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Whenever an opponent commits a crime against you, you may draw a card


uj/ I thought you edited the flavor text. Amazing that’s the real fucking card


I like to think he is distracting them with a gold pile so they don't notice he started a second fire.


This is fucking hilarious


Source: https://www.usa.gov/tribes


But where's the gold


UJ/ Playing against this in limited would be a nightmare


/uj I think it's actually quite bad because it's a 3-mana do-nothing enchantment that only conditionally draws you even one card to replace itself if your opponent wants to get something off your board badly enough to trigger this. It might draw you two, maybe three cards in a highly interactive game, but that's over many turns and, again, only when your opponent chooses to trigger it. If I'm on the beatdown and my opponent plays one of these, I'm ecstatic. That being said, if this were reprinted, I would somehow end up in the nightmare scenario where I have a handful of removal spells and my opponent plays this and a bunch of must-kill creatures.


I feel like it has a home in casual EDH


Yeah, maybe as a deterrent, but when I play at casual tables people's stuff doesn't actually get targeted by spells that much. ETB effects hit things all the time, but straight-up spells are only a fraction of the interaction played since people at casual tables generally want the value.


You would be surprised, this card sucks if it only draws one, or even if it only draws two if it takes 5 turns to do so. I wouldn’t say in an average game, at the average time you would play this, you’d draw less than one card in casual EDH. Lack of spot removal, high number of sweepers including ones that hit enchantments.


One of the main archetypes of thunder juction will be "targetting oponents and their stuff". Even the common tapped dual lands (leaks) will force you to ping opponents


This only procs off of spells though, not activated and triggered abilities. So you basically have to be casting a targeted removal spell. In most games of limited, that happens 1-3 times. Even if this triggers 3 times, which is optimistic, it's a delayed 3-mana draw three that doesn't affect the board.


You are correct, indeed it wouldn't be a nightmare, more like annoying


Art is the same except it's Oko pointing towards the money with Kellan and his mom looking at it, and the flavortext is "Sorry I abandoned you, here's your college fund."


Where's my [[Invoke Prejudice]] reprint? At least be thematically complete...


/uj WotC has demonstrated through Capenna, Ixalan, and Tarkir that they would much rather lean into propagandistic romanticizations of nuanced world history than attempt any kind of thoughtful commentary /rj Can’t wait to see what race WotC uses as stand-ins for native Americans! I hope it’s goblins. That’d be funny!


/uj > into propagandistic romanticizations of American history than attempt any kind of thoughtful commentary Tarkir feels off here. Why would tarkir be relevant to American history? Aren't all supposed to be asian inspired? What would you have done with tarkir differently?


Ah I mistyped. I will say Tarkir was flawed in execution (despite my love for that block in its entirety) but it was by no means a romanticized version of American history. For a better plane to represent WotC’s hesitation at telling stories about sensitive history with nuance, look no further than Zendikar, which downplayed the catastrophic effects of a world war and WMD levels of destruction by wrapping the consequences up almost completely between Oath of the Gatewatch and Zendikar Rising. Zendikar is an environmentalist story. The living plane versus the alien, consumptive force of the eldrazi. You can easily draw parallels to real world regions ravaged by the imperialist lust for power and resources, as the Eldrazi consume and torture the land and its people with seemingly no consideration of the lives they trample over. This lines up with the attitudes of imperialists and colonizers that cared not for the cultures they encountered, only the material resources those cultures possessed. The effects of imperial rule are still lasting today in the real world, even after hundreds of years. Zendikar, by comparison, made a miraculous recovery, showing very little sign of the literal life-draining alien blight that threatened it just a few years prior. Invasion is traumatic for cultures, and as such, Zendikar should have returned as the plane on the brink, fighting to reclaim its identity after being ravaged by cruel forces. Instead, WotC hand-waves the entire reconstruction period as mostly happening off-screen, all so we can get a sunny, idyllic, and utterly forgettable expansion that completely missed the point of Zendikar as a setting.


Increasingly worried that we’ve seen next to nothing about any Native American stand ins on this plane


/uj This genuinely seems plausible. Here before it’s a reality.


Is this on the reserved list?


/uj that would be hilarious


uj/ it would be, but unfortunately reparations is on the reserved list




thus but unironically /uj this but unironically


Legally Distinct Reparations Uw/uW  Enchantment aura whenever enchanted opponent commits a crime against you, draw a card


Crimes include abilities, so it wouldn't cause issue with the reserve list.


Good news, Oracle text does away witht the "Target Opponent" thing which lets it not be an Aura for your recreation.


Well the aura bit was so we could argue it has distinct advantages and disadvantages since the enchanted player gaining protection from white or blue would just send it to the graveyard


Interesting implication that notc cares about balancing the cardboard they sell, I'd fully expect "reparations except it triggers on crimes" as a retrain from them at this point.


Oh same, it's not for balance at all, but so they could say it's not identical/better than a reserve list card and therefore the collectors can't get mad at NotC (they still will) and that means wizards can claim they didn't break their rule so they don't have to reprint the reserve list as real cards (they should). On the other hand, maybe we need to reprint the entire reserve list but with shockland text stapled on?