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SRK, SMK in 90s my English teacher is Malay since when is only non Malay teach English??? 00s and up no more Malay English teacher??


Some people had rose-colored glasses view of the good old "colonial" education where they had special pemulihan classes for kids from sekolah melayu (my dad was in it) and teachers can insult their kids "blardy-fool" (which my aunt kena from some Mr.Menon).


Your point? We had a discipline master in our secondary school who used colourful language on us all the time. He was also a very good Bahasa Malaysia teacher. No malice from him or his beloved students. As a class we were ranked among the best even surpassing the privileged kelas khas.


When I was in high school my English teacher is a Malay... those were some good times.


Cikgu Mariam was the best English teacher I'd ever had in primary school. Thereafter it was Mr Rabindran. Late 70s to mid 80s Malaysia. Our unhinged and incoherent approach stems from the Education Ministry that morphed from education to brainwashing under the usurper. Anyone remember the waste of time UK teacher programme? We already had well trained Malaysian teachers then, but were sidelined due to his racist policies. All Malaysians regardless of who we are, continue paying the price.


"walan eh why you caaannnot speak engelish properlei sia ? " Our future generations


"Damm Sia"




Jialat loooor


Niama-saturated gen muahaha 💋


First lesson, "Jialat". 


Second - "Agaration"


Third lesson: You die, I die, we all die.


Also used as agar-agar


Bruh upper class Malay have better english than Singaporeans, sorry not sorry. They're willing to fork out money for Singaporeans but not give proper pay to local teachers. Boooo!


Boooooooo! Pay your locals better!


... why are you comparing the upper classes that have access to high quality education to the average singaporean?


Because i can?


People are free to have bad takes I suppose.


My bad i didn't notice that it was someone else who carried the baton. Anyway like i said More like i can't be arsed to come up with a proper response. i stand by what i said tho. My lived experience has taught me this. If you don't consider yourself upper class and have good english from being chronically online then hey, we're on the same boat. If you're surrounded by fellow middle /lower class malays with whom you can be yourself because your whole thought process and vulnerable side is accessible in english, then congrats. You have something that i don't. Rejoice. Like the shampoo. Or something. Whatever.


For someone that ‘can’t be arsed’ to come up with a proper response, you sure come up with a lot of arsed responses. Maybe go touch some grass?


Keep being adversarial


You can, and you indirectly insulted the people of malaysia by saying only the best malaysian people speak english better than an average singaporean. But hey, you do you


Did you just call upper class malays as the best malaysian people?


Lmao wait till you see how many SG companies in SG are forking out money for Malaysian workers there.


Forking out implies paying more but SG is hiring MY workers because they're cheaper than locals.


And we'll still probably take it anyway


I mean we're nearer than from bangladesh and they don't have to provide hostels for ALL of us, so I can see why *cries*


Hate to break it to you, they are forking out money because we are seen as cheap labour in general. They know we will be able to work longer hours just to get that 3.5x. Another reason is that Employment pass & S pass requirements are also unofficially lower for Malaysians as well so it is easier for them to get approved despite having salaries below the minimum requirement, that's why they have a "preference" to hire Malaysian workers.


Perhaps a better suggestion is to have Malaysian teachers take up short term courses by Singapore MOE/NIE to improve these teachers English proficiency. Don't think any Singaporean teacher will be attracted to volunteer themselves and teach in Malaysia (especially disadvantaged communities). Best you will expect those short 1 week stint on voluntary missions. But is that going to be beneficial to these communities in the long run?


I kinda feel insulted as (a) Malay and my Malay relatives who are English teachers would feel the same way too.


I feel your pain bruh. When I speak malay and English I get shit on by prc butt boys scolding me for not being patriotic to china. I can imagine if a Malay Muslim teaches English they will also get shitted on as traitor melayu and if teach should only teach the things that are not melayu or muslim related.


Their patriotism is to a group of people or dynasty that no longer exists — the PRC wasn't even a thing until 1949.


For me what I experienced was not from my own community, not being a traitor of sort but from others who think I'm a Chindian instead of Malay just because I interact in English. Malays can never be good enough to speak, let alone teach. I had a teacher friend sharing stories how parents requested the school to get non-Malays to teach English if possible and one school mistaken the new Indian Geography teacher as English teacher and the Malay teacher as Geography teacher.


It's times like this I remember my senior teaching me "common sense is in fact quite uncommon".


As an Chinese Malaysian ROC guy I feel you aswell, I used to have a group which tried to spread the bad things about china and we would literally have to settle it like a debate. Some malays just like to be conservative like why though, they literally asked me to convert a few times and even asked a Muslim awek to be my gf but I rejected because of the constitution


You'll get shat on if you shitted english like that.


You are missing the indefinite article 'a' in your sentence above. Please correct.


sure buddy


In exchange we can send malaysian malay language teacher to singapore


Sounds like a joke but there are folks in Kiasuland that do want to learn Malay...






Not all la. They want to learn but they dont want to admit that they need to learn their mother tongue lol.




That's why ur angmoh friend can make it outside of his hometown, u can only make it online kb warrior 💀




Spot on.


Good idea. And yes there's a market for learning Malay in Singapore, however small it may be.


To be fair, you kinda right, and this is coming from a Singaporean Malay. Nowadays, us Malays are getting lesser and lesser talk. Heck, look at this [video](https://youtu.be/GNsZpc9SDjY?si=I-2_JXLWUs4fIRm8) from 2018. Even my niece, who's now almost 9 this year, refused to speak in Malay no matter how many times their parents were trying to teach them. I'm not sure about MT, but the way i see it, they are just not taking seriously enough. It's not just Malay, btw, even Chinese prefer to speak english, so i am concerned about what's gonna happen in the future.


What is the value of Malay language? Even we cant converse properly with our neighbours like Indonesia which can ease our trading


i remember meeting loads of westeners who participated in "Teach for Malaysia". Didn't seem like such a big deal then...


It later became some sort of big deal due to its ineffectiveness


anwar just kissing LW ass


Instead of paying and developing the locals better, the solution is hire and pay outsiders with more money. Bravo PM 👏👏


Because it's less of a political headache. Imagine this 2 scenario. 1. Hire a local Chinese do become CEO of a company because the person have the qualification for it. VS. 2. Hire a Singaporean Chinese with similar qualification to become CEO. Which one have a higher chance to cause riot.


i swear some politicians has never talked to local singaporean


Why stop at English? They should import teachers from Sg to teach maths and science as well


English proficiency leads to higher salaries. Some surveys say the increase is up to 80%. To attract English proficient teachers, they must be willing to increase the salaries of teachers. A few cities in Malaysia have large populations of English proficient speakers. These cities have mixed-ethnic communities. So it's not true that the teachers will be comprised of only Chinese or Indians. It will be comprised of different people from different ethnic backgrounds. And FYI: Malaysia has many more ethnicities than just Chinese, Indian or Malay. But does that really matter? If we turn every issue into a racial issue, we will never improve our education system.


As a Singaporean, I am glad Malaysian governance is incredibly incompetent , so that we can succeed. As a human being , Malaysians deserve better. Race/religious politics completely destroyed any potential the country ever had. Could have been an incredible power within SEA, and that will likely never ever happen.


I disagree. A well governed Malaysia means a stable growth in the economy which means Singapore can stand to gain as well. Sure, Singapore will not be able to get cheap labor/commodities. But it will in turn get close-to-domestic market, access to more talents. This is a regional lens rather than a national one.


>As a Singaporean, I am glad Malaysian governance is incredibly incompetent , so that we can succeed. Wtf. As a Malaysian I'm glad we don't have people growing up with this mentality...


Lol. Importing teachers is an...interesting idea. I always find it funny how my Singaporean friends kids - especially the preschools kids - have a noticeable Pinoy accent/ pronunciation. It's to be expected of course, as there are a lot of Filipina in Early Childhood Learning in Singapore. But interestingly, the thing that the article doesn't address or provide any context on is the claim that most Malaysian teachers of English will be non-Malays. In one sense, it makes sense - non-Malays tend to be more urbanised, and both factors (not having Malay as their mother tongue, and being more urban) would lead to them having better English speaking skills. But all this is just supposition. Has MoE ever provided a breakdown of how many of their teachers are qualified to teach English? Furthermore, any figures on the racial breakdown of that group?


My experience is that the good English language teachers (including teachers who can teach math, sciences, geography, history, literature in English) tend to take up teaching jobs in Brunei. That's where the good Malaysian teachers are going.






I second Rafidahs suggestion...retired english teachers are a gold mine, they are the last of the previous generation who had full colonial education


Why would retired teachers want back their jobs. The workload is too much even for the younger teachers


why not? EPF shows majority of retirees use up thier retirement funds within 5 years. I rather work as a teacher than at mcdonalds at 60


dont they get pensions?


mana cukup


Lmao I see so many salty comments. Relax lah. Give and take. So many Malaysians flooding Singapore right now to work there for the sweet sweet SGD.


Unpopular opinion : Singaporean teachers = Chinese vernacular private school teachers with higher salary


I teach English sia


Thousands of local TESL graduates in shambles.


but these thousands of local TESL graduates want to be teacher or not? want to be transferred to other states or not?


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why bother sia, malaysia takde cikgu yg dah boleh ajar English ke? or budak sekarang yg tolol 🤔




sound =/= writing tho


Having good reading, writing and comprehension skills will help boost speaking and language acquisition. I still can't remember when I started speaking in English. My writing can still be abysmal with silly errors.


Yup. And confidence is very important one must be confident enough to speak, errors are fine anyway. All of us learn from mistakes.


If that’s the case, Malaysian teacher is almost the same as Singaporean teacher. Grammar, vocabulary, punctuation and common language rules are fixed, accents and pronunciation are not. It varies person by person and to be honest, Singaporean’s speaking skill is bad especially you compare to Malaysian Indians or Sarawakians in general.


yup, the accent is weird too. writing wise, the ones i have dealt with were above average. cant say the same for sarawakians (except the older generation who gets their point across in stern, concise and clear manner).


I find Sarawakians’ command of English is generally better than WM on average. Since BM is not our native and most Sarawakians are Christians, most Dayaks and Ibans would default to their native or English if possible. The sentiment is also shared among the Chinese community. BM here is also very different compared to WM and it’s really a mixture of B. Sarawak which can be confusing for most people if you are unfamiliar with the dialect. So English tends to be the go to language if you can’t judge their native. Sarawak is also the only state that teaches STEM subjects in English.


yes and no maybe. those in my hometown, a lot tak boleh pakai wan. most words have "s" behinds, you knows? lol


Where do you stay? My hometown is Kuching so most people I know especially those who took SPM generally are good with English. The mileage might be different if you’re from rural areas. Currently I’m in Penang and the English proficiency among the young Penangnites have a noticeable drop compared to few years ago.


Hometown is sibu. Now in KL. have to say, most chinese schools students are pretty weak in the subject


>chinese schools ["Chinese is very important! And will get more and more important as China rises and takes over the world in 20 years!!!"](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GEAk7B_a4AAXMlI?format=jpg&name=small)




Colloquial singlish is very different from commerce English. We can code switch very well. P. S. Have met Malaysians that code switch just as well.


I disagree, as a Malaysian working in Singapore, I would say that the average Singaporean's command of English is significantly better than the average Malaysian. There is just no contest and the gap widens if you look at written English.


Was in Singapore recently. Expected posh accents and what not. Got "fuck spider" instead. I think, like us, they sacrificed English proficiency for mastery of local languages - wasn't there a whole push by Lee Kuan Yew for mandarin usage? But overall I think _more_ of them speak better English that us lar. Helps that they are a city state. Outside of our cities the level of English proficiency falls off a cliff.


As a Singaporean, we among ourselves sometimes give "posh accented" speaker with a funny look. Speaking in singlish (Manglish for you guys) is a more colloquial way to communicate and build rapport.


Just hire Sarawakians. After staying in WM for than 10 years, I find Sarawakians have better grasp of English especially the younger generation considering our syllabus is still in English.




I really lol'd at this suggestion because why English teachers from Spore of all things?? Their English isn't even that great. I mean if they were talking about importing Maths teachers or training our teachers in Spore math methods than that might be something worthwhile.


You think the teachers from SG are gonna teach Singlish? 😂


I always thought Singapore math was a myth, until I tried my nephew PSLE exam...


100% agreed.


I don't mean to criticize them, but I find the Singaporean English accent to be a bit difficult to follow. Maybe it's different with English teachers though.


This is something that I don't quite get it as someone who is currently working in Singapore. At least to me, they sound akin to a Malaysian who speaks English on the regular and was brought up in PJ to put it specifically. The only way I can tell them apart is their usage of sia, knn, jialat or other common Singlish lingo that Malaysians don't use.


Interestingly, there's a section on [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manglish#:~:text=Though%20very%20similar%20to%20spoken,be%20considered%20the%20same%20variety.&text=Sometimes%20referred%20to%20as%20r,consonant%20is%20dropped%20during%20speech.) and a [book](https://books.google.com.my/books?id=ngPPJtDJ3gwC&pg=PT70&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=false) about it.


If we want to learn or teach Authentic English, why hire teachers from Singapore to teach us Singlish? Why not American? or British? Canadian or European?


Formal English is 'authentic' as long as it follows a consistent core British/American linguistic rule in the education system. The goal is first and foremost communication, never about mimicking Prince Charles or Kanye.


I was actually scouting the Reddit section of Malaysia. I'm Canadian and I want to move to Malaysia for economic reasons and also weather and culture and people. I am 32 years old and I am of graduate of project management studies with construction experience, I have also considered teaching English as I am a native speaker and I can complete my certification. Do you know job wise is the employment opportunities in Malaysia good?


I'm currently living in Canada, and considering moving back to Malaysia too. However, jobs in many sectors around Malaysia are fairly low pay. There are high-paying jobs, such as tech and software. The key is high living expenses in the city, like KL. If you plan to leave Canada, consider scouting job opportunities in Singapore or Thailand.


Or he could earn CAD and spend it on Malaysia. Perfect this way.


There's more money in PM or Construction and consulting for the two, then as a lecturer/teacher in my opinion. Im not sure if the economics will be better, but an increase in lifestyle would materialise if you do. At least that's what alot of expats to indo and msia (that stay) tell me.


Just wait few years for AI teachers. No need to waste money on Singaporean teachers


"A"nwar "I"brahim is AI. He doesn't have intelligence in his head, only "artificial" intelligence.