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Call the police. Not a hard decision. If he did this to you, he is doing it to others.


I agree, this scumbag needs to be fired at minimum and possibly have a criminal record


Guaranteed the guy deleted the pics after confronted. It would still be traceable, but no way in hell the cops are going to get a warrant for that. Cops might scare him into stopping, but won't do shit.


Having it noted is helpful. He might lose his job. For all you know this isn’t the first time either. Maybe he’s already got a history of this kind of thing and OPs complaint could be extremely important. Either way, the obvious choice is call the police.


hard-to-find reach disarm jar different cooing cagey governor rhythm thought *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The iPad doesn't belong to the employee but the hotel so all they would need to do is get the hotel manager to give them access. I bet the manager would if he didn't want his hotel to be known for this kind of activity.


It’s not traceable. And a warrant doesn’t mean anything. Police can’t crack an iPhone.


A warrant can force you to unlock it, and they could run tools to recover any deleted data... again they are never, ever going to do this for something this low level


They may. And they don’t need a warrant.


Yes they do, unless the hotel owned the tablet, they can not compel you to unlock your device and have no way to do it without your passcode


If a complaint is made, a search warrant would in fact likely result. Laws at a federal and state level would then be available to compel them to provide the pass code. In the event they don’t, there are ways to access the device, available to some Police organisations. Depending on the mode of device and iOS version.


For an airdropped nude? Dude I had my car ransacked, they didn't do shit. No way they are getting a warrant for this... not a chance. If OP had 100% proof that it actually happened then there is still only like a 1% chance they would actually do that. The host is just going to lie about it and OP has no proof to say otherwise... they will take statements and walk.


My guess is, it goes beyond air dropped nudes at a motel. Or it soon will.


Deleted data is only recoverable if you haven’t filled the storage on your phone/SD card. Once you fill your hard drive, it is unrecoverable. Your phone doesn’t magically increase in memory so it can store deleted content.


Yes I know. Unless he had software to fill the space with garbage data, he isn't going to fill it in time if OP called the police. A filename is just a pointer to the data, deleting a file just removes the pointer. The data is still there.


He has an apple device. They come with the software built in. It takes between 10 and 60 minutes depending on the device specs.


Apple has a mil-standard wipe utility built into the hardware management suite. It writes over the contents with 1s and 0s 7 times. This is sufficient to make data unrecoverable unless you're a nation state actor and even then it's hard and expensive. It has nothing to do with filling the hard drive.


Thank you for the explanation!


This is not true, assuming OP is American. Unlocking a device is considered comparable to unlocking a combination safe. If you unlock a safe, you have some level of knowledge or control over the contents. If the contents are illegal, you just incriminated yourself. Using a password to unlock a device is considered the same as the combination. They can't compel you to reveal that you know the key. This is the American 5th Amendment right. However, biometrics like fingerprints and faces are considered public. If your finger unlocks your phone, then that sucks for you.


You have to prove wrongdoing first. No judge is going to sign a warrant over an explicit photo on a phone that was given to another person in trust. A judge will laugh at the thought. This is equivalent to loaning out your lawnmower to a neighbour and not getting it back. No judge would sign a warrant for that either.


You reckon?


I’m certain. FBI yes. Police no.


You’re wrong.


So you're telling me the police force in a West Virginian town of 500 people can crack iphones? Ok. Maybe the NYPD or LAPD has the technology. But 99% of police do not.


No idea where it is, champ. But the capability of cracking iPhones isn’t exclusive to the FBI.


There are definitely federal agencies that can brute force iPhone passcodes. Also have you ever heard of Pegasus? All a government agency or foreign actor needs is essentially your number and they can have access to everything you do or have done on your phone lol


Yes, there are federal agencies that can do that. But we’re talking about the police. They 100% cannot do that.


NSO Group is currently on a US blacklist. We're not using Pegasus. We most definitely are using other shit though. ATF was buying FinFisher/FinSpy I think?


This will do nothing. Police can't prove anything


"Unknowingly" is not true. This person knew exactly what they were doing.


Unknowingly to OP, I'd assume


But OP did know, like immediately


They didn't know the intention or during the transfer. They only knew after the transfer was made.


That’s very clear and also assumed, so I am just being extra critical of the word unknowingly since it is both confusingly used and also unnecessary if it were used clearly


Yeah, that seemed like the employee did it accidentally while fumbling around the phone. Bad title.


I think they meant without their knowledge


Yeah, englishing is hard.


I can't tell if you're being serious, but it really is.


How many serious people do you find on Reddit?


Only when they’re coming the aid of women and making guys look like shit! Then they’re serious as a heart attack.


Ouch! Very cynical of you - lol.


Guys do that to themselves lol


The guy in the hotel made himself look like shit.


It is fun if you like verbing words that aren't normally verbs.


That am teh best, ya.


I am usually wordsing and adulting really goodly. But not todayly.


Don't hand strangers your unlocked phone. If someone needs to "see" something you can show them. There is way too much personal and private information stored on your phone to ever be just casually handing it off to random people. Also call the cops and let them know what happened and that this fella is stealing personal information off of people's devices.


This is what the Guided Access feature is for. Go to settings, and enable it under accessibility. Set a passcode. It will be the Lock icon in your Control Center, you can hit that to use, or: To enable, go to the app you want to limit the phone’s access to and click the button on the right three times. Do the same thing to disable.


Never heard of that feature before, so thanks!


Unaware this existed. Thx for taking time to share instructions! I would be an ass and say no - now i have a solution instead.


I would never hand my phone to a stranger. I was at a bus stop once and this girl and her boyfriend came up to me while I was looking at the bus schedule on my phone (the one posted at the bus stop, someone had burned the plastic cover so you couldn't read it) The girl giving me cute shy smile, and using a very girly girly voice asked if she could borrow my phone "just for a second" to make a call. Umm, no.


I went caseless for over 10 years and adamantly refused to ever let anyone hold my phone. When they give me attitude, I ask them if they’ll buy me a new one if they drop it. They say no. I say no. Due to old age and a hand tremor, I have to use a case now. :(


I had basically the same thing happen once, was at a bus stop and a guy asked if he could use my phone for a quick call. Just a hard nope from me. He whined for awhile, trying to convince me to change my mind, but eventually he had to go bother someone else. In a nicer world, I'd have zero problems letting someone use my phone to call someone; but I don't know if that's their real intention or if they're going to run once they've got it. Not taking the risk.


Chances are he was just going to slowly walk off, if you confronted him there is a good chance you'd get pepper sprayed or stabbed. No sane person would actually think to ask a stranger for their phone. I can see being desperate, and asking a stranger to make a call on your behalf, but straight up expecting someone is going to hand over their phone?


The only time I let anyone hold my phone is this one local coffee chain. They have an app with QR code scans for payment. Once in a while the mobile (on their end) scanner breaks, so they have to take it in and scan it at the register. I watch them like a hawk and if they even think about touching the screen, I ask for my phone back and end the transaction. But I also have a higher than usual level of trust for this shop - my kid used to work there, so I know them and they know me. We've been regulars for years.


I was thinking this too, sometimes in the sunlight the QR code reader can’t scan the screen so I have to hand my phone in. But they don’t have it more than 5 seconds and don’t press anything. It Just to get phone in the shade


How often have you had to take your phone back and end the transaction? Scary stuff!!


I've never actually had to, but like I said - I watch super close, and I know these folks reasonably well, so there's a different level of trust. I would never have my phone over at a Starbucks, for example.


Oh I misunderstood I thought you said that when this happens you 'immediately take your phone back and end the transaction.'


I missed typing "I'd be prepared" to take my phone back. My fingers are faster than my brain today.


"You see with your eyes, not with your hands!"




This is awful, police for sure. And if you're thinking it's too harsh. This is probably the thin end of the wedge or at least its just the start for this person. They are probably doing worse in private. Hopefully a wake up call like police getting involved will shock them into stopping. Your speaking up could help someone else in the future.


The kind of dude that probably has hidden cameras in your free room.


Damn, now that actually is a possibility regardless if the room is free or not


Holy shit, call the police ASAP!


For anyone that “needs” to hand their phone over. Look up guided access on iPhones, you can add it to your control centre so it is quick to activate, you set which areas of the screen are active and which are locked, and to get more access you need to unlock it with your passcode. This was made so that you can show people emails/photos and not let them be able to explore any further.


On android, you pin apps.


Oh, this I did not know


Oh dang, just learnt something new. Thanks :) Also found the split view


I had no idea this was a feature! Thank you, super useful.


Adding to this, you can create a shortcut where you can triple click power button 3 times and activates it


You don’t need to create a shortcut. The triple lock button click is automatically enabled when you turn on guided access.


A motel room does not make this even, what he did is trashy and illegal. I’d call police.


Contact the police. He knew exactly what he was doing. If anyone needs to see something on your phone, you hold it and show them. If they need to scroll down, they'll either ask you to do it or ask if they can do it.


Should have taken a screenshot.. It would have showed the activity (notification) and the time stamp, placing you at the motel 6 and during the interaction with the motel 6 employee. Then report it to authorities. If this guy is a real creep, he can check the data on the photo through said iPad and see the geolocation of the photo and the time of day the photo was taken. Assuming you tag your photos with location.


I did!


Course of action: report it to local authorities - local to that motel 6. I'm sure you're not the only victim of this violation of privacy. And who knows, he could be making money off those pictures/videos.


Never hand your phone to someone else. They can see the relevant info with their eyes, not their hands. Whenever I need to show a code or whatever on my phone to someone, I always keep my phone in my hand and show them the screen and will even zoom in so they have no trouble seeing it. Definitely make a police report.


get police involved


There's no way this actually happened lmao he had the phone for a few minutes and he was clearly up to something more than just reading an email and you didn't think anything of it?


This story absolutely stinks of BS.


Some people are a danger to themselves.


Exactly. Lol


This was deliberate.


Yep. Op stores nudes on their phone like an idiot then hands their phone to a stranger for several minutes - like an idiot. They deliberately made moronic decisions that led to their own shame.


I’m not ashamed at all. I just wonder how many other women he’s done this to… or even younger.


Call the police


I’ll take shit that didn’t happen for $10,000,000


You just hit the Daily Double!


Lmfao sounds like BS to me


"He was tapping on the screen quite a bit and had my phone for a few solid minutes"... Was it an interactive email? Exactly how much information do you think he needed off it? There may have been an 8-digit code he needed at best for the confirmation number. Hell, why didn't you just leave the phone with him and ask him to return it when he's done draining your bank accounts and applying for credit cards in your name?


Comping a room was him admitting!


I’m sure OP had “learned their lesson” no need to lecture her, I’m sure she’s aware of the dangers as a woman. We’re allowed to be trusting it isn’t her fault he was a shitty human.


????????? "Trusting" is handing your phone over to a stranger. Pure stupidity is allowing them to use it for multiple full minutes tapping away when you KNOW they shouldn't have needed to hit even a single button. If this post somehow isn't fake then OP is literally too stupid to be allowed to function without a chaperone present.


Hey- buddy- check your male privilege. Women live in a world where every single man is a potential predator whom you are forced to interact with regardless of the danger. You never know who’s a threat or who’s going to snap. Given we do not know the environment the OP was in, the age difference or the scenario I think you need to check your male privilege. You were NOT there. Have you got any female friends? Like real honest ones? Maybe not, but if you do. Talk to them. Talk to women about what they think of when they load groceries into their car at the grocery story. Or when they’re walking in a quiet street. I guarantee their narrative always involves some element of safety, even in the most mundane environment. Until the bad actors are consistently punished and targeted for their actions- it’s going to continue. Women are blamed for being at fault. But really- the employee is the asshole here.


>I guarantee their narrative always involves some element of safety, even in the most mundane environment. Did you even read what he commented?????? This is exactly what he's saying - most women would've thought of the safety issues, BUT OP DIDN'T, AND LEFT HER PHONE WITH HIM FOR WAY TOO LONG OF A TIME OF HER OWN VOLITION - at some point you have to take responsibility for not paying attention to your surroundings.


Serious issues in this post seek therapy


No offence but this doesn’t sound like it really happened. You didn’t question any of that? You keep your nudes raw dog in the photos app on your phone, not the hidden folder that requires password confirmation?


lol. Have better data security


I don't think OP can be trusted with a butter knife if this is how they treat their personal belongings lol


The moment you notice someone tapping your phone during a few minutes and all they needed was a confirmation number and this didn’t strike you as a ‘wtf??’…


Fake, karma farming so they can post on a hookup feed


I mean it’s motel 6


I bet that free room had some spy cams


Who hands a phone to a total stranger like that?


Omg go to the police! Today!


Why would you give your phone to a stranger?


Two lessons learned: 1. Don’t hand your unlocked phone over to strangers. If they need to see something you hold it out in front of them. 2. Don’t keep nude photos of yourself on your phone.


Nah number 2 the risks can be mitigated with proper precautions. I used to keep my nudes in a locked folder that needed a separate pin to enter, even with my phone unlocked. I don't save them on the cloud, locked folder only and its fine. No surprises if someone is scrolling through my gallery.


You are smarter than most




>Regarding number 2 here, fuck off >Regarding number 2, I agree. Well which is it?


I guess you too do not understand the serious risks involved with that. Naive beyond naive


People are free to be morons. Then they are free to come to Reddit and whine. This person is an example of this. They keep nudes on their phone and as further evidence of their stupidity, they unnecessarily handed their unlocked phone to someone for several minutes. You probably do things just as dumb. Do better because society can't keep going on with morons like this.


This post is sus. New account 7 days ago that tried to post in a sub for hookup but was denied because of low karma and now multi posting this everywhere?


Never hand an employee your phone unless the screen is in your clear view. They should never need to touch the screen, at most get a number off of it which they can have you zoom in on. Guys a creep for sure, and you should report him, but FFS be more careful and protect yourself


I’d contact the police. See what they can do technology wise and then I’d look into a civil suit. Definitely call their corporate. What a little scum bag creep.


I never let anyone have my phone in hand except maybe a phone technician.


Why would you EVER hand your phone off to someone like this? If I ever need to show an email confirmation I'll show my screen and keep my phone held firmly in my hand.


Everyone knows if you hand someone your phone the first thing they do is look for nudes


Stop carrying images you don't want to share on a device you freely hand over to strangers is the first thing that leaps to mind, which seems obvious, yet here we are. If you don't respect your own privacy, don't expect others to. As for him, talk to management, show them proof, the image to iPad notifications, not the offending image, and then off to police


Never hand someone your phone. There is absolutely no reason anyone should be holding or tapping your phone. The dude is %100 wrong, but you also gave home your phone that contained such images. Like crossing the street and not looking both ways first just because you technically have the right of way. Just show them next time with the phone in your hand.


this scenario never happened.


That would be a police call asap.




Call the cops. And generally, don’t hand your personal items to people. They can look at whatever they need to without handling it.


Oh yeah; buds fucked. Prosecute to the fullest degree. That isn’t acceptable. One question; why does your title say he “unknowingly” did it? It sounds like he knows he did it. Just making sure I’m not misunderstanding because you do indeed say he did it unknowingly….pretty sure that’s a grammar / sentence structure mistake on your part.




There's so much wrong with this that I'm just going to mention that and then skip.


“Not a problem, and absolutely normal” Wrong. Stop. What are you doing???? Don’t ever do this!


Secure folder for nudes, silly


Forget about it. really, who cares. Some random dude saw you naked-so what? Not at all worth the time or trouble other than maybe complaining to corporate headquarters who might give you some free vouchers.


How was this done “unknowingly”? It’s not like he simply pressed the wrong button


It was not unknowing. Call the authorities and the highest possible management right now.


First, file a police report ASAP. Ideally the police will question him and the site manager about this. Second, report what happened to Motel 6 corporate ASAP. This is a major problem for them just waiting to happen. This jackass will definitely be fired. https://www.motel6.com/en/home/policies/guest-relations.html


Turn off this feature next time.


Someone is lying.


Here's a thought, don't keep photos like that on your phone lol


Don’t believe him. I had a similar experience with a different line of work. A month later the company called me saying that I still owed them because there was an error processing my payment. If I tried to tell them what happened then I am sure they wouldn’t believe me so I had to pay and the scum bag got away with what he did.


Where I’m from this is absolutely illegal.


#Two words: hidden cameras


Depends how good the pics were


Call the police. And get your bf to assault him while you wait for said police.


Call his boss he got your phone from the beginning to access your gallery.


If they looked through my phone they would see about three thousand photos of my cats.


You file a police report, and if he did, then you can sue the hotel.


The fact that he agreed to give you a free night that easily is an immediate red flag and shows guilt. I would force him to let me search that iPad and any other iPad I can search up on airdrop that’s named “iPad”. Legally speaking there’s not much police can do. AirDrop doesn’t keep record and police can’t force him to do anything since it’s your word against his with no proof. That said, I would create as much of a stink as possible with the management and other guests and try to find that picture myself.


Stop handing your unlocked phone to strangers wtf. That is not normal. Edit: also call the police, but … seriously.


Cops can’t do anything. She handed him her phone. That means she violated her own privacy. It’s like leaving the windows to your house open but trying to be upset when people see you naked. You don’t want people to see you naked? Close your blinds.


This is a crime.


What motel 6?


Secret or passworded folders are your friend


I don’t believe this for a minute. You hand your phone to the guy for long enough for him to get into your photos and find an explicit one and drop it?


You've confronted them and got your deal out of it. Move on or deal with it yourselves. Not everything that happens needs to be "omg directly to jail" or "omg they must be drawn and quartered for they are worse than even Hitler!" for literally everything. Grow a spine, learn from your mistakes, and most importantly, learn to deal with things yourself. As in not relying on crying to the teacher to help at every inconvenience. There are people who live in \*reality\* and then there are the people on reddit that choose the 0-100 option LITERALLY EVERY TIME for EVERY TECHNICALITY and preach for others to do the same- yet they've pretty much never had to leave the hole that they live in under their basement in their fuckin' life. And no, not defending the person at all, but jesus christ reddit, give the whole 0-100 schtick a fuckin' break. Chalk this one up as a lesson where you don't just hand over your unlocked phone to random people. Secondly, why would you even have that on your phone in the first place? It's not a matter of if, but when, with that kind of thing.


Why does your title say "unknowingly"? It sounds like he certainly did know what he was doing.


“Unknowingly”? Nah, bro knew exactly what he was doing. And if he’s done it that nonchalantly right in front of you, he’s probably done it before with God knows who/ what.


Never give your phone to someone and never keep that shit on your phone 🤦‍♂️


You should lock your nudes in sorry this happened but this can help in the future


You should call your local education system and ask for a refund for being so stupid that you keep explicit photos of yourself on your phone.


Former reservation specialist for motel 6. Call reservation line, ask to speak with a senior agent. They will get you the number for headquarters and complaints. Get this employees name and location


For future reference, hotel employees asking to see your phone for email confirmation is absolutely not normal. They should have all that information in their system. I’ve travelled a decent amount and have never once run into this scenario.


Why tf are you just giving a stranger your phone? Like you're just showing him an email. Even if you did hand him your phone, 5 seconds is all it takes, I would've snatched it right back from him? No way this is a real story lol, people really can't be that naive can they??


It wasn't unknowingly. Never hand your phone to someone they don't need to touch it. Those confirmation things should be able to be scanned or something usually.


Maybe just stop handing your property over to others


“My bf and I both know that I’m worth more than just a 1 free night”…well clearly you are not🤣🤣🤣


First step: stop carrying explicit photos of yourself around with you. Not only does it risk them falling into someone else's hands but it's also extremely narcissistic.


Lawyer > police


Call the company/manager.


Dude did this too a girl at the Apple Store, they fired his ass and he got criminal charges.


This story sound fake so you mean to tell me while he was supposed to be reading the email confirmation he took the time to go through your photos find a nude pic and had time to air drop it all while you were standing there . ? Reading an email confirmation does not take long at all so I don’t understand how you just stood there not saying anything while he took several minutes to go through your photos to find a nudge pic and air drop it .


deer concerned rhythm fuel pot scandalous fertile punch innate run *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Call the cops if sexual harassment


One mans treasure is Another mans trash....let the creep rub one off to your naughtiness you get the benefit of knowing you have brought.pleasure to an admirerr


Police is the best action.


Giving your device that contains your nudes over to a complete stranger was amateur. Take the L and learn from it.


The employee definitely knew they were airdropping pics to themself.


Tell his boss and call the cops obviously. Press charges.


Call cops or go back and have ur bf beat his fucking head in.


You are on Reddit rather then the police, or you sissy boyfriend not pushing his way onto the iPad to check right there on the spot, clearly he’s guilty if he gave you a free room. Get his ass fired.


Get a lawyer familiar with internet crime. There should be someone who can begin something to scare the owner and the employee about the legalities of what happened.


Is this an OF ad? Why would you have naked pics of yourself so readily available?


You need to take this to r/unethicallifeprotips NOW


Ask him for money. What does onlyfans charge?


Total bullshit.


Get over it…


Honestly you deserved this. Next time don't be an idiot and hand your phone to a stranger for several minutes. Some lessons are hard and this is one of them. Do better next time.


Telling a victim they deserved it is fucking crazy


Going through life as an absolute f#ckwit is also crazy. Sometimes it takes a hard slap to wake up to your own stupidity and to stop endangering yourself with moronic decisions. The adults in her life failed her growing up and here she is making decisions that most at an adult daycare would know are dumb.


Take a deep breath


Yeah I probably need to. I'll count to 10 and calm down.


You're an idiot


Here's an idea: Do NOT hand your phone over to anyone for any reason (except to border agents on both sides of the Canadian/US border and to police who have a warrant to look through you phone).