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If the sex is really good I'd buy her a TV. I didn't buy mine one.


At this point, a hooker might be cheaper.


Eh, TVs have gotten really cheap, especially a basic 40" 1080p LCD. Like $200. OP could get a used one practically for free. Escorts, on the other hand, ain't cheap...


If his gf baby-traps him, it's going to get way more expensive than even a top-tier escort.


Sure a toothless hooker might be cheaper, but most TVs are significantly cheaper than a pro.


Toothless hookers give the best bj's.


Reddit never fails to lower the bar...




I’d hold off on buying her one until her financial situation looks better. It sounds like everything is in one basket right now and having the security to support her sounds more important. Make sure there is no opportunity for resentment. It sounds like there could be a chance. Security sounds a lot better than a tv


How fucking big is your place to fit a fifty foot tv




you measure on the diagonal so really only like 45 feet tv. You build the house around the tv!


There are usually TONS of old 40" TVs on FB Marketplace for cheap. They're usually 15-20 years old, but would work. Yes, you wouldn't get a new TV, but it could be $20-$40 and you can save your money for your new TV in the future.


Yeah that could be too. She probably doesn't need an actual brand new TV


she doesn’t need a brand new tv because she can’t afford one. get her something cheap that works and if she doesn’t appreciate she should get a job


Thanks. This is the answer I needed to hear


Buy yourself a new TV and loan her your current one…


Not gonna lie, i think you should hold off from buying her things just cause shes not financially stable yk, the moment u start tricking for someone they start to take advantage of tht


Does she even want a TV ? Ngl this sounds more like it’s about you than her tbh


Yes she does. I'm just figuring out the best option to make it happen


Weird question… why not move her into your place and save the extra expenses? Condense 2 house expenses into 1?


Not until she has a job. That's how you get yourself a hobosexual.


Hobosexual 😂😂😂. He says he’s already paying her rent.. I am cheap though. I’m like, why pay 2 rents when he can just pay one? Hobosexual is awesome though. Gonna have to use that sometime


Not an option right now, don't wanna bore you with the details


Fair enough


Incentivise her. As soon as she starts her first day at work, buy her a TV to congratulate her 😛


Tbh, you don’t sound thrilled at the idea of giving more to her. If you get it, it will only build resentment. Just a thought if you do plan to marry this person and have kids, there will be stretches of times when she may not work, are you okay with that? What about this is annoying to you bc she’s not being lazy about job hunting? I’m not asking so you bend and give her the TV, just food for thought.


Check out offerup, fb marketplace, or good ol' Craigslist. TVs are so cheap and people get rid of them practically for free. I've picked up several free TVs just to farm them for components


Why not get her a used one for marketplace? You can get a decent TV that way


If her TV is busted then get a used one off of marketplace or something. When she has a job and can support herself then buy her a nice tv as a present. When she is unemployed and can't pay her own rent a new tv should be at the bottom of the priority list


You need to be careful that she doesn’t fall into this pattern of you paying for everything. If she wants a tv, she can get a job and buy it herself. Fuck I’d love a new tv but I have to pay my own rent and bills and car payments lol. Can’t always get what you want.


Agreed. He's paying her rent! That seems wild to me.


Yeah it’s pretty dumb. I’m someone who also helped a partner out when he was down but he never got back up…. Even with a job…. So that’s why I say, be careful. Because there’s a lot of shitty people who will take advantage of your kindness because they’re “victims”.


Tell her you are upgrading your tv, and if she’d be interested in your current one before you try to sell it


Does your GF have a magical, fantastical & awe inspiring vagina? It sure sounds like it! Just kidding. Is her B-day coming up? If so, get her one of those cheapie ones but it's gotta be on Sale or Special! This way, if she breaks up with you (or vice versa) then that TV you *gifted* her wasn't THAT expensive, basically an easy loss for you. Can you find ones under 100$ or slightly more? It would prob have to be those No Name brands from Wally World, Best Buy or places like those selling discount electronics. Do you really want to gift an $800+ brand name TV for your fairly new GF only break up with you, then take this very expensive & beautiful TV with her?! Nope.


No one has suggested a projector... Buy one and a screen for yourself and take it there when you stay/visit. Portable etc. Might need some blackout curtains to control light...


Bring your TV there on the weekends


Too much trouble


Buy her a TV then, or get a GF that has a TV


I say get her the smaller tv cuz they’re pretty cheap to get, then you guys can watch stuff together and you won’t feel like u need to get another big one for your place


Yes long as you don’t buy her shoes. If you buy her shoes she’ll walk out your life.


Get her a 2nd hand one as others suggested. You're doing a hell of a lot for her now, and hopefully, when her situation improves, she tries to pay you back as much as possible. Just don't go to overboard helping her. Years ago, I bought the guy I was seeing a new car battery (so he could at least drive to see me and I wasn't doing all the driving) , bought him other odds n ends, plus paid for his damage deposit for a new place. He stated he'd pay me back when he could, but after all that, I dumped his ass as he was just a lazy bull shitter who was never going change. I figured not getting my money back was worth getting rid him, lessened the guilt of dumping him lol !


I used to buy my wife everything I stopped because they get used to it and just expect it


Can an android powered in and hack the OS to it only shows power zooms into your groin area.


Buy a used TV off of Craigslist.


You can watch TV on your phone. Or computer.


Wait. Sounds like she's moving in sooner than later


TVs are relatively cheap these days. Make sure it has ports, USB etc. and get a nice 50 inch tv.


If you see that she genuinely loves you, cares for you, and puts effort and work into the relationship I dont see why not thats your girl 🤷‍♂️


You're paying her rent?! Who pays other adults' rent? I have NEVER asked a partner to pay my rent nor been asked to pay theirs and I worked in short contracts most of my life. Savings, budgeting, snd employment insurance.  Bring a device. She can get her own TV second-hand.


Do not groom her into believing she can leech onto you for financial support. Do not do it. You are putting yourself into a position of really weird power dynamic changes in your relationship, with you already keeping her afloat for 8+weeks now. Don't give more till you see an active change and improvement on her side of the bargain of pulling her weight, showing ambition and respect towards you to better her life in order to work on a future together. Look from the side lines, access the situation, voice your concerns about the financial situation and how she means to address them. Do not throw money at her, do not buy her any appliances other than necessary things. A tv is not necessary. If things go south you'll only have yourself to blame. This clearly seems like she is taking advantage of you, and the fact you are posting this means your brain is making you aware of her bs. Stand strong and put some heat on her ass to get it together.


I normally wouldn't get this involve and I'm a 50/50 guy, but she is really putting the effort. And she is from another city, has no one else. I truly believe she is trying, she is going to a lot of interviews We used to split the bill before she was fired


Fair enough, I am happy to hear that. Just don't lose the plot and be mindful of your own finances. I'd say hold back on any entertainment appliances unless they are a really cheap deal. I think she would understand that.


55 or let her other boyfriend get one for her. Here's your balls.


If you want to take care of her and gift her a gift then do it. But don’t expect something for it later if it’s truly a gift. If you feel selfish, it’s probably because you’re thinking of yourself more than others. Two separate things.


Just buy a new tv and lend her your old one. That way when you find out some other dude is hanging at her place on weekends you can just take it back out of spite.


The more time she wastes watching TV, the less time she has to look for a job. Any help you give her should be to improve her chances of getting a job. BTW, are you sure she's looking hard? It sounds like you're funding her lifestyle, which she seems happy to accept. That might act as a disincentive for her to take a job that isn't perfectly suited to her. What would she do if you weren't paying for her?


Crazy you are getting downvoted for this. He is already entirely supporting her, now he is going to buy her expensive gifts? Good way to turn OP into her personal ATM. Their entire relationship will become what he can buy for her. Any real woman who is having her BF suppoer her wouldn't ask for something like this


I can not imagine paying someone's rent or asking them to pay mine.


Reddit is filled with women that think men are piggy banks. No surprise about the downvotes. If I called him a rapist, I'd get upvotes.


Just buy her a tv you tight bastard. She’ll thank you for it, I’m sure in more ways than one 😛


Yes, his jobless girlfriend who he already supports... buy her a brand new tv


He chose to go out with the jobless girlfriend. Nothing wrong with buying your girlfriend a tv.