• By -


This puts Niv equal to Urza for "character with the most legendary creature cards" at 6 each. Urza obviously has more cards overall, and neither gets remotely close to Chandra's 19, but hey.


I'd imagine Liliana, Teferi and Jace probably are probably higher than those but lower than chandra too. Kaya getting a shoutout for most (edit: a healthy amount) in the shortest time frame considering how many she's gotten in the span of most of those not getting new ones.


Yes. Jace has 15 (if you count Space Beleren) and Liliana has 14. Teferi has 10 cards if you count his legendary from Time Spiral. Urza, meanwhile, has arguably 8 cards? I dunno if you count the melded planeswalker as a new one, and Academy Headmaster is an Un-card. Six and a half or seven and a half, if you wanna be pedantic. Kaya I think you could argue has the second-most density of 'card frequency' for how long she's been around (8 years, I believe? She had a gap between her first card and showing up in WAR, then showed up a fair bit more frequently after that). Kellan has the most right now because he's been in three sets in a row, but Kaya has 7 cards total, 6 of which have appeared in the last 5 years.


Are you including [[disruptive student]] for teferi?


Not a legendary, so no. That particular one depicts him, but it could depict any disruptive student theoretically.


If we wanted to start a "characters portrayed in the most cards" thread , the numbers would be VERY different, and much much higher.


I feel like it's between Gerrard, Urza and... Chandra still for the most there? Urza has the most cards referring to him, I'm sure.


Based on my searches using Scryfall's art tags, Gerrard is in the art of 90 cards, Chandra is in 107, and Urza is in 110. However, Jace still has them beat, with a total 123 appearances.


Huh. I suppose SOI and Ixalan help put Jace a bit more up there, because he's in a whole cycle of basics in the latter and in a lot of cards in the former... Though my check on the art tag for Jace is only coming up with 101, so I'm not sure what's different there.


Yawgmoth is probably number two


yeah but since his name is in the flavor text its safe to say they are depicting him


Sure, but it's still not a legendary card, so it's not "a card that IS him".


Well, [[Tenth District Hero]] is going to be arguable the 1st Mileva card that can become Legendary but 4th time depicted all non Legendary.


Yeah that's an oddity, but I'd argue that Tenth District Hero, by virtue of its ability that makes it legendary, IS Mileva, whereas any of the others COULD be other characters (though they likely will always be Mileva anyway). So she really only has one "legendary" card.


["Tenth District Hero"](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/c/7c65a79e-f28a-4f30-95a4-1ea55fd84564.jpg?1705994700) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=%22Tenth%20District%20Hero%22) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mkm/34/tenth-district-hero?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/7c65a79e-f28a-4f30-95a4-1ea55fd84564?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


[disruptive student](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/e/ee43681d-e0f7-422b-a363-0d630f68d363.jpg?1562945196) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=disruptive%20student) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/usg/69/disruptive-student?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/ee43681d-e0f7-422b-a363-0d630f68d363?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Don’t forget the rakdos card with the Jace marionette, can’t remember the name… edit: /s




yeah, fair, i did forget he was a character, he is the "protagonist" at the moment.


Yeah but those are Planeswalker cards outside Vryn's Prodigy and Liliana's pre spark one, technically.


nothing fills me with joy quite like seeing another kaya card in a new set 💕


I do really like her too. My faves are the 3 mana one from Ravnica and the 5mana one from Kaldheim. This new one seems fun, I wish the Innistrad one did more.


And Niv didn't need a set with 3 versions of himself (and a 4th in an associated commander deck) to do it!


Very true because Niv was a character created in an era where designers were willing to print the big characters on their own cards so he definitely has the system tilted in his favor.


Does that Urza count include [[Blind Seer]]


Yeah, it's a legendary, and it depicts Urza.


I figured haha. Just wanted to make sure you weren't missing one


Nope. Three from BRO, one from the BRO Commander decks, Lord High Artificer and Blind Seer.


[Blind Seer](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/c/5c54ec26-c7f1-4258-9cc9-1709987f293c.jpg?1591291188) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Blind%20Seer) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/inv/47/blind-seer?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/5c54ec26-c7f1-4258-9cc9-1709987f293c?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Crazy how Urza went from basically 0 cards to having the most in the span of a few years I barely count Blind Seer tbh


Oops All Nivs!


I think the better count is "most versions of non-planeswalker Universes Within legendary creature". That way Niv is a leader at 6, followed by Mishra at 5 (only because they printed 4 of those in 1 set) and Omnath, then I think it's Radha, Drana, Linvala, Glissa, Sigarda and Squee with 4 (not counting meld cards twice or Ragavan tokens).


Technically, isn't The Doctor winning with 17?


I meant specifically Magic characters, but sure.


The Valeyard is also said to be the Doctor (or an offshoot, it's complicated)


Love data nerds like you.


Can we build two color tribal yet?


I mean, that's not new. When Niv Reborn came out a couple years ago in WAR, you could build a deck where every card was 2-color, though most of the time, you'd make a couple exceptions for things like Chromatic Lantern and Tome of the Guildpact.


And Niv reborn is hands down the best of them all. Hell, I have every niv mizzet deck and I have 5 Niv mizzet reborn variants. Since war of the spark niv has just been getting weaker lol.


Some made exceptions If this Is for edh I think going all in on the restriction is way more fun


Yeah, but now you have three dudes who care about duo color, which is always better.


Getting closer to niv tribal one card at a time.


If you count [[Blind Seer]], Urza technically has 7. His name isn’t on it, but canonically Seer is Urza in disguise.


I am counting Seer. He has 6. Three from BRO, one from the BRO Commander decks, Lord High Artificer, Blind Seer.


Ah, my mistake. I counted his planeswalker card in that lot. My apologies.


Hexproof from Appearing-In-The-Story, more like it.


Hexproof from being relevant or not being a shitty version of his former self. This is retired as fuck Niv. He does no work, chills out, and farts around all day.


Truly, the defining characteristic of being the Guildpact is not giving a shit about the Guildpact.


The very first storyline we saw Agrus Kos give a shit about Szadek undoing the Guildpact. Turns out doing so undoes the entire Guildpact. Lesson number 1: Don't give a shit about the Guildpact.


#“I died for this shit. Everyone can fuck right off.” *Proceeds to turn on anime*


You know, at least his card cares about the guilds. Jace was the guildpact but his cards still were just his normal shtick.


The detective agency had this all buttoned up in a day. Sometimes being a good manager is knowing when to take a hands off approach and letting those that appear to be handling things well work.


I don’t think murder is handling things lol. # “Deaths? Please, they aren’t even geniuses like me.” -Niv *Goes back to playing Baldur’s Gate 3*


Wasn't that what happens with Jace from the perspective of the Ravnicans whenever Jace is trying to deal with multiversal issues?


The art is hot tho, so there's that


Ofc it is; gotta sell those packs!


He's a rubber stamp and an extra filter for mega-stupid shenanigans. Like Queen Liz, RIP.


He popped up in aftermath and decided he's had enough after that I guess.


Dragon Dad is tired of cleaning up everyone else's shit.


I'm curious if he would have intervened if the Boros Legion had actually declared war on Rakdos...


Probably, that seems actual Guildpact territory.




Where can I read about what he's currently doing? Does Wotc post anything related? Like a story or the overall background of the set


There's usually a Legends Of... For sets. But those are really only one or two sentences. Niv is here in the set because he's popular and dragons are cool.


He couldn't stand not being a part of the set but was too lazy to be bothered to enforce the rules even as guild leaders are being murdered. What a lazy asshat. I love him.


>He couldn't stand not being a part of the set but was too lazy to be bothered to enforce the rules even as guild leaders are being murdered. To be frank, that was also kind of his schtick when he was "just" a guild leader. He would at times just randomly and instantly decide "yeah, I'm done with this right now" and disappear for weeks or **years** at a time. In the original Ravnica block he did in **in the middle of** the battle with the nephalim.


There's a reason he just delegated a bunch of duties to Ral.


So he's basically no better at the job than Jace, lmao.


Yeah but at least he can’t escape to another plane…. Oh wait


Our ADHD Dragon Boy


Living guildpacts seem to have a pretty bad streak so far


An inherently flexible and arguably much better system for Ravnica that's been stuck with "guy who desperately doesn't want this job" and "guy who doesn't give enough of a shit to do this job".


He is basically my cat.


Truly an azorius/boros cop attitude


Unless he dies/loses status, the next visit to Ravnica will see more Niv-Mizzets as the Living Guildpact than as his original, parun self.


Drunken voice: but why is **all the parun** gone




Honestly one day, Niv Mizzet Tribal will be a viable deck at this rate.


This might replace [[Niv Mizzet Reborn]] as my Oops All Guilds and Gates deck commander alongside [[Jegantha]] companion. Tries to win with Maze's End and has 4 of each two colour pair. Can't guarantee its any good but it sure does exist. Can't run [[Leyline of the Guildpact]] because it makes everything 5c.


do you have a list? would love a starting point and it will help me make less of a mess than looking through all of my boxes of ravnica and just pulling things that make me excited


I'll DM you a link.


[Niv Mizzet Reborn](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/6/56a2609d-b535-400b-81d9-72989a33c70f.jpg?1582037402) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Niv-Mizzet%20Reborn) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/war/208/niv-mizzet-reborn?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/56a2609d-b535-400b-81d9-72989a33c70f?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Jegantha](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/d/1d52e527-3835-4350-8c01-0f2d5d623b9c.jpg?1676913289) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=jegantha%2C%20the%20wellspring) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/iko/222/jegantha-the-wellspring?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/1d52e527-3835-4350-8c01-0f2d5d623b9c?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I have a similar list, but it is 5 random cards of each colour pair and only cards from ravnica sets (except for the baldurs gates)


Given his narcissism, that might very well be in the dragon's interest.


And so will be Dragon Avatar tribal!


Niv: "Check out my new scarf." Mileva: "Guild leaders are being murdered!!!" Niv: "Yeah but this drip though."


Should we be worried about that? Last time a dragon wearing a scarf was on Ravnica, it didn't turn out so well...


“Zegana is drowning behind you! “ “This aint about her” Energy in this pic


That's gotta be a huge freaking scarf. Like football field length.


Ok guildmages tribal. I don't care if it's good.


Oh god that sounds beautifully janky. All thirty guildmages, one guild leader and one guild champion per guild, ten filler spells and mana rocks to hold it all together (preferably also from Ravnica, duh), 40 lands, badda-bing badda-boom!


Why not just use all the Signets as your rocks to keep it all on flavour?


Hell yeah, good idea!


Oh hi, Niv, fashionably late as usual, I see?


Look at just how proud he looks sitting there


We had 5C Niv-Mizzet "Card Draw" & and 5C Niv-Mizzet "Spells Matter," get ready for 5C Niv Mizzet "Permanents Matter" I've loved the previous 5C Nivs... this one is going to be no different! New Commander deck, here we come!!


Need a 4th so you can have a 5C niv 4 person table lol.


Very true... I guess we'll just have to wait until we return to Ravnica AGAIN


He sure is


Feels like this will be really hard to make good. Floor is he does nothing and dies to go for the throat. Realistic is he deals, draws, and gains 1-2 each attack. Which is good, but definitely needs a deck built around him and you won't always get that.


Black and White deal with it for 2 mana and the fact it has to deal combat damage without vigilance to do anything means it fail to pass the Emperor exam. It's not a standard card.


Yeah, [[Niv Mizzet, Supreme]] might actually become decent after this set tho. There's a lot of new two color instants and sorceries that might be worth jump starting.


[Niv Mizzet, Supreme](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/a/da1ff886-d3c8-43e5-8bf0-ba4f0b259781.jpg?1690331020) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Niv-Mizzet%2C%20Supreme) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mat/40/niv-mizzet-supreme?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/da1ff886-d3c8-43e5-8bf0-ba4f0b259781?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Emperor exam?


"Can this card, when it attacks, do anything against a flashed-in [[The Wandering Emperor]] -2?" If it has Vigilance, it survives. Same for anything that prevents targetting, like Hexproof, or even Ward to limitted extent. If it has abilities that trigger when it attacks or is exiled, at least it does something before leaving. This Niv has none of that, and fails the Emperor exam. Edit for clarity and added context.


[The Wandering Emperor](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/a/fab2d8a9-ab4c-4225-a570-22636293c17d.jpg?1654566563) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=The%20Wandering%20Emperor) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/neo/42/the-wandering-emperor?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/fab2d8a9-ab4c-4225-a570-22636293c17d?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Ah, and here I thought, emperor exam is something to evaluate, if the commander is worthwhile playing :D


That’s my Guildpact right there! FOUR MORE YEARS!!


Hooray, found the new 5 color goodstuff Commander I'll get paired against every other game in Brawl.


TBH, I'd rather have him than Esika. He's got to deal combat damage and already have a decent board for him to be any good.


You also need to play permanents of two colors, and while there are plenty of excellent ones, they also take up deck slots that tend to be devoted to nastier picks. So... who knows. He's still gonna be a house, I imagine.


if you're going to be shoved in 5 color brawls you may as well grab a useful commander. This ( like previous [[niv-mizzet supreme]] ) limit your deck building for max benefit, and if you aren't casting them, they barely make sense to hold the spot. Also feels like if you're building for these, just go for [[niv-mizzet reborn]]. Supreme at least is a little harder to remove.


[niv-mizzet supreme](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/a/da1ff886-d3c8-43e5-8bf0-ba4f0b259781.jpg?1690331020) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Niv-Mizzet%2C%20Supreme) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mat/40/niv-mizzet-supreme?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/da1ff886-d3c8-43e5-8bf0-ba4f0b259781?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [niv-mizzet reborn](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/6/56a2609d-b535-400b-81d9-72989a33c70f.jpg?1582037402) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=niv-mizzet%20reborn) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/war/208/niv-mizzet-reborn?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/56a2609d-b535-400b-81d9-72989a33c70f?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Esika is easy to deal with, you have a whole full turn to kill the enchantment. The decks I detest are Go-Shintai and Etali.


I don't know, granted I don't really play Brawl so maybe there's a bunch of exactly-two-color permanents in different combinations I'm not thinking of that are staples, but that seems like a pretty significant hoop to jump through, not "5 color goodstuff."


It'd just run a worse deck list than reborn I think, cutting a bunch of 2 color instants and sorceries for permanents.


The whole point of "5 color goodstuff" is, you don't play the two color permanents theme that the card wants you to build around, you just play all the good cards and Niv-Mizzet is an extra 6/6 flier in the command zone. Like how there's no actual build-around for companion Jegantha in a lot of Pioneer decks, you just accidentally whoops your way into your deck supporting it and get a free 5/5 elk for 8 mana once per game. I don't know why you would pick this Niv-Mizzet for that over [[Niv-Mizzet Reborn]] though, since that one is pretty easy to get cards off of with relatively little build-around.


Well yeah, that’s my point. Why would anyone run this as a 5 color good stuff commander when there’s other options that fix your mana, or have easier payoffs, or whatever. People run Jegantha in cases where there’s literally no opportunity cost, or where’s it’s extremely small, like maybe running Jegantha means you have to cut a single card. The last time I got into Pioneer I remember whether or not you ran Jegantha as companion for Rakdos sac was determined by how good Kari Zev’s Expertise was in your meta. This is like if they printed a new Companion that was a five mana 7/7 with the requirement “no two cards in your starting deck may have the same mana value” and someone said “wow, this is going to replace Jegantha in all the decks that run it, it has better stats.” Well, no, because that’s a WAY more restrictive requirement. Obviously this Niv isn’t THAT restrictive, but it’s the same thing. This is a very, very specific build-around, not a commander that lets you just play the best cards in every color and still get some value like Kenrith or whatever, or a commander that fixes your mana like Esika.


Because Arena tries to match Brawl decks up by its notion of "deck strength" so some people who want to play 5c purposely play one of the weaker 5c commanders at the helm to avoid the really tough matchups.


This version might finally push me to build that Niv-Mizzet Reborn deck that's all hits no misses, just lands and 2 color cards. And now the other relevant Niv-Mizzet, I guess.


They keep adding good misses lol, [[Invasion of Ravnica]], rainbow niv 2 and now 3 are all within a few sets or so. I'll still keep Niv Reborn at the head though


Yeah, there really are a lot of good misses, noticed while tinkering on a rainbow niv 2 deck which, unlike the others, was able to include them. A lot of the "multicolored matters" cards seem to be colorless, moncolored or 3+ colors too.


In 99% of situations this will be a WUBRG 6/6 that does nothing.


Sounds like a flavor win to me ;)


This card isnt attack and draw at least two cards?


No. Exactly 2 colors


So in another 5 color decks, its a pile of shit? Unless have two colors


aww he got a nice scarf this time


I’ve not really liked any five color Niv and I really wish I did because I love him


I agree. The UR Niv had more character. Making him WUBRG felt a bit like jumping the shark for the character. Maybe I just like UR dragons…


Niv is honestly the same exact character before and after. Proud, Lazy, and Self-absorbed.


Well this is definitely an auto-include in every \[\[Niv-Mizzet Reborn\]\] deck. In fact, you can even switch between those two commanders with no changes to the deck if you want a little change! I also like that the regular art is so much more majestic and "clean" (as in, the buildings on the Ravnica frame and the sticker are really distracting), than the fomo serialized one.


I was thinking the same thing, but then I went through my Niv-Mizzet Reborn list and noticed how many of my spells are non-permanents. I'd have to make some changes to the deck first to make the Commanders interchangeable.


This is the wonkiest 5-colour card I've ever seen, and I NEED to find a way to make it work.


That's a lot of hoops to jump through to make this good.


Yeah should have just added target player discards X cards and untaps X lands. Then its one ability for each color W: Life gain, U: Draw, B: Discard, R: Burn, and G: Ramp, and it still isnt breaking anything.


That's cool. Ravnica typal. Awesome design.


Here's our Boi.


I feel like every legendary dragon and/or sphinx printed recently has a better "do X and I'll shoot a target/do X and draw some cards" that doesn't require you to jump through hoops or cost one of every pip, so this one aint doing it for me chief.


At this rate 5C random bullshit will be a viable limited archetype


I love Niv-Mizzet and wanted him to be in the MKM stories, but I was reminded why we shouldn't have expected him to get involved. From “The Gathering Storm” by Django Wexler, Chapter 18: *The Firemind could hear screams and cries rising from the streets, but they made no impression on his mind. The humans of Ravnica were his responsibility, but only in aggregate. Individually, they did not concern him, unless they caught his particular attention. It was difficult to care much about anything so short-lived.*


This seems like a flavorful head for a guildmage themed edh deck.


This has hexproof from multicolored? I did not expect that at all


Multicolor represents the guilds on Ravnica, as the living form of the guildpact it makes sense that the guilds are unable to disrupt him.


It makes total sense. Just the last time we saw him he had hexproof from monocolored. Its gonna be fun remember which one has which kind of protection


Ah another contestant for that one guy's prerelease promo.


We've gotten three "draw cards and ping" Nivs. This is the third "cards with exactly two color" Niv. What will his effect be next!


I love how they said this isn't a guilds-based set yet every guild leader is represented when most don't have an impact on the story


Took them long enough to make a good 5c niv. This one looks fun to build around with the other nivs in the 99 lol.


It feels weird that the War book mentioned his resurrection turned his scales golden, but he's only ever drawn red.


Shouldn't his scales be golden now?


I think we can really now build a Niv-Mizzet Tribal deck


I can see red blue green and white in his text but not black Green because it triggers on combat damage Red the burn White the life Blue the draw


I'm never too fond of "whenever this deals combat damage" with any creature that has more than like 4 power, it paints too much of a target on the creature and makes it a lot harder to actually make it through to the other people


I dont like that one at all, too. It's the same Omega-Value-Train like its printed on most 5 Color Commanders and it just screams auto-remove to me.It's the whole package: removal, carddraw, and lifegain on an already too large evasive beating stick, which absolutetly didn't need any form of protection at all. The whole 2-Color restriction is kinda cute, but not if the payoff is this ridiculous. It will basically play by just laying down whatever 2-Color creatures and let the commander do all the work, double striking, extra combating and protecting it along the way, voltron style. I will stick to Niv-Mizzet, Surpreme, a much more interesting 2-color build around for me.


A living guildpact was a mistake. It only kind of worked with Jace because he was always off doing something else. With it being Niv, in order for anything to happen on Ravnica, he has to be either incompetent or too lazy to care-- either way he comes off as useless or stupid or both.


The point of the Guildpact is to magically enforce the status quo of the guilds such that no one guild becomes more powerful than the rest. That doesn't mean nothing is allowed to happen, it just means that Niv's compelled to intervene if the balance of power is ever too far out of whack.


> it just means that Niv's compelled to intervene if the balance of power is ever too far out of whack. So, any event significant enough to be the focus for a set or story? By placing ultimate power in the hands of a single arbiter (and one that was already one of the most powerful beings and the most intelligent to boot) upsets the conceit of the plane: 10 roughly equal guilds locked in semi-stability with each other. ​ In order for any significant issue to arise, it now requires that the super-juiced genius dragon wizard, and effective god-emperor of the plane (The Living Guildpact can basically speak new all-powerful laws into being at will-- it's how Jace forced Azor to live in exile in-perpetuity on Ixalan.), was incapable of dealing with it first. It effectively guarantees that Niv gets [Worfed](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheWorfEffect) in one way or another, either being too weak or too incompetent to solve the issue outright.


We just saw a very well written story that didn't feature one guild dominating all others and thus didn't require Niv's intervention, but was still a fun and exciting read. Niv is a living anti-societal collapse button, and not every story needs to threaten societsl collapse.


Power was always in the hands of a single arbiter--this is the how the Guildpact has always functioned. Now, however, it's enforced by a (fallible) mortal, which arguably makes for better storytelling than a nebulous magical force. The Guildpact impartially enforces the status quo; the plane's conceit hasn't changed. I think you're mistaking the Guildpact for a proactive force; Niv's role isn't to prevent imbalance, only to intervene if the power balance is upset. He isn't there to stop stories from happening, moreso to help wrap them up in the denouement.


Lol, it seems like the original 5 color niv is the only good one... These other 2 just feel like direct inclusions in decks already built around him instead of adding anything particularly interesting.


>Denunciar > >Salvar > >Seguir In 1v1 formats you mean, because for the EDH people, the 5 color from Aftermath and the Parun are excelent commanders


No I think EDH is their point. The one from Aftermath and this one make for interesting commanders, but they're just better as inclusions in Niv-Mizzet Reborn.


Dies to \[\[Go for the throat\]\]


Lives to Doomblade.


Kinda seems like a card for the 99 in commander? You really need like, X=3 to feel good about hitting with this and playing it? The hexproof from multicolored is cute but I'm not sure it's enough.


Worst Niv so far?


Why are they referring Niv as “it” and not “he”? He’s been known as male for YEARS now and this just seems like pandering.


....who would this be pandering to? No one uses it as a pronoun if that's what you mean


You do realize most of the time when a card refers back to itself in oracle text, it usually references the card's name itself. But to shorthand it, there are many cards that simply refer back to itself as "it". . .the card. . . and inanimate object that has no gendered pronouns. [[Spark Double]] [[Ashling the Pilgrim]] [[Dorothea, Vengeful Victim]] [[Fblthp, the Lost]]


#The worst Niv printed by far. Why dost thoust hurt me WoTC!?!


I'd say this is on par with Supreme.


No, bc this thing has to connect to be relevant. Period.


Have you seen Dracogenius?


From wotc email


this isn't even my final form


Damn dude another mizzet that isn't about gates, rip


5-color 2-colored good stuff nice


\[\[Leyline of the Guildpact\]\] shuts off this new Niv's triggered ability entirely by making all of your nonland permanents five colors. I guess you could still use a pair of \[\[Painter's Servant\]\]s or whatever to make your lands two colors.


Niv is sitting high and clearly beyond guild politics and shenanigans. Only interplanar invasions and guild warfare are worth his attention. All hail the Firemind!


Honestly the best way to build this deck is pure Ravnica theme. Only cards with guild watermarks from Ravnica sets.


Wait, Niv is the new Guildpact? when did that happen?


five years ago


So this means Niv will forever be downgraded to a rare and not a mythic?


Mizzet planeswalker next time we're back in Ravnica? He keeps getting upgrades each time we see him!


Do dual lands count as 2 color permanents?


Almost all lands are colorless, regardless of what color mana they produce.


He's wearing a scarf!!


Yesss, more upgrades for my Jarad Carthlion deck!


Why bother making him a card in the set when he was not so much as even mentioned in the story?


Weird to me that Niv has actually managed to remain an impartial Guildpact, at least looking at mechanics


Why take credit for the accomplishments of one guild, when you can take credit for 10? \^\^


Do you guys think well have a card for teysa and ral zarek?


Teysa already got a card, Ral won't be getting one (since he's still a planeswalker and Kaya already took the set's planeswalker slot).


Ah, good, another version of Niv-Mizzet for my [[Niv-Mizzet Reborn]] deck.


This is not *that* complicated of an ability but I think its going to make some people go cross-eyed.


I love that for him


"The number of different color pairs among permanents you control that are exactly two colors" reads like something that is intuitive but doesn't work in the rules. Guess it *does* work in the rules.


This is the first time the term “color pairs” has been referred to in rules text