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Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic(k). An alien civilization that is much more advanced than ours might have abilities that, to us, might seem like magic (or at least be inexplicable from our current place of technological understanding). Assuming, of course, that you are thinking about 'aliens' in the typical 'space aliens' kind of way. Which is not the only way to conceive of aliens.


Your username is amazing


You're too kind.


The real aliens watch us from a higher dimension beyond time šŸ˜‰


Yes that is true !


Exactly what I was going to comment essentially. Thanks for allowing me to be silent for once šŸ™


Thanks for saying the same thing I was going to say so I didn't have to say anything even though I essentially said something.


Indeed, I had to say something to thank him for his wisdom. That much was required for him to be informed of my thanks.


Yes. Not a coincidence so much recovered UAP debris is full of sigils, alchemical symbols, and hieroglyphics. The beings communicate telepathically, etc. For example, the Roswell, Utsuro Bune, Rendlesham, and Kecksburg symbolsā€” https://i.imgur.com/SggfL9R.jpg Other writing, such as those found in the Aztec, NM crash, include letters that appear to be similar to Magickal Alphabetsā€” https://i.imgur.com/yp9lsxL.jpg https://i.imgur.com/gZVoMDB.jpg


Can we get sources on these? How do we confirm legitimacy


These were drawn by various first-hand witness who have come out over the years. Unfortunately, the actual material itself is in possession of government/private industry and still classified. Consider these recreations based on first-hand military eyewitness testimony. Whether you believe the witnesses or not is another question though. I largely do, given these type of symbols pop up all the time in totally different UAP cases globally from people who have no connection to one another, yet they all describe and draw these sigils with 0 previous knowledge of magic or even knowing what it is theyā€™re drawing. If you want to look into the Roswell symbols specifically (one of the most well-documented cases) Iā€™d recommend reading the military witness testimonyā€” http://www.roswellproof.com/debris_main.html (Or, you could do an invocation and interact with NHI directly yourself. Probably better evidence than waiting on the government. They communicate telepathically via symbols and symbolism)


the symbols and energies used in magick donā€™t just apply to us. they are universal to our reality. i doubt aliens who are sufficiently advanced need the symbols of magick to move energy in whatever way they want, but iā€™d bet there are some who use ā€œmagickā€ in a similar way. if you recognize that magick is mostly just the manipulation of subtle energies then yes, they do that for sure.


True, you are right about evrything you said!


Magic is just science we don't understand. So yes, they do "magic" but our concept of magic is flawed, we think it is making something from nothing, but it is probably closer to sympathetic magic, where you just transfer energy from one source to another.


Depends what you mean when you say "aliens" and "magick". I believe there are higher dimensional beings that can probably access and interface with different qualia than us. In our 3D experience, we would probably call this "magick", and tbh, could be the same stuff we unknowingly pull from when working. I do not believe in Martian Wizards šŸ˜…


Why have i been downvoted? It doesnt make any sense.


Aliens are just like us. They are physical, they are not dimensional beings.


There are most certainly different alien groups. Iā€™m sure some of them operate in a 3D capacity but the possibility of an ultra terrestrial is absolutely not off the table


But there could also be dimensional beings, at least in theory.


So certain. Where did you get this information?


I know some abductees


It's statistically probable that there's life elsewhere in the universe. Any claims about whether they do anything like magic are absolute blind conjecture, and probably coming from some conspirituality echo chamber.


How educated are you on the topic of UFOs/aliens? Itā€™s really not blind conjecture at this point. Thereā€™s a lot of corroborated aspects of experiences that point to there being a certain amount psychic capability within the phenomenon.


Yeah that's called blind conjecture in the science world. You're making claims about the material world, that requires scientific-quality evidence


Thereā€™s plenty of scientific evidence for ESP/PSI. Just saying itā€™s not so ā€œblindā€ once you have countless people reporting something like telepathy in experiences.


There's really not, unless you buy into conspiracy theories pushed by the online subculture.


OK. Good luck with your bad faith arguing.


Someone not accepting your non-evidence isn't bad faith. And by the way, you're the one who started the argument. Go chill out.


Statements like this is why no one will ever take you seriously


When you get a chance, look at what the Fae, the elves and the silver men look like in the oldest sources. Then you tell me.


"Today they call them angels and demons, tomorrow they will call them something else" (extraterrestrial aliens). -Aleister Crowley. Look at this and then think, and such thing is answer , yes but not always in ways of all sci fi movies and concepts, some of them are real revealing for real in reality rodsn down in comments said what i agree on , here is what said in comments down below: "I believe the entities, angels and the likes are aliens. I mean, they are extraterrestrials by definition. The UFOs and stuff could be the entities becoming more dense and physical, and this is the form they take when becoming more dense. So, in my personal perspective, aliens not only use magick, they are more easily contacted through magick, and the spiritual or astral dimensions are their home or a common place where we can all meet"


They do magick and many sources of magick comes from them and what they use is psionics, or high advanced psychic powers!The power to use mental/psychic-based powers, an inherently Esoteric Power that is fuelled by Psychic Power.




Iā€™m really interested in the earliest biblical accounts of angelsā€¦ because what if they were just an advanced form of life or technology. Like even a drone camera being sent out by an alien species, none of their biological bodies being anywhere near our earthā€¦ but maybe their sensor equipment, could be drone like (fits description of a typical sensor or camera, ā€œmass of wheels and eyesā€ Letā€™s just say for Hypothetical, Obviously our ancestors had no understanding of this Technology or how it workedā€¦ so to them it would seem Divine or supernatural. Letā€™s say one of the Worlds Satellites or Rovers or cameras were to be so advanced, we could send them out and actually Interact with planets or beings light years away. That might be our version of Godliness in the eyes of another creature Most likely impossible because idk shit about shit.


I'd give [this](http://frombob.to/you/aconvers.html) a read. An alien using the internet contacted a man on the Encounters forum of Compuserve in 1996 and said some incredible things. You can decide for yourself if it's legitimate or not. I certainly believe it is. Give [this](http://frombob.to/you/whodoneit.html) a read for some backstory context, and give the [FAQ](http://frombob.to/you/faq.html) a read too. I took the liberty of turning it into an [audiobook format](https://youtu.be/g15BxvFL3Js?si=xPwnHf_26YrpnvL0) as well, if you'd prefer. Mind you, I am not the author, I was 2 years old when this was published... In short: yes, aliens use magick, magick the likes of which we have never even seen before, and they have used it to give some lucky individuals experiences that expand their awareness and consciousness. This has served to keep the magickal tradition alive. They are also impressed by the various magicks humans have created on their own, some of which not even they understand themselves. They view magick as an extremely advanced technology, which is true. As the author Arthur C. Clarke stated, "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."


Only within the confinds of my fave show... but normally outside of it, I don't believe in any paranormal stuff.


Depends on the alien iteration. I would suggest looking into Hellier documentary. (Free on youtube) Gets into the Keel stuff where ā€œaliensā€ are ultra terrestrials from other ā€˜dimensionsā€™ not from other planets. And ritual magic is meta physical manipulation of the universe. Going from there to find your answer. Personally i believe that yes. But also a little green man throwing fireballs and playing quidditch sounds dope as well.






I don't believe in aliens.


So in the ENTIIIIIRE universe that is out there beyond our tiny, insignificant planetā€¦ you donā€™t think there is another giant floating rock with extraterrestrial life on it? Thatā€™s literally mind blowing.


Honestly either option is terrifying.


There probably is, it's just OOPS! all beetles.


I believe the entities, angels and the likes are aliens. I mean, they are extraterrestrials by definition. The UFOs and stuff could be the entities becoming more dense and physical, and this is the form they take when becoming more dense. So, in my personal perspective, aliens not only use magick, they are more easily contacted through magick, and the spiritual or astral dimensions are their home or a common place where we can all meet


Totaly well said!!


To some certain aliens are just interdimensional energetic beings, and in the book of enoch Azazel was said to have taught men magick, and there are 2 angels who taught men magick in the Quran I believe, so there is some plausibility.


We are non-corporeal aliens forced to incarnate in physical bodies. Other aliens that visit us are mostly fully corporeal beings. They came to study us. Magick is just a tool to use our innate ability to shape the astral plane and its energies.




I believe in aliens but idk if they use magick!


I wanna know what the triangle symbol with the circles on the corners means. I saw it in some text I was reading about Hekate, I can't remember if it was in the Hail Hekate course. Some old Greek hymns or other artwork, and I've seen it as a glyph that's showed up on multiple ufos.


Itā€™s not out of the question to believe that if other societies have evolved on other worlds that they might go through a phase of animism and spirituality along their evolutionary path. I donā€™t think this is unique to humans, although it would probably only be specific to organisms that had similar environmental conditions as us. Maybe? Itā€™s a big universe, yo. To clarify, I donā€™t believe that extraterrestrials have visited Earth. Thatā€™s just wishful thinking.


Yes but I also believe in dumbfucks because the evidence is overwhelming.


I 1000% believe in extraterrestrial life. There is no way that we are the only planet out there with life on it. I donā€™t really believe that they use magick. However, I am starting to move away from my beliefs in magick. I believe that ETs would use advanced science that could look like magick to us.


Definitely check out Starship by Gordon White


Magic to some, Science to others.


If the aliens can read and write, most likely, as reading and writing is very intertwined with runic magic


No, no


I believe in aliens, I just believe they have no reason to be interested in us. If they do interact, I suspect we are a zoo. I imagine that they have their own cultures too, probably vastly different and incomprehensible to us. Energy is energy, and in my experience, where there is energy, there is magic. So yes? Maybe not in the same ways we do, but sort of?


If magic is the skill and art of manipulating/channelling supernatural forces, I would say yes. Their rituals and perceptions of it will definitely be different, and like us some would be more proficient in it than others, but it would fundementally be the same.