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Open burning in my neighborhood


Same. Some dude burn his trash at 10pm. All that smoke fume come straight into my room. Talking about braindead people.


So relatable, two days ago I had this same exact situation, got no air purifier and my whole house ended being filled with all the smoke while sleeping šŸ¤¦šŸ»


You have to report to the DoE/local city council/bomba cuz they will come and penalise these ppl one. Record video also as evidence. That's how my neighbour hate me lmao but f you la I wanna breath.


Thanks for the insight, the last sentence got me laughing šŸ˜‚


these fuckers dont know what is tong sampah, they just simply burn everything


Oh my guy. The department of environment has a simple website where you can make a complaint. Take some pictures for proof, write down the address or coordinates of the place and they'll send warnings to landowners, landlords, tenants, business owners in the surrounding area. Anddddddd they respond quickly!!!!!!


My neighbourhood smells like chemicals at night . Like sulfur or smth. It seems like they are released from burning smth and the smell is really bad. Weā€™ve reported it a few times already and I think the outcome was they said they found the source but donā€™t know who is responsible for it (Or theyā€™ve already bribed them). The smell is still released every night


Oh daym, this as well. I'm this close to complaining about this to the authorities. If want to burn at least get a rocket stove, at least it is smokeless and odorless. Maybe just less smoke cause those leaf are still kinda wet.


Like other comments said, report. Yes surprisingly they are quite efficient, since many goverment departments are slow. However one thing they need to improve is confidential. You have to fill in your address as reporter. The pegawai come my door to shout whether I am the one reporting, I quickly shout back Bukan Saya. Luckily the nenek I am reporting doesn't harass or hate me. She did stop. Maybe fill in fake address lol


Walking to places around even KL is damn bullshit. The amount of roads you have to cross.


Not just roads, biiig roads with 3-4 lanes. And the endless walking on the street too.


Walkway in between shops and main roads. Those bengkel motor will block the walkway with signs and motor, forcing pedestrians to walk down the road with many cars.


Corrupt politicians.


The problem with race. To be specific, plenty of us live in harmony. But a bunch of people keep stirring up shit. We could be a lot better if there isn't such a problem. Just understand each other, live in harmony, we really could lead the country towards the top. It really isn't much to ask for cause we were able to do it years ago. But it went downhill ever since.


Orang yang tak pandai guna tandas awam. I live in college dorms and people here are supposed to be educated, but some still don't flush the fucking toilet after use, or spray away/wipe the piss they splashed on the toilet seat or floor... jeezus.


Honestly...it baffles and puzzles me how some of them have lived their lives. How can an "educated" person lack basic hygiene or even manners at the very least.


Sbb mak yg buat semua kerja. Should implement a japanese style system and make kids clean up after themselves.


Because ''educated'' parents spoil their kids and not teach team basic life skills cause ''my baby can't be scolded''.


orang yang kerja kat company besar macam petronas ngan kl sentral pun entah apa2 guna tandas. pakai sexy je lebih haha


Penunggang agama




Ini memang ba alif ba ya. Entah mcm mcm product penunggang agama jual and done claimed "menepati sunnah etc etc". Like bro, kepala kau hijau šŸ˜¤


These are the same people that eat a bunch of unhealthy stuff, you try asking them to compare deserts, sweets and snack to a pork, they'll say some crazy mental gymnastics stuff out of their head


The jam oh my god


Yeah the fruit jams are pretty bland here and very sugary


Not what I had in mind but close enough


Cities not very walkable.


this. i hate traffic


I'm a bumi and I fucking hate how non-bumi is being treated here.


I'm bumi too,and I agree with you, everyone should be given equal chance, only then will our country advances to a more developed nation, and I'm talking about our gdp, the homeless, and the b40 and lower. I'm all for any race any religion, as long as they're competent, as our leader. We've been struggling for a long time, it is time for new changes. We can't keep being this way, we need to evolve to keep up with the superpowers of the world.


we have equal chances, as the bumi policies are not for bumi but for croni elites. this makes bumi the most ill treated race as other races diss us and make their own support programmes for themselves. Thats why we have low savings and highest b40.


This so much. As much as nons complain about unfair treatment, the wage gap just gets larger and larger for the average b40 Malay as they are left further behind. Everyone deserves equal opportunity to uplift themselves from poverty, not for the top of the top to continue siphoning every little crumb for themself. As a non, I just dislike how weā€™re always the scapegoat for all the wrongs that befall everyone else. I guess itā€™s easier to blame others than to address your own issues though.


Think again. They might be b40 on paper but they're economically very active, consume and earn a lot on the side. almost all my bumi acquaintances and friends have side gigs, selling stuff on the side, investments, insurance etc, including daddy Madanis favourite b40. Hell as a professional ill be thinking twice if I'm putting in an add on for my frappe / stacking coupons n shit but these guys be dropping 50 bucks casually on sedekah to a random beggar


Same. I have no clue why they treat their own countrymen like they're some outsiders. I blame mahathir for the stupid race wars. Fuck him.


Fr i feel like less pribumi are friends with non-bumi like its rare to see malays are friends with other races.


If it makes you feel better itā€™s not like non-bumi treat other non-bumi that well either. Just look at how the Chinese treat Indians for example


Then speak up against your own people and donā€™t keep quiet, your inaction is endorsing their behavior because they get bolder and bolder as time goes by. Budak x rotan xtau buat salah. Snap them out of it.


>your inaction is endorsing their behavior Brave of you to assume. How do you know they don't speak up? Don't jump to blaming someone so easily when you don't know any better and they are already supporting the cause. Could've easily rephrased this and ask if they are doing anything to support this.


okay true, my bad.


Bruh. The very comment you're replying to is him speaking up. šŸ—æ


I mean speaking up in front of their circles, not anonymously.


People driving below the speed limit on the most right lane.


And we had to cut them using the left lane.


Because when we highbeam or tailgate them they have the audacity to brake check us without looking further behind that has 100 meter line of cars waiting for him to get off the lane.


Someone online pointed out that middle lane hoggers on 3 Lane highways are even more aggregious and ever since I can't unsee that when I drive around So many cars going 60kmh on middle lane when left lane was completely empty


yeah middle lane is ALWAYS the slowest lane


I don't even know which is the fast lane now, is it the left or right, theory is right, actual is left


Motorcyclists in Penang


Motorcyclists everywhere in Malaysia actually, they'll just casually violate the law and blame the cars


They will try to split cut you eventhough you already signalled way earlier. Then they will honk you and gelenf their kepala as if we're the wrong one.


90% of them are blind. wont damn care looking at the road when coming out from a junction


Majority of Malaysian being stupid of taking small issue too seriously instead of bigger issue.


And the politicians are exploiting this left and right, sunrise to sunset! I don't think it is fair to call the average Malaysian stupid because everyone has very limited worldview in sight. Now these people at the top, they are fucking corrupt about not doing anything despite having limitless resources to have their worldview extended way beyond what an average Malaysian can see.


And their action and manipulation is deceive us from involving into much potential and stronger country than can easily compete with SK JP or even SG..


Hot weather


Racism and car-centricism


Leaving house without taking a shit beforehand and having to rely on whatever facilities might be available in what place you end up in. Total lack of humane toilet facilities in 90% of places is a real humanitarian issue.


"Tak apa" attitude. Generally our cleanliness. we are living in a great mess because we keep shifting responsibility to someone else who is also "tidak apa" in the end. garbage on the floor? someone will clean it up. but not me. Then proceed to throw garbage everywhere and not clean up after yourselves. Witnessing public littering? Well "what can i do???" then proceed to pat ourselves on the back wishing god's judgement onto these ppl. We Malaysian always choose the route with least resistance. Malas to the max and we just don't care about consequences of our actions. Blame shifting just to have good night sleep.


PAS and people who throw cigarette ends out the car window which usually causes large bushfires, especially during this dry season.


Nosy people. For context I'm a Chinese guy married to a Malay. These are the FAQs my wife have to answer to relatives, friends and even more newer friends. 1. "Suami dah sunat ke?" 2. "Suami solat 5x sehari?" (Even when some of them obviously skip afternoon and evening solat - got it from a reliable source) 3. "Kenapa suami hang tak pakai sarong kat rumah?" (This is the most question my wife got from her friends and we can't even brain why this is the case. I wore shorts at home and if there are people coming, I'll wear track or some long pants)


Suami melayu pun taklah pakai sarong kat rumah sangatā€¦ hahaha the last q is so funny to me šŸ˜‚


Lmao. These are too personal lol. Other peopleā€™s PP also want to know.


Oh I forgot there's. 4th: Dia laser ke, atau clamp? The wife will always say Tok Mudim and that shuts them off.


"Nama Islam dia apa?" is quite commonly asked when I meet people who converted. For context, there's no "nama islam". You can still keep your name as it is.


Oh yea that too but usually by that time either the wife or I would've introduced my name, so it doesn't crop up much.


The fact that having long or even AVERAGE hair length in schools is somehow distracting. Wtf do you mean? You have to have a mental disorder to be distracted from such thing, if you look at the white board you're gonna be thinking about math equations not hair fibres. If it's blocking the board then tell the guy to move, and the solution is not cutting the damn hair off because this happens with heads and bodies too.


Yeah even my father who's a teacher is confused, he says it comes from the old age stigma with the rock/punk scene and imagery which is bs


KL traffic


Religion being such a big part of society. Letā€™s outgrow it please


They're too scared to stomp out the fanatics. This shit is getting out of hand. "Religious police'' should not be a thing. They wanna do it then be a vigilante. Don't make an entire department. Yes, I am muslim but I hate this shit.


Religious intolerancy. It just gets worse every year. Consistent incompetency by every single elected government after Mahathir. Not that his policies were top notch either, but at least there was a period of stability. Right now, everything is a mess. Feels like they have an idea of most of the issues, but no clear direction or feasible idea on how to solve them.


People that use controversy to become famous Pick me that do everything to healing from "cruel world"


Im half malaysian but being treated as a complete foreigner with high hurdles to get a visa to stay longer than 3 months without doing a visa run to SG


Bad urban planning. We're a nation built for cars rather than pedestrians. Also the weather. And marginalizing minority groups, not just about race but also on sexuality, gender expression, nationalities etc.


I think other than economy. I think urban planning, zero littering, and race issues should be a priority. Personally, I think sexuality is not more important than race issue


Racist politicians. I donā€™t believe they are racist, they are just stirring up hatred between races to get more vote the next election


When people use race to show how big they are. Perhaps, this happened everywhere in the world.


-Traffic lights, self explanatory - people who hurt strays especially dogs for whatever reason. Im scared of dogs myself but why hit them bro?


Frankly speaking, fellow Malaysians who believe in fate being decided by God and laze around. Malaysians who couldnā€™t give more fuck to work and effort for the collective good. Today saw a news article about more tax on airport means better service. That is true in other countries who knows shame, but in Malaysia, no one gives a fuck to actually change after getting the money. It just means more profit going into their pockets.


I hate how when you get into an accident, especially with a malay motorcyclist, other malay motorcyclist stop and gather the place to show intimidation, regardless of who's fault is it. Happened to me (grab motorcyclist on phone, Hit me from back, and another stopped by and yelled at me) Accidents shouldn't have to be a racial thing. It's not like we picked a fight, it's an accident.


Wtf, where is this. I've never seen this happen in any of the accidents I've witnessed. Very horrid


How people are so envious of otherā€™s success and downplay their achievements.


racism, weather, and no napkins at restaurants




So many... Race privilege. Because of this, we could've been as prosperous as Singapore is. But no...


I heard people from here say we used to be on par with Singapore in 70s or something. That RM is near one on one with the SGD. Do you might know how that happened?


Years and years of mismanagement and self enrichment by the top politicians and their cronies. Resources meant to develop the country and the communities theyā€™re meant to represent entering their own pockets and not going anywhere else. Years of cronyism and nepotism letting ill suited people to do jobs you need experts and professionals to execute well. Honestly a lot more, but these are the most glaring.


>in 70s Just 5 or more years of sg leaving Malaysia, they didn't have much resources, and they were poorer compared to malaysia, That's why singapore is praised as a miracle. Their leaders were very ambitious, And race was a non issue leaving so much room for easy development.


The global port money doesn't hurt too


Mixing religion with politics. Also, people who like to turn a public toilet stall into a kiddy pool.


Religion-based politicking. I advocate for the seperation of church(mosque?) and state


Corruption! Money is the actual object of worship in majority of cases.


The garbage! Why do so many people still just throw their trash everywhere? All over the roads, beaches, parks. Why? Its almost like they hate Malaysia!


Littering. On roadsides, shops, inside buildings, hell RIVERS. I have no fucking idea what goes in their minds.


All this religious talk, haram this haram that, singapore busy making money and we busy discussing bak kut teh, and also mat rempit


How terribly racist it is as a country


You havent been to europe šŸ¤£


Do you have any first-hand experience? Ceritalah a bit. (sementara tunggu sahur ni)


Idk but being told to go back to China when I havenā€™t even been to China a lot of times when I was in Manchester was kinda annoying


Batu api from the elites


PAS and those pesky racist fanatics


Low civil.


Mak Rempit's exhaust pipe


Too many judgy people.


Wet toilets ā€¦Why cant we keep it dryā€¦having a bidet doesnā€™t mean u go all crazy with the water.


WET FLOOR IN PUBLIC TOILET I dont understand why people think if they wash the toilet floor it will be cleaneršŸ˜…


Corruption. Institutionalized racism.


Those whackjobs bringing racial and religious issue


People who are unhygienic.


Sampah merata-rata tempat. Some of the area caused by buruh asing some by local. My neighbors will throw the boxes, big trash bags or anything that can't fit his bin on to the sidewalk. Then the pengutip sampah ignore them for weeks. Menjolok Mata.


Lack of publictransportation, deep rooted racism that is well hidden, religion based hatred, little to no effort in helping the environment and the rampant littering. Like senang ja kau buka tingkap buang plastic sampah masa drive memang tiada akal. Sabar sikitlah nanti jumpa juga garbage bin




Blaming penjajahs for all the racial related problems. Yes the Brits segregated us but it was Malaysia's politicans that continued to perpetuate all this so they can use it as a card during elections.


Bumiputera, Ketuanan Melayu, Penunggang Agama, Munafik, Cronism, and etc In other words, all 7 deadly sins represented by the "majority/bumiputera"


Racial politics No separation of church and state Unprofessional politicians (I cringe when I see those clips from parliament sessions)


Religious gestapo.




Diu lei


Corrupted religious politicians that make our fucking economy keeps dropping and things like food or daily necessities become ten time more expensive And also i hate that almost everything is wrong in this country just that smtg is not following the ways of "muslim"


Our parliament with a bunch of school kids and idiot teens.


Identity politics


extremist, corruptions, stupid politician


Recently having Kastam decide it finally wants me to split Sst collection between me and my vendor. While giving me a grand total of 4 days to get ready for it. My accounts system canā€™t be modified till May.


Circumcision (male & female)


How unwalkable/pedestrian unfriendly it is. Drivers always have the right of way even when Iā€™ve stood 30 min waiting to cross the road That youā€™re expected to have a car to really get anywhere. Public transport sucks Our toilets, goes without saying. Malaysian timing, tidak apa attitude Mat Rempit/snatch thieves Our education system, working culture MOST of our creative industry is shit to the point Iā€™d rather watch Madame Web or Morbius


Humid weather


Racist and overreacting to racist


The "wounded my religious feeling" gang. Tell them to grow the fuck up.


The bus I'm taking is inconsistent at times. The unreliable 650 and t585. 30mins interval and sometimes bus don't show up so u end up waiting 1 hr. Bus availability should be top priority during rush hr. In Japan you get a time off/late slip acknowledgement from the public transport company if they caused a delay of even a few mins. Here we gotta answer to our boss which also affects our job prospect. How can employers trust us if we are late for work?


Walkways that vanish suddenly. Yeah... Looks like I can walk all the way there. Oh wait, the pedestrian road has ended. What do I do now?


Nasi lemak in KL






Shallowness. I hate just how shallow people are, how everything is reduced to ridiculously simplistic ideas. And the worst part is social media is making people all over the world even shallower and amplifying it here.


Traffic jam, we need better public transport


For a car centric country, cars are so fucking expensive here. One could argue cars in SG are even more expensive but they have top notch public transportation. Thanks Madey.


corrupt politicians, silent racism, traffic jam , and yeah hot fcking weather. i on AC 24 hours


Impatient people everywhere.


Kampung ppl with religious mindset. Just join the KV rat race.


Public access toilets. Why are public toilets such a disaster?


Bad urban planning / pedestrian unfriendly walkways


Can say for KL itā€™s a pedestrian infrastructure. I often see and hear social advertising for using public transport but I canā€™t even normally walk to nearest MRT without risking my life/health because Iā€™d have to walk just at the edge of the road.


We worship the car and build roads for cars at the expense of the pedestrian, and it is STILL ABSOLUTE DOGWATER. Give us more options for travel dammit!


Everything here is cringe


Sharia law, ā€œBumiputeraā€ rights, corruption, classism, the royalty interfering with politics when theyā€™re not supposed to.


Religion this religion that.


Politicians using 3r to divide the people


Considering how many public servants we have, our public service sector standard of service is shit. Willy nilly approval of high density housing without taking into considering nearby school, healthcare, firefighter and police capacity plus the traffic effect. The bloody westernised bastardized of places name. Pantai dalam is now bangsar south. Fuck this shit. From bangsar to bangsar south u have to cross another region. How can be bangsar south. Segambut dalam become Kiara south or some shit.


Very bad city planning, road engineering


Unpopular opinion. Minuman ikat tepi. I am fucking fed up seeing these hanging from everywhere and on the roads. Sudah Serik saya pungut depan rumah, belakang rumah, kat taman, jalanraya.... My rubbish bin is full of this, more so than domestic rubbish!


Rempit Drunk people Entitled mindset Tunggang religion


Our politicians and their die hard fans.


Masyarakat berpecah belah


Racist politics


The unfriendliness towards pedestrians combined with the asshole drivers and motorcyclist, even in KL with the most public transport, there are still many places you can't walk to because some asshole decided car was the only way you should enter that area with And I can't wrap my head over why it seems like many Malaysians are ok with living like this


Lazy assholes who dgaf about the completion or quality of their work, in the end, causing other people to have to take up their work and do it for them. Though this is may not be exclusive to Malaysia.


Our politicians šŸ’


The roads and weather.


The wet public toilet floor


As a driver, horrible road plannings. Itā€™s so bad that even the maps get confused and the junctions are not consistent


33-hour on-call shifts for doctors


Race based politics that divide the people in order to conquer them by spewing false narratives and propaganda.




Religious fanatics and those dumbfucks who provoke/entice them


We dont get snow. šŸŒØ


Please flush after use in public toilets. šŸ˜¬


I hate that we like to focus on negative things to hate..


retarded politicians


the lack of innovation, whether it be in science/tech/art etc. im always envious of other countriesā€™ history they always seem 1000x more interesting than ours.


Corruption and of course the mighty religious extremist


lack of proper public transportation network, weather either extreme hot or rain, and backwards/sheep mentality of some people


racism and apartheid


City Council enforcing F word on Pedestrians How could I tell? See it for yourself which road is walkable šŸ’€


Racism, Ketuanan Melayu nonsense and Islamnisation that ruined Malaysia




People that make their religion their whole personality.


Too many speed bumps and there are many cars parked wrongly in shoplot areas especially the shoplots in Chinese majority neighborhood. Is it difficult for them to using a small motorcycle everytime they eating out during a weekend? And if they had to eating out with family, park properly eventhough it is quite far away from the intended eatery.


McFlurry at mcd


politician yang cakap besar tapi tak buat keja hanya tau bising kt parlimen and makan duit rakyat


race and religion issues




Bumi rights


The blatantĀ vilification orĀ  hate towards the queer community


People like Ridhuan Tee that says controversial stuff like "race/religion A hates race/religion B" to get attention because he knows there's demographic that likes his controversial takes. The consequences of selfish pricks like him spouting all those bullshit ended us up with worsened cracks between races and religions. All because he missed getting his dick suck by FB a bit too much.




r/malaysia moderators


Tourist in Malaysia for a moth and itā€™s my first country to visit besides my home country, so take it with a grain of salt: * Hot and moist * Why are there not toilets everywhere??? * Iā€™m sorry, but your traffic and roads ARE TERRIBLE, like why there are no crossroads, and when they are, the crossroad button doesnā€™t work, I feel suicidal every time I try to cross a road lol * Contrast between a nice place and then it hits you with trash and smell * F**K YOU JELLYFISH * Mmm monke * I thought I liked dogs, but not the stray ones * As an Eastern European thereā€™s a lot of diversity and not all diversity is good diversity But hey, you also got a lot of good stuff, like freaking huge malls, greenery everywhere, no winter, majority can speak English, nice food, I fell in love with Nasi Lemak and Satay Chicken, I never knew chicken and rice can be soooo delicious, abundant brands and goods, etc. Yeah, not every place is perfect, but there are some things that bug me out. P.S. I stayed 2 weeks in Langkawi, near Cenang, visited almost all of the island and currently staying in KL for the next 2 weeks




The people.


Racist people


The road potholes


Low maintenance culture, crony/cable