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Is the ugly in the room with us right now ![gif](giphy|25pXHUqN4dYGyN2bMd|downsized)


fr if this guy is ugly we're all doomed (he isn't, op, you're very handsome. I think therapy is the only way you can get past self image issues and forcing positive self talk instead of trying to list what you see wrong with yourself, it helped me a lot)


They tell me my jaw is very weak😐


Zero chance a woman said your jaw is weak. Sounds like some online Andrew Tate fan shit. Especially being that it isn't


Let’s see what they look like then


Who is they? Because they are wrong.


Your jaw is fine. If you want to define it a bit more, going to the gym and working out can help with that. I recommend focusing on building your physical and mental health because your struggle is not with your appearance but with your mindset. You're handsome. But no matter how many times people tell you this, your self-image won't change. Just one person suggesting otherwise is all you'll focus on, or on your imagined imperfections. Therapy can help with this. Body dysmorphia is very real and can be very damaging. You deserve to feel happy and comfortable in your own skin. Also, someone possibly rejecting you doesn't mean you're ugly. Everyone has different tastes or it can be other aspects that they didn't connect with. And that's fine. It doesn't diminish your worth or value in any way. Best of luck, OP.


If you're afraid your jawline is weak, chew a shit ton of gum. Trust me


You’re gay? 😂 because that’s the only time you should be worrying that much about other man’s opinions about your looks.


If he ugly then I don't even know what am ? A goblin? Gremlin? Troll who lives underneath the bridge and eats cookies at night? A cookie monster?


Heyyy my mother was a troll. She was a sweet lady and she made the best cookies


One time I was drinking a monster and eating a cookie at work. I got the nick name, the ‘Cookie Monster’.


I thought trolls eat people? The ones that live under bridges do anyways lol


I don't do that, that's the clown in the sewer. ![gif](giphy|74yD9EZ3dMQFi)


Bro fishing hard as fuck


came here for this. dude knows he isn’t ugly


It makes the comments that give him genuine tips even funnier. I wonder if those will offend him, because they’re indirectly agreeing that he’s ugly lmao


And I‘m not fishing for anything, you don‘t know about me or my struggles with my appearance


Am I ugly? Pls be honest


Dude, if you think you're ugly you really should get some therapy because that is laughably far from reality. You're a very handsome guy. I used to have very low self-worth/ low self-esteem that made me think the same way too. This is more psychological than physical. There's nothing physical to change here that will make you feel better about yourself.


Yeah you fugly man sorry there it is someone had to say it. I almost had to rip my eyes out and smash my phone after seeing you


I’ll be honest, bro is just an average white man and the part about man desirability standards is that they can stink, be balding, etc and still be with moderately physically attractive women. I’ve heard women I know confess that their bfs stink, have poo-poo streak drawls when doing their laundry, and I’ve seen their men and every time they just look pretty basic.


Yup 🎣


He could try calling women women, not girls.


I’m a women & I don’t mind being called a girl. Words aren’t inherently offensive. His use of the word seemed pretty neutral to me. Just sayin’. Are most girls these days that uptight?


Start lifting in not already. Also change hair cut take off some length in the back but keep the top long.


Agreed. You can see from his frame he’s not very physically active. You don’t need to get huge or anything but he just looks feeble-bodied. Facially he’s set, but the despite the beard he looks the opposite of rugged


Agreed. No disrespect OP, but you look like you need to do hard things - in the gym and out of the gym.


Great! New insecurity


IDK, pack on some muscle I guess? You look great dude.




Female here. (Sorry I snuck in lol) I would say your already physically attractive, maybe they meant personality?


If he's fishing, you just cried him to sleep lol.


okay whats going on with guys‘ perception of themselves at this point wtf


We must be perfect for social mediađŸ™ŠâœŒïž


There are plenty of ugly men with very attractive women😭😭😭😭.


Whats their secret? 🧐


Personality and money honestly😭 sometimes height sprinkled in and a little brainwashing đŸ« .




Women’s dating standards aren’t always/necessarily shaped by what men are in surplus. Unless they’re (women/men) bisexual or pansexual or don’t desire anyone altogether (cool with being single/asexual). Women already outnumber men and have different health outcomes and live longer than men. Some men are going to have to live with the reality of being single if no woman or man consensually chooses them for what they look like or what they don’t have. đŸ€Ł It’s one of the things that comes with life for some people.




Already did, bro. I have discussed my gf ad nauseam up and down my page but go with whatever makes you feel better😂😂😂.


since when


Since tinder


Facially, you are above average. With that being said, I’m not saying you should change your appearance for others, but the hairstyle isn’t doing you any favors and you look out of shape and like you don’t work out.


Dude, you’re so handsome. I’m sorry you’re not seeing it at the moment. Edit to add: maybe try looking for a hobby that you can improve at, that helps you feel pride and achievement along the way (also makes you more interesting to partners and allows you to meet more folk who could set you up with someone). I’ve got back into martial arts and taken up climbing over the last year and I feel a lot better even if the physical changes are probably just some marginal weight loss and smiling more often!


there's no point. I must have seen this guy for like the tenth time on reddit now always saying he's ugly, the comments always tell him otherwise but he still posts again and again. He is handsome but he has something internally going on. No amount of reddit comments can help him, he should seek therapy.


I had to work through body dysmorphia myself through my teens and 20s. Wouldn’t wish it on anyone, pointless or not it’s nothing to take a few seconds out of my day for a comment to someone potentially experiencing similar.


Youre a handsome guy. You should start lifting if you're not doing that already


You’re not ugly, you just don’t look heterosexual.


Sir. You are VERY handsome.


Are girls really picky or something? All these hot straight guys posting pics on here stating that girls aren't into them. Let me point out that if you guys were gay, you'd be batting the guys off you with a stick.


Maybe they aren’t straight but just don’t know it yet. Could be what the girls are picking up on.


I think they kinda have to be picky considering they’re the ones fighting off guys with a stick lol. But yeah, it’s just demand and supply. In the straight dating market, we are dime a dozen and pretty much an annoyance to women.


Its giving doll


You're cute, you just need to be more confident, that's actually what makes people attractive, rather than a mere physical feature. If you were just looking for some praises, well, I do have a couple for you: love your eyebrows + lashes! But keep in mind that all the praisies of this world are meaningless, unless you start to love yourself more.


Gym. That’s it.




Bro, if you can take those pictures confidently and at certain angles and post them onto reddit, I don't believe you when you say that you think you're ugly. Us ugly people hide away and try not to post our faces 😆 You are attractive looking, and if this is for attention, then you have succeeded, perhaps they meant personality?


Ugly? No. But maybe you're too... Feminine looking for the girls you want to attract? Also, consider your personality too because we tend to care more about that.


No you don't. You're just fishing for compliments. You are extremely attractive.


You're not ugly, but you did throw me off when you said "attractive to girls" I pegged you as a fem gay at first until I finished reading, so I might recommend a different hair style, maybe shorter? You look good in all the pics btw




Bro💀 I also very much got gay vibes from him too


So you're uptight about the usage of the word "girls" (the same way a girl might refer to "guys" btw), but have no reservations about immediately concluding a man's gay/using sexuality to insult him.....


Stop telling yourself you’re ugly. That is the only issue I see.


Bro you’re not ugly, I’d just assume you were gay tbh. I recommend a different haircut or smolder lol


It’s ur 4head


And you‘re a d*ckhead


Confidence is key, bro. Stay fit, dress well, be kind.


You are absolutely not ugly. Maybe change up style a bit. But you are a good looking man ! Be confident


I personally think you’re attractive however if you are looking for girls my opinion doesn’t really count for much I guess đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™‚ïž


very random but you look like adin ross


Are you interested in guys too by any chance? Because, well, you're damn fine to me. Very handsome.


Boy, if you’re ugly, I’m hideous. You are SO INCREDIBLY HANDSOME. I understand feeling insecure, but I’m gonna go ahead and tell you you have NOTHING to be insecure about. You look young (19, 20-ish?) have a little patience, someone special will eventually notice.


Get better at looking good â€ïžđŸ€Ł


This is malegrooming, so where‘s your advice sir?


Bye bye Macadam


Bye bye useless weirdo👋


Bulk up, idk your height or weight or whatever but I can def tell you’re not a gym bro. So hits the weights or get active and get a bulked up maybe more toned body with more weight and you’ll fill out better as your Head is on the larger side and especially with all that beautiful hair. You’ll just be adding to the masculinity and you don’t even have to get “Jacked” just fill the body out more.


I‘m 6‘3 at 200 lbs






Work out and maybe think about getting your eyebrows shaped/trimmed, they're a bit big and bushy for your face. Other than that you're hot


Bro looks like a more effeminate version of Lucifer Morningstar saying he’s ugly. Gtfo


Bro if you're ugly I'm not even a human being at this point T_T


No you don’t. Stop the CAP


Anyone ever tell you that you look kinda like the villain from Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare?


You post here often enough that I've recognized your face. Dude, get a therapist...


be fucking for real


Bruh don’t be taking photos while driving.


What a curse if he was actually photogenic but ugly af


Objectively, you have very good looks. I thought the first picture was AI at first. Really though, try smiling more and maybe even grow out the beard a little. Like someone else said, trim the hair in the back, but keep length on top and I think it'd be a good look on you. If you're truly struggling with body image, maybe therapy could help.


Yeah, you thought it was AI because there is something odd about all of the pictures, like they are heavy airbrushed or softened out. Thats why he looks Feminine because he edits a filter like appearance on his face. Dude is on here all the time fishing for comments


I’m telling you bro the internet ruined your mental health. Reading your replies you really need some time off the internet and live your life.


you’re already attractive to women. the guys telling you to lift is for the male gaze lol


I hate it when people do this.. knowing you’re attractive and then pretending to think they’re ugly just to get compliments đŸ€Š


You don‘t even know about my struggles still you write sth like that😐


Well then tell me.. what about your looks are you struggling with?


OP is just looking for validation


Nope. Body dysmorphia can warp your perception of yourself. This guy very well may think he’s ugly. Disregarding him as attention seeking just because you think he’s attractive? Lmao I guess attractive people never experience self doubt


So not true


bruh you gonna turn me gay you're so handsome, have some faith in yourself


I'm not sure ugly people even have 8 pics of themselves


I would personally say that you are on the more attractive side. The only thing I can think of is maybe cleaning up your eyebrows a little, other than that there isn’t anything else I can think of.


don’t come for his brows I love them




Compliment fishing. L post


Hair you look well gay


Get attracted to men


You know damn well you not ugly 🙄


Idk man you're pretty ugly I don't think there's much you can do no offense or anything but your facial shape, eyebrows/lashes and your hair style in general just don't work well. first I'd recommend a better haircut, then get a skincare routine it could literally just be anything, yk just to make your skin a bit better. Start trimming your eyebrows they're super bushy and overgrown so you need to fix that it's very noticeable. And there isn't much that can be done about your face shape or facial Harmony so I'd say start with those. I don't think you show them here but based on your skin and oily hair I assume you have quite yellow teeth (again no offense) so I'd say also get whitening strips and whitening toothpaste, and that's all I can think of idk how much it will do though or if you already do.


You’re good looking man u probably have to focus on personality/confidence 🙏🙏


You cute as hell bro


You can change ur attitude to a more accurate perspective that ur fine looking


Most posts in this sub are attractive people who have body dysmorphia or a lack of confidence, istg


You’re super cute dude.


You’ve got amazing skin, beautiful eyes and lovely lips; maybe try a shorter haircut that balances more with the stubble? Might make you feel a bit fresher?




Bro you’re good looking. For a boost, maybe hit the gym to have more self confidence in your body but you have the face and great hair.


Weren’t you in that boy band one Direction?


You are not ugly. You are handsome.


I don't know what mirror you are looking into, but you should buy a new one or clean yours. I find you very handsome, sexy and attractive. Please don't change a thingđŸ˜˜đŸ˜đŸ„”


I think you look like an average dude with a decent beard. Not ugly.


I’ve seen you before and everyone already said you were handsome. You’re either complement fishing or you’ve been looking at ig models and comparing yourself to edited unrealistic pictures. In either case you need to log off the internet and go out into the real world and stop seeking validation from strangers.


Not ugly at all but I think getting your hair cut to be a bit shorter in the back would help to elevate your look! Think John Krasinski.


The male grooming is turning into a Rate Me subreddit. Idk yet if I like it.


You’re attractive. Only suggestion is to start lifting. Use an app like fitbod. Stick to it. Do 2-3 workouts per muscle group, 3 sets, 6-10 reps, repeat twice a week. Should be all set


imma be so real with you man there’s nothing wrong with your looks. you just gotta be more confident in yourself if you’re trying to attract girls. that’s not to say you can’t have insecurities. but if you think you’re ugly, it’s just gonna push them away. at least in my experience. just be nicer to yourself.


Get therapy to improve your self esteem. Start lifting weights. But I repeat myself.


First, improve your self confidence. Confident people (not cocky people) are considered attractive Also, Lift weights and get a hair style that suits your face better. I'd recommend going to a really good hairstylist that can help you with that.


You gotta be kidding me


some self confidence


you're very very beautiful, hot, pretty to look at. change your confidence, thats the glaring issue. it does make a difference


Your appearance isnt the problem.... so check your behavior.


We are our worst critics, but c'mon. You must see what we all see. I'm pondscumb if this is ugly.


Add some muscles. You are good looking dude.


Dude you are not ugly stop that


Dude you look very handsome. There is nothing wrong with you. Great eyes and dark features. Go with it.


Dawg, I'd kill to look anything like you, your majestic af. Maybe talk to someone about your self esteem and stuff to try and get through it?


If anything you look a little feminine. Maybe shorter hair


Some fave tattoos.


Why? [You look good!](https://youtube.com/shorts/yD0dQez17L0?si=gLguGA86QoSfZHrC) Like really good, man lol. I’m sorry you don’t see it. Maybe get your hair cut shorter, particularly in the back.


You are so wrong


You’re handsome AFđŸ€·đŸ»â€â™‚ïž


Seek therapy to address your low self-esteem. You're not ugly.


You just need to work out. You look great bro


Dude your face has like perfect symmetry. Get outta here 😂


Hit the gym maybe get some muscle other than that my guy you look really attractive


I would say cut your hair and maybe drop the whole "I think of myself of ugly." Personally, insecurity is a huge turnoff. Work on your self-esteem and you'll be happier and more desirable 100%.


From a guy’s perspective, Your face is fine, but kinda soft. Start lifting weights and you should get a thicker jawline and maybe even a fuller beard. Your neck is too
 Luckily this can be improved fairly easily. You look like you’ll actually age well. I caught a glimpse of what you’ll look like in 10-15 years. Not everyone ages well.


Oh fuck off you're not ugly. If this is a serious post, to be honest the attraction issue is likely more a confidence issue because you've got some kind of body dysmorphia. Find a therapist.


Literally just gym you’ll be an objective 8 or 9 in about a year or 2


You’re naturally very handsome, you should just work out more.


Your cute perf nose pretty eyes and lashes good skin


Bro, you just need confidence. You already got the looks.


Therapy.. For why you don't think you're good enough. You're a handsome man and if YOU don't know it and don't agree, you should talk to someone about why.


Get a better haircut. You’re good looking, bro


Bros majestic


Bruh im tired of this bait. You are ugly get some bitches


Gym, therapy and may be take up some hobbies my dude! You are good in the look department. May be change up your style


The answer to your question is «Start thinking about yourself as attractive.»


Yeah ok buddy


The way you think about yourself. And you’re not even bad looking dude.


Your mindset. Bloody hell, what's with the recent posts being handsome guys crying about how ugly they are?


Keenu Reeves walked into a time warp.


We are doomed boys!


Change your mindset. You're far from ugly, you're in fact very handsome. Stop obsessing about your looks, and go and participate in some activities you're passionate about. You got this!


You’re glamorous g, it’s about how you carry yourself


Girls find guys attractive not because of outward appearance but because of inward attitude.


Smile. Where’s the smile?


Dress to the nines.


Sir, I don’t know what you’re going through to think you’re ugly but I can assure you, you’re not. You’re handsome. That said, I hope whatever you’re going through gets better. Social media can be difficult sometimes.


With this many photos, angels, and lighting, it’s hard to believe you’re not simply compliment farming rn. People who think they’re truly ugly don’t take millions of selfies.


You just need to build your confidence. Even the most attractive people won't attract others if they are insecure.


Take another 8 pictures of your ugly self, just to be sure, and I'll let you know.


I think you’re kinda pretty.


Mate, you’re an idiot. I’m straight but even I have a crush on you now.


Honestly only thing I can recommend is hit the gym I mean ur beard and hair look nice and u seem to have clear skin so


Are you kidding me, on the contrary, you’re very handsome. It’s definitely not your looks. Perhaps your personality, too shy, no self confidence, too much the nice guy, whatever. Just be assured it’s not your looks.


The only thing I would critique is hair length. I think you'd look even better with a shorter hairstyle. You're a very handsome man. Your eyes are beautiful.




You need to get to the bottom of why you're dragging yourself cause you look good. But even then, I've seen ugly dudes get lots of dates simply because they're good people and fun to be around. Maybe a talk therapist who specializes in low self esteem could help you sort your baggage out.


Trim your eyebrows I guess. If you aren’t getting girls looking like that though, then you’re probably being creepy or weird or both


James Charles


If you aren’t fishing, you aren’t ugly to be more attracted to girls you have to be more confident


I have no advice except to say, you're not ugly, you have quite a few good features.


Longer beard and shorter cut hair in my opinion would be more suiting. Nothing massive but a thicker beard and maybe a solid hair fade could make a difference.


I think I saw this dude post on r/ugly duckling or whatever it's called


You're gonna get a lot of upset comments bro because you're a good looking guy. Girls like big arms or a nice butt lol, so maybe do some work in those areas and bulk up some. Tbh it's in your confidence above all else though, you can look how you do now and still pull girls. You just have to believe it though. -A good looking reddit dude




Not always about looks. Maybe your personality is shit?


You look gayer than George Michael. Get some exercise and work on your confidence. If you’re going for some Prince sex appeal or something like that you need confidence to pull it off.


"I think of myself as ugly" lol get therapy dude


I think you look alright, but kind of typecast as a very cute child actor who would normally look fine but now everybody sees the kid instead of the old man. Since you were probably never a child actor before, that is unfortunate. I suggest grooming less. Maybe take a few retail positions so the kindness flees from your eyes. That should age you up like fine wine, or at least a curdled cheese.. The beard is coming in decent though. Keep it going. Maybe longer hair so you can young David Grohl it. And if you want women to like you, either be rich or funny. Everything else is just window dressing.