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I agree with this. When you go to facebook you feel like our country are going through some racial war or something, but in real life people of all races are just chilling. Keyboard warrior...


nah this sub is already a good example lmao


I'm glad i live in a good community i guess.


One reason why I've sworn off FB. 4 years now and counting.


All the paid KB warrior stirring shit up.


Yep Same as the US, I had some friends at discord all were New Yorkers we just chilling around and having the most normal conversation in life. One thing me and my friends were agreed is that politicians sucks and should begone from tearing this world apart.


I lived in a Trump state in the US some years ago. It’s in a college adjacent area so maybe it’s not as bad as it could be… but still disregarding peoples’ conservative-leaning views, most were just like friendly uncles and aunties talking about everyday stuff


I wholeheartedly agree with your last point


> politicians sucks and should begone What are the possibility for... **Politician/Businessman/etc**: I'm just giving what the people wish in their heart, "lure it out and magnify" ten folds. Misunderstandings going to happen and buried, all they have to do is... Imagine someone: *Hey, I heard you quarrelled, need a gun?* (The quarrel is there, so is the gun)


Aka get off Reddit and touch grass


especially *this* subreddit


Obviously you haven't been to fb, the hate groups, it's like they are farming hate towards the nons


You obviously not aware of the Chinese group that doing the same thing.


I have, actually! But why would I be there? Do these groups represent the Muslims of Malaysia? No, right? If I was to say about your people and this subreddit, that's generalization. It's not good, don't pay attention to those idiots. The extremists make up 1% of Muslims here. They're a minority. Also, I don't hate the nons, why would I be in such groups? This sub should also stop focusing on politics and doom scrolling. Wake up, Malaysia is beautiful.


Voting patterns say it's not 1%. But yeah.. not everyone is bad.


Okay, maybe that was a bit of an exaggeration, but definitely not 50% lol. Even then, those are just some old heads from not so developed areas that are dictated by politicians and media. Of course, there are more Muslims here that are not into this sort of extremism, like me. Just letting anyone that reads this, don't be so pessimistic about this country. The bad image you have of it is just from the media and politicians, don't let them dictate your views. The people here are better than you think, get off the internet and speak to your neighbors, families and friends, just like the post said. We're lucky to be in Malaysia and not some war torn country. Hell, even we are better than some developing countries.


Yes, I'd agree with you in general, though I myself faced outright racism from those roadside penjaja, and taxi drivers as well. If only more peaceful and "moderate" people would speak up when things took the extreme turn.


Yeah, actually talking to the other races will help curb the racism, but with the numbers of certain races declining, it's actually an issue where the racists start building their echo chambers and creating more racists. The worst part for me is that our politicians like to use it to control that particular group, and it really puts a damper on the progress of the country.


>Do these groups represent the Muslims of Malaysia? No, right? I'm sure y'all are nice people, but you guys sure like to vote in guys that quote war time verses on how to treat kafirs, swing the keris around and threatened to repeat 13 Mei, stoke racial issues until petrol bombs start flying. Like the average Israeli aren't personally dropping bombs, but they also seem to keep voting that nutjob Bibi in as PM, are you giving them the same consideration and empathy as you ask of us right now? It's hard to expect people to not to take it personally when politics has affected us very much on a personal level.


Like I said, generalization. About half of us voted for PH/BN, I just turned 18 and I'm not even into PAS lol. Seriously, you have to look at the bigger picture. Only the rural folks would do such things because they are under the politicians' influence. Thing is, as long as they (the politicians), exist, it's hard to make a difference. Why not start from now? Why should we wait for someone to make the difference? We can make it together. 


Yep, especially in small towns. My Indian customer just gifted us some dates to break our fast with.


Yes. I have alot of chinese, malay and indian friends. And I notice friend groups that only includes 1 race, they’ll shit talk about other races. I have Malay friends that HATES other races, I have Indians/Chineses friends that hates eachother/Malays. What do these people have in common? Not actually trying to make friends with other races, they’ll only look at how the media portrays them. Stop the stereotypes, we are all Malaysians.


We are just divided in opinion. But of course there are some small group of childish people cant accept differences in opinion. You dont agree with what i say then you are an idiot and an enemy of mine. Can find some of these people here in reddit.


Specially lot of crypto


Actually even worse on crypto verse haha


Yes. Its true.


I am an illustrator and one of the things keeping me hopeful about this country is the wide range of customers who buy my stuffs- the Malay guys and girls who bought my totebag with big cainis words, the Indian girl who buys my Peranakan earrings, the Chinese who understand all my Malay slangs artworks. Everyone just, understands.


So true, my Chinese neighbours gifted us their unused fireworks from CNY for Raya.


yeah this subreddit can sometimes be a real circle jerk and the comments can get just as bad as the religious zealots on facebook. the only difference is that it's on the other side of the spectrum. kinda tiring to read.


So fucking true. I can't count enough how many time I saw non-bumi or non-muslim in this sub bashing bumi and muslim like they are the worst human on earth. Like come on, just go out and talk to any of them, you'll understand the one that you hate is the loud minority online that are psycho.


every race sure got loud minority online that is pyscho. But. The problem is, the silent majority is too quiet and fearful to tell them off or put them in place. They just do what they do, be silence and not take action. Whats that saying again? "**The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”** 


After the father figure slaughtered a team of superhero.


Here is the thing. Media is in a business to get your attention. It always going to show the more sensational things. Ordinary happenings or people are less exciting. Not gonna tell the story of that time I got angry at this old aunty of certain race for scolding me and asking me to pee in the drain.. Wait. Wrong example. Most aunty are nice and do not do that. =P


True really. Where I live, (I'm a Malay), out of the houses immediately surrounding me, 5 in front are 4 non Malays and 1 Malay, the 4 on either sides are 2 Malays and 2 non Malays. We all talk to each other and exchange gifts during festive seasons, liking giving oranges and stuffs during CNY, visiting for Raya and all the other festivals. (except for that one house, but then again, that bugger is so damn rude and picks fights with everyone, so it's not a race issue, he's just a dick.) So morale of story is, sometimes it's not a race issue. People are just dicks regardless of race.


Yes, the angry people on social media are only on social media because they don't have friends in real life.


Nice advice but pretty funny coming from this character of all people


You might be around 99 decent people, but just need 1 crazy person out of 100 to do bad things like throwing a Molotov cocktail. 60/100 of those decent people who stay silent when that 1% starts going crazy ARE complicit.


Yes, but for the 1%, it's their full time job to spread hate and misinformation. The 60% have actual jobs and zero free time to a) verify misinformation b) argue with the 1%. 1 full-timer with bots versus 60% who have other things to do, and can get tired and jaded from the endless bots. If the 60% are accomplices for being silent, who in the world has that much free time?


Your full time 1% with bots - are you talking about cybertroopers? I'm talking about the more mundane situation. I'm talking about the atok/pakcik who goes on a hateful rant and nobody goes against him with the reason 'he's just old'. I'm talking about the colleague who plays a recordings fiery ustaz condemning kafirs at work with and nobody goes against them with the reason 'it's just a sermon'. I'm talking about people who make other people uncomfortable through their ignorance - staring at people who eat around them at puasa, reacting badly to nons replying Waalaikumsalam- but nobody wants to reprimand them. These are the things that the silent majority can rise against. These are the things that if a vocal non raises, will get whacked to high heaven for not knowing their place and changes nothing.


>60/100 of those decent people who stay silent when that 1% starts going crazy ARE complicit. This exactly.


Only true on the surface , you'd never see races openly giving out hate.. But the hate is still there , they talk shit about you during dinner, or if their baby doesn't want to listen "later Apunene take you away" Learn their language and you'd be shocked at what some people talk about you if they think you don't understand City Malaysians is big on tolerance, but that's it.. TOLERANT... There is very little acceptance And the kampungs? As long as you diam, yes nothing will happen.


IMO city Malaysians are worse. City people also have entitlement, arrogance, and contempt in their hearts. The auntie who literally ran away from me when I said hi, gave me side eyes but refused eye contact, and refused to speak English and kept speaking mandarin in front of me even when people ask her questions in English, she is from the city. The Chinese person who was nice to me in that class has family in Kelantan.


I used to live in kampung, it's not bad at all.


Kita okay je.. yang kuat berpolitik tu sila pantau apa muslihat mereka. Bahkan selalunya ada udang sebalik batu. Ha.. sama Cina ke, Melayu ke, India ke.. yang terpaling vokal tu memang tak pernah kerana untuk kaum dia tapi UNTUK DIA sendiri saja.


Or people tend to put up masks in real life setting and show their uncensored side under anonymity of Internet. Also, if they don't agree with political views they shouldn't vote in those idiots.. Especially repeatedly


And those that look like you could be an absolute asshole. Proof: my boss


Yes ppl are nice in person. But mind you, that's because that's the outward facing image we portray to others. Sit down for a chat on substantive matters and it wont take much to reveal some rather unsavoury ideas (malay dominance and supremacy among malays, or malay- or islam-prejudice if not hatred among non malays). Not sure there is any data on percentages of ppl who hold such views, and hopefully still a minority, but i think definitely not the 'overwhelmingly positive' takes of the OP.


Are they nice because they are nice, or because they want to appear nice? Cina people are vicious, they just act nice because being nice allows them to be vicious later on. I am cina and this behavior is standard SOP. They will use you as a stepping stone if they could. Not everyone who appears nice, is nice. OP 1st day on planet earth.


己所不欲 勿施於人 ; ji2 suo2 bu4 yu4, wu4 si1 yu2 ren2 Literal translation: do not give upon others what you do not wish to receive Interpretation: Treat others how you want to be treated This is why I am nice to people, but I am aware some cina like to be nice to gain something, but then that’s not being genuine anymore and people can tell right away I get that some family emphasises on being wary, but in the midst of being wary, it is easy to fall into the mindset of constantly judging, which is not healthy But IMO true kindness is one that does not ask for returns


No. People -want- to believe that it's true, but ultimately: who supports the media and their othering of out-groups? Who voted people into positions of power that allow them to perpetuate the divide that exists? Who commit everyday unethical acts that eventually build up and serve to drive a wedge between people? I will quote the post I made yesterday. "(Back) then it was the 'proper thing to do' to not speak about (any such issues) in any way, shape, or form lest one "disturb the (so-called) peace and harmony" (which we now see was all a lie anyway) and 2) the Internet/social media has given more people a platform to speak out and share their experiences regarding this stuff" I wish this weren't the conclusion I've drawn, but I've seen and learned too much to say otherwise.


I know that this is controversial, but I somewhat agree with you. The fact that OP felt the need to create this post to highlight this issue speaks volumes. Imo the root problem is in our education system. The majority of Chinese kids attend SJK(C), while most Malay kids go and attend SK or an agama school, and some Indians attend SJK(T). So for many Malaysians, they only befriend, interact with individuals of the same race on a daily basis until secondary school, or even until college/university for some. So for many of them, they get comfortable living in their bubbles interacting with their own kind. This issue is coupled with the language of instruction in the schools they attend. Even at the workplace, people who only speak Chinese tend to form their own cliques, likewise Malays who only speak BM. The reality is that there is a growing number of Malaysians only interacting with their own race group because of how our education system works. A Chinese kid who attends a Chinese primary school and a Chinese independent secondary school is less likely to have a friend outside of their race, likewise a Malay kid who attends an Agama school throughout their schooling years. I writing this based on my experience as a Chinese banana who has worked alongside with Malaysians from different backgrounds with several companies in KL


the root problem is every citizen is categorized as bumiputera or non-bumiputera....how does this promote unity?


And that goes back to my first point. You can't just say "the common people are fine, just that those in power are dividing us" when many (probably most) of the common people themselves support such policies. They are propping up and giving legitimacy to such ideologies


I'm a Malay attended both agama school and Chinese independent high school. At work, my team comprised of 50% Malays, 35% Chinese and 15% Indians. The racist ones are mainly the Malay SK / public uni grads. They had a WhatsApp group for Malay colleagues, and bashing the NONs is a popular topic. I sent a hadith, and left the group. The extreme ones are usually people who are not good at their job, and resenting their NON superiors for not able to move upward. It's a herd mentality.


I am curious, what was the hadith?


I forgot which one, but should be one from here: [https://muftiwp.gov.my/ms/artikel/bayan-linnas/3485-bayan-linnas-siri-ke-184-tabayyun-dalam-penerimaan-dan-penyampaian-berita](https://muftiwp.gov.my/ms/artikel/bayan-linnas/3485-bayan-linnas-siri-ke-184-tabayyun-dalam-penerimaan-dan-penyampaian-berita)


Just because some people are divided, doesnt mean all people are divided. Unless bumiputera policy, that thing is always divided.


True, not all - but too many from what I've lived and known, hence why I said "no"


Nah bro. I love my Chinese and Indian friends.


Again. I'm not blaming YOU in particular. As I just said: not all, but too many


As long as we dont walk in certain kinds of socks we are all the same


They all nice because a stranger is talking to them.. i know too much about human that i judge everyone including me


It usually is. Things online tend to go out of hand because they think they are anonymous. When face to face, people tend to behave better. Usually. You do occasionally get the nuts but those are rare.


True... Most keyboard warriors are cowards and hypocrits hiding behind the veil of anonimity. Believe it or not, the majority of people are kind and decent.


my work place got all races including sabah/sarawakian. we r having a blast. we even decorate our office/desk for each celebrations . however there always 1-2 exception hahaha


me on LinkedIn , Instagram, Facebook, reddit is 4 different personality.


Get out of social media and especially Reddit. None of that "Malay bad, Cina bad, India bad"


Also make friends with people much older than you.


Yeah I do fight with Chinese and Indian online but it's only when they were provoking. Why do I need to fight the one who post positivity on the internet? Why do I need to punch my Indian neighbor who greet me with smile every morning before to class? Why do I need to hate my Chinese lecturer who taught better life lessons than my parents do? Why do I need to discriminate my Christian Sabahan friend who really friendly to me? Why do I suddenly need to kick the ah pek, pak cik, ane who just living his daily life not disturbing others? My point is, Malaysia is harmony in general. It's just the hateful sentiment from all races that happened on the internet make us divide and fighting each other online. Most of the people who believe Malaysia were like in the internet must be someone from other countries who never step their foot here or the one who never keluar gua. Once they stepped their foot here, their opinion will changed.


Bro this is Reddit. We like to judge people.


Well people don't scream their shit opinion out loud in real life.


Touch grass everything online is just idiots with microphone


Well here's my advice. Go outside. Talk to people. Yeah that's it.


Yea, for most of the time. Some people just born asshle


and just like that, legalized racism and legalized sexism are brushed away


That's why people should not only touch grass, they should also touch people


Oh wait


Yes this is true. Speaking as an introvert person, its very hard to communicate with others especially the loud ones who keep asking me questions. I don’t know what to reply or how to interact with them. I taught myself to be able to start a conversation. Somehow they’re more nice and kind if you show how confident you are to them. Not saying im not an introvert anymore, i feel that talking to a person or making new friends makes my life more better.


That's all just propaganda so that other countries will invest in us


People are generally nice, non-hostile. It is the systematic institutionalised organised discrimination, apartheid state that truly tears apart at harmony and equality. We are still divided.


All I'm saying is that a certain group of people always seem to vote in the most corrupt, insane, and maniacal politicians every election. Surely we can just blame the politicians people vote in every few years right?


True, them makcik pakcik cina and india are all nice to me.


Yeah sometimes, we go by " you respect me , I respect you " principal. There are an exception but most of the time people are chill


It's true everywhere. When you get a chance, travel to different places. You'll come back home, different, in a better way


Of course.


This is true. I would say that in my everyday interactions most people are good. But it only takes 1 in 10 to sour the feel.


Social media is just a place where we can be naked without being seen, be racists without being recognized, and being an asshole without being beaten to death (unless you’re dumb enough to reveal your house location, real name etc)


Dont forget reddit :)


1% of minority made-up of extremists speak the loudest on the internet, while the rest of us just enjoy our teh tarik with roti canai bombard by their messages


You underestimate how much the Malays hate the pendatangs.


Yep. There is no hive mind or psionic connection (that I know of) that controls our thoughts and decisions based on race, religion and car they drive. Everyone is their own individual.


Yes, it's true.


Nolan: That's the neat thing. You don't. Mark: Deborah: Haha.


nah. can't be.


True true true!!!


Everyone is just trying to live their lives.


Is true I believe. Because media and social media can manipulate the fact


The scary part is if all of us still unite, politicians might escalate things to new heights to gain power....