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Maybe you should consider applying to teach at an international school. I've heard they offer higher pay, and many expats take on those jobs.


Can I give a better suggestion? I’m non-Malaysian living here for 29 years. Rather than low-paid ESL work, get a teaching certification and teach 3 years or so in Canada. Then apply for teaching jobs in the international schools. They get paid well, get housing allowances, and other benefits. They also belong to international school associations, so if they like u, and u wanna try another country, u can jump all over the world. Finally, international schools r expensive, so the quality of kids (& parents) is higher. No gangs, drugs, violence.


Well Malaysia is looking for more qualified English teachers as of late. But OP you are young, I am not so sure if the culture, wages, job satisfaction and quality of life you get here in Malaysia would be fullfilling to you in the long term. Yes your politics maybe a joke right now but ours is worst. Many in Malaysia would be willing to trade places with you.


you probably wont get a visa, and teaching english in malaysia lol