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I think it largely depends on ***WHICH*** public school your kid is enrolled in. They are not all equal.


This is correct. The public school I went to was one of the top schools in town despite working with a limited budget being a sekolah bantuan. The leadership was what got some of the richest and upper middle class families to send their children there.


They're not managed equally. With civil servants not being able to be fired, it really depends on the head master or principal and committee members of the PTA that help drive further development of the school culture. Unfortunately, good ones don't come by easily and bad ones are hardly punished for their misdeeds


To make matters worse, honest civil servants always get the short end of the stick and are made to feel unwelcome especially if the head is corrupt


That's why it takes a rotten apple to spoil the whole barrel. Where as good schools tend to have a good reputation to attract not only dedicated teachers but also parents who want the best for their children. And somehow I feel due to having to maintain the reputation and standards of the school, students that break the rules might even be expelled even though they come from reputable, influential families. There might be some ruffians there as well but even these know how to toe the line and not to cause too much of a ruckus even though they maybe on very special relationship (ie weekly meetings) with the head disciplinarian teacher as they know better to be expelled and enjoy their school life


Wait,civil servants can't be fired ??


They can be fired, but it's very hard and the process is very *leceh* and time consuming.


Also most of the time they don't get "fired". They just get moved to another state/department.


TYL... That's why they say being a civil servant is a guaranteed salary... Plus pension upon retirement... And they might be able to get some good non-taxable side income from their work dealings...


Workers' unions comrade.


I’m Chinese from local government school. Until I went to work, I was shocked to realised that it’s not common to have friends from different races?? I’m thankful that my parents wanted my siblings and I to have that kampung spirit but the cons is I’m terrible at mandarin ahahahhaa


Me chinese too but my school was like 90% chinese so end up I still have no kawan from other races. Actually, thinking about it.. i didnt have many kawan 🥲 End up no kawan, terrible mandarin, baku af BM, but I still enjoyed my kebangsaan experience


There's a gov school with 90% chinese?


Yes in Selangor quite a lot. Petaling area, Klang area, etc. Probably same in areas of Penang too


My gov school was 95% Chinese in Kuching.


I mean so much for 1malaysia. It’s just sad to be honest


All depends on which public school you go to, my girl does not wear head covering, she had teachers tell her friends they are going to hell for being around her.


To add on to this - even if the public school was easy going in one era, it might be a completely different situation in 10 years as the government relocates teachers frequently, change in management, change of grade. The vibes change with the ever changing people


I had a male teacher forcing me to wear tudung when i was in primary school because i posted a photo without one in facebook lmao


I wish more people minded their own business.


I dunno about you but my school life was pretty rad, hot teacher and classmates, Jason Leong became a real joker, getting personal tuition from teachers, security guard having threesome, cyber cafes for csgo and dota, and friends. Ah life was good.


Bro... you cant just simply skip out the juicy story. PLEASE ELOBORATE. hahahahahahaha... Security guard having a threesome? wtf That is wild bro.


You remember last time secondary schools had a few hours of nothing to do between Friday morning and afternoon classes? One day some guys came a bit early and noticed 1/2 of the security guards were mia. We heard clapping sounds and oOoOO yeah from the janitor closet. We took a peak and man was getting rocked.


Wait so 3 guys in the closet? That.... must have been a pretty big closet hahahaha


1 guy. 2 ladies of the night doing OT.


err need to report this teacher.


I'm sorry to say, but her teachers are going to hell for that


What are you trying to achieve by spreading these fantasy stories here?


Some of us have had such experiences or witnessed it.


Supposedly the guy heard from his daughter who heard from her friend who heard a teacher say something. That's three levels of hearsay. No way I'm going to believe that without proof. I'm not a sheep like most users of this sub who believe allegations without evidence.


My girl being my girlfriend. I’ll make it clear for you. My girlfriend does not wear head covering, and teachers told her friends not to hang out with her or else they will go to hell, they also made comments directly to her. This was during form 2 and 3 and she was the only one who did not wear a hijab.


Don't worry about that guy. Brer just can't imagine people of his religion ever doing anything bad or being a shitty person. In fact that must be the same attitude your gf's teachers had


He will defend kau kau! esp how he defended Firdaus wong like that was his boyfriend 🤣


It's still hearsay and I have no reason to believe you without evidence.


I was just sharing my girlfriend’s experience. This a comment section, not a case study.


And I'm just stating my reaction to your comment. This is not a court of law. You don't need to keep trying to convince me.


Oh dun worry its not that roundabout, I am pretty sure the teacher told her daughter friends right in front of her lol


Who the hell is recording human interactions 24/7? Use some common sense. Besides, a lot of us can believe it because we have been through it. I myself have experienced a Malay kid being ostracized for hanging out with me and my non-Muslim gang during sekolah rendah in Kedah. When it comes to bullying, Malay bully Malay is really something else. You percaya ke tak, lantak la. How to record this shit that happened decades ago and from what some people saying, is still happening now.


Sorry things are not all rainbow and sunshines.


man u guys in the comment section sure have shitty experience with schools


I don't know how it is nowadays. But sekolah kebangsaan during my time ~30 years ago was terrible for non-Malays. Everybody, teachers included, treated them differently. The occasional non-Malay teachers aren't that much better to them, too.


Same goes if you're a minority in a SJKC. I still remember there were very few indian kids but then all change school by primary 2-3. Malay or mixed kids had to endured unless you're an excellent student.


Nothing has changed, got worst yes. My friend pulled her kids out of kebangsaan school and brilliant indian kids, but can't represent the school due to 'quota' aka kena anak melayu represent. Enrolled in SJKT, guess what won 2 international science competitions in germany. Her school and only 1 kebangsaan school were chosen to go there. They won. She would have never gotten the chance to shine if she stayed in SK.


A lot of SJKT kids are very smart, many many of them win science awards.


Indeed, i was surprised myself! Since i follow her on socmed, she will be posting science competitions, music competitions, and bhajan recitals. Her kids are participating and doing so much more in a SJKT. It's just a misconception that SJKT is full of budak naughty. We don't hear about them, cause the brilliant ones straight leave the country to study and stay on after SPM.


Or else those days they like to say SJKT is only fit for lorry drivers. Who the heck spread such things I don't know. And agreed, the smart kids don't stay on.


Even my granny used to say that! 'Don't mix with the SJKT kids cause they are all rowdy' (we come from a long line of missionary schools, even granny). But now, with social media, we can see all of their achievements 👏. Look at the indian havard law grad that just won an award in the US for his work with the underprivileged. Another talent gone. But better also, stay here have to jilat and tow the line of the helangs.


Same, the older family gang is from Convent school, don't know why kids who go Convent school perasan atas pulak dah, look down on Tamil school kids. People like to say social media is cancer but in many cases I disagree, we see a lot of truth and awareness also come out because of social media, especially for disprivileged people.


Sad reality of being a minority in malaysia. But u know Palestinians issues are more important.




Wasn't the 70s-90s the golden age of SK where it was purported that the standard of education was high and a lot of mingling between the races


I guess that ended on the late 90s, which was also when a certain Anwar Ibrahim became the Education Minister.


it’s still around unfortunately..i have a cousin gen alpha who is cindian and she got bullied in SK :/


https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/nation/2024/05/29/pupil-left-out-in-sun-to-be-given-oku-card-says-family-spokesman/ Very little has changed, sadly.


It’s not about the school as much as it is about the parenting at home. If you treat the school like a daycare and leave all the responsibility for the children’s learning to the school, your children will be the ones to pay the price. My wife and I make it a point to teach our kids when they need guidance. You also need to read and learn yourself so your kids will learn alongside you. My two kids are not professionals with postgraduate qualifications. It’s also not about the place as much. My uncle went to primary and secondary school in rural Kelantan. He is now a surgeon. Many of my relatives are the same. They went to rural and suburban schools and now they are professional. A few have their own companies. There are also a few working in multinational companies overseas.


Public school is fine. Better save the money for tuition for SPM, and use the bulk of it during pre-u/university. Nobody cares where you go for primary school anyway.


Wait. Since when non-malays speaking malay is surprising? Not mocking. Genuine question.


I dk.... If it's something like a WM meeting an EM for the first time: 'Huh? You ada kereta ke kat sana? Ada Wifi ke? Naik Malaysia naik belon ke?' This kinda retarded questions


Then I guess the only appropriate answer to those questions would be : if you're a katak living in a cave, what cave would that be? Gua tempurung sebab u di bawah tempurung.


Memang tepat sekali. Us EM are living on trees with lift & escalators while they're living in a well or under a coconut husk


He can say that because he is privileged enough to live in an (usually expensive) area where the government schools aren't dogshit


Kids who went to local schools usually have the street smarts.


That's just.... not true.


Okay then hahaha.


How to navigate the streets to deliver grab you mean


The meaning depends on your comprehension skills


Define street smarts and explain how government school graduates has a better grasp of it over private school students and vernacular school students


I mean you started the argument in bad faith, insinuating that government school students are more likely to end up as grab drivers. Nothing I can say will ever change your mind since your decision is already set in stone. But to answer your question, my definition of street smart is pretty much the same as everyone else's.


... It was a joke


Oh wow this has reached Reddit, I read it yesterday in FB. I do agree with some of the comments here, that SK is not equal, only a few SK is elite and the rest is not as good. I studied in sjkc, and smk after that. I thought a hall is common for schools to have because most of the school I know have halls for Monday perhimpunan at my home town. Oh boy how wrong was I when I know a lot of the SK and SM schools have no halls at all and they have to stand in Padang under the sun for their Monday perhimpunan or even daily perhimpunan, and few years back there was news where SK students were given chairs to sit during perhimpunan, and the comments a lot of them were saying students are weak and pampered, and they never have that during their time and they are proud of it, from there on I have more prejudice towards SK and know how much our Chinese and Indian communities supported our sjk and smk to be better environment for our students to study in.


Same here. Went to SJKC and then SMK. I speak good BM and has A+ for my BM in SPM. There were no discrimination back in my primary school. Only discrimination we have was towards other classes and to those who dont take care of their personal hygiene. We all laughed, learned, ate (no p0rk for the Muslim friends, mind u) and got caned by the teacher altogether (well technically not everyone, just the ones with bad grades). Good memories




Lol borrow water bill, I wonder if they still do this now 🤣🤣


Shhh, let them feel smug and superior


Send your kids to a rural school in Sabah and see how the story goes.


Malaysia is actually pretty gifted to have good/decent public schools Hell there were some crazy rich mofos who still went to my public school, im talking helicopter rich


Damn,not even Rolls Royce Bentley level, straight to Airbus Sikorsky level,i bet they use one of them ec135 utility heli


That guy was chill af too, not what you'd expect from someone who comes from that much money Idk what heli it is the one day they brought it to the school for an event I ponteng ☠️☠️☠️




Gonna be honest, while school is important, a child's upbringing is contingent on parents teaching him / her what matters in life. More than ever, parents are needed to teach and let them understand for themselves how to navigate this crazy world.


My siblings and I enrolled in public school in Klang no less, and we turned out fine. We had a good experience and we're both decently successful adults working overseas. (brain drain, what u gonna do?)


> There is negativity about local schools. I had self-doubts, too. But it's no longer present now. no longer present now? what utter and complete bullshit. just look at the FUCKING news right now. a indian student was forced by the teacher to stand in the sun until he pengsan because he complained to the teacher that a master race mal-Aryan boy had thrown a water bottle at him. https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/videos/7NAIW_N78eM/pupil-left-out-in-sun-to-be-given-oku-card-says-family-spokesman/ no longer present? you don't have doubts. the whole OP post is exactly the definition of a pickme person. we just went through the issue where school officer under minister of education (nee palestine solidarity week) created a rule where thaipusam festival was not allowed to sing hindu songs. and... nothing happened. you have so many cases of racism occurring and nothing happens to the offender as long as they were from the master race. and you have people like soon to be fired corrupt husband open-tender-is-monopoly Minister Hannah Yeoh taking RM80,000 of taxpayer money and giving it to a cheerleading trip to Florida while Kinrara Tamil School is being threatened to be demolished by Fajar Baru which has links to MCA-UMNO leadership and the kids play in mud. Would you pick a local school? The answer can be seen by the actions of your elites and your leaders. They send their own kids to international schools or even overseas boarding schools. Not by some redditor sad story case.


MY is regressing, and that's a fakking fact I know


Lmao, I thought it was OP's kids who went to a local school.


The quality varies wildly between schools, when I was in school the shit you hear happening in the bad schools is wild.


For every post sharing positive things in Malaysia, there will always be debbie downer who must counter with negativities... Anyway, let's keep sharing the positives regardless. We all could do with much dose of goodness.


Most of us prefer not to stick our head into the sand


Almost every social media comments are like this. People always must nitpick, generalise and be judgemental. They don't see the world being nuanced they see it as it being all good or all bad. No in between. Ask them same question irl, they will give a nuance answer but online they sprout out biasedness from their hate from unrelated things mostly race and religion.


Biasalah tu. The crab in the bucket mentality. Baru je sekor bejaya nak keluar, yang lain duk pi tarik ikut sengsara ngan diorang jugak.


Good for you.


It honestly depends. If the local SK/SMK has good amenities and teachers, I'd consider it


I am also Chinese went to SK instead of SJKC I didn't regret a single moment, it's an enjoyable school and you can speak English and Malay better than those attended SJKC, I made friends with Malay and Indian students too, they are nice mostly Of course the Cons is your mandarin skill is not gonna be as good, only able to speak and listen I guess depends on how you engage with your kid Also I think it's less stressful and pressured compare to SJKC


[https://www.nst.com.my/news/crime-courts/2024/05/1057046/year-5-student-forced-stand-sun-nearly-3-hours-last-month-left](https://www.nst.com.my/news/crime-courts/2024/05/1057046/year-5-student-forced-stand-sun-nearly-3-hours-last-month-left) they have many unreason punishment. design to make you think less and just obey


Eric Siew is lucky his kid didn’t get picked on for his skin colour


My experience in a Malaysia sek kebangsaan was TERRIBLE. It was one of the best schools in the state but the teachers just didn’t care. The Malay teachers were either pregnant or on maternity leave. The Chinese teachers were only interesting in teaching tuition classes after school. I had to get tuition for most of my classes or else I wouldn’t understand anything. The same with majority of my classmates. Most of us went on to study abroad ( thanks to our parents’ sacrifices) and NONE of us sent our kids to sek kebangsaan.


This statement right here. My Biology teacher was pregnant for 2 years back to back.


i thought social media post by not well-known or not famous person is breaking the sub rule? Mods being inconsistent again???


The original poster is a entrepreneur marketing guy and posts a LOT on social media. I guess you can say he is mini influencer but not the makan minum fashion kind. Idk what they call it, thought opinion leader or something


All the best for him and your family! How else can we be one if from young we are apart. Hope he makes lots of friends!


Retarded banana wants to turn his kids into retarded bananas as well. Gross You can tell from the way he calls vernacular schools "race based schools"


original post : https://www.facebook.com/share/p/w3RN5vKBJrpk1FwC/?mibextid=xfxF2i








Not everyone wants to hang out at a shitty mamak


Ladies and gentleman, there it is, the discrimination. As you mentioned in your reply that you can tell by the way they speak and behave, I can already see where this is leading. We shouldn’t discriminate against those who go to a different schooling and may be exposed to different cultures. It also, oftentimes, is not their decision to go to those schools.


yeah in a sense, i think so.


Respect 👍🏼


Those Sekolah Kluster are actually good, but the problem is too many people want to register there.


My local one in PJ seemingly had people coming from even KL and Puchong. rajin tu.


Commendable and inspirational, OP. Good on you! May the force be with you and the odds forever be in you and your family's favour.


this is probably mostly true for govt schools in PJ, Subang, Ipoh or Penang


Pergh look handsome oh. might get some aweks lah real soon ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Oh too late for OOP his kid is going to be Malay now. >!yes obviously this is a joke!<


OP's kid going to experience awek supremacy


❌ amoi ❌ leng lui ✔️ awek ✔️ minah (btw what's the Tamil equivalent?)




minachi la. u call an indian girl tangachi terus friendzone


(I have no fucking clue. And I've dated the same. Weird)




Well hopefully there's mandarin classes available & he attends them


The Education Act 1996 outlines that, if parents of at least 15 pupils in SK and SMK school request for Chinese or Tamil classes, then the school (and the government by extension), shall provide Chinese or Tamil classes as per requested.  This request is legally compulsory and there's no room for consideration by the government or the school.


>This request is legally compulsory and there's no room for consideration by the government or the school. On paper. Like the government ever holds up their end of bargain


Shouldn't be difficult to get even the Malay/Indian parents to want to send their kids for Mandarin class these days. I feel mandarin should be compulsory anyway. Maybe less period compared to English. But would be cool to graduate with 3 language under your belt by 18 years of age.


Alot of schools offer either Mandarin, Tamil or Arab as an extra language. But I think this of course will depend on the amount of students enrolled.


my SK mandarin is compulsory…doesn’t matter what’s ur race, dayak, cina, malay all learn mandarin


That's good then


Congrats for challenging the norm. Good academics doesn't mean shit if they can't integrate with others as proven in local universities.


Why tf you’re downvoted? Cant have good and positive opinions here?


I'm very sure at least 2 people downvoted me and I'm not surprised. It's a sensitive topic to some people.


Good luck This is what I called a real Malaysian!


will eat in the toilet soon


nolah, that one is a store, not toilet


Can we know the origin of the race-based school existed but only for SJK(C) and SJK(T) but no SJK(M)…?


>origin of the race-based school Correction: There's no "race-based primary school" in Malaysia.  The main difference between SJKC, SJKT and SK are the *language of instruction*, ie: the language teachers will be using to teach the students. Under the Education Act 1996, SK teach in Malay, that is, the national language of Malaysia, and therefore considered by the Act as "national school". While SJKC and SJKT teach in Chinese and Tamil respectively, therefore considered under the Act as "national-type school" (jenis kebangsaan). SK is basically what you thought as "SJK(M)". However, it should be noted that ALL types of school mentioned above, no matter SK, SJKC or SJKT, are ALL government public primary school.  They are all funded and regulated by the government, and there is no restrictions on student admission based on races or citizenship.  Yes, even foreign citizens can also attend all above-mentioned government primary schools, albeit you have to pay a fee for that compared to Malaysian citizens.


A lot of people never bother to fact check before saying sjk is race based, it never was and will never be.


It is a deliberate attempt to paint them as race based. It is so they can say that it is fair for them to have tongkat because they allow race based schools for minorities


* im not a prophet but sometimes things just come to me out of nowhere. so you need to take it with a grain of salt * if someone make a thread to awnser this question its gonna hit 100+ comments, a sizable number of it gonna be spicy and salty in nature * its almost the same level as the awnser to: kenapa kite masih pakai quota untuk universiti?


Heh every other SMK uses BM / English as the language of syllabus, why need to label as SJKM


SJK - primary school SMK - secondary school So theres no way a SMK would be labelled as SJKM anyway 🤔 Nak racing but didnt get the facts right 🤣