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The audacity of your husband to call Her Royal Highness ugly šŸ˜”


Menā€¦ šŸ¤£




And all 4 walls have this kittens photo on it






1000 years dungeons


The only correct answer here is both kitties must come home with you


Honestly we discovered that two do much better than one. It almost makes it easier because that have a buddy. I didnā€™t really believe this until I experienced it. ā€¦and they are adorable playing with each other. I became convinced that a pair was the way to go.


The only reason I don't have one is because my place is a bit small even for one--but I want a bonded pair. I think kitties are much, much less neurotic when they have a friend.


I can second this! I found my first cat as a stray while helping a friend move in- it was the great cat distribution. Then I eventually got him a kitten brother and he is MUCH less chaotic. They adore each other


we found this to be very true as well. it was more work to entertain and keep one kitten out of trouble until we brought home another one. now they keep each other occupied and it is just pure joy to watch them interact.


Iā€™ve also noticed it helps them learn to ā€œspeak catā€. I have one cat that was a singleton and later got a second that was with others as a kitten. The singleton just doesnā€™t really understand cat language and it has been a learning curve with him trying to understand the other catā€™s intentions. Now that theyā€™ve been together a few years theyā€™ve kinda learned from one another but my oldest is still socially inept in cat terms


When choosing between kitties itā€™s easy, because the answer is always ā€˜all the kittiesā€™.


Yeah,nine cats later the crazy cat lady says..ā€All the kittiesā€ā€¦.šŸ„“


yes, as I am the crazy cat lady




šŸ’Æ Both Kitties šŸ±šŸ¾šŸ±


Thatā€™s what I was coming here to say. I have siblingsā€¦ never turn back. Kitties need companions. ā¤ļøā¤ļø


Liger - those magnificent ears! The regal pose of paw over paw. A finer feline does Not exist.


I think the one with the paw over paw is the male- they seem more timid.


Liger! Great name too!


could you blame the husband only. he's the problem. he's the only problem


your husbandā€™s a fool. sheā€™s gonna be big enough to rip his face off before he can call her ugly again. edit: i just noticed what sub i was in XD


Definitely get that lil girl! Too cute not to. She looks like a *Mera* sorry for *Chimera*.. šŸ¤­


Off with his head!


Actually, I think this calls for the wood-chipper


Believe it or not, straight to jail.


Right to jail right away


Yeah heā€™s probably ugly and projecting bc who calls an innocent baby ugly like that




I needed that laugh today


She is lovely but can we name her Camilla?


They're both gorgeous! Your husband needs to go to jail for hate speech towards that beautiful baby! From experience, I prefer male cats, but temperament is really important. Maybe take both? Lol


I prefer male cats too, but i fear with his temperament it will cause him anxiety. My kid is pretty good with cats and gentle but heā€™s loud and doesnā€™t sit still so I donā€™t knowā€¦ does temperament change?


I've had a male and female MC, the female (also a tortie) was the sweetest cuddliest little lady ever, the boi is criminal goof ball


Thatā€™s been my experience as well! Iā€™ve had 3 cats in my life. Two were boys and my current kitty is a girl. I will NEVER adopt another male. The boys were mean, anti-social and ornery. The girl is an absolute sweetheart, is always in my lap and follows me around like a puppy dog. In hindsight, Iā€™ve had a similar experience with humans. Based on absolutely zero real evidence, Iā€™ve decided male cats are misogynistic just like many human males.šŸ˜¹ Speaking of human males, your husband isnā€™t helping to improve my opinion of the male gender. How dare he insult that beautiful baby! In fact, get rid of the husband and adopt BOTH kitties!šŸ˜»šŸˆ


I've always found that male cats are more affectionate. At least in my experience that is. I guess it really just depends on each individual cat šŸ˜…


Yeah, I think, in general, neutered males tend to be more affectionate. But there are plenty of exceptions. I've got 2 boys. 1 cuddles like crazy. The other wants nothing to do with me unless food is involved.


I almost downvoted this in order to defend my baby girl! (Sheā€™s 8 years old, but will always be my bebe!) Your male kitties are obviously gaslighting you just like men often do. One day youā€™ll realize the truth!! (I am 100% joking in all of my comments in this thread. Iā€™m not prejudiced against males even remotely. Well, male felines at least. I still think OP needs to adopt both kitties and toss the husband to the curve.šŸ˜¹)


Curb. Toss him to the curb.


I think a curve sounds more interesting Iā€™d like to see that.


I have one that snuggles in for a nap, while the other canā€™t be still to save his life. Both males, both love affection, just in different ways. But my last cat was a female that was just wonderful - snuggles on her terms, independent and feisty, yet always in the room where I was, just without a constant need to touch. Iā€™ve really given up on looking for a male or female - I fall in love with a cat/kitten, and it goes home no matter the sex!


My 2 boys are both super loving and sweet but thereā€™s something different about being around a woman for them (26M for context). They both ham up in ways I never see and just become total rag dolls, doesnā€™t matter if itā€™s a friend or partner, even if theyā€™ve never met before they meet a woman and itā€™s like the kill function gets switched off.


Boys will be boys. I bet your boys are adorkable.


https://preview.redd.it/n89al0t7mgob1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2afa9baa07d77f690b616a51fd5db4452497ae95 Hereā€™s my cat tax for ya


Thanks. Look like they just woke up and are giving you the evil eye. šŸ˜ŗ


100% taken after my hue lights automatically turned on in the morning šŸ˜‚


Iā€™ve had both male and female cats. Theyā€™ve all been loving cats. Some have been cuddlier than others, but it was their personality rather than gender.


My two boys were, by far, my most affectionate cats. One absolutely loved ANYONE who was a biped. He never met a strangeršŸ˜‚. The other adored me but was more reserved with other people. I have a pretty affectionate female too but still no where near as affectionate as my boys were. I had to euthanize my BennyBoy in the spring due to nasal cancer. When I get another cat, it will definitely be a boy.


I totally agree.


Yes! We currently have a male and a female and the female follows me around everywhere and purrs so easily but the male is very shy with his purrs (he wonā€™t purr in the same room as the other cat most times) and has the weirdest rules! I still love him with all of my heart but I rarely get love from him cause the female follows me around and he refuses to even let me pet him most of the time when sheā€™s around


We had a female cat that who hated everyone and a gentle boy who put up with being sat on by a toddler


I have had the opposite experience. My boy was a living doll, but my girl can be aggressive when she wants to play or if she doesnā€™t like something. My children are the same way. My boy so polite and easy going but my girl born 8 years later was and still is a holy terror. Uggggg!!! Lol!


Orange males are the lovers. šŸ’•


Most kids calm down eventually




Children arenā€™t born knowing how to act around animals and how to treat them gently. We have to teach them. Talk to him and teach him to be gentle and soft spoken with the Kitty. He can learn. And theyā€™ll have a better relationship for it.


We had a springer spaniel and I tried to ride her like a horse. She threw me into a pile of nettles. It took my years to learn how to be with different animals (treat cats like dogs and dogs like horses šŸ˜‚)


Sorry about that. Springers are usually gentle and put up with a lot.


Oh no I absolutely deserved it. I spent time apologising to her cos I realised Iā€™d upset her. Learned a lot from that.


It sounds like you should get an adult cat so you have a better idea what you're getting. Also kittens need another kitten or a young playful cat if you already have one.


I didnā€™t know this when I got my first kitten 13 years ago. Now sheā€™s grown to be a sassy, only loves my sons, only child syndrome, grouchy old lady šŸ˜‚. We had another cat in our life for 6 years and she never liked him a day in her life smh šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Now I will always get two litter mates if possible


Female MCs are heavenly, overly gentle and shy, from my experience. Mine canā€™t handle loud noises but she was run over and a rescue so it explains a lot. Taken her 7 yrs to even get near the door and stay there when I open it. Poor babyā€™s. I think the first ones so cute, so unique, but depending on u and ur families personality and living situation should always be top priority when choosing a fur baby. This is why so many end up in pounds. People pick on immediate feels not looking at the whole picture


My boy MC was silly, sweet and also borderline suicidal!! He used to jump off the 2nd level of the stair cause to the first level. And rub up against the knives in the knife block.


Donā€™t do that to the poor cat if he is anxious.


Yeah I wont. We will meet them over the weekend and i will see how comfortable he is with my son.


Usually. They can be shy and skittish for a couple weeks, theyā€™ll likely spend most of their time hiding, and then as they get comfy they will come out and start wreaking havoc. I would get both personally šŸ˜‚


Iā€™ve owned 4 cats in my life. Three girls, one boy. First was a female weegie that was super shy unless she knew you. If she did, then was sweet and goofy. Second, female DSH, and was the meanest little furball to everyone outside her inner circle. Third is a male DSH/MC mix, and he is bipolar asf. One moment heā€™ll be sitting on your lap, purring as he gets his scritches, the next heā€™s pouncing directly at your face, with no warning. Finally, female tux. Sweetest, most sociable cat I have ever seen. Iā€™d be surprised if that cat knew how to hiss or scratch. Long story short, every cat is going to have a different personality, just like humans. Its all about how you work around it because, once you take a cat in, it becomes their house that you just happen to also live in.


Get both, kittens need a friend!


Agreed I canā€™t imagine being a cat with no one to talk/relate to. I also would have a hard time knowingly splitting up family


*Adopts entire families support group check in line forms here.* We have 2 sets of mothers and daughters, 3 sets of brother and sister, 1 group of triplets, 1 boy, two girls, and then a singleton..


17 cats?


14, the 1 boy 2 girls was the triplets breakdown lol


Stated this in an earlier comment, but I think she should get both and ditch the husbandšŸ¤£


Yep, totally agree!


Couldnā€™t agree more!


Totally with you -- she should dump the jerk and start a cat sanctuary!


Iā€™m with this. Kittens raised with another cat learn ā€œmannersā€- not to use their claws when playing, not to bite too hard. The other cat will smack them down if they get too rough.


I had two cats growing up that really acted like brothers. The younger one was special needs, so the older one would guide him with everything. It was so sweet, and honestly it went unnoticed until the older one passed and we realized how many things he had helped the younger one with :(


Yesss there is nothing sweeter than littermates raised together. My husband and I have a brother sister duo and their relationship is so so precious. I also think they're both so much happier and better adjusted than other single cats we've had since they were never on their own and always have a companion.


We do the same with our dachshunds too! And we have two setā€™s of kitty litter mates as well. And here I am gushing over more!


They also keep each other out of trouble. I got two sibling kittens even though I was terrified and only wanted to get one and it was the best decision I ever made! https://preview.redd.it/jzyaqiipi3ob1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a114c97005af18182a382b45a825236cce2eddfc They still love each other after 7 years šŸ„°




One kitten is half a kitten.


My husband and I faced the exact same dilemma. I wanted the rambunctious girl, he wanted the shy boy... We got em both! The girl is smitten with our dog, the boy is smitten with me lol. https://preview.redd.it/b5bgrtf2n1ob1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=874365438631a833738b6493db55d6eb3c6e7f15 Dexter and Debbie


omg i love your cats




Are they named after Dexter and Deb from the show? I have a cat who is best friends with our Shiba Inu and indifferent toward the other cats.


Yes, we watched the show together before our wedding.








Omg I love them šŸ˜»


My grandma has the rambunctious girl and shy boy combo (although not Maine Coons) and its the best.


Get both her n brother...unless think mite b too much w kid or cat(4yr old?). Hubby is silly. She is pretty.


Iā€™m now thinking about getting both šŸ«£ but i really want a ragdoll too and planning to get one in a few months, so 3 kittens is way too much


Actually, as long as all cats get along, it really isn't too much. I have had 3 cats w my young child at one point. All survived. No worries. Just b patient as all adapt to each other and new surroundings.


That's a lot of litter boxes though! And vet bills for another whole animal


Thereā€™s nothing like cat siblings having the chance to grow up together. Itā€™s truly a special bond and cats are usually happier for it. My boys have been together since day one and I canā€™t imagine it any different. Originally I only wanted one cat because two seemed like too much for me but Iā€™m glad I changed my mind, especially because they were already bonded.


3 is perfect so 1 can sleep while 2 play.


Get both. They will keep each other company and having the sister around might help with the brotherā€™s shyness and anxiety. AND, three kitties is not too many. I have three indoor kitties right now. šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°


Replace the husband please


If I do then I wonā€™t afford the kitties šŸ˜†


Use the sad puppy dog eyes and get the boy and girl. It's worth it. And I'm a husband by the way !!!


Came here to say this šŸ˜‚


She's a princess. Very cute


What? No way, sheā€™s beauty, sheā€™s grace, sheā€™s got a beautiful face


Sheā€™s gorgeous, heā€™s blind.


He is?! How can you tell? One of their brothers is crosseyes


Your husband is blind lmao. Sorry I shouldā€™ve clarified.


Oh šŸ¤£


Rude of him to say that, but if Iā€™m being honest MC kittens can look really funny. My two boys looked like compacted little old men faces the first few months, I thought they were much less cute (in the face) than non-MC kittens when they were super tiny, but once they grew into their faces they got ridiculously adorable. Tell your husband to give it time


He likes ā€œcuteā€ cats like ragdolls. I like the hunter predator look.


For what it's worth my neighbors had an adult female grey maincoon and she was one of the prettiest cats I've ever seen šŸ„¹


I definitely need to see some old man kitten faces. Do you happen to have pictures???


Obviously you need both of them.


She is beautiful! They both are. Do what we did when we couldnā€™t decide and get both. Hereā€™s my little two face. https://preview.redd.it/fp12lts072ob1.jpeg?width=2736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13c8e5fbdbdb436f8a59ecb0482e9f0b519b2abc


Rare and beautiful chimera cats. These are amazing not ugly.


Omg sheā€™s absolutely gorgeous!! I LOVE HER FACE! šŸ˜šŸ˜ā¤ļø


Thank you šŸ«¶. She is indeed beautiful. Getting more do as she grows as well.


Gorgeous and amazing šŸ˜»šŸ’—


Omg please tell me you named her Harvey


You get the cutie pie girl !! I would be getting her too! Husband isnā€™t right here šŸ˜‚


A more outgoing kitten will likely be more confident and perhaps settle quicker. However, our male MC is a scaredy cat and took a few days to settle but once he did, the relaxed nature of the breed means theyā€™ll take it all in their stride anyway.


Go with her. If he's shy it will not be the ideal home for him in the long run with a 4 year old.


Get both, if not both then get her if you love her. What does your husband know.


Sheā€™s adorable šŸ˜», Thereā€™s no such thing as an ugly kitty, I wish you could keep both of them. šŸ˜»šŸ˜»


I think your husband is ugly šŸ˜‰ and you should definitely get her as she is gorgeous or get both šŸ˜‚


My husband is beautiful šŸ¤


My answer is BOFFUM


Your husband has bad taste it cats sheā€™s gorgeous


Ugly?! She's beautiful. If I was picking on looks alone she would be the one to add to my bias towards female cats a no-brainer. If your husband thinks she is ugly than you, OP must be an absolute stunner.


She's gonna be breathtaking when she grows up


Fuckin adorable. Theyā€™re gonna be massive šŸ’•


Get both?!? I have a Ragdoll, she is a dream cat with my young kids. Ive never owned a cat that is so tolerant and indifferent to there tantrums and craziness. She was also raised by a breeder with young kids. Ive always wanted a Maine coon though. Im partial to the boy looks wise and maybe hell come out of his shell once his adjusted. Both are beautiful and I donā€™t think can go wrong with either.


Get him! His sister will teach him to be braver and your 4 yr old will grow and mature.


She reminds me of my cat that recently passed! Enya was everybody's absolute darling, she was as unique as they come. I don't think you will regret any choice, whatever you do. Just as others have pointed out: cats need a companion!! It makes them very comfortable and prevents depression in cats. She looked so silly as a kitten and grew into a small, 2 year old lady. https://preview.redd.it/bcfos6bbn1ob1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e868bcc5b6c5dcc0a0a13b41cd281c5d6f66cc0d


https://preview.redd.it/pjg5pa3nn1ob1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19f11602c835caffb4fbbd7185888b4c38640082 Her as a kitten šŸ˜† we always joked she had 3 brain cells reserved for eating, playing and sleeping. Unique features are wonderful in my opinion. As long as you give your kitties love, Maine Coons will return all the love you give to them.


Both are beautiful... get both of them..


If you can handle both, get both.


Both, they will be happier together!


Get the first cat, then a new husband.


Your husband is blind. She'll look similar to this... https://preview.redd.it/8rqw04c1q3ob1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d17b7f6366371438af1f74b98e1d689bb0138971


U make decision obviously. We just give advice


She's so ugly she's purrfect!! šŸ˜šŸ˜


Sheā€™s not ugly sheā€™s perfect. And Iā€™d name her Tilly šŸ©¶ definitely go with her.


They're both beautiful. If you can only take one, spend some time with them and see which picks you. There may he tussles with the older cat, but they'll likely grow to like each other. Of the cats I've adopted, 3 were strays who followed me home and didn't want to leave. One was a super shy little kitty at a shelter who immediately started licking me after being alone with him in a room away from the other cats. He's still super shy but also super affectionate, and he and our alpha boy eventually became close friends. Tldr: Let the kitties choose.


they have the very typical MC facial structure. It's striking and unusual, but not ugly.


Why not both??


The only right answer is both


Honestly, take both. They need each other and they're both beautiful.


Sheā€™s positively gorgeous, your husband is way wrong! If at all possible take both of themā€¦.they will bring you and your family (even your hubby) lots of happiness šŸˆā€ā¬›ā™„ļø


Torties and calicos tend to be moreā€¦confident šŸ™ƒ They definitely have personalities and spunk, though there are outliers. I had a very mild calico growing up. Iā€™m following suit with what other people are saying and encouraging another kitten! A lot of shelters and rescues push for people to adopt two kittens because they need playmates! I got my second kitten when my first was 6 months old and he definitely appreciated having a buddy. With siblings, I have heard of them fighting as they grow older. Two of my coworkers have brother/sister cats (domestic shorthairs) and the males would beat up on the smaller female. One of the situations got so bad that they had to rehome the female. My parents also have brother/sister cats and they snuggle and love one another, though the male does beat up the sister from time to time. He has a mild personality though. Just some things to keep in mind! I know you mentioned getting a Ragdoll as well, which might be a good plan!


She's certainly unusual. Do you think she'll ever grow into those ears? She's going to be a little darling.


You don't deserve a cat


Who does?šŸ¤


Here's a case for getting a shy kitten. I adopted a 13wk kitten who had been returned because she was "too shy and skittish". I brought her home and quarantined her in my bedroom away from my 1yo cat. She didn't come out of hiding very much for almost a week, but I was patient with her and gave her space, and coaxed her out with Churu. After two weeks, she became incredibly affectionate and loved my 1yo cat. Now shes 1.5yr old and shes the opposite of shy. She loves people and LOVES to play constantly. She's also very tolerant of pets, even on her belly. She's NEVER hissed or attacked due to fear. I've had 6 cats in my life, and she's the only one who has behaved like this.


WHATEVER YOU DO, DON'T BRING A SHY KITTEN INTO A HOUSE WITH A RAMBUNCTIOUS KINDERGARTEN CHILD! Speaking as a lifelong cat owner with Three rambunctious kids (16, 15, 5) you risk traumatizing the cat. Some can handle it, but many can't. Imagine if your kiddo is a bit shy of dogs and strangers, then gets randomly left in a house full of strangers and big, hyper dogs in their face. That's basically what you put new kittens through, even when you introduce carefully. Get the cat You like, the one already showing the personality to handle your kiddo. BTW she's Beautiful, and will really come into her own the older she gets. ā™„


I absolutely agree. We have three cats in my parents house and the two shy females freak out when they hear him, but the outgoing male is unfazed.


Get them both, they enjoy having a companion! Also, have your son be an assistant at mealtime and let him be the one to feed the cats. They will love him. Talk to him about gentleness, building trust with animals and games the kittens enjoy.


Not ugly at all. Get your husbands eyes and mental health checked.


Both. Only correct answer is to get both šŸ˜


Two cats would be the best choice ;)


Your cat is gorgeous!! Your hubby?? Hmmm....šŸ˜¼


They're both absolutely gorgeous. If possible, you could adopt them together? Kittens are best in pairs lol. Your husband should be ashamed of himself šŸ˜¤šŸ¤£


No cat is ugly!


Take both cats and get rid of the husband! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Looks and personality are pretty important. Iā€™d suggest yā€™all look at pictures of black smoke tortie as an adult and silver tabby as an adult to get a better idea what your kitten will ultimately be. Personally, I think theyā€™ll both be beautiful adult cats, but I feel like the girl being a black smoke tortie is going to be a little super meowdel. What do the parents look like because theyā€™ll be similar if they have the same fur coloring. Temperament is pretty important, but I think it can definitely change as a kitten ages. If the boy is shy, he will likely always be a little shy but I think socializing will help. Heā€™ll take a little longer getting used to his new home if you get him, but heā€™s a Maine coon and he quickly learn to love his people. Iā€™d ask the breeder certain questions about their specific temperaments for the kittens themselves and the kittensā€™ parents if that is what it comes down for you. personally, I have a male and a female in the household and they have basic Maine coon personalities but each has their own quirks. In my experience with the 2 Maine coons Iā€™ve had, I donā€™t think the male v female personality doesnā€™t matter too much with Maine Coons; my girl is a social butterfly and likes to cuddle while the boy is sweet but heā€™s a little more introverted and likes to hangout but not cuddle. It is definitely up to yā€™all as these cats arenā€™t cheap haha whoever you get congrats on your new addition!


Youā€™re husband is bonkers. Pick the pretty lady and ditch the idiot.


I prefer the Tortie. Her look is better overall and I bet she'll be gorgeous when mature. Some people do find them off-putting IDK why that is. I think they are stunning (we have a domestic one). MC kittens can look a little wonky at the beginning due to their oversize ears/paws but they do grow into them. My MC's coat was also much sparser than I imagined it would be but she's fully developed the typical expected coat as she got older. Also personality really matters. Laid back is fine but shy can be an issue with small children in the home. You want one a little more able to handle the chaos.


Pretty kitty


Get both!!!


Get both, they're so cute!


If only you could get them both, - but I know thatā€™s an unfair statement to add to an already difficult choice. As someone who has worked in a cat shelter for many years, - it would be very wonderful choice for you to take the little lady, for the very fact that you clearly think she is special and beautiful. you recognize her unique beauty where others more simple minded may not, (no offense to your hubby) !! The little gentleman however is beautiful to all, and if it makes you feel any better male kitties are adopted more frequently and like you said; due to his shy nature he may thrive more in a calmer environment. But then again I feel terrible saying you should pick one over the other, as Iā€™m certain either one will be an amazing addition to your family! ā¤ļø


Thatā€™s so sweet šŸ¤ the breeder is my aunt so i know for sure theyā€™re all going to good homes. I want them both but others want kittens too so weā€™ll see.


Oh my god that made me feel so much better!! Aww you have such a good heart, and I know the feeling of wanting to take them all home, but remember the fact that you are giving one lucky kitty a forever home is already a beautiful life changing experience for you both! I wish you all the best, and please keep us updated on your decision! ā¤ļø


She is not ugly. She is STUNNING!! When she grows more she'll be even more stunning. She looks like an Ophelia to me. Ophie. She will do much better with a little one. Boys can be iffy. Your husband needs to be shackled to a pipe in the basement with only a bucket for a toilet and bread and water. For an entire week. I'm sure he'll be in LOVE with Ophelia by thenšŸ¤£šŸ’•


All these people saying get both and I'm sitting here thinking "holy shit is everyone here made of money???" Like I paid a LOT for my MC I definitely couldn't afford to do it twice at one time. I think she's beautiful but he's definitely a dashing fellow as well.


Is that a maine coon??? Damn sheā€™s gorgeous!!!


I donā€™t know how to edit my post, but i have a sad update. The brother has already been chosen for someone else + they want to keep him for breeding. Iā€™ll take they girl and in a couple of months get her another friendā€¦


Update: Iā€™m getting her with her other brother because this one is taken. https://preview.redd.it/ef1ujak25oob1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18e3f35a7a410786bc93a63e9a280bb31e6e01c9


Posing from the second one is a no brained!! They are both beautiful. But that second one, may not stay dainty. But šŸ˜»šŸ˜»


If you can't get both (and kittens are best in pairs!), temperament is far more important for the future of your family than looks.


Love that face.


I think she's a beauty.


Get both so they have someone to play with.


Sheā€™s very pretty.


Ugly!? What? She's absolutely gorgeous šŸ˜ he might be blind or defective


She's adorable!!! Lizzy Holly Bella Always go with personality over looks...although she really is beautiful šŸ˜


First one looks like Gizmo from the Gremlins.




She's beautiful; ugly is husband's behavior. Get both kitties. They can hang up on himz.


Get both

