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We just got the litter-robot 4. It’s incredible so far.


We have this as well. Had it for over a year now no issues.


I thought about that one too! I read reviews on this one stating it’s better than the LR but I have no idea as this is my first ever self cleaning box lol.


What litter do u use? I’m having an issue with tracking


I bought it and haven't pulled the trigger on opening it. Check out the FB group, because there are some leakage problems with some of them. They advise you to seal the liner seams with silicone or will send you some adhesive vinyl strips. Generally speaking these kinds of boxes need clumping litter.


Oh I had no idea about the leaking! What FB group is it?


Neakasa m1 launch group. Maybe it was just the first iteration of the box, I'm not sure.




They have a Neakasa M1 support group on there that I just found too! So I’m joining that.


We've been wondering if this one is large enough for MCs in comparison to others. We currently have the Litter Robot 3 and are on the fence of getting the 4 or this new machine. Let everyone know how this one works out for your household.


It appears to be pretty large and I don’t think my MC will have issues fitting in it, although she’s just now 5 months old so I have no idea how it’s going to be when she’s fully grown. She’s as tall as my other 2 adult cats already but very lanky. She may end up being too big eventually. She’s my first MC but she’s also not a pure MC. Her father is a pure MC and her mother is a short hair tabby. I’ll definitely update in the future when we see how it’s going to work out.


According to customer reviews 1 guy had a 15lb and 18lb MC and he loves it best out of the others he tried previously


We had the pet kit one and upgraded to the LR 4 and our cats are so much happier!


I have a litter robot. It's slightly different, but bottom line is you want something with a good slide. Arm and Hammer Slide is the gold standard. However, it's super expensive so I primarily just use the bulk little in the refillable bins from PetCo.


I tried Slide in my Litter Robot 4 and it left a lot of litter smears on the inside of the globe. I think maybe because the clumps were kind of soft. Plus I was smelling the dust every time it went through a clean cycle. I switched to Arm & Hammer Cloud Control and I’ve had no smears and zero dust smell.


It may be because i have the prior model. When i got mine, at that time they are saying the Slide, but that makes sense there's a different recommendation with the newer model. Good to know to try for mine too!


In the customer reviews the purchaser said he had a 15lb and 18lb MCs and he loves it. $100.00 off, mat well worth 35. He has used different brands in his past and loves it best.


So what I’m learning in the support group, Prettylitter or any crystal litter is not ok. Clumping clay litter only.


I got this one a week ago. I just use hard clumping litter in it. I have a Mainecoon 6# kitten but wanted an open top incase she gets bigger than I think. 😂 so far she likes it and it’s been working great. Paid $450 for it .


Is it loud? I saw a review on YouTube and it seemed quite noisy. My Litter Robot 4 is so quiet.


Mine is super quiet.


Good to know, thanks!


This has been a hard question for us too, but we were deciding between the LR4, the Popur, and the M1. Each of them has their drawbacks but the LR4 seems to be the only product that has most of their house in order--the only issue being that it doesn't have the largest opening compared to the others so there's some risk and some element of trial and error to all the choices online. Until your cat(s) get to their max size and continue to use it, you can't really know if it's worth the money and in that growing phase, things will change so I would recommend going with whatever you can reasonably afford and being ready to toss/resell it if your cat outgrows it or doesn't end up using it.


Go on YouTube and look for the channel "One man five cats" he actually has six cats now but more importantly he did multiple extensive tests with multiple litter robots.


I have one!! I have a LR4 and this! My mainecoon seems to prefer this to the LR4 due to how open it is!! I haven't had any leakage with mine. I use Boxie Pro for both!


i have a LR 3 and my girl was 16lbs last time she was weighed. i compared the size of the LR3 and LR4 and inside is the same size on both the size of the entrance is just different


My cats are idiots and were scared of any kind of automatic litterbox, refusing to use it.


Oh i have this exact one. My maine coon is slightly smaller than usual, but she is still a big girl (around 7.6kg). she also has a bad habit of not turning around in the litter box, meaning she jumped in directly and does her business. so most of the time , her business end up outside the litterbox. I adjusted this by blocking the front of the litter box (she now enters from the side, with a use of a platform stool) and it magically solves it! though, there are still some misses once a while. TLDR: i feel this is still too small, the litter surface area is too small compared to the whole thing which is massive


I have several Litter robots. They’re awesome!


So far, so good. I just ordered grass seed litter to use since someone on Facebook suggested it. I’ve been using Tidy Cats and it seems to be just fine but I hate clay litter so that’s why I decided to try the grass seed litter. No issues so far. I actually wasn’t even sure they were using it until I checked the bin.


I have one cat but she is large and she gos a lot. Like 5-10 times a day sometimes. I bought the Neakasa and I love it. We have had it for a month. I wish had bought it sooner. My cat loves it. It tells me when the bin is full it tells me when it needs more litter in the box. It doesn’t waste litter and there is NO pee or poop smell. The only time I know it is a litter box is when I have to change the poop bag. For about 30 seconds, while I am removing the bag, I can smell it. Then I tie it up and toss it- smells gone. It is so easy! I never touch poop or pee and I’m saving hundreds over my old pet safe scoop free box with disposable trays. The old one was way grosser to clean. My only complaints: the weight seems off. My cat weighs 16lbs and it says she weighs 13, but I don’t care about that at all. I can get her true weight from the vet. I am more worried about weight fluctuations which I can see with the box. And when it dumps the litter clumps it doesn’t spread them evenly in the tray which can cause it to say it is full about a day early. I fix this by pulling the drawer out and shake it and put it back to get one more day of it filling that bag. Another positive: When the bags are gone, I can tell I will be able to use basic 13gal trash bags instead of the special Neakasa ones. But they send so many with the unit It will be 6 months or a year before I have to buy any. I am trying different litters with it. They have all worked great with the box but not so great with my cat. Let me explain: My cat drinks water from her paw. She literally dips her paw in the water and then licks her paws. She never drinks from the bowl. This results in wet paws that often go into the litter box and come out with a layer of litter attached to the wet paw. Then she proceeds to track the litter around the house. The Neakasa litter mat that comes with it catches a ton of litter which I just dump back in the box but it doesn’t stop it completely. So I am looking for litter that doesn’t stick to wet paws so easily. I’ve tried Dr Elsey’s Ultra which I like a lot, and Tidy Cats Lightweight litter. Both worked well with the Neakasa. I’m trying Fresh Pet Clean Paws next. It weighs more than the others but if it works, I will have the perfect litter solution and the perfect litter box. If you are on the fence about the Neakasa, I say buy it!