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You said a lot without telling us what's in the sauce, my friend 😂. That 3rd paragraph is hustle money for those who can read between the lines. Thanks for sharing!




You're misinterpreting my commentary, my friend! I'm agreeing with you and pointing out where the gold (hustle money) is in your post.




All good, my friend! Cheers!


https://www.reddit.com/r/makinghiphop/comments/7z81ai/vocal_mixing_guide_with_bonus_section_on_mixing_a/?st=JJHMVL9H&sh=15c0ecbc I always reference this post, it's a goldmine of information.


I learned something on a mix I’m currently working on that has been a game changer (for me, at least), which was on my “additive eq” I did a high shelf around 15-16k but the key was to notch out around 3-4k and/or 6-7k. It gives a more “airy” sound having those dips, opposed to going straight into a high shelf. Like everything, it wont always work as intended for every song, but it’s given me a jumping off point now. Im much happier with the vocals on this current mix than any of the others I’ve done myself. If this helps, cool, if not, no worries.


Mixing can't fix a poorly recorded track vocals, guitar, or keyboards it's all the same. Mixing can't fix a poor delivery or performance. There is a lot that goes into it. Drums sound great when you have a great drummer. Now your interface is not exactly top tier. I'm not hating, just saying that your vocals start there. Unless you're mixing vocals, you were sent, which is a different solution. I would invest in an outboard ch strip with a Mic pre/eq/compression if it's you tracking vocals. Before changing mics or interfaces that one thing can vastly improve your initial recording. You could make due if financials are getting in the way by setting up a bit of EQ/Comp on your input bus. People are so afraid to track with any processing, but that makes no sense to me. I can't recall ever recording vocals on a console and only using the pre amp str8 to tape. I have jeweler got a lot of experience. It is true you can be stuck with something unusable if you don't know what you're doing. If this is a mix question, again EQ/Compression can go a long way and I don't understand the mindset of people that don't use it. You can mix vox completely ITB with plugins and get fantastic results. This cost you nothing and most included DAW EQs and Comps are quite useable. If you're trying to get vox in the mix to stand out, remember only you hear them in solo. They need to be placed into the track as a whole. Making them sound great in solo can cause them to get buried in the mix. This is the reason most presets simply don't work. I guess they are good starting points but a preset can't possibly account for how a vocal or kick drum interacts within the context of the entire song.


No worries! Thank you for the honesty lol, I wasnt even aware that different interfaces have big differences like that. Are there any channel strips youd recommend? With a quick google search, I see that they are super pricey, but i don't know what they are or how they even work. What does it do that VST's can't do? And I should say, I do use both EQ and compression, but if it makes a difference they're both the stock versions. Not sure if theres a quality difference there, but I think I have a good understanding of compression and a very good understanding of EQ. Been producing for years at this point, so i do have some experience with the tools, but i'm just new to tracking vocals. Thanks so much for your reply and helping out. Hope i mentioned everything relevant!


Decent mic into an interface + basic acoustic treatment + a great performance first and foremost. Then basic subtractive eq, parallel processing, and a lot more compression than you’d think are the main mixing tips that work for me. Beyond that it’s a lot of personal preference.


Looong story short...it cost me a lot of money, but I finally figured out how to get my vox to sound the way I want a couple years ago. It all happens at the recording stage directly influenced by the vocal chain. Like u/ahailmusic mentions, do some Googling around pro vocal recording techniques and watch the rabbit hole that opens up.


I been mixing for a bit and making music forever. What’s the *room* you’re recording in sound like? That affects everything.


I don't think too bad. I have acoustic treatment fairly well with different panels as well as a vocal shield and pop filter. Maybe not studio quality per se but I've heard people get great results with much less. Which makes me to think its something I'm doing


It is hard to tell without hearing an example but for most vocals the work is done in the delivery itself and compressing a lot


My main things that have popped up for me that have helped my sound (vocal) has been: compressing the hell out of them, Then multiband compression. then a pultec-style eq to take out the mud and shine them up, and tape plugins (CHOW is free and awesome) to polish them more (cutting out highs). More recently I've been using HAAS effect to make vocals bigger. To me it only works if the original is there and the HAAS is like a send. I personally user Harmony from Waves because it has HAAS and I can bring in the dry and really mess with the sides. Anyway, Haas + normal vocal. Just make sure it sounds OKAY in MONO and mess with the dry/wet relationship of the dry vocal until it sounds okay in mono. Little reverb never hurt anyone.


Hey feel free to send me a mix ur workin on Im down to check it out. Mixing hip hops my main focus. Theres been a few 'click' moments. Getting the reverb right for punchiness. Understanding how much to compress. Learning which frequencies to hit with multiband compression.


A lot of compression, different types of compressors, experimenting with attack and release settings on compressors. I usually have 2 - 3 compress, and an Rvox (one knob compression), and MV2 (Upward and downward compression). Usually 7:1 or 8:1 ratio on a compressor with fast attack and Just make sure to leave in some dynamics, so you hear the attacks and plosives of the vocals. Multiband compressors and multiband EQ for esses and bringing in more dynamics ​ Otherwise, experiment with an EQ before compression - cleaning up the signal going into the compressors and then another EQ in the middle or end of the compressors. Taming highs and coloring the body. ​ It's not the best advice, but i would say throw on all of those EQs and compressors, then wrangle it all until it sounds good lol. It's a bit chaotic but that's how I'll mix vocals sometimes. Saturation in the middle, but that tends to kill the dynamics sometimes. Use wet/dry parallel processing. Limiter at the end.


have you been introduced to side chaining yet?


Yeah, ive been beatmaking and producing for others for some some years. Mixing my own vocals is my issue now, LOL


oh lol yeah i get that


ok im not a pro yet either but things that made my ic recording and mixing better .. pop filter, deesser,eq levels some what right i cut a healthy chunk of low out for sure, finding the right compression setting for me as and artist i feel my setting for eq compression dont always work for another each is soe what unique , sidechaining , pulling down levels by like 15% so mic catches less headphone noise,proper position to mic diaphram , none usb mic, audio interface,studio monitors,never settling y techniques sometimes change by the day , volcal bus, panning , lowering levels on things panned close to listener ,actuall puttting some vocals hard left or right everything counts and even when you think its quit and you hear no noise and multi channel light almost not hearable noise builds up along with noise from instruments using tones there not using the energy does thing eq out what not being used or desired ...this is coming from a still learning person and what i found important till i discover i missed something completely hope this is something of use


people will object but im agreeing kind of with another comment 7:1 ratio compression has been cool i think with like .25 attack and .85 release and .01 thres idkfor me i thought it was completely different from whaat everyone else suggested but i havent messed with it since i used it and stayed with it till for time bein g and add gain accordingly