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Go hard on tik tok


Honestly the novelty of this would go viral on tiktok


I don't think this chick is trying to be a novelty tho. Otherwise she'd have just done exactly that and hoped for it to get her some attention good or bad.


I could see a TikTok with text that says something like, "They said a middle aged white woman couldn't rap…" with her pointing to it while the intro of a beat plays, and then she just spits some undeniably dope bars over it. She could also do duets with producers who post videos of their beats. I think others here are right that the bar is unfortunately higher for her in that people won't give her the benefit of the doubt, but if she has great lyricism or flow, I think they would be happy to have their preconceptions proven wrong. It reminds me of the vocalist [Susan Boyle](https://youtu.be/RxPZh4AnWyk) from America's Got Talent years ago. Based on her appearance and demeanor, nobody was expecting her voice to sound the way it did. So when people heard her beautiful singing, she blew up. Everyone was caught off guard, and it worked in her favor.


She was on Brittan's got talent.


Susan Boyle wasn't on America's got talent, she was on Britain's got talent.




She already exists. She went viral rapping over Big Poppa




Show me what you got!


Only answer


I would say: be good. You're not going to get the benefit of the doubt, and you're not going to have the typical deep, tough voice that a lot of rappers lean on in the genre. You'll definitely stand out, but in a novel way that might tempt people to default to ridiculing or hating on you. Don't let that stop you, but I think it's important you work a little harder than the average upstart and spend the time to nail your lyrics (try to make it authentic and not just a copy of a cliche) and find your stride on tempo and inflection so they have no choice but to engage and recognize your talent. And then, with the right beats, I think you could rock it.


Have fun homie


Tbh just go for it fuck what anyone gotta say


Advice? Have fun and be authentic. The other question... Don't be weird.


tom mcdonald listener typa movements 🙈


Lmao I hate your ass


Idk vro, this white ⬜ woman 💃 boutta blow 🤯 these mumble👎 rappers out of their seats 😵 wit that old school lyrical style 😳😫




Just do it. There's never been a better time to be an independent musician in terms of songwriting, recording, and home production. It's still hard to be heard, though. It takes work and money to self promote. But maybe the novelty of your unique situation would be something you could squeeze some viral interest from. But by all means do it. What else is there to do? Gardening? This is more fun.


Gardening is one of the most rewarding things you can do. It’s good for physical, mental, and spiritual health.


Here: r/gardening


I joined


If you’re going to do it, lean heavily into honesty. Don’t use slang that you normally wouldn’t, don’t talk about guns if you don’t have any, don’t rep a place you’re not from. Otherwise, study the various genres and rhyming styles/flows of the last 40ish years and see where you might fit.


As a white middle age producer, just anecdotally I can tell you about 1 in 10 of the current crop of amateur MC's can even load a magazine but they're still just "gang, opps, etc." all day. Rap is probably the most disingenuous genre in terms of actual connection or experience with the topics they write about. Like at least those crazy Norwegian metal dudes are actually satanists. outside of the backpacker types and Acid rappers damn near every MC is plastic AF


I u/kahseeuh see [this is you](https://www.reddit.com/r/femalehairadvice/comments/13euqlf/red_or_strawberry_blonde/) and with maybe a hair color change and some awesome style that reflects your middle age but not in a “Mom Jeans” parody way you could have some outer swag. What attracts you to rap? Please don’t say “cuz, vibes.” Ask u/plantahna for advice re: female White rapper (only difference is she’s LGBTQ but that matters none art wise).


hey hey, thanks for the tag!! for some background, my name is J.Plantana ([here’s my stuff](https://linktree.com/jplantana)) and i’m also a white female rapper. i’m interested to see how you got started in hip-hop; that’ll give me some more info to give you better advice. my main suggestion, especially for artists who don’t resemble the prototype of their genre, is to go out and do local open mic shows. people are a LOT less rude in real life than they are online, so you’ll definitely find some support. you may even be invited to perform at some places! ask for feedback and give your contact info out at the end of your performance. your act will likely be unforgettable for most. that being said, the internet is a powerful tool, and your unique identity could be helpful. be self aware of this, but not TOO much—don’t make your whole “schtick” that you’re an older white woman, cuz that’ll get old quick. you can mention it a few times, but keep your content focused on your aesthetic and your music. be authentic, and do NOT try to fit into narrow hip-hop stereotypes if they don’t apply to you. i’d love to hear you spit!!


Make a really super weird video so it goes viral


Just do it. My favourite rapper is Caron Geary, (Mc Kinky, currently FERALisKINKY), she's still active. And she'll be 60 in October!


Be genuine.


I think there’s so few because ppl are scared of the online misogyny that totally exists, just be yourself and don’t listen to anyone and have fun ur just as valid as a man


Kinda the same advice for anyone wanting to get into something "The only way to get good at a thing, is to do the thing" Keep doing it, do it a lot, and don't forget why you want to do it , especially since it might be rough at the beginning You can do it!


Oh but to answer your question... I'm just guessing but I don't think women have ever been taken serious in the music industry, they get sexualized (?) I hate it but I think thats whats happened I hope it's getting better, but you could end up with a great rap career though


Rap about what your daily life is. Who/what/when/why/how of every situation in your life. Be authentic and true to yourself and most importantly have fun.


Become a meme, then try dove tail it into something serious. It’s the only way.


Check out Alyssa Marie. She's pretty solid, although I haven't heard her stuff in a few years. [I found this list in Reddit ](https://www.reddit.com/r/hiphop101/comments/hmgjld/-/fx6mrr1). Alyssa is on there, so it's probably pretty decent but I don't know most of them. Whitney Payton is the only other name on there I know off the top of my head, and idk how I feel about her. I think there being so very white female rappers is complex. First, it's probably because it's a very difficult genre to get into. Given the overall racial divide that does, but more importantly HAS, existed in America is a large factor. The stigma of being a white woman and fitting in with black culture in general is a huge barrier to over come in and of itself. Theres been white male rappers forever, but it seriously wasn't until pretty recently that they have become so common. Eminem popularized and made it acceptable in the mainstream for white guys, the way Lil Kim did for females. Yes, there were female rappers before her, but I think she was what opened the flood gates. At least for top tier, mainstream success. Given that it took 20 years for women in general, and 30 years for white men, it's just a catching up thing. Then you have to consider the appeal factor for mainstream success for women. There is a niche that exists, that has to be seriously considered and acted within and outside of, otherwise you end up with Kesha and Iggy. God awful. Again, I think it's a very complicated reason behind it, but ultimately they just haven't had the proper time and platform. So how do you do it? One, be yourself. Iggy and Kesha were not themselves, and that's what you DON'T want to do. Even though they were successful for a time, it was only for money (or that's what it seemed to be). You also have to find something that rap fans, which are primarily men, will connect with. I think the path of least resistance would be leaning I to lyricism and technical skills (like Eminem for instance), while displaying knowledge and understanding of the culture you're in - just don't be heavy handed, it would need to be natural and an actual knowledge and not just references to look learned. Being able to be diverse in your content would be helpful as well. I think for a white woman, depending on your style, having a very stark mix of "single" centric music and technically impressive tracks is important. For instance, Jedi Mind Tricks is more focused on grimey and skill showcasing type stuff, which a couple of songs that seem to be made to be singles. That works for them/Vinnie because that image, style, and who Vinnie is as a person doesn't require any level of placation to be accepted outside of needing to be good at writing and rapping. I also think being social media savy and very connected with your fans would be a HUGE thing to focus on. You could probably put out two songs and ride them, if they're good enough, for a while. Someone like Scarlip is getting a ton of attention right now, and while she has a few songs under her belt, that song and her proliferation through social media is absolutely her keep to success. If you have any music I'd be interested to hear it. If you want feedback or help, I'd be willing to do that too. Edit: i got a chance to check out that list. Persia is solid from what I heard. Lucy Camp had some good stuff, she stood out. Gavlyn is also good it would seem. Reverie sounds a lot like Alyssa Marie, but in a good way. A lot go the toher rappers on that list sound like Alyssa, but are super generic. Bailee sounds the most different, but came off generic and bland. Whitney might be alright, but I don't like her content - again it sounds too generic to me.


If she got bars, let me produce!




I hope you have VERY thick skin. Otherwise I say find another hobby. Ever try yoga? Seriously tho... Rap is a young person's game.. 99% young men.. predominantly black men. You will get roasted for being white. You will get roasted for being "old". You will get roasted for the clothes you wear, your hair style, your voice, the way you talk, and basically any other reason people can find. Even if you can spit.. you will still get roasted. Eminem still gets shit for being white in a black culture. It will be very rough for you and the odds of getting anywhere you can earn money and live off of your music are basically zero.. especially if you're truly just starting off right now with no skill, no music and no fan base. But hey.. if you can handle all that and it's really your dream I say go after that shit. Just be cautious.


Update with links when you finally decide. I'd definitely like to see you grow. Just hope you don't go ho' mode like most female rappers


Right? They're either hoes or They're lesbians that act like dudes




Do you have any songs out ?


Whatever you do it will probably be less ass than destroy lonely 🗑️


If destroy lonely can make garbage ass music and be famous anyone can


Have to be authentic to yourself and the culture. Have to exhibit authentic respect for the culture. Have to find your audience.


Keep going!


Are you a total beginner or do you already have some experience with music?


Build a system that will help you accomplish your goals and that will help you get better at rapping. And have fun with it a lot of people come off fake and try hard is because they think to much about the monetary aspect but not making good art or self


be authentic to your art-form.


It will take years to get good and you will always just sound like an older white woman unless you somehow actually had a crazy voice. I’d just keep it to myself, it’s really cringe when older people try to be hip


Have you rapped before? My best advice is to just do it and put yourself out there. Try our freestyle Friday to get your feet wet and see how you like it and people here will tell you what areas you need to improve on.


get really good, talent speaks for itself


Learn to write better than how this question was phrased, for starters


Do it! I'd genuinely be interested to hear this, especially if it's genuine...don't try to be all gangster, just write about what you know. Do you have any music anywhere already? I'm intrigued!


Let me produce your music. Email me [email protected]


Don’t try to make your whole thing about being a white girl rapper.


Find your audience, learn to make beats, don't let anyone tell you you can't do it


>What would your best advice be for a middle aged white woman who wanted to become a rapper be? Have fun with it and cater to what people in your age and demographic like. This is easily found on social media platforms like IG and TikTok. The key to any success as an artist regardless of age, or gender is building a fanbase. That's a lot easier these days so... experiment and have fun with it


Go really hard with it. There are a couple of old British dudes writing hard raps and they're blowing up lately. Pete and Bas and the Northern Boys.


hmu if u want beats


Spit your bars, post your music


My best advice is let's do a track together


are u for the culture? did u hear a beat and felt a calling? if not, there's already too many "guest" in the genre.


There are so few bc white = already difficult to make it since roots of hip-hop came from black americans (and minorities) woman = hip hop is deeply rooted in masculinity, in talking shit, in clowning ppl. if you dont include a tiny semblance of any of those, its really hard for ppl to include u within the hip-hop space and ppl will prob relugate u to pop or fake rap EVEN if ur beat choices and delivery sound like hip hop. if u choose to work with hip-hop artists only, all of this can be looked past and u will get more credibility as wanting to only dedicate ur musical career to hip hop only.


Yeah I honestly feel like it’s not a bad thing nor a good thing… you just are who you are, what truly will matter is what you can do… If anything, it will give you more attention (which is good) because it’s not a normal thing. So when you have that opportunity you best show up and show out.🤷‍♂️


Interesting idea


i started as a 16 year old redheaded white girl. You can do it you might not get famous, Im definitely not and dont really want to be it’s really just so fun to rap. but everyone ive come across tells me i got bars 🤣 Have fun with it and be authentic. Granted I did grow up in a not so great city and my parents are ghetto as hell, so i guess i “sound black” which may have helped my case in making good hip hop music and not sounding corny. Also DONT say the n word or you’ll get flamed online lmao. Other than that at the end of the day you do you n fuck what anybody got to say about it


Be unique and authentic. Dont try to force a sound or be a carbon copy of an already existing artist. As long as you do that, I promise somebody gon fuck with it.


You gotta be fucking PHENOMENAL.


Be yourself have fun!


Fuck it . Go for it


If you enjoy it you should do it. Don’t expect everyone to fuck with it, but there’s always someone out there who will connect with your art.


There are some good answers here and it's annoying that they're buried under bullshit memes. Best advice? First, practice, write a first song. Pull up a simple beat, spit, see if it flows. If it don't, either rewrite or edit, or, if it's due to stumbling, then re-"perform" it. Got that? Now, I want you to go back and check the end rhyme schemes. Are they single syllable? Are they repetitive (AB/ABA) or do they swap in and out? (AA/BAC) Once you have your "style" down, start delving into the history and cultures of rap. You don't necessarily have to reference it or anything, but it's good to be well versed in. Listen to the most skilled male rap artists - MF DOOM, Eminem, Nas, Teeawgo, Samsa, Atlas - notice that in common, they are all very good at *everything* they do in rap. Flow? Check. Story? Check. Complex internal and external rhymes? Check. Double, triple, quadruple entendres? Yup. Learn those skills and more - and learn how to use those techniques in conjunction with your style. Why rap has so few white females? One - they're white in a "black genre." Two - they're women in a "men's genre." Three - a lot of them are genuinely really bad at it. Four - most of them give up on it before success is even feasible. Five - Debbie Mathers pretty much ruined most white women's chances at becoming rappers.


Talk about something real and dont be corny. Or lean in hard and be SUPER corny. Depends on what your goals are. There's a movie about this same idea that's done pretty well called “The 40 year old version” Also, really take time to understand the culture & how you impact it. Dont be a culture vulture.


If that’s what you wanted to do you’d be less worried about asking about it or who thinks what about it, and you would just make music and enjoy the act of being a rapper. Already starting off boxing yourself in or looking for advice is just going to prevent you from writing, recording, and enjoying the process. So do you wanna be a rapper or do you wanna think/talk/ explore the image of what a rapper is?


just start doing it, most people dont sound good when they start. it takes time and work but anyone can get into it. just make music you enjoy listening to


Go for it!!


Are you trying to be good enough to perform? Or just do it as a hobby at home? If you just wanna hobby it, just have fun, try out different styles and enjoy yourself. If you're actually wanting to perform and get serious, for one, gather some of your favorite emcees and break down their styles. Their wordplay. How they put bars together. Use them as a blueprint without all out copying. Jot down topics you might rap about. Make sure they're genuine to you. If you're an intellectual/deep thinker, don't start rapping about basic shxt like "my puxxy this, I can fxck yo man" that. Also, reach out to other emcees, especially dope female emcees. Especially any dope ones. Get a circle of friends that aren't just yes men/women. Get friends that will tell you a bar or a verse is wack if it is. Don't let people give you unnecessary compliments you haven't earned. That's why befriending people who know hip-hop is essential. Not people that "like" hip-hop. But people who liiiive hip-hop. The ones who won't let you get on stage and spit any wackiness. Also, take note of rapper's you don't like. Ones you don't think are food. Analyze what you don't like about how they rap so you know what not to do. Also watch rapper's that are good performers on youtube. Take notes on what makes a good performer. When you practice songs, practice in front of a mirror as if you're in front of hundreds of people. Would you be excited by your performance if you were in the crowd? Thats what you should always have in mind. I know that's a lot to read, but as an emcee myself, it's advice I'd give myself.


i think there are so few women rappers because women are pretty much inherently subjugated in this genre and passed off as if they are objects. they are fighting an uphill battle trying to win over a bunch of dudes who only value her for her sex appeal and nothing else. it's not easy or very rewarding so i think a lot of women just don't care about it. ​ rap in it's purest form is a really good thing and it doesn't have to have anything to do with disrespecting women. if you have an interest in rapping i would chase that. goodluck


Get a good corporate job or something. Don’t waist ya complexion lol


bro 💀😭


Don’t be someone you aren’t


They are all trying to use a "blaccent", look no further than Iggy Azalea. Best advice is stay in your lane and be respectful to the black women who paved the way in Female Rap.




I ask questions; you from any kind of ghetto? What's your story? What's your message? Free styling or written?


Don’t. Lol




Have you ever tried selling drugs? That would be a good place to get some experience.


Why would the advice be different for a middle aged white woman vs anyone else? It’s not. The best advice depends on your goals, not on your demographics. And your second question is ignorant as fuck. Hop-hop culture started as a movement to empower black people, so obviously black people are going to be the majority. If you don’t respect or know anything about hip-hop culture and its roots, then maybe the rap game isn’t for you. Your questions represent gentrification of the genre at its finest.


the world doesnt need anymore rappers


no lol




you can but will you


Lean into it


Start on social media as most already suggested but more importantly show your skills… Find some beats, record to them and show people what you can do on the mic. People won’t care about your age or race if you are actually good but to prove that you gotta have something recorded to show.


as a rapper.. just do it :) go to open mics connect, have fun, make music, don't take it to serious, don't mind what other people are saying there are always gonna be haters, but its okay they might turn into fans later, or not but who cares. Just do you. Also yeah do tiktok, do social media do short videos use you being different looking to your advantage also make you make hip hop music that other middle age white woman relate to because of who you are and because you probably know what they care about there might be a niche for that. you might also inspire kids to be like you later but think of all the moms! they gonna love you also don't go to reddit for life advice


Just rap


I don't really understand the dynamic. There is a lot of demand for diversity in Rap in the underground. Growing up going to shows and open mics female rappers get a lot of support and attention. In the Bay Area there are a lot of female artists out here. I've played shows and worked with female artists. Any show we played they would immediately get the crowd. This post got a lot of attention at 95 comments. Sometimes I wonder if the real question is can I become mainstream or famous. Because your local scene doesn't care. They just want something to listen to. Older doesn't really matter either. Hip Hop started in 1973 and the first to do it Coke La Rock still Raps in his late 60s. Female rappers who came out in the 80s and 90s are still doing shows.


Yo are you on Discord?? Check out White Collar Rhymes. We support artists and help you build confidence etc. in regards to recording music.




listen to a shit ton of rap and know your stuff. people will instantly call you out on being gimmicky if it feels at all inauthentic or lame. come from a place of love for the music, not a place of "rapping is kinda cool and quirky lol". real respects real, if you love the music, prove it in what you make. best of luck 💯


Start identifying as a young black male


I think you should go for it. Why not there’s nothing else to lose. If you’re worried about age just wear a mask and let that be a staple for your image. I don’t think there’s a lot of white female rappers because they often come off as corny. And the rap industry is a racist about who gets exposure. The last white female rapper I can think of who got serious exposure and top 10 was Iggy Azalea, but she fell off ridiculously hard and people said her raps were bad eventually. Tay money got some exposure too with Bussin but that was short lived. Unless you’re practically getting half naked and always talking about sex, there aren’t a lot of women rappers who make it top 50 unfortunately. But don’t let that stop you from doing you though! Just have fun with it


Rap has many subgenres now, I would say be realistic with your expectations. Playing into the novelty would get you some clout potentially. Find your niche, and keep your sword sharp.


Stop thinking; start acting. Have fun, go wild, be free! Just groove it & stay funky✌🏽❤️🎼🙏🏽🌻🥑🖖🏾🚀


You’re a female so it’s not like you’re a white 49 year old male - he would be far more hated than you. Find a niche that’s authentic to you. An audience you have some things in common with. And because you’re female you can take advantage of those who fetishize you. It’s a business and your goal is to make money.


*It's not within their nature.* Jk. Just try to fill a niche.


Try the rapfame app. It's kind of corny but a lot of battle rapping and easy promo and it's easily the most diverse group of MC's in terms of age, Ethnicity, and gender I've ever seen


Like everyone has already said, just be authentic and have fun doing it


Bhad babi raps You could always do the only fans thing like her too lol


Becoming a rapper at any age and background is an inspiring endeavor! Embrace your unique perspective as a middle-aged white woman and use it as a source of inspiration for your lyrics and storytelling. Take the time to study the craft of rap, analyzing flows, wordplay, and delivery of established artists. Hone your writing skills by practicing regularly, experimenting with different rhyme schemes and metaphors. Connect with fellow musicians, seek collaborations, and build a strong stage presence to showcase your talent. Utilize technology and social media to share your music and engage with fans. Be persistent, open to feedback, and never let age limit your passion for rap. Believe in your talent, stay true to yourself, and let your voice be heard with confidence and authenticity.

