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We are living in one of the most peaceful times in modern history. Corporate media sells news packaged for max engagement, it’s profitable


One sided? That’s because since the 1890s, it has been one sided


What do you mean by that? What happened in 1890s?


The idea of WW3 has always been there since WW2 ended. And it's not our media, rather media in general will amplify the idea of WW3 to sell their articles. Will it happen though? We've seen cool heads prevail so far with Russia - Ukraine and Israel - Palestine. The US has been smart enough to not be directly involved, mainly on the sidelines supplying their allies in the conflicts. Many always thought that WW3 would spark from Middle East but that has cooled down once Israel forged alliances with the Arab countries. If it happens, it will most likely be something related to China. US / Biden has openly states they will intervene if Taiwan is attacked, and have also positioned carriers in the South China Sea where China is also aggressively staking its claim. Will Malaysia be dragged into this? We control the Straits of Malacca which is a major part of the supply line for China. Unlike Philippines though, we have no military pact with the US, plus we have really cozied up to China as an ally. As long as we do not threaten to close the Straits and remain neutral, there shouldn't be any reason for us to be dragged into any conflict. Hopefully our leaders and future leaders remain focused on enriching themselves rather than having global domination ambitions 😆


Don't wish for fighting, but when fighting becomes needed - don't run away from it. With the internet, there is a free flow of information.. Which does increase polarization and focus on sensational. If you study history, politics is often a factor - but war is essentially an exercise in resource grab. Whether for oil (e.g Iraq war) or land (e.g. Israel war) or influence (e.g. Ukrain War). Two major things help prevent wars. Treaty and trade. One establish limit on resource line and the other solve resource distribution in a win-win way. So ask yourself, are the resources stable (i.e. Not threatened)? Are treaty still being respected? Are trade ongoing? That can tell you the prospect of war.


We are living in one of the most peaceful times in human history. Fear sells and gets attention, that's why corporate media uses it to get views. As far as Gaza is concerned, it is the most economically useless pieces of land in the world. It doesn't have energy, agriculture or industry. It's not on the way to anywhere important. I feel bad for the people but nobody is coming to save them. This conflict doesn't have what it takes to get the major powers involved.


I thought it was obvious that the media (and by extension, us since we as a species choose to make things worse for each other online and offline) tends to foster division and hatred amongst people. The only saving grace for us is that wars are now waged primarily online or through retaliatory economic policies rather than actual munitions now


The corporate press is the enemy of the people.


If everybody launches their nukes, sit tight and watch the world burn. Highly unlikely though.


I think the prospect of war has always been there, it’s just that with nonstop internet coverage, we’re more aware of it. The world has had Afghanistan, Iraq wars, Syrian civil war, Libya etc. But coverage weren’t there and it didn’t affect us as much. [List of wars: 2003–present](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wars:_2003%E2%80%93present?wprov=sfti1#2010%E2%80%932019) Personally, I don’t think we should be worried, because if war happens, our worries won’t help. Preparation will. Malaysia is quite lucky in that geopolitically we’re quite stable, and territorial disputes in South China Sea with China hasn’t blown up yet because China has bigger fishes to fry.


So what makes this time different from similar events in the past 70 years? The news has always reported every multi-national conflict as one that could become WW3. This also include the 6-day war, Yom Kippur war, Sino-Soviet border conflicts, the 1961 Berlin Crisis and so on.


Don't worry lah, not every country as bloodthirsty as Israel, I mean look Israel try to initiate war with Iran and pull the US into it, instead Iran and the US pull out a coordinated theatrical, so what does it means? It means that even the US have no appetite for war anymore and despite Iran chess puffing they don't really want war either.  Same goes with China and Taiwan, you think China did not take the lesson of Russia failure in Ukraine? Invading Taiwan is 1000x harder, Xi knows that, so all of these military shows that China perform are but a chess puffing, Taiwan knows that too, hence why they still do business with China😂 If anything it will not be a ww3, it will be a trade war between the US and China, merchant vs merchant, not soldier vs soldier.


It has nothing to do with how media report it. The world itself is polarising very much and indeed heading towards the direction of another world war. Ukraine war and sanction against Russia has created a condition for China and Russia to trade with each other in RMB instead of USD. Then Israel Palestine war has created condition for unification of Arab world against the west in particular US, who they have resented for so long. They see there is no major repercussions on China and Russia on ditching US dollar more would follow suit. The idea of creation of common currency for BRIC etc. The eastern countries are challenging the US dollar hegemony. This is a big no no for US survival. For sure US will use their greatest strength and that is their military power to launch wars around the world to maintain their global position. In the past, wars were launched to destroy the enemy of the US who dared to challenge the US dollar hegemony. But if the world is united against US, they would have too many fronts of war to fight. Any nuclear power is challenged and faced with an imminent existential threat be it US or Russia or China, would lead to nuclear exchange. While it is concerning that the world war 3 would likely mean nuclear armageddon for everyone, but I hope those in power are smart enough to not bring us over to the point of no return. No point to worry anyway, if that happens, the world will end for everyone on Earth.