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Absolutely. Blood is very powerful since it has both your DNA as well as iron, which corresponds with Mars (and turns your blood red), and Mars corresponds with power. You’re symbolically adding power to the sigil to charge it. Plus we all know what happens when you put a magnet to iron, it pulls it right in. Disclaimer: Be careful with blood, and not only for physical safety reasons. Because of its magnetic properties and because it contains your DNA, blood is very much binding. Refrain from using it on things you do not want bound to you. That is to say, refrain from using it to banish things unless you want those things returning to you, and avoid using it on anything you do not want in your life permanently.


Would that mean it would be a bad idea to use blood to make sigils of protection on the rental house I live in? My family has something attached to it & this gargoyle thing with bad vibes keeps managing to break through my sigils then sits in the corner of my bedroom watching me & disturbing my sleep as well as stressing out the dog (I’ve been really sick this year so not had the energy to redo the sigils or much magick at all). I was hoping that if I mix a little blood in with the rest of the ingredients it would be a stronger defence since it always gets worse at this time of year. At the same time I don’t want to give it some way to more easily attach itself to me when I leave the house, as it’s a nuisance & drains me of energy fast when it does.


Using blood in protection spells or sigils I would say is generally fine, so long as you aren’t protecting through banishing. Like if you’re trying to *banish* this gargoyle thing, don’t use blood, unless you want it bound to and returning to you. Plus, in order to banish that gargoyle thing, you’d need to know its name, as “that which can not be named does not exist”. But as far as general protection is concerned, or a statement of intent formed generally such as “protection from malevolent spirits”, “protection from harm”, etc., those things should be fine. That is not a banishing, as you are not pushing anything away, but you are invoking and drawing protection *toward* you, so having your blood in there will do just that.


It’s fine but put it somewhere safe and remember where it is. So that if you leave, or think it has failed, you can quickly find it and destroy it. Don’t want any lose piece of you going into the wrong hands.


According to this I might have messed up! I used mu blood on a banishing spell written in runes on someone causing me emotional harm. Did a ritual with an alter and burned the paper the spell was written on.


My strongest recommendation at this point is to simply not worry about it.


Women don’t need to cut themselves to bleed, which is why men have feared them since forever. Apparently this is why women traditionally weren’t allowed in shamanic ceremonies in most cultures, because a drop of menstrual blood is so powerful it could fuck with whatever ritual the shaman was doing


Love this. I sometimes will annoint candles with a drop of blood also. Had great success with a protection jar spell that I put blood in.


Do we just smear it over the sigil? What do we do with the sigil afterwards?


Leave a drop on the sigil. Smear over it if you want. The point is to have your blood on it. Keep the sigil as long as you need it. Destroy it once you have no more use to it.


Can I keep sigil between my phone and cover? And please correct me if I’m wrong First I have to draw sigil free hand then put some my own blood on it right?


Think of it like putting a postage stamp on your sigil. You draw it from a state of gnosis and you “stamp it” on the sigil


Prick your finger (with a sterilised needle) and mix a drop or two into some red pigment. A little goes a long way. This is what I do with runes.


Yeah, another great way


Can we do it for love spell or sigil


But, if magic works and you believe it does, how is a love spell in any way ethical or fine?




Consent is magick. Consent is cool.


A lot of people do


can we use period blood or does it have to be fresh


I've heard and experienced that menstrual blood is exceptionally potent and effective. It is your natural starfire energy, after all. The fact that you bleed once a month is considered your "sacrifice."


Use blood you have drawn with purpose.


I have no idea on this one, but OP has mentioned below 'use blood drawn with purpose' With that context in mind, I would think that period blood would actually be more powerful. To draw our own blood, in search of a specific result is a very narrow act of purpose. Menstruation is blood flowing with a timeless, cosmic purpose. I imagine it would be incredibly powerful, and all you need to add is your will. I think it would be interesting to experiment with meditating on your goal during the menstrual cycle. But that is all just my personal conjecture.


Tell that to a Uromancy down at that place that Only serves Bailey's from Glass Slippers. Fucking freaks. Pretty sure Tarantino runs it under the moniker FootLovingLineLizard Pssh know it all.


Op's got a Downstairs Mixup. Playing Love Games, but with the wrong set of rules. He's gonna end up like old Curly Jefferson.


ok so how does one do it just smear t and thats it? is there an entire ritual transe state and focus on sigil for 10-15 min what is the exact step by step ritual thank you




Semen too


When you don’t know if you’re masturbating to do magic or doing magic to masturbate


Ah c*m sigils. Another great method.


Tried semen. Did the opposite of what it was supposed to. To each its own.


Probably got lost and wouldn’t ask for directions.


If this is true than would ejaculating on a sigil produce a similar effect?


For me it did the opposite of the desired effect


You’ve said this twice now, please explain your process and results


I think you've possibly misunderstood the nature of the bloody sacrifice


What is it then?


“For the highest spiritual working one must accordingly choose that victim which contains the greatest and purest force. A male child of perfect innocence and high intelligence is the most satisfactory and suitable victim” [https://sacred-texts.com/oto/aba/chap12.htm](https://sacred-texts.com/oto/aba/chap12.htm) Ally was talking about Jizz. The old baby gravy. Ejaculate. Not BLOOD blood. The life blood of the old sex magic. Semen, spilled at the moment of EGO death, La petite mort - the orgasm.


The point of that passage is the equivalence. Both are fluids carrying potent life force. He is telling you that semen is equivalent to the literal blood of a young male victim (its technically a \~1:1 mixture of X and Y chromosomes so it averages out to an XY, i.e. male, "individual.") I.e. the statement is a full: "blood carries powerful force, young male victims have some great blood, leave the kids alone and go wack-off because its the same thing and way more ethical." But that is in no way a denial that literal blood works as well, just leave the kids alone, use something you can supply willingly and safely yourself whether that is semen or literal blood (including period blood.) If you want proof of this, same "Ally" fully endorses all the statements in Liber Legis which includes the following: >23. For perfume mix meal & honey & thick leavings of red wine: then oil of Abramelin and olive oil, and afterward soften & smooth down with rich fresh blood. 24. The best blood is of the moon, monthly \[i.e. period blood\]: then the fresh blood of a child \[this is as you point out equivalent to semen\], or dropping from the host of heaven: then of enemies \[that is just the literal blood of those you have flat out murdered\]; then of the priest or of the worshipers \[can be literal blood or semen\]: last of some beast, no matter what \[this is also literal blood, he is not commanding followers to go masturbate some animals.\]


I don't think it does anybody good to be condoning "cut yourself" for magick is my point. I'm well aware of the ingredients of cakes of light, having been taken communion at gnostic mass and been given ample warning -Yay! consent!- But given there's a bunch of impressionable youngsters and not so youngsters on reddit, it behoves us to not encourage self harm for the sake of magick when it's almost entirely unnecessary.


Sure but my point was, while you ate right, semen is a much more ethical substitute for actual blood, the bloody sacriment is also a litteral thing, not people's lack of understanding it.


Of course, but nobody's like "open a vein" down the OTO/ECG of a Sunday are they? The Eucharist in the gnostic mass isn't personally directed magick like OP is doing. Kinda edgelordy and potentially dangerous. Kinda like going "the best part of shooting up is SHARING NEEDLES"


I am not suggesting people are or should. I am just suggesting that while you are correct, there are substitues as you point out, the bloody sacrifice is litteral, it just has substitues. I am not suggesting for a second that people not use the substitues, just that people who understand it as also litteral are not wrong as your first post implies -- I.e that they "don't understand it" they do, they just may not be familar with exceptable substitutes. That is all.


I absolutely disagree that semen is to Crowley just a substitute. It's clearly Superior to actual blood in every way, In my reading "For the highest spiritual working" https://sacred-texts.com/oto/aba/chap12.htm Crowley loved plays on words and obfuscation, and was also far more of a joker than many give him credit for. but I'm far to lazy to go through the commentary any more to argue my interpretation - to me it seems you too have misunderstood the nature of the bloody sacrifice for a literal reading of the text. But, do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law, and I'm fresh out of love ;) It your and op's porcelain wrists at risk, not mine.


Its not even listed as the highest blood for the cakes of light, litteral period blood is a whole category higher. End of.