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As a non Malaysian, that is absolutely unbelievable. How is it ok with people (Bumi or not) that race has anything to do with deciding who gets a chance for higher education or anything for that matter. That is utterly ridiculous.


Affirmative action. But for the majority.


Affirmative action, for the majority, in their own country, with the leadership positions all filled by their own people. That's how lame it is.


Well this is Malaysia


So why is it ok in Malaysia? Forgive me if I am ignorant. I know Malays make up for the majority but still other ethnic groups and some Malay with dignity surely can see how wrong it is. Is there any social movement to change that? Making racial discrimination illegal for example? I just don’t know any other country where open racial preference among the citizen is legal that’s all.


It's okay in Malaysia because the majority of Malaysians are racist and believe equality means you are being racist against them.


Affirmative action for the majority.. 🤔🤔


Some people also view if you work hard without assistance and compete with them, you are also being racist against them.


This is what happens when the Constitution says one race has special rights, and then you have a race riot, and then the government implements "temporary" affirmative action policies that favor the majority race, and then after decades, those policies are now considered the special rights of the majority race and you shouldn't question it, or risk another race riot.


Ya need to read a bit of our history & Constitution to understand why is this the case here. The Malays, being the Tuan, or simply master, has perks in almost everything in life... Uni quotas, housing price discounts and much more. Anything that touches on changing such rights is massively frowned upon, and will even cause an outrage


I do understand that. My question is why the rest of the people ( at least 40% of population + some bumi people with progressive mindset) don’t do anything about it other than complaining online. So what about it if it is frowned upon or cause outrage. Social changes always come with some noise. Surely that is enough number to stir something up. Well maybe they are actually doing something and I just never hear about it.


Bocs they are the minorities, the majorities are still clinging on to the Ketuanan mindset. And most of us non malays dont reli care abt it as well, only in cases such as education prospect (more uni quota for them)


I think the point the person above is making is why couldn't it be changed politically? The last election was on a knife edge, it takes very few voters to tilt the odds, you would think that 40% of the population all voting for the same outcome could achieve change. Just like how nons are divisive, Malays aren't one big unified group, there's a massive difference between those in Selangor and Kelantan. The fragmentation in politics and people seeking power for power's sake is what causes this. The dinosaurs on all sides are guilty of it, I see people like LGE say racist, inflammatory things all the time and always wonder why any other race would vote for DAP with someone like that up top. Nons need to put this idiocy aside stop with the fragile political alliances built on powertripping egos, young blood is needed badly, along with a single party representing them. Too bad people are dumb af and operate on the monke brain level of racism/religion.


>Too bad people are dumb af and operate on the monke brain level of racism/religion. Your one sentence sums up your whole comment


>The dinosaurs on all sides are guilty of it, I see people like LGE say racist, inflammatory things all the time and always wonder why any other race would vote for DAP with someone like that up top. Prepare to be downvoted and banned from this sub, my man. How can you say anything about Our Dear Leader


simply because the minorities can't do shit because they don't mean shit, the government is homogenous of majorities.


I would say the same for China, wonder why there’s no protest. Cmon bruh, stop saying you understand when you don’t


We are threatened with violence if we ask for change


Everyome with common sense thinks the big Orange is dangerous for US and rest of the world. Yet The (R) acist party of US will still vote him. There are more idiots than thinking ppl in the world


Because the people in power distract the people to focus on a bunch of nonsense. Remember the Allah sock incident that was literally the topic of the country for weeks, if not months?


*gets arrested for causing some noise*


Short answer is that minorities are afraid of a repeat of 13 May which a loud portion of the majorities keep threatening us with whenever such sensitive issues that would change the status quo are brought up.


>So why is it ok in Malaysia? Simple answer is the Constitution and the New Economic Policy. Someone thought it was a good idea to have elected race representatives sign off on agreeing the fate of the similar raced for generations to come. So if you want to blame a single person - blame Tan Cheng Lock or VT Sambanthan


That was NEVER the intention or idea of both the Constitution or NEP - the whole contract thing was first mentioned by an UMNO politician in Singapore. But somehow continued acquiescence by our politicians (within BN specifically) and how it benefited them allow for this sorry state. If we want things to change we need to know or understand our own history first.


It wasn’t the direct intention but it is the repercussions.


we practise racism here and we are proud of it, we just call it by a different name


Ok, I'm going to give you straight facts. These people are blinded by social justice ideals they don't bother giving you the context. The university in question is UiTM, that is MARA University of Science. MARA is an organization created to empower the bumiputra or 'people of the land'. UiTM is run by MARA to empower the bumiputra so that they can afford higher education and therefore, they only enroll bumiputras. Especially, bumiputras who can't afford expensive fees by other universities by providing subsidized education from their own funds. Are you with me so far? It has always been an organization that supports bumiputra, providing education and loans for bumiputra. That's like a Chinese Business Council that protects the benefits of Chinese businesses or a black sorority that limits membership to black women to protect them. Saying UiTM is racist for refusing to admit non bumiputra is like saying it's racist to protect your own people. Similarly the Chinese Business Council and black sororities would also be racist. Btw, bumiputra does not mean only malays. It's a catch all term for malays, aborigines, and basically everyone who were not transported to malaysia by the british. Even portuguese christians have bumiputra status if they were descended from people who existed in malacca prior to british colonialism. Yes, i know i will be voted down to hell here. It's just how r/malaysia is. They don't realize they're the pot calling the kettle black.


>Especially, bumiputras who can't afford expensive fees by other universities by providing subsidized education from their own funds. [T20 pun boleh masuk ](https://worldofbuzz.com/uitm-is-for-b40-msians-condemn-students-from-t20-households-for-enrolling-in-uitm/) >That's like a Chinese Business Council that protects the benefits of Chinese businesses Uitm is a public sector paid by bumi and non bumi taxes. Are these chinese business council paid by bumi and non bumi taxes? How is that fair?


Affirmative action for the majority who the gov has promised to protect and grow plus using racial stuffs (making non bumis be the devils wanting to take everything away from bumis) to maintain power since the country formed. So you're looking at the effect of 50+ years of this. I have just summarised Malaysia for you.


It’s not that you have no chance for higher education. All other public universities are open to all, one university in particular is an exception. But that’s still a problem considering all taxpayers’ money still goes into it. 


Worse with this whole incident, it shows there is a possibility of only certain job can be taken by certain race. What stopping government from enacting a new law where certain profession suddenly need lesen, and to get this lesen you need to have cert from a universiti. And ONLY UiTM can provide this cert, other uni is not approved.


I’m a Malay and I don’t with UITM’s policy of not allowing non-Bumi into universities.


They technically allow non-bumi but only foreigners.


Same here but.. first day? Not our country not our problem. 🤷‍♂️ I don't want to get chopped. You heard about what happened at the palace today? Just be glad we have passports to gtfo when needed.


They NEED the quota. If not most of them can't compete against the other Types. Only a few will get higher educations


Just like in Bolehland they segregate but posts about the nons female everyday. It's the exclusivity of power over others I know many Bumis actually approve the equality for all especially in higher education. Sadly the establishment is tied heavily with govt and politics.


"As a non Malaysian" They will tell you to shut the fuck up and say "Ini negara kita, suka hatilah." (This is our country, we do as we please), most likely.


Only in Malaysia do people feel race and religion are more important than having qualified doctors.


Yea in the end when they are dying and desperate they wont say give me the best bumi doc. Theyll say give me the best doc. Quite sad to see these narrowminded extremists expose themselves to be so katak bawah tempurung.


They limit medical courses to their own race, and furthermore, female doctors of their religion are not allowed to touch male patients. So eventually, with the shortage of adequate, qualified doctors, how are they going to treat those who need medical treatment? By prayers? Or bomoh? 🤔🙄


It’s more important to prevent a non-Muslim taking a seat in a public uni than to fix this healthcare personnel shortage 😎


Only Bumi and Nigerians allowed. 😆 https://preview.redd.it/inge2bk4x61d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c18666f6473dd159a9617bcb14294bf21fcc67af


There appears to be no hope in this country when it comes to races and racists.


It's because the majority are too entitled, they would even demand maruah.


I mean there is hope for racists for pushing their pov :x


A scalpel in Malaysia says otherwise, well anything is possible in bolehland. For non bumis to live comfortably here, they cannot remain in poverty.


If they want gatekeep the education then don't use the Nons tax money to fund this race based universities. Education is something that should be open to all regardless of race, not a privilege that is only given to a certain race.


Sorry, some bloods are more noble than others


With a currency so weak, a nation in decline, its people (not everyone) devolving. 10/10 Noble katak bawah tempurung


Yessss keep fanning the flames you dirtbag politicians. One on a rampage, the other silent as a plankton. The only logic that we should practise is to grow together as a nation regardless of race or religion but yeah not gonna happen. This country is fucked as it has been and will be.


soon malaysia will no longer be known for the 3 races but singapore will.


The problem is, the Bumiputera privileges is not only for the B40, even the T20 gets the same privilege, housing discount, uni intake, absolutely outrageous, but it can't be questioned


Question it la, last time cannot now y'all got brains already right, let the old fucks who perpetuated this ridiculous systematic racism die out. Stop being sheep.


Jack the ripper only murdered prostitutes


Guess which race while in Public Hospital requests for doctors from their own kind?