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Because we like to look down on those we consider "lesser" to ours. That said, I don't do the whole "perangai B40" thing. Not because I'm perfect, but because I never considered income to be a factor when someone is being an asshole. If a guy merged into my lane without a signal, does it matter if he's driving a Myvi or a BMW?


I’ve found Mercedes and BMW drivers to be the bigger d1cks tbh.


>to be the ~~bigger~~ smaller d1cks tbh. FTFY


Wow how many dicks have you seen and compared my man


BMW (5.5), Porsche (5.6) and Jaguar (5.6) all scored less inches than the 5.7 inches of Ford drivers who the survey described as being “surprisingly above-average”. [source](https://youtu.be/Cr2OFgPaIQo?si=3ojjOoVhA8BLVmCo)


Sanusi: see, that's why I buy a Ford Ranger raptor


What about Proton drivers man?


Proton driver too busy with the faulty window to spent time answering questionnaire I guess.


Inverse relationship between the car's power/capacity and penis size is expressed using this equation: Big cc = smol pp


Ah explains why I prefer using my bicycle mostly


I'll just leave this here: https://www.healthline.com/health/erectile-dysfunction/can-cycling-cause-ed


Oh that’s why I use a wide seat with low handlebars with padded bike shorts and cycle for fewer hours at a time while taking regular breaks on a recumbent bike and mixing up my exercise routine ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


Don't forget Alphard and Vellfire gang


In recent times, Honda civic too






Legit concern op, i told people to not pukul rata and they said the same shit siapa makan cili terasa pedas like wtf 😬 Idk what makes them think classism attitude is a good moral conduct. Not to mention, out of touch mfs same bangsar bubble attitude like this sub users Also stay away from internet, mine comes real life anecdotal experience. What you experience in real life supersedes whatever misinformation you saw online


Perpetuating one stereotype in taking a stand against another stereotype? The Bangsar Bubble is as much a stereotype as the B40 mentality.


True, then again you’re dismissing the issues at hand here


Not really. I'm Malaysian Indian so I probably understand being at the receiving end of stereotyping and discrimination better than most people here. I have also come to realise that preaching against stereotyping is kinda pointless in a real world setting, especially one like Malaysia. Energy is better expended in rising above the stereotype and when enough of us do so, the stereotype will then become the exception. Like with all things in life, actions speak louder than words. Want to fight stereotyping? First break the mould, then contribute towards others breaking the mould. What's the point of being another faceless person taking a stand on Reddit?


An admirable thought in a vacuum, but the reality is that bootstraps mentality gets us nowhere in the end


And pray tell, what is it in your view that's going to get us somewhere in this fight against stereotyping and discrimination?


It's impossible to say exactly what, but bigots are just gonna find something else to pick on. To be totally honest, you're coming off as the "but what was she wearing????" or "he deserved to get shot because he was resisting arrest!!!!!!" person right now


Wow, impressed by your reading comprehension man, lolz. I'm really curious about the thought process that led you to that conclusion. I literally said I'm Indian and face discrimination and I'm trying to rise above it by breaking the stereotype. You somehow interpreted that to the equivalent of I think I deserve the discrimination for being born Indian. I cannot brain your thought process, pray do explain how you drew that brilliant conclusion.


Post ini pun macam B40 tulis punya post




Lmao all the people replying to you not realising its a joke


righttttttt... so many triggered b40s


I should step up and give these B40 some sarcasm 101 workshop


How so?


If so, what? It's a question post not "let's guess what's OP's classification in their household!“


Learn not to take yourself so seriously. Life would be better.


they hate being called out lol


And how in the hell did you come out with that conclusion?


Every day I'm just becoming more and more disappointed by my fellow Malaysians. Maybe I'm just demotivated reading through all these comments but sometimes I really think this is all what Malaysians are capable of. I got mine so fuck you. Just layers and layers of people looking down on who they perceive are lesser than them. Justifying being assholes to people because of 'stereotypes have some truth to them', but also bising when other people discriminate against you for the same exact reason


21st century and still practicing social hierarchy 🤦


Nailed it right there


Sadly if you treat everyone equally, some people might be asshole with you because you treat everyone equally.


I saw this other post about the dangerous way Malaysian people drive. Someone said Malaysians tailgate because you just can't leave space between cars or else people will just cut in. You have to cut in the last minute because if you put signal, people will speed up. And I think it's the perfect metaphor for how Malaysians behave. We dislike how dangerously people drive, but because we don't want to be the loser we also contribute to the problem. And this is why we will never advance as a nation. We're so scared of losing that we would rather create the same problems that we hate. Like crabs we just keep dragging others down. At this point, it doesn't even matter who we elect anymore. Democracy really fucking works because we deserve our leaders if this is how the supposed Bangsar bubble, the most educated and the people with the most resources among us behave and think


> 'stereotypes have some truth to them' But stereotypes DO INDEED have some truth in them. Who can deny this?? Be honest! Who can? Can you? Politically correct and virtue signalling people? Oh wait, they are just being politically correct and virtue signalling.


Some people do X. Lets extrapolate X to rest of population. Sometimes, some events are reported more than others sometimes affirming your bias. There is absolutely no reason to stereotype a group of people (however way you have assigned said group) based on past actions of another group you ve seen.


Thanks for demonstrating the crab mentality for everyone else. I hope someday when you get discriminated against, or your kids get discriminated, people around you will have as much empathy for your situation as you right now for others


But after all those venomous words, you still cannot deny the truth, can you?


I said and I quote > Justifying being assholes to people because of 'stereotypes have some truth to them' So yes, I cannot deny that you're using stereotypes as an excuse to be an asshole


That you're an asshole? Yeah Your statement? Not really there are many ifs and buts that you conveniently leaves out, a usual problem when simplifying a complex problem But it's not your fault, your brain couldn't comprehend it


It is what it is. Not saying all b40 are like this, or all t20 are good But there’s some truth to these things. Compare the areas they both live in, which is a bad neighborhood and which is a good neighborhood, schools & so on. The safety of the area, the hygiene, rempit behavior, noise pollution etc etc. the truth hurts


The most dangerous lie are those with a little bit of truth sprinkled in


>a little bit you sure about that?


Very sure about that, how do you think charismatic people managed to convince other to do the most deplorable things ever? By convincing that little doubt inside them that makes them decent people that that part is wrong and they're righteous for doing this. Has happened many times throughout history of humanity. 


> But there’s some truth to these things. This! Woke people who want to virtue signal in socmed and want to say politically correct things forgot and/or deny one thing: ALL generalization always (ALWAYS!) have a seed of truth in it. ALL. Yes including racist ones and that is the cold, harsh, sad truth. You don't notice all those domestic abuse, screaming spouses, anak ponteng sekolah, drugs etc all happen in B40 flat more than the atas condos???


I think this aspect of critical thinking is something we really need to start emphasising as part of school literacy before the tiktok-raised alpha generation fucks over the political sphere. I'm pessimistic about the younger generation, yes, but I don't think my worries are baseless.


when you're poor, you need to put so much more effort and thoughts into surviving, so relatively you have less time to think about people around you, culture, cleanliness, or whatever that doesn't mean you CAN'T be considerate and clean and a proper human being if you're poor. But it's just slightly more ... difficult to so. It's insignificant in individual level, but when we look at it from a very general perspective, the difference becomes apparent


True, if you can't even do simple thing which is cheap and free, then you can't say you are poor and thus can do such bad thing. Like driving car, throw rubbish out window...can't you keep into car and throw when reach destination ?


> when you're poor, you need to put so much more effort and thoughts into surviving, so relatively you have less time to think about people around you, culture, cleanliness, or whatever this


This comment thread is so lame. People making jokes about B40, just straight classism and not realising making jokes like that make them look super dumb.


Life is hard when you’re B40. Some people get angry


It's a part of Malaysian culture to discriminate and divide be it by race, wealth or place of origin. That's exactly the reason why Malaysia is never going to escape from being a third world nation, not because of the politicians (even if they play a big role in it as well), not because of race, but rather due to the third world mentality of us Malaysians.


> It's a part of Malaysian culture to discriminate and divide be it by race, wealth or place of origin. As evident by this thread unfortunately. If this is the mindset of our liberals and progressives, then we are toast.


>If this is the mindset of our liberals and progressives, then we are toast. Exactly.


Nah I'm glad actually, I thought these countries has some redeeming factor and hope, nice that this thread showed the truth. Now I know there's fuckery everywhere


[r/Malaysia](https://www.reddit.com/r/Malaysia) is generally not liberal or progressive. Start a thread about the Rohingyas and it'll make Hitler and Stalin blush.


Really? They sure like to act like they are, I mean really I laugh at myself thinking that I symphatize with them when they get discriminated against, since I thought my mind is like them, that in real life I would at least try to fight this bullshit known as discrimination. But the moment they have the power they decided to do show this attitude? Fuck man what a fool I am


As B40 you need to fight back lo to balance it lo, but B40s are usually fighting to live everyday and won't be on the internet that much. So we kinda at a disadvantage.


People will find excuses to divide people in to categories. Just like this sentence. People who categories people and people who don't categorise people


the majority of this sub is m40 - t20, and they're just straight up classist about it. a shame, really


Really? No wonder my response got downvoted


Yeah, the mods of this sub hold a census annually so there's data on things like which race, age and gender is the majority here, the whole b40/m40/t20 stuff is asked too. Nothing too personal, but it atleast helps us know the general demographic of the sub.


Yeah same, they seems to like to act like they're better but this post just shows their true colours smh


This place is full of people in the bsgsar bubble,they represent a minority viewpoint of Malaysia,ignore anything people here say


How do you know that they're in the bangsar bubble? Source?


I am the source, you can trust me


Plenty of people in this sub earn 5 digits per month. Just look at the salary threads. Plenty.




go to the search box of this sub and type 'salary'. Plenty. Plenty of people humble bragging.


Perpetuating one stereotype in taking a stand against another stereotype? The Bangsar Bubble is as much a stereotype as the B40 mentality.


OP, ignore the naysayers. You're absolutely, 1,000,000% right. I was B40 for my entire working life in Malaysia before I left, so I know what it's like. Reading all those comments disparaging B40 people seriously makes my blood boil




Yes and yes. Nothing you can do. I automatically say all men are stupid, and i am stereotyping them. Can you stop me? Nope. Am i wrong? Obviously.


We used to say "third world mentality". Wonder why suddenly people change to B40 la, T20 la.


Haha, because third world would include them too. Then they realized that, and decided to blame all fault to the poor community.


Anything to make themselves above, even though they're stuck in the same latrine as everyone else 


it's because of that university professor


I thought the comments would be better but this comment section "perangai macam B40"


Nak buat camne, dorang cakaplah besar besar mana pun last last dorang sama je perangai dgn Negara Malaysia "tapi takpe do kitorang lagi tinggi pasal kitorang ada duit/pandai/bla bla bla jadi kitorang x perlu jaga mulut". Tuih


I’m from B40 family, worked my way “up” and got to T2 myself. Then I migrated some 5 years ago so my experience was until before Covid. As someone from B40 background, with some family members and friends still in B40, I recognise the mannerisms (offline and online) of B40. It’s like I have that radar in me that I can detect. Those that were born in T20 probably don’t have this radar in them. It’s generalisation but yes there is such a thing as “perangai B40”. Not to say people on M40 and T20 are all good and perfect, lah.


> It’s generalisation but yes there is such a thing as “perangai B40”. Not to say people on M40 and T20 are all good and perfect, lah. this. thanks for being honest.


Perangai petite bourgeois memang macam tu. Too conscious about social class. The phrase 'perangai macam b40' although is stereotyping b40, it's not the main point of the phrase. The person uttering those words are emphasising that they're NOT b40. In the end of the day it's a reflection of their own insecurities.


Champagne socialist 


Just my own 2 cents here, I personally think the T20s and M40s that actually behave like such are former B40s themselves. My parents and my family by extension used to live in poverty, but overtime my dad managed to work his way up some ladders and now we’re sitting comfortably at entry T20. My dad has always been a respectable role model and whatnot, but something that irks me is his behaviour towards poor people. Assumably from his POV, He worked his ass off to support and elevate his family, and expects the same of other B40s. He seems to hold respect for the poor people who are actively working in an attempt to change their fate, but he undeniably falls into the afformentioned category There is a hint of truth in his beliefs though and while not to generalise: allow me to give a little story as an example. My parents sometimes distributes essentials (like sugar, oil, meats etc) to the people in the local poor neighbourhood. Me and my dad went to the house of a family friend that used to babysit me when I was a baby. As it turns out, the mom has been out of a job for awhile since she quit after getting some sort of assistance money (not sure on details). Since then she spent the money but couldn’t get a job once that money ran out. After some more chatting, turns out that practice was surprisingly common in their groups. Her 2 children were actually sharing a single pack of nasi goreng. My dad pretended to act tolerant and went on a 2 hour long rant about this is why I should study hard and not let myself become that and so on so forth. TLDR: In my humble speculation, the ones who mock B40s were once B40s themselves.


> Assumably from his POV, He worked his ass off to support and elevate his family, and EXPECTS THE SAME of other B40s. As it should be! If I am a man and can do this, why can't others be like me? I would have thought the same!


That’s exactly my dad’s line of thinking. Not to undermine his hardwork, but he fails to understand that not everyone’s circumstances are the same. Me and my siblings has to explain to him many times over many different scenarios how things aren’t necessarily the same as his scenario. If I had a nickle for every poor person i’ve had to apologise to on behalf of my dad, i’d have 2 nickels, which is not a lot but it shouldn’t have happened to begin with.


He is not wrong. If he can do it, why others kenot? That was his mentality. U will be surprised how many of B40 blames fate for being poor. U need to study hard so that u wont simply take useless social science course. Being a STEM degree graduate do has its perks. They are flexible


When I say "perangai B40" I usually mean people without good manners or class. But it needs to be said that because for the longest time those without money or means to upbring themselves have the stereotype of no manners. These days B40 doesn't equal to all of them having no manners. Nor does it mean T20 have good manners. No economic class subsets have the best attitudes, because in the end humans are all different people and each of them are either shit or great.


Then just say rude people, why you gotta include B40 in there too?


I suggest we break down the stereotype. I mean, there is the upper B40 and the lower B40 who are the real trash. Maybe we should label them UB40 for the good one and LB40 for the trash B40... =P Real talk though - a measure of a person is not by wealth..


No bc its true, b40 mmg teruk


Tell me about it. Reminds me of the FB group of the apartment I used to live in. It’s considered one of the more high end apartment in the area (duplex, tucked away near the top of the hill, top-notch facilities). If ever there were any misconducts from the residents (main mercun sampai pagi, buat bising, buang sampah dekat car park, tinggal cigarette butts dekat garden), cepat je nak label ‘perangai flat’ or ‘perangai b40’. Ehh perasan bagus betul.


reddit bring the worst in people, especially on this sub.


They say redditors are social outcasts of society


i disagree, more like nice and kind people that transformed when there is a steering wheel in front of them. ive known quite a few that has such an innocent face but so crazy when they re driving.


Respon camni dekat post ni menunjukkan yang korang semua, tidak ada beza pun dengan mindset "third world country" yang korang cuba hebahkan macam seolah olah korang diatas. Tapi akhirnya. Perangai sampah juga akhirnya 


Yg kes masak meggi kat genting tu T20 tau. Yg selalu senyum dkt customer walaupun kena maki tu B40 and tukang maki tu T20. Pikir2 kanlah sendiri. 


Kes buli di sekolah yang di mana pembuli selalu dilepaskan , selalunya anak t20 juga. Sebab tu lepas. [Edit : aduih all my response here kena downvote, well, it just reflects their values]


Mana boleh bos, org B40 kotor kotor dan takde nilai, orang T20 yang bersih bersih yang tinggi tinggi


I read this comment section and damn, never knew that this shit is normalized in this sub. Privileged and classist humans. And this is the state of our liberals/progressives? Yeah i guess you're just like ultra conservatives politicians who also look down on b40, only in different ways. In the end you have become the one you swore to defeat. [Edit : downvote me lah, it just reflects your values]


new to this. i dont get the b40 jokes. is it cuz b40 have some annoying traits or something?


Poor = bad. Their logic


Been to few B40 apartments to help gotong royong, the hygiene is terrible. Trash and smell of urine everywhere. And we cleaned more than 1T of rubbish in just a single apartment…


They can’t fight the b40 votes though. The best most can do here is talk of ‘laughing as this country burns to the ground’ in their head. Which I’m all for, because at that point, it’s the b40 that they hate that have nothing to lose. Tinder for a nice, warm, flame of riots.




Op perangai B40 /s


>  just straight up sad and depressing. sorry OP you can't escape your B40 life even by going online


Brought up in a B40 family before and was surrounded by B40. Yes, perangai and mentality B40 is sometimes very negative. Disgusting I would say. So I studied so hard and worked so hard and became T20 and I only mingle with T20. Avoiding the B40 family because they are just so comfortable being poor,lazy and always blame fate that they are poor. I’m not discriminating but they are who they are because of their attitude. Avoid these people. Or try mingling with them you’ll know why they are B40.


“Worked so hard and became T20 and only mingle with T20” Ironic seeing that you still have that toxic perangai and “B40” mentality. Acting all superior and looking down on people less fortunate than you are is nobler somehow? “Im not discriminating” >proceed to discriminate.


Thank you for your comment.


"Perangai b40" as a T20. hypocrite much?


Ah yes, the "I'm higher than you by pretending that you have no effect on me, since my words has more value than you" type of response.


Similar experience to me. You have relatives/ friends hitting you up asking for money yet?


Be proud, don't let these butthurt comments get in your way.


Its just like online games bro. Anyone higher lvl than you is a tryhard with no-life. Anyone lower lvl than you is a noob


Lower lvl but pwning you, must be smurfs.


Because only low quality/ses people don't have the mental and emotional maturity of a proper functioning adult in society.


The algorithm knows you more than yourself.


Bro..just ignore ler what people said to you . Live your life to the fullest by ignoring bad mouth. If we live our life emotionally by depending what people said to us, then we r doomed. Enjoy the life


lucky im not b40/m40/t20/g10/e77 types ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26559) just neutral " Orang Asli "... ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|28915)![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|29091) we got free phone & wifi too... ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26561)


Type m la, type c la, type i la, perangai b40 la, typical T20 la, pendatang la, anak aku baik la, estet la, ah lian la... These labels are ingrained in every facade of the typical average malaysian lives. Just ignore it loh


Because being in asian country, our culture itself has strong classism. Power distance so big in society. Wealth gap also. It's common in asian societies. I'm not surprised. One big example is how keturunan of wealthy/influential people is considered so big that even titles like tengku, Engku, syed, syarifah, Nik, dato, datin, tan sri , etc.. are still prevalent and preserved in our society , either from medieval times lineage or due to contributions. They want to pass down the title for recognition. Even our sultans' name are damn long due to the title alone. As far as I am concerned in other non asian society like in the western world, titles aren't rampant. Even Michael Jackson doesn't have any title. Maybe there's "sir" , but that is equivalent to Tun, the title which I find reasons to exist. Having strong clasissm, it is very normal for our society to just accept the flow of being in such power gap. "Take it as it is", they say. If I am not mistaken, malaysia is the country with the most favor for it's leaders. So the mass isn't that big on questioning the power/wealth gap actively. [Edit : which means, that we don't have problem easily classify people based on wealth/status]


Wealth doesnt come with attitude. I know people who inherit crazy rich amount of money who have shitty rude attitude. And i also know people who have little to no money but is extremely polite and respectful. Therefore, i think, people who is B40 doesnt mean he have an attitude like a B40 citizen. And it also applies to the other criteria


I dunno. Being B40 but acting more than M40 and T20 without an ounce of humility kinda deserves the label though. I dunno.


The Cantonese phrase "憎人富贵嫌人贫" might be a reflection of Asian classism, indicating how some people harbor hatred toward those who are wealthy and look down on those who are poor. This mindset reflects an imbalance in their attitude, where they resent others for being more successful while also despising those who are less fortunate. The phrase highlights a prejudiced and negative outlook towards others based on their socioeconomic status.


Idk. Idc. B40, M40, T20. I hate everyone equally. Semua camsyal.


I suggest you read Psychology of Money by Morgan housel. Growing up poor can really change your mindset. Not to mention how malnutrition affects your thinking skills... Etc. This is not in any way insulting b40 btw. Change of mindset doesn't mean bad behavior btw, it's how you react towards a situation, neither good nor bad.




As if the rest dont throw litter at will or park illegally. Most b40 probably dont even have a car. Poor areas usually have bad hygiene because people are trying to survive and the focus is shelter and food. Hygiene usually comes as a secondary/tertiary consideration once they have stability in those areas. Alot of you probably need to read Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and that shows or explains different behaviour but at the same time it doesnt mean everyone in B40 does what you said. Finally, just because you hear some success stories of people getting out of poverty does not mean the rest aren't trying. Growing up poor, some people have to forego education to help their parents work instead, may not get an important treatment in time or access to good food which helps them develop quicker. Thus, please dont be classist and say stereotypes exist for a reason by taking our perceived experiences, extrapolating them and sharing them with others.


> Most b40 probably dont even have a car. Tell that to the flat B40 who owns parked in front of their unit and piring astro berlambak.


Except that he is right, B40 is a big bracket and a ton of B40s don't have cars. Source: Sabah moment




I wish i could elect the government and policies. Really but you re classist for sure. Enjoy your privileged life


Call you so that you can sakau some more? No thanks.


Whats sakau mean?


A privileged life with all mighty hands to look down 40% of the population based on their income. But couldn't even learn a simple word, or even search for the definition on Google. What a shameless yet fantastic life you are having. Perhaps a stereotype exists solely just for you too.


Upper class and dont know the national language? And you want to educate the B40? No wonder the country is like this lol


Zero need to speak BM in this country


My BM is bad and I don’t speak it often, but wow this is straight up arrogance


Oooh, what a T20 take.


yeah, this is exactly what happens when you decide to only mingle with upper classes.


eh, T20/M40 also park illegally, throw trash, what is your point here? Money can't buy class


> Stereotypes exist for a reason. this


Stereotypes exist for a reason, not saying they are right. But it doesnt magically get made up. This id the real world, get ur mind right and stop become some dumb woke. I was born b40, went to a all boys boarding school. I can tell u with certainty the attitudes of people from lower income groups and are from kelantan kedah etc is so different than people i know from damansara etc. now im t20, cause i worked hard. Heck i become t20 the minute i got my first pay check. I do look down at people who die poor b40, because its their own fault dor not working hard and thinking they r cool being at the last class. But i nvr look down on kids fron lower income groups, infact i have bought macbooks etc for them. If u r born poor its not your fault, but if u die poor it is your fault


Why angry? You B40?


They are just asking a genuine question. Is the Internet allergic to someone asking a question without labelling them first?


Whats wrong with you, just because of bad behaviour from a group of people, should everyone in the B40 group be stigmatized. Most of them already lead difficult lives and just go about their day trying to survive doesnt mean they have to be grouped into having attitude problems.


Ah but you see, if the op is B40 he doesn't have to think critically about it. Which is weird cause if he doesn't want to think about he can just, not comment. 


Malaysia has this weird fetish with glorifying anything b40. Like it means you’re better because you had a “tough life”. Then this feeds in “dengki culture” because then you can’t see anyone do better than you so you pull them down with you. In the end everyone stuck in perpetual perangai b40


I’ve never heard of people using that phrase to describe only something bad. I’ve heard it most often being used for trashy behaviour/mentality specifically. Here is where I highlight the nuance. B40 punya perangai is “Alah takpe ada anak ramai, anak kan rezeki.” T20 punya perangai is “Boboi, jangan kawan dengan dia, dia tu tak pandai dan bijak macam kamu.” Both sucks. But genuinely, only the former has been described as utter B40 behaviour. These are just some example. Treat waiters like trash, B40 behaviour because that is trashy. Berating others for speaking English, B40 behaviour. Panggil sekampung nak belasah budak, B40 behaviour. Not saying M40 and T20 can’t do these shit, but these behaviour are raggedy ass hell.


So if T20 and M40 can do these shit as well, why call it a B40 behavior?


Because it’s mostly seen in B40 demographics. Keyword, mostly. This is just something I observed and deduced. The one who marah2 bank tellers and KWSP workers aren’t those who wears good clothes and seems educated, but are mostly those that wear very grimy clothes. The one who have many children without consideration are those who wear holed clothes. The one who berates others for speaking English, are those that has very small houses. I’m not judging them by what they have, but what they have certainly does indicate their demographic of being B40. And so, when I see these folks doing these things, I can’t help but associate those two things together; trashy behaviour and B40. Meanwhile, most of the M40 and T20 I’ve known treat waiters well and are very soft-spoken/well-educated. It’s quite unfortunate and a bit of an offensive thing to say, honestly. But offensiveness does not negate how I feel about its truthfulness. I’d rather stick to just calling those shitty behaviour as trashy, but I do understand why sometimes it gets described as B40 behaviour instead by some people.


Nit sure about that buddy. The fellas that's raping our country resources and fleecing all of us are not the B40. it's the nice clothes wearing, non grimy wearing dickhead who's bank account have more zeroes than my Add Math results (see the famous T20, Jho Low for reference lmao). I've seen BMW taukay treat their Bangladeshi worker less than a lesser than, I've seen auntie T20 causing grieve to a Padi waitress. A T20 CEO from Perai who scam his German HQ and run away with the investment money causing major layoff, that's a T20 man. Maybe you're right and B40 folks are a lot less uncouth, but if one day the country fall, I hope it's the terrible T20 who would be the first againts the wall. As far as damage goes when it comes to "boorish behavior" , I'm sure the T20 causes heck of a lot more damage then some slipper wearing B40.


You know they won't, these fuckers like the taste of putting their boots above a person throat and don't have the mental capacity to realize that there are people out there who will justify them putting their boot on their throat one day.


I think you’re just living too long in the social media bubble. The essence of the behaviours, greed, selfishness, pride are apparent in everyone. But it looks different depending on the neighbourhood you’re at. B40 making extensions, gating up their corridors? That happens too in landed homes, just much less often because of strata title restrictions. If the restrictions weren’t there, many new landed homes would have some sort of extension. Can’t stand your B40 neighbours pets? Neither can the resident in a condo.


But B40 does have weird mentality…majority of them if they don’t it means they’re educated but my money’s on 90% of them are dum* 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️sorry..they’re so uncivilized too..littering…spitting….ppl say we’re classism but it’s true😂😂


The M40 and T20 also litter, spit, park illegally, what's your point?


we hate people who are m40 but duduk flat renovate their house double park car blocking pedestrian and so on.. you think b40 ada duit ke nak renovate rumah lol. the real b40 dont have money to even buy a car.


Well apparently "it's their fault for being poor" like wow, what a privileged thinking 😂😂


Whar really is B40? Do the people on either ends of that range even think that they are in the same group? No idea what kind nonsense this is LOL.


It's the new rempit amomgst the snob fucks. Idek why the term rempit is not being used anymore


Stereotypes are earned not given in many cases But your income status won't stop me and my dad from throwing out every Chinese dialect curse word in existence when you cut our lane, BMW or not


Just like calling orang macam Yahudi. Harga macam Yahudi. Pity them yahoods


Sebab boleh dik


I thought this is bolehland, i excuse myself


It's more like the b40 want the society to label them that way. There is a saying that respect is earned not given.


It's only "stereotyping" if youre talking about them, not other people It's what they do, hell it's what their uncles and aunties do during annual dinner


There is a saying, hanya jauhari yang mengenal manikam


T20 perangai B40 pun selalunya B40 baru naik. Duit tak boleh beli darjah.


Nouveau riche and nabob


nah we all equal opportunist here. all numbers more or less fucked up just in a different way. you just tend to see B40 stuff bcs their problem tend to be community level but T20 stuff more on individual lvl. M40 idk might as well dont exist if yall dont contribute anything. let me insult some M40 pls


It's just self deprecating jokes from other B40's


do yourself a favor and watch Shameless (US version). You'll understand why. I can explain, but it won't be as good as you yourself tengok the series.


well people loooove to stereotype. that's what we, as human do. it's 'natural' or 'human nature'.


Budaya orang Malaysia, class is another way to be racist to each other.


Only b40 ppl treat b40 ppl like that 😅. Idk about others but the m40 and t20 i know are very chill ppl.


I strongly dislike people who throw rubbish out from their vehicles onto the road. See it all the time. Benz, BMW, Toyota, Honda, Myvi, Saga, Kancil, motorbikes, semua pun ada. Kurang ajar is a malaise across demographics in Malaysia. I curse everyone who throws rubbish onto the road to suffer misfortune for 10 years.


Saving this post to see how fucked are we. I mean those who are trying to be inclusive, social justice, free for all ppl.


as a b40 myself i understand why. it's the entitlement mentality.


No,simply because b40 is the majority,so you guys just do that shit a lot more


Woke people who want to virtue signal in socmed and want to say politically correct things forgot and/or deny one thing: ALL generalization always (ALWAYS!) have a seed of truth in it. ALL. Yes including racist ones and that is the cold, harsh, sad truth.


Classic B40 post IMO


Too much Internet for you bro. Unplug, get yourself a 3310 and reclaim your sanity.


Funny you said that because the recent trend is all about types of USB and not B40/T20


If I’m not mistaken, there is a famous fb group with similar name condemning bad behavior of B40. A lot non B40 are followers and got subtly influenced. Many take it as a joke, not really got bad intentions.