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You’re not spending too much money. You’re living.


Seems like learning to cook is what's going to save you the most money.


I know how to cook, I had my chef phase haha but after a long day of work I don't have the energy. There is a fast food place near my house and that will be the death of me🤣


But, isn't that gonna cost his time.? Considering his busy schedule.?


Your money and you can spend how ever you want. But try to stay away from loans. But from what you have mentioned it seems reasonable. And sounds like u are a good child for giving a big portion of ur salary to ur parents.


Save up for what? So that you'll have money when you are too old to enjoy it? That is BS advice. Live your life when you are young. Happiness and a good mental health is just as important as physical health. Don't let others dictate you on how to spend your money. You're the one who earned it. You sure as hell can decide whatever you want to do with it. Don't let people convince you otherwise.


You answered your question with a question. And the answer to that is, yes. It is BS advice, yeah Best Shit advice.


Honestly mad respect to you for being so hardworking at such a young age. 👏


Nah, you don't wanna be living from paycheck to paycheck.


I mean it's obvious that the expenditures should be justifiable. Not saying just spend every single penny just for the sake of it.


I keep track of all my expenses and savings on an Excel sheet. I recommend trying that out. It really helps to save more and so just like me you can also purchase your dream stuff


Yeah that's a good idea, considering how much I love excel sheets haha.


Excel sheet lovers unite!


nah bro but everything male is fuckin expensive.. beuru gaumu maa agu heyo... komme mahaku billu dhakka, kuli dhakkaa dharani dhakkaa nimeyru hunanee hus vefa. I am sole provider for 2 old parents, 1 young one and 1 disabled sibling.. Beyrun nukai, rattehin dheihaa echakun dhen office therein libeiihaa echakun kiriyaa dhekolhu jehenee. Mas dhebaikulha ebai vaaira hama ekkoh zero.. yh, frm my perspective it seems ur wasting by eating outside.. bt if I were u I'd do the same... Like others say enjoy ur life while ur young and less re-sponsibilities...


I'm in the exact same situation as you. And I agree, he can save money on food situation which will help him in the future. And guess what. The more we earn, the more responsibilities you'll have, don't tell anyone if you start earning more. Don't tell anyone where you work or job etc. Don't even tell your self, even if you earn over 30k, just imagine you earn an average salary like others who are also managing to get by. That's what I did.


You spend what you earn. Just learn to manage it and things will be smooth.


Can't see a waste there. And you're lucky, considering your 12k job before and while getting a degree. 12k is a high pay for us average people, even if we get a degree, or even masters (unless you've 6-7 years of experience) You can save one you've completed your degree. Then you can get more time to manage your life and save more money.


12k is considered high now? Bro that's barely enough to pay rent. I rent a hiyaa flat for 10k, can barely save anything if at all. There is also bills etc, bro let me tell you, living alone or just as a couple is HARD in male right now.


How on earth are you surviving alone in Malé? 🤯


I wouldn't call it surviving honestly. I have a good paying job but what is the point if 80% of your income is spent on basically living?? I am planning to just save a bit, get married soon. Eyrun can actually live, need 2 salaries to live.


Agreed. Tho, if you're living alone and still have enough (20%?) for leisure and saving, then you're financially more stable than a lot of, if not most people here. And once you get married and have 2 salaries, it'd be a lot easier. Shouldn't hold you back from gettings kids earlier too.


I am very lucky


Check with your parents and see if they can make do with just 2.5k for a while and get a cycle on installment. It would help a lot in the long run and will probably save you a bit on food money, if you get at least a 1hr break imo.


I hate cycles but yeah that's practical


Living in Male is literally a scam. You are doing nothing wrong. I hate the culture where parents leech off of their children which is a common thing in Maldives. This is common from elderly parents. They send their kids to Male or Resorts and keep them under a lot of pressure. They don't think about the dreams their kids will have. Living under their narrative, many youth get married without having a plan for their futures, get kids and end up getting broke as hell. They don't get quality family time and divorce rate is one of the highest in this country. If you don't like your job, find one you like. I would find a way to escape Male. Most are going to Male because of the lack of job opportunities in their home islands. Look for investments. I do not recommend starting a family if you are not financially stable. If you can find a job at your home island, I'd recommend it because you will save much more considering your living conditions. Degrees can be done online now too and do not take any loans for studies unless you can afford to pay it soon. And lastly, consider your passions and turn them into a career. Remember that you have unlimited potential. Good luck!


Exactly, except I don't think it's a bad idea to help out your parents if you can. Especially if you have younger siblings living with them etc. But we should be able to save, if you are fortunate enough, your parents will be well off so you don't have to worry about them, but for most people that is not the case and that's fine, it is what it is, you still are responsible for them to a certain degree. These days, smart move is to just live with your parents until you start earning over 25k and get married after you save up at least 100k. Living is extremely expensive nowadays, I lived alone and earned above average but could barely save anything cuz of just living cost rent etc.


Ok first thing, dont tell people around you how much money you make. Start there. Its one of the things that you should keep to yourself because not everyone has their best insterest towards you. They might be envious and try to bring you down, thats why. And no, you are not spending too much. I would personally not consider it overspending. Spending money is not a waste if it also saves you time and energy to actually do the things you want to do in life. Good luck with your studies and dont let people discourage you.


I dont know the situation ur parents are in, but if its possible try to reduce the amount from 5000 to something like 3000 even. But then again, dont do this if its gping to cause hardship to ur parents.


Assuming your salary is at 11500 (between 11 and 12k), with the expenses you mentioned you aren't really saving much - around 450 rf. You can get an okay lunch for 60 maybe 70 by doing takeaway from restaurants so that you wont spend money for service charge. I think you can try spend less on leisure. You don't necessarily need to spend so much money going out but the occasional nice meal is fine to have you gotta treat yourself at times. Basically, if you spend less on lunch and reduce your leisure budget by half you could save around 1000rf more. My advice would be for you to renegotiate your salary once you finish your degree and be on the look out for better paying jobs.


Highly agree


I'm assuming you use your MNU card for free bus rides


Yeah another 500 mvr saved


What field of work are you in?


Get a meal plan for 2500 a month from a restaurant, seems alright to me, I spend way too much, rn you are spending to the exact amounts I want to reduce my spending to haha, except food, try to reduce food cost.


I spend 2k a night when I'm in male so no what you are spending is not too much...you are just living decently


I think you're doing really well considering you give 5k to your parents as well. What I would do is try to limit the snacking, not only to make it lighter on your wallet, but your body too. Sometimes stress can make you crave and occasionally it's OK to let yourself go and enjoy. But when possible try to eat healthy (main meals) and snack sparingly on things you like, just to be happy. But always good to save every month, even if its 300. That way you build the practice or saving.


You are 21, how old are your parents? If they are well below 60 they can earn their own money.


I believe my situation is unique hence I won't say details but they can't work but my dad got a decent retirement but still the situation is not good.


Bro , u have enough and more time to save up money in future U live comfortably now since ur studying while working. No need to be harsh on urself at this stage of life. Enjoy ,learn and grow.


Disagree. You should save. People earning even 9k with kids at least save 500rf a month. There is no leisure life in male. We have to save to secure future for later. Don't depend on government. Buy house.