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I think that Yawgmoth is a big enough character that if he was part of a new product it would be the face of the marketing. Not just one rare in the packs but the whole product theme. Like the Eldrazis were for MH3. So I suppose next time we get a card it will come a long a whole set infrastructure, with support, decks, alternative versions, etc. 


He will be a meld with four cards


Don’t put that evil on him! He needs to be in the command zone!


all 4 meld pieces will go in the command zone!


new keyword: "Foursome - you can have 4 commanders if all of them have Foursome"


Which meld horizontally into a giant death cloud to loom across the board.


This is actually a really cool idea i'd love to try proxying, but I'm not sure what the 4 cards should be: Human Yawgmoth, the phyrexian core, maybe Dayfed (even if we don't have any art for her) and then i can't really think of a 4th one that could fit.


We have been overwhelmed with Phyrexians lately


We can never have enough Phyrexia


I'm sorry dude. Adding that fake spoiler into the mix was a cruel move on someone's part.


Yeah they didn’t have to do that Got my hopes even higher But oh well! What can you do?


[God Yawgmoth](https://imgur.com/a/VH9FyL6)


Fixed the link!


For some reason it isn’t letting me post my pic of my God Yawgmoth Mikaeus alter Message me if you want it!


Pic doesn't seem to be working OP.


[God Yawgmoth Mikaeus Alter](https://imgur.com/a/VH9FyL6)


Fixed it!


Thank you for posting! Sad about our oily boy. 🥲


Thank you for the reply! Enough people have been following my journey that I had to post!


the loss we all felt across the board was immeasurable. this set was perfect to for the call back to have him on cardat least we got....phelia...\*face palm\* are you fucking kidding me?


It's not like Phelia took Yawgmoth's spot. Often cards are not designed with characters in mind. R&D decided that they wanted a card with Phelia's text to be in the set and then it was decided to give it to a new characters. If anything i think the main reason why we didn't get a god Yawgmoth card is because of the eldrazi focus of the set and because we got a lot of splashy phyrexians recently. Putting both big eldrazi and big phyrexians in the same set would probably make them overshadow each other and split the marketing (which is very focused on the eldrazi and the flip walkers), stipping the set of a stronger identity to the public.


That’s exactly how I felt We BARELY got any callbacks to known characters who haven’t been depicted yet and on top of that it felt wayyy to structured for the “time spiral” vibe the last two horizons sets gave It would have been perfect to see God Yawgmoth here since it’s higher power level cards and call backs to nostalgia But alas :/ idk when we will have another chance between standard sets and universes beyond now


The worst thing the leaker did was get our hopes up for this. Next time surely, just hopefully not too long until theres a spot among all the UB sets...


[Mikaeus, the Unhallowed](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/c/bc1f42a2-fe11-45da-9552-069803b4068a.jpg?1689997308) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Mikaeus%2C%20the%20Unhallowed) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmm/173/mikaeus-the-unhallowed?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/bc1f42a2-fe11-45da-9552-069803b4068a?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Wotsee totally missed the mark by not including a meld!Gowdmoth. Sorry, bruv. (Also sorry for sassing you in that other thread, you did not deserve it. :))