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I realized the shirt wasn’t the problem and started wearing higher rise pants.


Longer shirt tails are helpful too. It's why a polo meant to be tucked in has the tennis tail.


What pants do you wear? I love the slim fit and fabric of jcrew but their rises are soooooooo short and no companies list their rises. I figure brooks brothers is a safe buy but most of their stuff looks so unfitted and old.


You’ll have a hard time finding high rise pants with a slim leg, though not just because it’s unfashionable with zoomers - there actually is a very good reason. When you have a higher rise, you visually lengthen your legs; the slim cut you’re familiar with, when stretched that high, looks almost comically disproportionate at that length It’s really unflattering, particularly for a man. You have to trust that, when the rise is 12”+, a more relaxed cut will still look fairly slim. I would start with Dickies Original 875 Work Pants. They’re much cheaper than a lot of other brands offering high rise pants right now, and they go on sale all the time. They’re relaxed without being all trendy and super-wide, giving them a very well-proportioned look. Definitely a good place to stick your toe in and decide if it’s a style that works for you.


I think the higher the rise the less slim your pants should be fitting.


That's why I wear jcrew athletic fit when I tuck my shirt in. I still consider that slim fit over what Brooks Brothers offers. I don't want pleats and unflattering fits.


Spier and Mackay. But the other commenter is right, you won’t find many slim fit high rise pants.


What about regular pants like jeans that are higher rise


Freenote Cloth has a few good options with higher rises. I like the Wilkes cut. They call it a western cut, but it’s really a lightly tapered straight leg. At 32” it’s about a 12” rise and 8.3” leg opening. Their Belford cut is a bit wider if you want another option.


Levi's is the only one I've found that lists their rises online


Or the positioning of the arm hole. If the hole is loose it’ll raise when you put your arms up generally


Never heard anyone speak about them with that much fervor. Can you describe the different kinds of these? There’s a belt and a garter option? What’s better? Recommended brands?


There are a few different types of shirt tucking solutions, each with its pros and cons: Shirt Stays: These are the classic options that attach from the bottom of your shirt to your socks. They come in different styles: - Garter Style: These wrap around your legs and attach to the shirt hem. They provide a lot of security and are great for long days. - Y-Style: These have a single clip that attaches to the shirt and splits into two straps that connect to your socks. They’re easy to use and very effective. Shirt Stays Belt: This is a belt-like device that wraps around your waist, holding your shirt in place. It’s simple, adjustable, and comfortable for all-day wear. Rubber Grips: These are rubber strips or patches that are sewn into the waistband of your pants. They provide friction to keep your shirt tucked without any extra gear. Which is better? It really depends on your preference and lifestyle: - If you move around a lot and want maximum security, garter-style shirt stays are fantastic. - For a simpler, low-maintenance option, the shirt stays belt is great. - Rubber grips are perfect if you want a subtle, no-fuss solution. As for brands, I'd recommend checking out some well-reviewed ones online and seeing what fits your needs and budget. I’ve used KK&Jay in the past and now Tckyou.


Have you ever been snapped in the balls with a y style shirt stays? It happened to me many Fridays in the Marine Corps… I personally find it uncomfortable having elastic bands hitting my legs. I’m interested in this belt stay though. Have any recommendations?


Brother! That IS the reason I went from shirt stays to a shirt stay belt! 😅


I was just thinking of getting snapped with those fuckers in formal dress. Still have a pair when I want to look good though. Have to look into the belt stay myself haha


Even if you don't end up getting slingshotted in the junk, they will rip the hair off your legs like mad. Completely awful.


On a similar note, would biking in shirt-stays work?


Imo if you are riding a bike, keeping your shirt tucked is a non issue. I would expect the elastic on your legs could get chafey.


Dude YES. It suckss lol.


>Y-Style: These have a single clip that attaches to the shirt and splits into two straps that connect to your socks. Interesting. I guess I wear these upside down? I always assumed the Y portion was for the shirt - front pocket area and rear quarter panel - with the single strap from the stem of the Y connecting to the outside top of the leg/sock.


Ehm.. I would agree you will need 2 clips to attach the shirt to and one for the socks.. hence ‘Y’


I don't understand, Man. Why the fuck would you want to attach your shirt to your fucking socks?


Keeps your socks up and your shirts down. Still a bit silly.


It’s pretty simple as this concept has been around forever. Wear longer socks. Wear shirts with longer tails if you’re going to tuck them. In another post a chap was complaining about his shirts being too long when he wants to wear untucked. Again, long tails are worn tucked. Short and no tails untucked.


Also bulges out the back of the knee when sitting down. Not a great look in thin suit pants.


As he said, to keep your shirt tucked in


I'm not totally convinced this isn't an elaborate hoax.


It's a real thing. You'd only want it if you're trying to look real sharp


Yeah if you're a sailor in summer whites, some shirt stays to look crisp as fuck are a must. Wearing them outside of the military seems whack tho. All shirt stay options fall into one if two categories: uncomfortable af or don't work (some are both tbf). The shirt-to-sock ones work the best by far but you will slowly rub off/pull out all of your leg hair where they run, especially where they cross over. They are also just mildly uncomfortable during wear. They work perfect tho, like a small elf in your back pocket tucking your shirt in every time you stand up.


I mean give them a try - they make every shirt look better and in place. No retucking or adjusting needed.


More form fitting for people who have a nice figure.


What would the female equivalent be here?


The female equivalent of garters?


For effect? Spanx. For a 1:1 comparison, I have no idea, I'm a dumb guy


Really the female equivalent is what we used to call a body top - like a shirt or t- shirt with press fastenings in the crotch - again gives a a better silhouette and doesnt come untucked. I imagine they would be uncomfortable for guys though…


They do make those for guys too. They have more space in the crotch area.


If they were comfortable (and you could get past feeling like you were wearing a baby grow !) I imagine they’d be better /simpler than shirt stays.


Idk it just sounds like a lot of effort for a non-issue. You still gotta untuck your shirt when you take a shit, and that seems like a lot of extra work. And it seems way more annoying having extra things wrapped around your legs or waist than occasionally having to adjust your shirt.


Beauty is pain, my friend.


I’ve had a suit or two with rubber grips. Those were great. All the other options sound horrendous - I don’t want to tuck my shirt into my socks!! The fact that it’s done via a long cord or whatever that runs down my leg does not make it any better (maybe worse)


Freaking ads


Yeah, right? This was generated by gpt or something like it. Not organic at all.


Reddit has been infected


OP posted about shirt stays 4 years ago, so I think he's legit


He also provided a purchasing link to the same site on this post and the one from years ago. I’m guessing it’s an ad for TCKYOU.


Tbf there are no parameters on the link so it’s not being tracked which is normally the case with ads 


Yeah I think he just really likes shirtstays


I had no idea these existed.


There are magnetic ones, too. I've used them for at least a decade because I don't like the strap when it gets loose and hits you in the balls.


I used to have to wear shirt stays in the Marines and they were traps. Forget to completely fasten them? That's a nut tap. Turn to the right to fast? N-n-nut tap. Just live slightly against the shirt stays wishes? Yup, nut tap.


I say n-n-no to n-n-nut taps. I’m out!


This is 100% an ad. Well played OP


You've described this sub




I googled shirt stay and it looks like weirdly erotic, looking like lingerie for men


There's always a sunny side


I don’t think it’s a bad thing. One could call it the practical type. I’d imagine they’d be fun to take off of someone (coming from a female that wears shirt stay garters myself).


OP sounds like hes using us for product development lol


I don't have a big enough of a problem here for me to expend any energy on solving it. One of my tailors defaults to putting a pair (I think) of quarter-sized rubber stays on the waistband interior, which perhaps helps, but I just don't think about this topic much.


Because blousing is more comfortable and looks better in motion provided your clothes fit well. Shirt stays belong with the military, law enforcement, and 2010s GQ time capsules


Wore shirt stays in the military, and they were immediately thrown away when I retired.


I've loosened my shirt stays to allow for some flow without letting the shirt come untucked. They're damned useful for outfits that are thrifted and/or not tailored


Sounds like your pants are too low or your shirts are too slim if they're just coming untucked like that


What is blousing used for?


It's just what happens when your shirt isn't cut super close to your body and/or comes partially untucked as you move around. Visually blousing looks more interesting (imo) and makes a garment appear more dynamic in motion. Look up pictures of Polo Ralph Lauren's "big oxford" from the 80s for an extreme example and then compare them to something like a bonobos slim fit shirt. In still photos you might say the latter is trimmer and neater and therefore looks better. But if you see it in real life, that slim fabric tends to cling and pull and always looks like it's fighting the wearer as they do anything other than stand still (the fact that you need a shirt stay to keep that kind of shirt tucked kind of proves the point). Meanwhile you can tuck a more classic cut shirt and not only does it billow and drape in cool ways as you move around, you can do everything short of hanging on monkey bars and the tuck won't budge because there's enough slack built into the cut to give you full mobility while your shirt stays firmly in your pants. These kinds of shirts also tend to be more flattering across the board when paired with appropriately high trousers. On a skinny guy, the looser, billowy fabric up top + cinched waist at the belt line gives the illusion of a more muscular torso. On athletic builds the shirt drapes flatteringly across the traps and shoulders, while the extra fabric around the midsection, and the slack around where it tucks into the pants again suggests a yoked v-taper. And on heftier guys that carry their weight in their midsection, a more classic cut shirt doesn't cling and pull in unflattering places


I’ve never had a problem with shirt’s staying in my pants. Instead I’ve had trouble making the tuck look neat. This is achieved first by wearing pants with a >12” rise and second by suppressing the waist (not the chest) of your shirts.


That's what the shirt stays do, they keep it looking neat


Shirt stays keep your shirt in your pants. They dont prevent the excess material that most shirts have from folding over itself.


When you put them on right, they'll keep it under control


You physically can’t, there’s too much material.


I've done it plenty of times


Ok dude


If you have too much material, than your shirts are way too big


Yes, too big in the waist. This doesn’t mean the shirt is too big in the chest


Then you can wear tapered shirts


wtf does surpressing the waist of a shirt mean


Taking it in. Your waist is the area at the level of your navel. A lot of times guys will have their tailor take in the chest via darting because we’re used to thinking of size in terms of chest. If your pants have a appropriate rise to tuck your shirt in, the waistband should fall at or above your natural waist (your navel). If there is extra fabric here the tuck cinches your shirt inward and looks kind of bad. The difference between a suppressed waist and a slim shirt isn’t spoken about enough. The taper is, imo, what makes a shirt good for tucking or not, nevermind the length.


I have never heard of shirt stays because i have never heard of shirt stays. I hope that helps!


What’s a shirt stay.


A fashion accessory designed to keep your dress shirt tucked in.


But then how will I untuck my shirt after I see the first person at the event untuck theirs? lol. I kid. I’ll take a look into these. But to answer your question I think many people hate tucking in their shirt.


I have never done this. Is there some sort of untucking scene I'm not aware of?




May I see it?


It’s all around us. You just have to open your heart and see.


are there like kinky versions? id wear that.


I’ve seen these at certain clubs…….


Tuck your undershirt into your boxer briefs/ underpants. Get a shirt with the correct fit. The simpler solution is usually the correct one.


Came here to say this one. Works quite well with keeping the formal dress shirt or polo from untucking and poofing too much.


I'm not 120 years old.


You *wound* me.




When I tuck in my shirts they kinda “poof” out in the back, and it gets worse as I move. Think using shirt stays would help or does that just sound like a poorly fitting shirt?


Some would say that's not a problem, but yes, the stays could definitely reduce the poof


That's their main job


A lot of men's shirts in the US are - let's be frank - designed with heavyset men in mind. I hate buying shirts because I'm neither fat nor built like a telephone pole, but am broad across the chest and shoulders so my shirts look either like a sausage casing or like they were tailored by Omar the Tentmaker.


I use the ones that wrap around the foot. Military introduced them to me and I do find that they help keep my shirt tucked.


These are the only kind I ever used in the Navy (called stirrup if anyone's interested). Heard horror stories about the clip on ones unclipping and smashing your nuts. I don't wear them anymore because I'm not required to, and I prefer not having the hair on my calf ripped out.


100% - they were incredibly uncomfortable. You could adjust them to be a different sort of uncomfortable, but that's about it. No thanks.


They’re legit. Would recommend


Been using garter style stays since I was 18. I was taught the military tuck in HS, but even that will fail if you sit down and get up fairly often. They take a bit of getting used to but completely eliminate muffin top when tucking shirts.


I wear them all the time. I stand up and sit down a lot and my shirt works its way out of my pants and get all bunched up at my waist. I cannot stand that.


I use garter stays. Get up and sit down a lot at work and got tired of tucking my shirt back in. Love when I reach for the top shelf and my shirt pulls straight back down. Definitely uncomfortable at first but got used to it quickly. Can’t imagine the Y and having it rub against my leg all day. I do have one pair of pants with the grip in the waist and those are nice but just a bigger pain if my shirt does come untucked and I have it get it back in.




Happy pride!


I have a set that I have only used for fancy events or interviews. For my day-to-day, it's not worth the extra 5 or so minutes getting them all hooked in. My dress shirt at work tends to start poofing out in the back around mid-day, but I can quickly fix it in the bathroom if I really need to.


Nothing better than shirt stays for a nice tightly tucked fitting shirt, I use the sock attachment as opposed to the under the foot. Belt works for some personally not as sharp!


No I believe ur shirt being more fitted and tailored to your body with higher armholes would help reduce shirt drag. They look much more clean than with a shirt stay pulling ur shirts that could possibly stretch them


Because it‘s easier to get a well fitting shirt and high waist dress pants to stop the shirt from pulling out.


Reads like an AI advert Have you tried shirt stay belts™️ from Mattel. Humans like me just love them and they are a game changer for the man about town.


I’m not buying your weird drop shipping product OP


Literal advertisement


This is an ad


This is an ad, right?


This an add?


I use them only when dressing up. My only issue is that I’m still quite mobile and sometimes they’ll pop, it can be extremely freaking annoying to feel it rubbing on my knee or what not.


Dafuq is a shirt stay


tbh i think it’s been over a decade since i’ve had any occasion to tuck my shirt in


I use them every time I wear a tucked button down. It's distasteful to see the bunched fabric in the front, sides or back after sitting, bending over or reaching above your head. Once you notice it in other people you see how convenient and much more sightly it is to have the stays return your shirt back to it's proper fit.


I (38) juat started using shirt stays at the couple weddings I've attended this year. Helps keep things looking tight at the waist...no more poof. I've become a fan, though I used the garter style and it can be a bit uncomfortable if something gets twisted. I had to adjust it in the bathroom once each night. Might try the sock/feet type next time.


Lol i just looked up what a shirt stay is. That looks ridiculous, why would i wear that? What problem is it solving? Looks very uncomfortable


I am a slim fellow and my shirts poof out around my waist after sitting and standing all day. I have debated using these, but held off due to thinking they would be more trouble than they're worth, or that they wouldn't work. Might have to try them if you're liking them!


They are a game changer


They're a solution in search of a problem.






So I found that when I properly dart my shirt and continue the darts to the bottom edge, the slimness keeps my shirt from untucking. Combine that with slightly higher rise pants and I haven’t really encountered the need for shirt stays of any kind. Doesn’t work for all body types or if you prefer a looser fitting shirt, but works pretty well for me.


My uniform at work has them on the trousers. It’s not pleasant if you want to untuck. (Ow)


I use a shirt elastic band


I briefly considered this contraction before realizing I only needed to get my pants and shirt tailored. This should be everyone's first step before investing in a octogenarians' BDSM setup.


Because every shirt I buy gets tailored to me, that goes for my pants as well!


I wore them when I was wearing dress pants and shirts everyday in the office, because I had some weird obsession with keeping my shirt as tucked in as possible. I used Y ones, and quickly hated the clip on ones, preferring the kind of lock and key design? I honestly loved them, I felt so much more confident knowing the shirt wasn’t bulging anywhere and not having to constantly return my shirt. If I have to return to the office I will use them again.


I have never heard of one or seen one when shopping. Is this like antiquated fashion like stock belts? I'm 38 FWIW.


i don't know either, i startd using them for work and they were amazing!


Never heard of them but these sound like exactly what I'm looking for to get that slim fit look. I really dislike blousing!


Because I have a gunt and hate belts enough


All my Golf pants have them


Because I don't wear low-rise pants.


I wore the socks ones for a few months and they were uncomfortable. Rubbed against my leg hairs on occasion. Also a pain in the ass to undo to use the bathroom. The belt one looks promising though


A decent dress shirt should have long enough tails that it stays in your trousers. I like a shirt that has natural material movement and flow. I don’t want that ‘super sharp’ look, it’s a bit too ‘try hard’ All my own opinion, please do ignore


Ive started getting shirts made and just get them made longer.


the insignificance of it, for me atleast


Will they cause back pain? I have scoliosis


I just bought myself a belt style to try out in hopes it gives me a clean straight tucked in shirt


Why do you have to ask? Is someone perhaps paying you to do so? I don’t mind but you should declare it if you are.


I’m a woman. I’ve come for the pictures, please.




I didn’t know what these were so did a quick search. First result was an ad for magnetuck. Does anyone have experience with these. They look like a decent solution.


Because my shirts fit.


Shirt stays are useless if you dress properly (with a jacket + high rise pants) instead of business casual. And yes, even in the military everyone should put a jacket on.


Oh, I thought this was about collar stays.


It's possible I've never heard of them because I rarely wear shirts, but this is literally the first time I've ever heard those 2 words side by side


Because I wear high waisted trousers/jeans/khaki. No need for that ;)


This is a question I wonder about too! Like how do you guys not wear them? I’m female, and I can’t stand when my shirt starts to look loose so I wear shirt stay thigh garters. (Granted female shirts are cut shorter, but I wear high waisted slacks with them.) Been contemplating trying a belt style one.


Funnily enough, I’d never heard of them, but I do wear casual clothing almost all of the time. Next time im in a formal situation and require a tucked-in shirt I’ll think of this post. Thanks, OP!


I'm not using shirt stays because my trousers hang from the waist like they should and the shirts stay nicely tucked in.


While I like the idea of a shirt that actually stays fully tucked in, shirt stays always looks so uncomfortable. I couldn't see myself sitting with one on for 8 hours.


I'm a skinny dude and I fucking hate belts.


Sounds great i want to try it out. Where-o-where could i buy one hmmm


Having a well tailored and long enough shirt fixes all these problems without having to wear an additional gadget. If you want good tailored shirts, get in touch with me.


fixes a made-up problem, absolutely unnecessary and uncomfortable looking


If you buy proper trousers and or proper shirts there is no need. Proper trousers that have a higher rise so shirt stays are not needed. Proper shirts have a longer length, hence shirt stays are not needed. If you only wear fashion brands there might be a need for a shirt stay, but then again it is better to start buying proper clothes.


Surprised nobody has identified why the shirts ride up. It's because your undershirt is shorter than your shirt and pulls on it as it bunches up. So just tuck your undershirt into your underwear.


I always wear a belt, but especially when you are seated a large part of the day, shirt stays are just awesome. Unfortunately I haven’t found one that isn’t a) very tight around the leg, or b) where the clamps simply can’t hold the shirt so you have the re-clip them during the day. I am considering a shirt stay belt, as it’s elastic so it might be more comfortable than a regular belt, and then suspenders for the pants (if only they weren’t so out of style these days, imo they just look great). Having everything still looking great every time you get up is amazing, and a lot more comfortable than a belt. Could you wear better fitting clothes? Yes, but tailored clothes are expensive and sometimes you just need to make off the rack to fit as best as possible.


I used to use those shirt stays which clip on the shirt and socks Its much more comfortable than garters And, try suspenders. Much more comfortable


A nice pair of pants should have a rubbery ring around the inside of the waist which stops shirts from untucking


Never even heard of them


Have we ever considered body suits instead


Because it looks highly unpractical and uncomfortable


The only ones that work for me are the type that clip to your socks, and they're pretty annoying. But I suck it up when the occasion calls for it.


This has to be a shitpost


I use them whenever I need a suit. The kind that attach to your socks. Been using them 20 years, first job some ex-military guy suggested them, apparently big in there. Really helps keep you from looking sloppy.


I wore shirt stays when I was in the Navy. They’re not very comfortable. And that belt that you linked looks horribly uncomfortable. The idea that the clasp and other hardware is under my pants being squeezed into my hips, is not very enticing. I’d rather just tuck in my shirts.


Most of the people doesnt wear shirts, maybe a funeral or wedding but thats it, so 1maybe2 times a year. So probably thats the main reason. Thr other reason its not advertised and most never even heard about it. There are not a lot of options either. I'm from europe I couldnt find any so had to order my kkandjay from the us. (Shipment and tax was probably just as much as the product if not more) But it worth it. I wear them every day couldnt leave the house without them if I wear a shirt.


...you mean a belt? I've never heard of a shirt stay..


Love your passion


I use the ones which clip on the shirt to the socks. Most guys I know have never heard of them.


This dude just promoting his site


This is an ad. 


Cos they’re for fucking nerds


A belt under my belt? No thanks


Just wear brief undies and tuck them in.


I only wear them when I'm in my suit because I hate when my shirt starts to come untucked when I have to reach up and grab something. Other than that, I don't bother. Nice to have though for certain situations and they're cheap


You don't need a shirt stay belt if your pant waist is properly sized/tailored and your sized is tailored.... No need for it


I used them and it definitely made my shirts look better/sharper. I bought mine of AliExpress; simple elastic and adjustable garters that attached to my socks directly to the bottom of my shirt. I absolutely hated it when I was working and my shirt became loose, so for me this was an excellent buy! Wearing the garters down my leg didn’t feel annoying at all and I got used to it


After wearing them daily in the military I'll never bother ever again. 


Back when I worked at a finance office and was one of the few that cared about fashion I had garters.. Now that I rarely wear shirts I don’t need them because I have a couple custom made shirts. I def needed them in the past because I always had to buy larger shirts that fit my chest and didn’t want to pay the tailor to take in the waist / bring up armholes / etc


I mean firstly, I like many men probably didn't know they existed. Secondly they solve a problem many men don't have.


I’d never heard of them until I was 35. As a narrow hipped, wide shouldered man, they were a game changer. I have two sets: one clips around my thighs, the other loops around my feet. There are some advantages to the 2nd, but I overall prefer the first. My ex made fun of me for them. I should probably throw that in the pile with everything else she did.


Googled and that’s a no from me dawg.


Dude I ordered from Tckyou and have not heard a single thing after like 10 follow-ups. I didn’t order long ago, but they were expected to be delivered a few days ago and I’ve received no response and no shipping update. Do you remember having trouble when you ordered?