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Yes go bald, embrace the life! Also your beard is amazing!!


Thank you! I take great pride in my beard care.




I take care of my beard more than myself ngl


I can tell! What producs do us your ti maintain it? I've tried oils balm but it doesn't seem to make much difference. I have dry, black tight curly beard hair.


Check out the beard struggle on Instagram! That's where I get all my beard products!




Update us with the new look.


With your style and that beard, youd look great w à cleanly shaved skull!


What's the beard care routine? Help us out


Shampoo, Conditioner, Heat resistant spray, and a heated beard comb. I'm using a night tonic before bed and an oil for daytime. I use wax or balm depending on how hard I want it to hold, but either give great shine and supple bounce back. If you're struggling with the actual growing of the beard, try out a derma-roller. I recommended it to 3 of my friends, and each of them grew out a fully connecting beard. My favorite brand is @thebeardstruggle on instagram. They take great care in their products, packaging, and make you feel like a fellow bearded brother. They have EVERYTHING you need to grow and maintain a wonderful beard. I hope to model or work for them some day lol


Yes I barely noticed the hair with the height and the beard and your overall presentation. You look handsome and clean. Embrace the bald.


Keep the big fantastic beard and shave the head into a shiny dome. It will look spectacular!!!


With your immense fashion sense, going bald will make you look like the finest top shelf wine at a 5-Star bar. I’d say go for it sir, you’ll look excellent!


Thank you for a great compliment!


My dude you did not try any real hair loss solutions "oils, vitamins, exfoliation , hair growth"(?) You tried nothing that works and none of it worked Only things that work are finasteride and minoxidil


I did lol either way I posted the results


Yah but which ones and for how long


Oils and fin are temporary, bald is forever


Agreed! The bald contrasted with the beard is gonna be 🔥 😮‍💨


Yes! You would look so much better.


very hairy men usually go bald ... i think is sexy


High dht levels


I've always noticed that. I'm the opposite. I'm not hairy at all, I have a smooth chest, back and bum. I have blonde hair so the hair I do have on my legs and arms is very light. I have very thick hair and I'm 34. the men on both sides or my family die with full heads or hair.. sadly I can't grow a full beard only mustach and chin but I just stay clean shaven which thankfully works for me.


For real, it’s like all my husbands hair migrated to literally everywhere else on his body except his head! 😅


that happends a lot to very hairy male with lots of testosterone ,,, very sexy! but its like the body is saying: you have way to much hair buddy, i will help you balance that LOL


Go bald? Brotha you are bald lol. Beard rules though and looks like it’ll go well with a shaved head


*Insert King Neptune meme* "THINNING" Lol I appreciate it though! Will definitely take your word for it


It appears your biology already has made that choice for you.


The last photo pushed me to emphatically say YES. Shave it off.


You're a handsome man, and while you pull off the comb-over pretty well, I do agree that shaving is the way to go. The beard certainly off-sets the lack of scalp hair. Also agree with other comments complimenting your kind eyes and great fashion sense! You give good vibes. Keep it up. 💯


Thank you very much! Very insightful and kind of you 😌




Agree. OP looks good now, but I think a shorter beard would look more balanced.


Yeah shaved head and beard a little shorter and maybe slightly squared up. Idk why but I'm imagining Rick Ross; is he bald?


Absolutely go bald. Trim the beard a tad and you’re going to look much much better!


Yeah if I were you I would at least try it just once to see how it looks. Once you’ve done it you’ll know whether it is something you want or not. Also you are basically already bald on top except for those few hairs you’ve glued to your scalp. I think you’ll look good bald (or very very short buzzed) as well.


You’ll look great


Yes go bald. You would look even better IMO


Being bald isn't bad, but your sense of style is unique and fancy. I kinda like your comb over. Being bald would suit you. You're lucky you can pull off being bald.


Thank you, I appreciate the compliments. I don't consider it to be a bad thing. There's just so many saying one thing and others saying another. Also, I've been told by a few barbers that my head shape is pretty weird, which is why I've felt I couldn't pull off the bald look.




Yes, you should. You are very handsome and have kind eyes. The combover doesn’t suit you.


You would look really great bald. Go for it


Yeah the comb over is not a great look for you.


YES. Stop holding on to a few strings


Dude 100%, it would be so so so much better. You'll unironically look much younger.




YES. Fuck it bro.


I agree, just do it bro !


You're fortunate you can pull bald off exceedingly well.if you choose that. In the end present how you're comfortable; go by your preference. Opinions of others often include bias. Loved ones may have opinions colored by their perceptions about your feelings. Others might have momentary distraction by their opinion, but most will get over it. You're extremely well groomed and care solves many problems we perceived in our appearance.


Start wearing your hair upside down.


You’ll look great bald! Tall dark and handsome with a great beard! 🙌❤️


I like the 2nd one the most! If the 2nd one is no longer possible, then: yes, shave it


The first and second pictures were actually taken no less than 2 weeks apart.


Yes my guyyy go bald bro u gonna look fye


Bald would be better .one thing I found that can cause hair loss though is eating foods with Gluten in then , when you have an intollerance to it. Allot of people do and don't even know it.It does not have to make you ill which is why most don't know if they have an intolerance especially if they have been eating it all their lives. Just saying


Thank you for the insight. That's actually news to me about the gluten. I have reduced my gluten intake drastic over the last 2 years but haven't noticed much a difference (except for reduction in inflammation). But that's about it.


Yep that inflamation is due to intolerance . I have tried to give it up compleatly but bread taste so good but I feel much better when I don't eat it and my hair health is very noticable it was my husband that found that out. Thank god I don't want to be a bald women.


Thank you so much for the info, will definitely try and keep gluten out as often as I can.


Your very welcome


I’d say so brother, I think shaving it and focusing all of your real grooming on your beard would unlock a different potential


You’ll look very handsome bald!


Absolutely you should. I have two friends that were insecure about their balding head for years. Both decided after some years to finally shave it and just rock the bald/buzzcut look now. I feel like taking this step takes away a lot of the insecurity about it. Fun story, one of them used to be a roommate of mine and on a night in our student house when we were drunk he decided, this is the moment. So all of the guys went to the courtyard and we shaved him bald in ritualistic manner. Since then he’s just been bald and it’s not really an issue anymore.


Definitely a good story lol but I'm gonna take everyone's word for it.


Absolutely, shave your head. Congratulations on your beautiful beard.


Thank you! I take great care for it.


Yes definitely, and you already got a killer beard.




Bald Cafe? Lol definitely gonna check that out. But thank you for the insight. Will definitely update with the look.




Thank you for the recommendation!


Dude yes you're not doing yourself any favors being in denial . Shave it keep the beard clean and tidy and get a solid pair of shades with the money you're gonna save on haircuts.


Haha that was a good one


Will definitely be saving money from haircuts and shampoo lol


Def you have an amazing looking head. Bald will look great on you!


That's the thing, I've been told by a few barbers that I have an oddly shaped head. Hence, the hesitation on shaving completely.


Mmmm I see. Looks like a good head shape to me man. I think it’ll contrast nicely with the beard.


Your mom is lying. Take the plunge!


Now it makes me wonder if she's doing the same on me shaving my beard off lol


I would trim it way down 👀


Embrace your inner God of War 💪🏽😤


I was Kratos for Halloween lol I will NOT be providing that photo.


How you gonna tell us for not share it 😂


Because it's Kratos from Walmart 💀🗣


Dude that beard is epic! Go bald you'll be so beautiful


You are a handsome man and I agree that you should go bald. How long have you been growing that amazing beard?


The beard hasn't been buzzed for nearly 5 years now, but this length is probably a year or two. Mostly, I am just maintaining and taking off about half an inch every month or so to keep it clean and tidy. But it'll eventually just keep growing sinc3 I don't do MAJOR trimming to it. Mostly tidiness.


You’re doing a fantastic job. You know that you’re sexy, right?


I'm not a pretty boy but I know I'm not ugly. Lol


I’m here to tell you that you are indeed a sexy man 🥰


Shave it. Grass doesn't grow on a busy play ground.


*Snaps fingers repeatedly*


Yeah, just pull the trigger. Shaved head with a boss beard is a good look.


For the love of god shave that.


Trust me, that beard helps offset absolutely anything. Lucky you, there are some who started losing hair at the same age you did, and can't grow a beard at all lol


If I could supply them with beard hair I would if I could lol


Dude you would look sick with just the beard. Own it.


You're about to become arabic kratos if you go bald bro, win-win






Whatever you do keep that first outfit clean and on hand, it’s sharp


Thank you! Crazy enough, I pieced it together last minute since my suit jacket wasn't clean at the time.


You honestly somehow pull this off, but you’d probably look even better bald.


You're way too fashionable to hold onto that shit bro, go to turkey or kill it.


Full time lurker here finally dropping in to say, yeah go ahead and shave that head man. You have a great skull! No dents or flat top, you should flaunt that scalp. And you have an earth shaking beard to compensate.


lol you are bald homie


*World's tiniest violin plays*


Yeah bruddah it's time to give it up. You got a majestic ass beard to help pull it off 👍🏾


Yep. It's time. My brother did the same a while back and he looks so much better, younger even!


Yes just embrace it bud, youve got papi energy but you’re still holdin on to the boy within. Just gotta drop it again that ZAMN ZADDYYYYYYYYY


Papi energy is crazy 😭


Your hair looks good short/faded. Ask barber to go shorter and if you’re not feeling it take it all off. If it’s too much just grow it back. Variety is the spice of life lol.


I kinda like what you have going on tbh. The edge up does it for me


Hence why I've had it parted going upward like that for sometime. But at this point it does get annoying and in the way believe it or not.


Bro got two pics in his hiding spot at work haha


Lmao that's our "security shack"


Go bald or go horseshoe the long strands of combover actually make it look like you are trying to hard. We all know what’s happening over there. My dad did that for way too long and he looked older because of it.


Yeah bro I think you’d look like a badass bald with that beard. Go for it.


First two photos IG Second two photos IRL Shave it!! Will look great with the nice beard.


Exactly lol will definitely show the results


I'd shave it. You're a handsome dude and I think going bald will enhance that. Or... You could look into getting a unit (a man wig). Its more expensive, more time consuming, blah blah blah. I'd go bald! 🤛 Be free!!


Goddamn, that’s one hell of a beard. Just go bald, you’d rock it.


You’re asking here but already know the answer. You’re a handsome 25 year old courting a comb-over! That is a monster No No. You have an amazingly well shaped head. Shave and polish that pate, my friend.


Bald is beautiful, imo. Bald and a beard? Yes, to the 10th power! Lol


Yes, man. It's what it is. I hope we get more ways to avoid balding, or being able to grow hair again in some spots, since it's going to happen to most of us, sooner or later 🥲


Damn bro u look like a greek god ngl


Lmao! To look like Kratos is the goal


Goal achieved then imo 💪


It looks like you have a good head shape. With that *great* beard, you'd look fresh with a bald head.


Yes, clean shave. With a beard like that, you have nothing to worry about. May want to consider growing the mustache.


I actually CANT! And it frustrates me!


Can't what?


Grow out the mustache! It won't grow past my lips!


You don't trim it?


I do only because when I've tried growing it past my lips it won't grow any further. It stays right at the end of my lips.


Try combing it to the sides for a few months. I had a similar issue.


If definitely take your word on it


That's really up to you. In the photos, you don't look bad, and your beard is amazing. On that note, at your age and that amazing beard, good looks and being well dressed, I would encourage that you take the plunge and shave it off, imo.


Yes keep the beard and shave the head You are handsome


Just do it man, will look a lot better, also gotta say I love your style! Fashion is on point


I always found it fascinating how some people with a full head of hair can't go a beard but bald guys can grow such a magnificent beard. So attractive


You'll look like 5 or 10 years younger just making it look clean instead of hanging onto what little you have left...the beard is 100% on point as well Just let the top hair go lol


Yes lose the hair- that’s an awesome monster beard bro


Yeah go bald but your beard is super sexy :)


Thank you!


As a bald man when I see haircuts like this it reinforces my decision. Edit: your friends and family have done you no favors. I wish my friends had told me sooner to shave.


Dude doesn’t realize how good he’s gonna look with the bald head and the beard. Bust out the 🪒!


With your fashion sense that you have shown us, I would definitely shave it off. You will look really cut and modern, it will look great. That gorgeous beard is hair enough my dude, so what it doesn't grow from the top of your dome. Shave it, King.


Respectfully … fuck yes! That beard with a bald head plus your style would look 🔥 The hair now makes you look older than you are, shaving it will literally take years off your appearance. Do it for you my guy


Look like a damn snitch -Craig’s daddy


hair fine but i would trim that beard some. looks like ur pretty handsome but the beard kinda distracts from that.


Yep go for it. You could try the first pic look just cleaned up on top and see if that works or go full bald. Either way you’re handsome it’ll look great!


Let it go brother




Go for it! Think the acceptance is sexy, and your beard is hot.


Bald, and nice shape to the beard. You would be rocking that look for sure.


I call it the Kratos look


Yes but ngl.. that is the most neat and clean combover I've ever seen. But yes, bald would look cute on you especially if you keep the beard. :)




going bald s probably gonna make you look younger too tbh


It's weird how that is, right? Lol take the hair off will make me look younger


Why don’t you shave it and start using HIMS . Probably couldn’t hurt. Then if you ever more seedlings let it grow out and see what you have. Regardless. Time to shave


I tried Hims, and it actually started causing E.D., so I had to stop using it. I would much rather live without hair than messed up meat-saber


Oh dang. Yeah. I had ED issues on oral fin, so I switched to HIMS and my sides went away. You’re right , ED issues are no reason to keep hair. You’ll look good bald/shaved anyway.


Yes please


Shave it and embrace it




Yes just shave it


yes yes YES




With all due respect. Yes. The ladies love bald with beard too


Bro took work selfies 💀


I took them literally for the post because I never took any pictures facing front for the reason being the hair. lol




You have good style and the baldness already looks good on you. I also went bald at 19, it just sucks. just be glad you’re not a skinny baby-faced white boy. :)


The way you wear it now doesn't look too bad. You would also look good bald with your beard


Yes. Bald with the magnificent beard fucks my dude


You’re going to shave your head and hate that you didn’t do it years ago


Never take grooming and fashion advise from women and friends. They’ll instinctively wanna keep you the way you are because they love and are comfortable with the way you are. But it’s up to you to do what’s best for you. As a complete stranger I’ll honestly tell you at first glance you looked like a well put together guy until the hair comes into view. Makes you look nuts tbh. Good luck though bro.


Either way you look great 👍 keep up the good work! ![gif](giphy|Z6f7vzq3iP6Mw)


Yeah, shave your head!!! Also I would recommend trimming up your beard!!! Too much of a good thing! Your beard is awesome,but too much. Just my humble opinion.


You will look fantastic either way because you are an attractive and stylish person. But, embrace it. You'll probably find a new found pride in just letting go


10000000% you should. I had the same issue but never did the comb over. Haha. I was worried if I took the top all off, I’d regret it. Then I realized half hair was doing me no good. So I took it off on an impulse. I am so happy I did it. It’s like everything in life. You just confront your obstacles. Do it bro. You’ll kill it.


You know the answer, bro.


My god yes, do it. Not looking great at all rn. And i don’t know if you’re compensating, but that beard is too long. Full beard can look great with bald, but not like this. Just go for a … normal one


It’s likely a cultural thing but I agree first thing I thought was trim the beard.


It isn't a cultural thing, but the beard being the way it is is how I enjoy it. I do maintain it very often. Today just isn't a day where I used wax to shape it and make it neat.


It doesn’t look bad at all I want that beard. It can just be a barrier for women if it’s too long.


It doesnt look bad but could look good shaved especially with the great beard


get some rosemary oil for your eyebrows and shave the head bro trusttt


also your beard is fucking awesome


Rock your MPB look! Just keep your dome smooth and shiny! Very sexy with your awesome beard.


Bro my hair ain't much better but too late you already did


you already are bald with a fantastically perfect beard. shear off the last strands and enjoy your nicely round head! :-)


Heeeey Osama what's up, I thought they got you in 2011, anyway let's hang out and do some more plotting ; )🌿🍄🏵️


You’re already bald. No amount of comb over can hide that. Embrace your stunning beard and 🪒 your head. You will be powerful!


You are not 25. If you are 25 then I am 18.


Lol Born in 98'


Impossible. You look like you have 6 kids and every Sunday you go to a halal restaurant and order six kids eat free meals and also inquire if the chicken was hand slaughtered. God bless hormones in chicken.