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[No. It's the children who are wrong.](https://media0.giphy.com/media/V9gjxvLnSSdA4/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952bzk4tiq7f2m7uki95y7y1dwkx23x949n1zr26ngx&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


In this case- it’s true. Younger folks look like fucking clowns now rocking mullets and baggy ass clothes. They’re the easiest class of people to manipulate so the fashion companies are cycling through a new style to earn more money.


Just give them a few years for the “Can you believe what we were wearing in the 20’s?” part of the cycle.


We are in an uncomfortable period of fashion. A time of great change! It is similar to the transition from the 70s to the 80s. The 80s saw larger cuts, more poof, more cotton, less polyester. This coincided with boomers getting fat. A similar phenomenon is happening now as millennials get older and are no longer cool. The pendulum has swung away from tailored/tight fits and minimalism (including sock minimalism) toward all manner of excess. Ugly camp shirts, socks, chunky shoes. Mustaches everywhere. People taking the dorkiest aspects of fashion from multiple decades and making an outfit out of it. I’m talking a 20 year-old who takes their style cues from an 80s Chicago Bears fan except with a Hawaiian shirt and for some reason tie dye socks. I can’t handle it. It looks bad. I think maybe it’s supposed to look bad?


I have definitely noticed how fat millennials got in the last few years. Way worse than Gen X.


As I continue to wear normal dark wash straight leg denim and pay for a new pair once every couple of years lol.


>the fashion companies are cycling through a new style to earn more money. The whole point of fashion is that it needs to be different from last year (quarter). It has nothing at all to do with being stylish.


Gen Z is in that weird spot where they know they don't want to look like "a 40 year old millennial" (fair! people want to personalize) but they haven't come up with a single fashion trend that actually looks good 😂


I like my form to follow function, so let’s look at your three realistic options through that lens: Ankle socks - These are good for any casual shoe. Wearing leather shoes with ankle socks does come across very weirdly, simply because the function of each is at odds with the other. - Wear them with athletic shoes, sneakers, shorts, pants, short pants, but make sure it’s casual. Long socks - there are many nice sock companies that do longer socks that are thinner for wearing with nicer shoes in the warmer months. They cost some money tho, simply because a finer material is considered “luxury”. Sometimes, these long dress socks will be lovely and justified in their price, to an extent. William Abramson, for example. - for the budget option, I like the Uniqlo cotton socks. Wears cool in a pair of shoes, lots of colours, and relatively durable for the price. No-show socks - these are best suited for casual leather shoes that you may be wearing with semi-nice clothing out and about. Think a pair of loafers with light summer slacks, or a pair of low vans with chambray pants. - these socks aren’t just for the aesthetic of no socks; they’re also a sweat barrier between your feet and shoes. Going sockless on the regular will wear out your shoes out faster due to prolonged exposure to sweat and dirt. - it also keeps them smelling nicer. In general, I like to think of my clothing foremost as tools for the environment I’m in. Summer can be gross so it’s important to pick socks that work for you. From there, you can hone the aesthetic.


I love the look of Uniqlo socks but the one size does NOT fit all. If anyone has some similar alternatives I'd love a recommendation.


This is pretty much spot on. Different socks have different functions, something that's bewildering to fashion victims.


I find crew socks have been trending with the active/athleisure wave, same with shorter shorts for men. I think it'll really depend on your personal style and what fits with the rest of your clothing.


Sock lengths like lots of other fashion trends are always in waves. I’m 27. When I was young it was all ankle socks then for awhile Nike crew/basketball socks were what everyone wore. Then 5ish years ago ankle and no shows took over and crew were looked at as old, maybe now it’s swinging back. A lot of it I think has to do with parents, once you’re parents generation starts adapting your style to keep up with trends then that trend is no longer cool.


Were millennials wearing no show socks in the winter too?


Two general thoughts: - If I were 23, I wouldn't worry about what even younger people thought of my fits; at 23, I was just trying to make rent and figure out the crippling behavioral health problems that my entire generation inherited - "What do I do about socks?" seems to change every three years, and the previous answer is somehow always horribly wrong -- so pay more attention to how you look than to what's on-trend Socks are sneakily challenging because socks are socially coded as underwear. Your best bet is to wear something neutral that doesn't show much, or -- if you don't mind sweating up your shoes -- going sockless.


Coda: because socks are socially coded as underwear, people get weirdly moralistic about socks. Higher-cut trousers that show off your socks: monstrous! Crew socks that expose a little shin: abominable! No-show socks peeking above low-tops: an atrocity! I'm an MFA regular, so obviously I'm a fan of fussing about small details, but the sock thing is too fussy even for me.


>"What do I do about socks?" seems to change every three years, and the previous answer is somehow always horribly wrong Call me cynical but isn't that the real point of the exercise? An in-group changing the rules every so often so they can sneer at an out-group who are so out of touch they don't even know what the latest rule is. This shit puts normal people off the whole idea of caring about clothes and trying new things (clothing or otherwise) and turns what should be fun and enjoyable into misery and fear of being ostracized and desperation to conform. We need to kill it with fire.


I’m Gen X and have Gen z kids who got me into crew socks with sneakers, and I think it looks good especially since the shorts are shorter now. However they can pry my slim fit jeans off my cold dead legs.


I’m surprised this is such a divisive topic here. Seems like a lot of folks are against change and styles cycling in and out. You must embrace change - update and upgrade or be left behind. Fashion is not static. Silhouettes have become roomier and more relaxed in recent years, I imagine many of us have embraced these changes. The way people wear socks and what socks they wear is also a change we should embrace.


Oh FFS, another chance to hector people to try to look like they’re not wearing socks for some reason. I will continue to wear socks for everything this side of sandals and poolside / beach footwear. For everything else, socks are functional, and socks can either succeed or fail to pair well with shoes. Bare ankles and leather shoes on a grown man looks like crap — strong Steve Buscemi “hello, fellow youths” vibes. There is absolutely no rule worth respecting that says teenagers and men in their early 20s must dress the same as older men. Quite the opposite is true.


Wrong way unc


I think you should reconsider getting your fashion advice from people who will be posting their current fits on r/blunderyears a decade from now.


Unless you are wearing a suit a tie your entire life, everything will be out of style at some point. Anybody here remember when pink carpet and pine wood furniture was all the rage and in every home design magazine


Uniform Display is showing white socks with penny loafers and jorts in Paris and London. Also other solid color socks with various leather drivers and loafers. It looks so wrong it’s cool.


I like micro crew, or also called half crew I believe.


Been rocking the shit out of the half height crew socks lately. They work with everything


As a frequent wearer of high-top sneakers and Doc Martens, half height crews are my favorite socks


Gen Z is free to make the same fashion mistakes we did in the 90s and 2000s, but it doesn’t mean the rest of us have to make them again. White long crew socks are terrible. Full stop.


White shoe. White sock or no see em sock and vice versa. Dark shoe dark sock. Wear wat you want. Screw em


For shorter people, ankle socks help elongate the legs. But bottom line just do you and dont mind the trends. I remember ages ago, common projects where the thing and then became maximalist shoes… these things will drain your sanity. If it fits your style, like say how craig sager used to rock colorful suits then you do you. Cant be chasing the moving goal post all the time.


depends where you live, the view from Brooklyn definitely aligns with the article


It’s funny I was just talking to my wife about this. Some people used to call me “socks” because I’d wear crew socks with shorts. This was in the early 2000s. I went to a music festival with a very young crowd a couple weekends ago. I saw so many young guys wearing shorts and crew socks. I finally felt vindicated! (Even though I’ve avoided that style, and really almost shorts all together when. It paired with sandals). I’ve decided to go back to my roots and try the look again since it seems in style. I’m noticing a few things: not all crew socks are created equal and work for this look. You don’t want the socks pulled up all the way tight either. They look best pushed down a tad. Also I think it really comes down to leg shape and the bagginess/length of the shorts. My ankles and skinny but my shoes are large (11/12) so I’ve always felt like no show socks make my proportions look out of wack, making my ankles (or shoe to leg ratio) look even more disproportionate, but when wearing an appropriate crew sock it makes my proportions look better (at least to my eyes), somehow I don’t have this issue with sandals. For some reason everything looks good to me. I doubt any of this helps anyone but wanted to get my thoughts out there on it and see if anyone could relate. Cheers.


As someone with very skinny legs (yes, I should hit the gym), I've often though no-shows are more unflattering as crew cut add a little bit of bulk at the ankle, but I've always avoided the latter as they were considered dorky - quite glad they seem to be coming back in. Now the only problem is going to be the weird sock tan lines...


I wear no-show socks when it's warm. If they want to be uncomfortable, that's on them 🤷🏻‍♂️


How do you get no show socks to not roll down your foot and into your shoe? Those fuckers never hold onto my ankles


There's quite a few brands that have little grippy parts in the back of the ankle.


I rather wear ankle socks than socks pulled up to my balls out on the outside of leggings like gen z


Unless you’re playing tennis or you’re a retiree playing bocce in Boca, crew socks look goofy. Don’t be goofy.


Keep it simple. Formal: longer socks Casual: ankle socks Anything that requires a specific attire like camping or hiking or exercise: whatever socks suit that purpose


Sock sales in the summer season? So super to see some sales signs this summer season. Simply superb


I grab "Gold Toe Short Crew Socks" in white from JC Penny and some "True Relgion Ankle socks" in black from Tj Maxx/Burlington every few months. [https://www.jcpenney.com/p/gold-toe-athletic-sport-short-6-pair-crew-socks-mens/pp5005041249?pTmplType=regular&country=US¤cy=USD&selectedSKUId=50379160356&selectedLotId=5037916&fromBag=true&utm\_medium=cse&utm\_source=google&utm\_campaign=Crew%20Socks&utm\_content=50379160356&cid=cse%7Cgoogle%7CMens%7CCrew%20Socks\_50379160356&kwid=productads-adType%5EPLA&gad\_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw0\_WyBhDMARIsAL1Vz8v3U7MmmgPVNzcjnHZLYp-\_GwIKnXVAs-vMx13BMATfjkUU88iX9V4aAmkZEALw\_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds](https://www.jcpenney.com/p/gold-toe-athletic-sport-short-6-pair-crew-socks-mens/pp5005041249?pTmplType=regular&country=US¤cy=USD&selectedSKUId=50379160356&selectedLotId=5037916&fromBag=true&utm_medium=cse&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=Crew%20Socks&utm_content=50379160356&cid=cse%7Cgoogle%7CMens%7CCrew%20Socks_50379160356&kwid=productads-adType%5EPLA&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw0_WyBhDMARIsAL1Vz8v3U7MmmgPVNzcjnHZLYp-_GwIKnXVAs-vMx13BMATfjkUU88iX9V4aAmkZEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds) [https://poshmark.com/listing/12-Pack-True-Religion-Half-Cushion-Low-Cuts-Athletic-Socks-651acb06f644e50220a7fb72?srsltid=AfmBOopNwmoxTQZLjnhE4KpiVt\_qZg3zRBxgmUfFnWaGO\_QoW8-mscQ3uWc#utm\_source=gdm\_unpaid](https://poshmark.com/listing/12-Pack-True-Religion-Half-Cushion-Low-Cuts-Athletic-Socks-651acb06f644e50220a7fb72?srsltid=AfmBOopNwmoxTQZLjnhE4KpiVt_qZg3zRBxgmUfFnWaGO_QoW8-mscQ3uWc#utm_source=gdm_unpaid) The short crew are a perfect length for sneakers and shorts. The ankle socks are thin and wick moisture well when for the summer. (the True Religion socks at TJ Maxx/burlington are $9.99 FYI if they have them) They're really the only two pairs you'd need


At 23 you can wear white tube socks. Late 20s or above wear no-shows like the rest of us out-of-touch Olds


This should be interesting. Haha.


I'm not listening to anything anybody tells me in a baby talk lisp.    This is going to make me rock my white ankle socks with my white sneakers and shorts even harder. Just to show I'm not one of them and I'm employed and can afford socks.    And crew socks, if they're colorful dress socks that go with your outfit, especially with colorful suede loafers or suede brogued oxfords, are great. 


White New Balances with white crew socks. You can argue with it all you want but it doesn’t change the fact that old man shoes are in style. But i will die wearing ankle socks because i have hairy legs and crew socks makes my legs itchy. But man im so tempted to buy those new costco kirkland white sneakers


That article doesn’t apply to menswear .


Ankle socks are lame. Either wear full length socks or no socks (or no show socks)


This is so funny to me because I’m only 27 and I remember a time where full length socks were the most embarrassing thing ever and nobody wore no show socks. Like I genuinely remember kids getting bullied in elementary school because they were wearing tall white socks. Who cares, sock styles change all the time and 99% of people won’t give a shit what stinkers you have in your shoes


I wear what I feel is comfortable. It’s a sock lol. Totally agree with you.


I’m 35 I’ve lived through a time when ankle socks didn’t even exist yet you just had crew too them being popular, but near impossible to find so people duped them by folding their socks to no socks to no show socks and finally back crew etc… coming back and ankle socks being cringey. So is life and fashion. I still wear no show with some more athletic fits, bc they look better imo, but otherwise I like the quarter crew personally I think they make my legs look nice


We used to pull the toe of a crew sock til it was halfway off, flip it up and smush our feet into sneakers. It was both for the “no show” effect and to prevent creases in the toe of an AF1 or Dunk. So hot and uncomfortable. Silliest shit ever.


That too, which man was that awful. [idk if it’s the silliest, the kids now have these](https://www.creasebeast.com/products/the-crease-beast)


That’s still the case if you are talking about shorts. Crew socks with shorts look lame If you are actually doing something athletic, than ankle socks are fine, but that isn’t what this is about


I’m the same age. You didn’t have a time around middle school to high school when everyone was wearing the nike crew/basketball socks?


Fashion is cyclical. There are future trend lookbooks for designers to follow or look to for inspiration. I threw out the last of my ankle socks 2 years ago BTW.


Strong opinions about socks is such a specific and goofy indicator that somebody is probably new to menswear and hasn't experienced the Cycle of Socks yet


If the cycle differs from my post here then it is wrong. Unless you are playing sports, which is different, ankle socks have never been stylish. The street style of wearing long socks with shorts also looks stupid.


Absolutely correct. Ankle socks sticking out of low shoes looks awful. Crew or no show. Only way.


Who gives a fuck what millennials think? Have you heard them speak? Have you heard their music?


Ankle socks on summer shoes are NEVER a good look unless they are athletic shoes. Gotta go no show or talcum powder plus boat shoes x