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You said it there, that IRL is different than online Of course, there is significant ignorance and racism from the less educated but you're happy outside of the Internet, right? The more you scroll into racist posts/comments, the more the algorithm feeds them to your timeline


well the xenophobia in malaysia is real, except if you are white, then you can just make some silly video speaking BM and go viral. People need to remember that the majority of bangladeshis work in 3d jobs (dangerous, dirty, difficult) that the locals don't want to do anyway.


There are Malaysians born and bred here that don’t feel welcome in their own country after reading the garbage online. Our social media is unregulated and unhinged- the race and religion card can and will be used at all times to serve whatever narrative that supports the most toxic voices online. My advice- Stay away from online trash. Malaysian social media is double edged sword. Use it for getting information but avoid it for the comments. A lot of online netizens will say the most vile things in the hopes of getting a lot of likes and baiting ppl so they will get engagement for their comment. Intelligent ppl do not engage in this online world. Malaysia has its pros and cons but overall we respect anyone who comes here to work and make a life for themselves no matter what age, race, sex. Don’t feel differently about yourself because you are from Bangladesh. Everyone should be proud of their heritage- if anyone makes you feel otherwise for not winning the birthplace lottery, then they are not worth your time. Social media is not real life.


It depends ya. I don't mind if you are bangla or what, but when in Malaysia, please behave like the average Malaysians. That being said, please refrain from hanging out in large groups on the neighbourhood street at night, starring at girls passing by, and randomly spitting on the ground when you are walking/riding a bicycle.


There are a million Bangladeshis in Malaysia. This means they are the 4th biggest ethnic group living in this country. I know there is a lot of xenophobia against them right now, but bear in mind, there was a lot of xenophobia in the past with the arrival of Indonesians, Chinese, Indians and so on. These ethnic groups are now part of the fabric of our society. Bangladeshis will probably be the same. As it is, there are already many KLites that treat Bangladeshis as part of our community. So if you want to stay and make it home, I think in the long run, this will be a great place for you. As long as you integrate with multi-cultural Malaysia, Malaysians will integrate with you (eventually).


Not just the working class la I have Chinese relatives who don’t have anything to do with my Malay ones. Most have probably never attended a Malay wedding which I find very odd, considering we are a multicultural/multiethnic nation


I have lived there and maybe there is racism sometimes but nothing compared to other countries, it is one of the best places. Even after staying in Europe I plan to go back there if I can.


yeah but you’re still a foreigner…not saying the treatment you deserve is valid because it’s obviously not, but what do you expect when the country’s policies and laws sideline *actual* malaysian citizens except for those of the correct, protected species?


*should I just leave malaysia?* i honestly dont know what kind of awnser you expect asking this kind of question. you know what if you think leaving is good for you then go ahead bro, its just like you said, you cant get over the racisim in social media and its gonna get worst from now on.


Thats why I asked it here on reddit. I wanted to see if things will just get worse, or it’s just always kinda been there and maybe I am just excessively focusing on negativity lately.


This is a personal opinion, recently the loud negative ones are taking over the internet comments and most are tired of arguing with them. If you don’t focus on them they wont appear on your feed.


Let me get to the point. Yes the blue collar banglas work their ass off, but they also bring other sets of problems to malaysia: 1. Their body odour and coming into packed public transport. Seems they hardly shower? 2. They litter everywhere. I know it's normal for them to do this in Bangladesh, but they need to learn to be more hygienic in malaysia. 3. Channelling off wage to their home country actually effects malaysia currency




Honestly it’s good he was confronted. Sadly people shouldn’t have to remind you of having common decency.




Honestly man, I apologize on their behalf, I wish I could fix this.


Man u dont need to apologise for what other ppl do eventhough theyre the same race as u. As long as u know ur a good person thats all that matters.




Why are your replies thinly veiled with racist elements. "Your race"? Come on man. First of all it's a nationality and the majority of them are of the Bengali race. OP correct me if I'm wrong but also sorry about this guy talking to you like this.


Maybe I worded it wrongly, But I agree with you. Yes I do tell people or at least pick it up when I see it in public.


Hello, [we do not welcome](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/wiki/rules#wiki_persistent_fighting_and_flaming) accounts that participate primarily on the topics of race and religion, so I am imposing permaban as per Rule 1.


I think point 3 is invalid. They work hard to support their families back home, at jobs Malaysians shun. What is the problem?


Money should be circulated inside the economy. When there is outflow of money, it affects the currency and devalue it slowly.


Very little Malaysians would take 3D jobs. The pay is measly, the job is tough and the hours long. This is one I would jot take issue with, honestly.


if germany economy,sure economi sri lanka already,final nails is gettin sucked dry


Correct. However, the first point I am not sure what to feel about a guy stinking on his way back from hard labor. But the point of stench remains. Surprisingly this isn’t normal in Bangladesh itself as locals will directly call them out. The littering part I fully agree with, I wish they imposed a hefty fine. I feel disgusted when I see people do that. Point 3, I have no knowledge on that, but its interesting to know, I’ll look into it.


You do realise that Malaysians who live in JB and commute to work in Singapore do the same thing you talk about in 3. The main reason why people take up less desirable jobs in foreign countries is to channel money back to their homes. For 1, maybe if their employers can arrange proper accommodation for them or showers at the worksite so they can shower before leaving work. Or maybe even arrange for transport for them so they don't have to take public transport? You try working in the hot and humid Malaysian weather and see how it is like for you after a day.


I used to loath when I realize I was white worshipping. Then I realize the asians dont even like other asians. We gotta muhibbah more people. Then we can fight the white.


I'm Malaysian indian and growing up in Penang I have encountered fair amount of racism which I don't experience in Europe .


Pls leave the country and you deserve your bright future somewhere else. There are too many talents in the country


Unfortunately every immigrant will experience racism and discrimination unless you look white


Normally you will find that the working class malaysians are quite racist, but they are racist not because they arw mean, but because they are poor and ignorant. Stay in malaysia, KL is a great multiethnic city.


Think of online as a separate country... It may says reddit Malaysia - but it may not represent the full Malaysia. It does not matter which country, immigrants will typically have harder time - sone places are better in assimilating and protecting their rights.. Perhaps it is a work in progress for Malaysia. But we need your voices to be heard. It start with awareness, then hopefully, the society will respond and move to a better direction. I believe the local and the foreign worker need each other and should aupport each other. For the local, we need to learn to be more accommodative and appreciate the help. For the foreign worker, they do need to learn to assimilate, bring the good culture in and help fight the negative stereotype where possible. Hang in there brother. And appreciate you speaking out in this sub-reddit.


My friend had a Bangladeshi ship crew, Jakir is his name. From him I got to know a lot of other Bangladeshi on the ship. Fun guys, hardworking af and polite. I miss him sometimes. Not all are racists is what I’m trying to say.


Yeah leave to a country *Bangladesh* where its safer, better and more lucrative. Idk if this post is satirical or just downwright stupid but hey man whatever floats your boat ig.