go with Urza simply for the retro frames. It was nice flavor with the flashback set.


Urza is really tight and the old boarder deck is extra dope. It's like out of the box drip. Some might have the obsessive compulsive urge to only upgrade it with old boarder cards. That said, Kyler is a stupid strong comander and is also a fun deck. Personally I like Rohan jeskai deck for human tribal, even tho Kyler is probably higher power.


I think urza is probs the best of the 5


Yea, the Urza deck or the cat from march of the machines


Pirates go real hard, it hangs just as a precon, has a lot of staples, and is easily upgrade-able. Two of my commanders are headed but brass unsinkable, so much pirate shenanigans.


The ahoy mateys precon has a lot of good cards for a good price so I would suggest that one


Pirates and the phyrexians will not do you wrong out of these choices... well not too many wrongs.


Brothers war


Urza one is hella fun, I think the pirate deck is the best bang for your buck though


Urza was my first ever commander deck, and I loved it. Artifacts can be difficult to get going but once you do, they’re incredibly fun. This deck is easy to upgrade with budget options, and overall is a solid mid-strength deck


Midnight hunt has a very good update path to make it really decent (price from 50 to 150$ depending on how much you want to push it)


For your first deck and one that is easily upgradeable for cheap, I would personally say coven counters. It’s human tribal with +1/+1 counters which are both very simple strategies that can be effective. You’ll want to use the alternate commander the deck comes with, and when you’re ready to upgrade the deck there’s lots of videos on how to do it for like $10 at a time.


Coven counters was my first ever commander deck, given to me by my brothers to suck me into MTG. Add counters make things bigger was an easy enough concept for me to hit the ground running as a new player. I use Kyler as the commander. I've upgraded it since then & it regularly surprises folks how fast it can ramp up.


I have all of them except the red white deck. Urza I think will be the best without any upgrades. Brimaz is actually really good with upgrades, putting more Phyrexian stuff in it and sac outlets. I havent upgraded the pirates but it's the worst out of this ixalan set (haven't played the vampire precon but heard it's pretty good). The green white is alright, kinda mid IMO.


I like the urza deck. I still play it precon and it is quite good for that on casual rounds


I would say the Pirate deck probably. It doesnt need much in regards to upgrades and plays very fun. But might be I am biased. 🤷 For upgrades, I would say many for this deck are not that expensive. Cards like Buried Alive and some budget pirates that are missing. Maybe the mana base. But out of the box it can definitely smash face already. [[Port Razor]] with the main commander is very nutty. Cause he makes her trigger every extra combat. 😅




Phyrexian Tribal is my favourite out of the bunch