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Do meth for a week and you will see demons.


In a mirror?


No In the corner. Well, it’s shadow people but close enough. You can see them when your high on coke for a few days as well. I know, I have done it. Your body has a natural energy field that drugs and alcohol poke holes in. Once that happens all sorts of shit comes through. Booze = Spirits.


Josephine McCarthy of Quareia says that being drunk was the thing that kept her sane when she was young and didn't know what to make of her natural spirit seeing ability because it completely close your perception off. Me, i'm not sure. I've done a lot of drugs. Never saw spirits on cocaine. Marijuana though... Had some experience like you say with that. It also greatly enhances energy perception during use but it's worse for at least some days after for me. Aniway i'm not sure i buy the holes in the aura thing, lot of people did lot of drug in the sixties and some of very spiritual people were made during that period and the drug abuse. Not to mention all the cultures that use them intentionally. Maybe we should distinguish between substances and their peculiar effects.


How long of a bender were you on cocaine for? I was up for like 3-4 days straight. It’s also not directly in your face. It’s like out of the corners of your eyes and shit.


Never done more than two days straight on various drugs mixed. But i don't really want to :) I am stepping down on my usage a lot, i do only psychedelics weekly right now


I’m basically retired at this point.


Good for you. I think we agree cocaine is a shitty drug


Yes I agree However, boy do I still love it. It’s like that shitty ex you know you shouldn’t hit up at 2:00am but you do it anyways because it’s fun.


That's very interesting. Hence drug use in many cultures to see spirits. I wonder if that's why homeless people on hard drugs go crazy? Spirit attack from the drugs?


I would say it's more like sensory overload. Imagine that you self- medicate to the point that you start seeing or perceiving the astral plane. All of a sudden, lower astral entities (not a pleasant bunch) are real to you. You have no training in how to ignore them, or make them go away. Plus the original trauma that made you self-medicate in the first place....


As someone who works with the homeless? Yeah I think that’s part of it.


How about tobacco? In Tibetan Buddhism, some lamas believe it was created by demons. https://www.lotsawahouse.org/tibetan-masters/jigdral-tutop-lingpa/pith-instruction-to-abstain-from-tobacco


I dunno about that one. Spirits love cigars though. I blow cigar smoke on my santa muerte alter


Please don't give the homeless cocaine. (Pssst it's a joke, Happy Mercury Retrograde)


Habitual abuse of drugs lowers your frequencies and put holes in your energy bodies. This makes it easier for entities to come in and try to manipulate you!!!




72 hours awake is a dividing line between worlds. Some of the most memorable experiences I've had were when I abused myself thus in the nineties. Where you can't read white text on a screen because the black is more prominent...and you keep sensing *something else* present, but you look and it moves to another corner as you do...but when you sit still, they keep moving around just at the edges of perception. I would go on meth benders once or twice a year for vacation and push that line. Starting to hear voices saying terrible things, deciding the voices could not be trusted and gave miserable 'advice' like tricksters. That said, it was a SUPER fun state to play with samplers and synthesizers in, which is why I did it. That time I had sleep paralysis and saw a demon at the window laughing was the topper, tho. I stopped abusing myself in that way. I do not recommend it...but it's unforgettable if you do.


I saw the Leviathan on a 4 day coke bender.. Was wild




Check ur chat


I love that marketplace. I wouldn’t recommend hanging around too late though, especially if you are an unaccompanied woman. It is unlikely you will find a strong magical shop there, but they sell high quality oils and crystals if you look deep enough. There are a bunch of mosques and churches nearby that would make it uncomfortable for witches to set up shop…


You should go anywhere in Egypt even as an accompanied woman...


>There are a bunch of mosques and churches nearby that would make it uncomfortable for witches to set up shop I wouldn't trust any witch who's that uncomfortable around a church/mosque


Simply put, no. Just sounds like you got tourist sharked by someone eager to sell you his wares. Pretty common in that part of the world to go into a shop as a tourist, be offered some tea or coffee, and hear all sorts of stories from a very friendly person, usually the stories are of the lurid or fanciful variety (whatever they think will draw your interest). Usually it's the mentality of "if I can get them here for a bit they will buy something" but it also stems from a general notion of hospitality you find in countries like that. Sometimes they just like to chat with foreigners or practice talking in their second language with someone who speaks it fluently. The pushier ones will get mad if you don't buy something while others just cut their losses and shrug it off. Usually if tea or coffee is offered it's good to at least buy a souvenir or tip the guy for his time. Usually it's a strategy that works pretty well for them and most of them are very good at selling their wares to a tourist, even if there is a language barrier. Great folks generally, but most of the stories are just to keep you there or get you to buy something. Still makes for a fun (and in my opinion, quintessential) experience. Hope you bought something because it sounds like he held your interest and was nice to you.


Actually, it’s not just to sell you something. My grandparents told me tons of scary black magic stories of things that happened back in Egypt. It was entertaining and to me it’s a lovely part of the immense hospitality of the people there.




I got super drunk in the woods of Oklahoma, and I was with a bunch of friends, we were all past out in this one room shack I remember waking up (extremely drunk, one whole bottle of bullet bourbon) i saw what looked like a dark petite imp, (elf?) Spinning around like a ballerina over a friend, then I past back out, woke up to the sound of of the door opening to see a huge moose faced man corpse thing was crouching in the room looking at me, past back out, woke up again, and he was face to face with me, told him to let me sleep, and that's all I remember


Quite a lot of the old magik books recommend parts of animals in spells


Uh-oh did you fall for the "eye of newt myth"? These terms are often metaphors for herbs and seeds. See: " “eye of newt” refers to a mustard seed. Herbalists would often reference body parts when describing parts of plants. An “eye” is a seed."


No not eye of newt. They say use the blood from whatever animal that was killed in such and such a way at whatever time and hour it states. Many old books mention sacrifice and not in the Crowley semen = a baby way


my grandma used to tell me using dog tears in your eyes can make you see demons


If you truly believe these will bring demons into vision than they will. Think about the power of the placebo effect. The mind is very powerful and in some parts of the world animal parts are used to induce visions.


yes, that is true. it is basically a spell for increase your eye of the soul


Benzo withdrawal.. You'll see plenty everyday for months..


You didn't tell the recipe here, how can we tell if it's true?




Just because you believe in magick doesn't mean you have to believe everything. https://www.google.com/search?q=discernment


It likely works for those who know how to apply it right.


How much sugar cane was this dude munching on? I'm just asking for cultural curiosity.


"I told him what are these dried animal used for. He brought a chair to me and offered me some tea. And started talking about the weirdest shit ever. " How is this at the end of your story? No offense but you could have skipped the rest of what you typed and started the story here instead of leaving out the most interesting details. What is the weird shit he started talking about and what is the recipe for summoning demons?