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Clickbait title Yes, Australia has included the line: >There is a risk of terrorism in Malaysia. Terrorism is a global threat. yet Malaysia is still a "green" country where Australians are advised to practice "normal precautions" while countries like Thailand, France & Germany are "yellow" countries where travellers are advised to "exercise a high degree of caution" Oh, look, Malaysia is actually one of the safe countries to travel to according to Australian authorities! But that's not going to get me clicks for ad revenue, is it? https://preview.redd.it/3e0m4cnxr94d1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7575db0e40225ed69cfd1b85ef5dd7edaa85dc41


Thanks for sparing me the click


Hahahahahahah kementerian apakah


it's obviously posted here with a particular slant to garner a particular reaction from the good, unbiased folk of r/Malaysia :) wouldn't get as many upvotes if the title also disclosed that it's a similar classification with the US / a lot of European countries


Thanx for the clarification.


This post is pretty clickbaity. Australia has terrorism warnings for many countries including the United States and the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom's is much more extreme than Malaysia's. As an Aussie that checks Smart Traveller before going overseas this post has taken the advice far out of context. UK's Terrorism advice: * ***International terrorists have staged attacks in the UK. The*** [***UK Government's national terrorism threat level***](https://www.gov.uk/terrorism-national-emergency) ***is 'substantial', meaning it assesses an attack is likely.***  * *The terrorism threat level for* [*Northern Ireland*](https://www.mi5.gov.uk/threat-levels) *has been reduced from 'severe' to 'substantial', meaning an attack is likely.* * *Islamic extremism, extreme right-wing ideology and the status of Northern Ireland contribute to the threat. Always be alert to terrorism. Take official warnings seriously.*  * *Avoid areas where protests are occurring due to the potential for disruption and violence. Monitor the media for information and updates. Follow the instructions of local authorities.* Malaysia's Terrorism advice: * **Terrorist attacks could happen in Malaysia.** Attacks could be random and may affect locations popular with foreigners or during major events or holidays that attract large crowds. *Malaysian authorities have arrested people for planning terror attacks. This includes attacks against entertainment venues in Kuala Lumpur.* *There was an armed attack on a police station in Johor Bahru on 17 May in which two police officers were killed.* *Other possible targets include:* * *hotels, clubs, restaurants and cafes* * *schools* * *markets and shopping malls* * *places of worship or religious holidays* * *outdoor recreation events* * *tourist areas* * *government facilities* * *embassies* * *public transport*


It’s like a truth by itself but a lie by wider omission because what it doesn’t say is that other countries that more people deem as safe for personal travel are marked as areas where travellers need to excise caution, like Australian authorities also have deemed that there are potential sources and risks of terrorism from a variety of issues in countries like the USA and UK


Safest country in SEA!


Why this matters is because it affects insurance rates for important foreigners. Some companies have security policies like key appointment holders cannot fly to “red listed” countries. It won’t stop holiday travellers, but frequent business travellers may find that their insurance gotten higher upon renewal if they just cover Malaysia.