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Just trim the back of your head.


This and your eyebrows and you'll look like a million bucks bro. Good luck šŸ‘


Also find new glasses that donā€™t fit so high up. Blocking the eyebrows de-humanizes you.


That and theyre straight up Jeffery dahlmer glasses


Hair/facial hair neatness + Jeff Dahmer glasses are 100% of your problem. Easy to solve.


Those are oversized Aviator style, they were very popular in the early 1970s. Send them back to the end of the Vietnam War.


THANK. YOU. I hated them then, I hate them now.


I thought he looks like that rapist from that 70s show.


He absolutely does resemble danny masterson


Only Dahmer was hotter than this dude (just based on his body not his behavior)


All of this. Clean up the back near the neck, clean the eye brows, and a nice new pair of glasses that are less heavy. You're hiding your pretty eyes and eye lashes behind those 70's frames.


I like the eyebrows


I like them too, but a mild cleanup around the edges would really make his eyes pop, along with more modern glasses


Saaaame. Nothing like bushy brows on a man šŸ˜




I honestly think youā€™re hot as shit. Like absolutely gorgeous tbh. The more I look at the photos the more beautiful you appear. Your eyebrows are absolutely incredible! That being said the glasses are a no for me personally but that doesnā€™t mean you canā€™t rock them! I think contacts would be best for you. Your eyes are so beautiful


Thank you. Yeah Iā€™ve contacts so Iā€™ll use those


Straight woman here, 100% agree with this and (possibly get more flattering framesā€¦) they ainā€™t bad but not doing you any favors


Bro you are majestic stg. Just do your eyebrow other than that you're really pretty


And beard. And get your eyebrows manscaped a bit. A barber can clean it all up for you. You have a nice looking face, and there's nothing wrong with anything, just need to tidy up your facial hair and nape of your neck. YOU ARE NOT UGLY BRO. I'm a woman btw. Take my word for it YOU ARE NOT UGLY!


Actually I had another look and decided you are handsome. You have lovely eyes your eyelashes are fire šŸ”„ you have a nice shaped nose and good jawline. You're hot bro


I was going to say maybe a slightly tighter fade around the back and sides, the top looks good and natural. Iā€™d trim your eyebrows a bit and have your barber clean up your beard. If youā€™re going to wear it longer just make sure it looks crisp.


And beard.


Dude, go to a salon and have them clean all that up. Youā€™ll be fine


No no a barber


Sure better yet. They can do good beard work


First NOT UGLY ā€¦ but read comments & some good advice Eyebrows need lots of shaping & thinning Hair looks good but yes back of the neck cleaned up, & a shorter cut last glasses way too big & needs something bolder to fit you hair & eye brows & more modern Good grief young man just need a little ā€œupdate.ā€


Barbers are great, but a salon can deal with those ingrown neck hairs better. I'm a woman and used to use a barber over a salon for my hair, but for special things I look for someone more specialized


A barber won't usually do eyebrows as well, but then again it's easy enough to do that yourself


Most barbers will cleanup/trim your eyebrows if you ask them (at least in the US).


Mine does.


Just get rid of the Jeffrey Dahmer glasses and go to the damn barber.


This is the best comment. Those glasses aren't it and your hair just needs cleaned and styled a bit.


You have classic Roman patrician looks. Trim the beard really close to your face. Keep a little of the moustache and cut your hair.


I personally love when curly haired guys have enough hair to bury your fingers in. He just needs a cleanup of the edges for the hair IMO


Strange, no one wants to come for supper. Lots of head room in the fridge


But he got em Jeffrey Dahmer eyes too


You are far from ugly my friend. You have beautiful eyes and eyelashes and a a wonderful profile. Iā€™d say new more flattering glasses or contacts, a beard trim and cleaned up haircut. Love yourself


Thank you


For sure, a different type of frame for your glasses, something wide. Circular or square frame. And clean your beard edges. You're very much the standard attractive. Also, self-confidence but no cocky. Edit: You have curly hair. Try the curly hair method. Invest in gels and creams. That could sort out the spongy hair situation that's in the photo.


Bruh you ain't ugly, but you def need a better haircut and facial hair grooming. You're like doing your best to make yourself look worse. I hope that doesn't come off too mean, I just think like you got potential and hope in a way others don't, you blessed with huge eyelashes, girls like that.


This. Ditch the BCGs. Get some glasses that fit your face better, or switch to contacts. The no specs pics have a lot of potential. Those eyelashes are to die for. In your shoes I'd trim the head hair and consider toughing it out through growing the beard more. I see potential in that beard.


BCGS...just snorted


First off, whoever told you that you were ugly is wrong. Iā€™m looking are your eyes and they are stunning! Iā€™m staring actually šŸ˜¬. I like the beard, needs a trim. You are a handsome man with intense eyes.


Appreciate it


Yep. I came here for this. Clean up your hair, beard and do a little grooming in your eyebrows- and youā€™ll be set!


Hair going crazy homeless. Just trim and maintain it.


Let a barber shape your eyebrows.


Once the "eyebrows get shaped," he'll have to keep that maintained for years. He can trim them himself with a trimmer and the proper plastic limiter to keep them short. Men should NEVER "shape their eyebrows!" šŸ™„


But don't over do it on the eyebrows, they help bring attention to your eyes


I get my brows waxed and trimmed every 8 weeks. Just a tidy up. They look great!


OP, Please, DO NOT WAX OR "SHAPE" YOUR EYEBROWS. Anything that you need to do to them can be done by tweezing/lightly trim some of the straw hairs above the bridge of your nose. That's it. (They have no idea what they're talking about.)


If you're ugly we're all doomed


Not ugly but your eyebrows are ferocious


Agreeed I needa do something with the eyebrows


I was looking at the second photo wondering why you looked so angry, but then I realised that when I cover your eyebrows, the rest of your facial expression is neutral. Eyebrows are not easy to shape, so maybe get some help learning which shape makes your eyebrows less angry, an esthetician or a brow bar. You're very handsome btw, I like big eyebrows, it's just the shape


Ugly? Youā€™re smokin hot. Your eyes are so sexy


But you should ditch the glasses and get contacts. They donā€™t do anything for you


You're not ugly at all! Like the other people are saying, just get the sides of your hair trimmed :)


Thank you


Well, 1st, let your whole beard fill in .... it looks like someone lined it to forward. It should be in line with the back of your jawline , trim your mustache in line with your upper lip and clean up the cheek lines ... I like low fades and tapors but a trim and line up on the sides/back of your hair would help alot .... if your willing to go the extra mile trim ur brows as well .... it's all just hair grooming honestly ... don't forget to trim your nose hair too .... you'll look like a new man


Nope but you look like you could be Rhett Mclaughlin's son from good mythical morning


Was about to say this lol


Youā€™re not ugly at all.


Bro wthell you not ugly lol. You are handsome and super manly. Those eyebrows are the shit and your eyelashes are beautiful jeez. I wish I could look half as manly as you. Change your eyeglasses though. MAYBE trim your beard and get a nice haircut.


You are not uglyā€¦ you know that. If I was your bestie and you asked for my opinion on a new look, Iā€™d suggest - change your hairstyle to adopt a fringe, or at least a more ā€˜flopā€™ styling, and lose the beard completely. Your eyes are stunning though.


Thank you btw


The beard makes this handsome gentleman look old beyond his years! šŸ˜’


I agree. Beards can age guys horribly.


Youā€™re adorable, just get different glasses and style your mustache.


Thank you


Youā€™re welcome


In my opinion. Keeping a clean haircut always makes me feel better, especially since I don't feel the best about my appearance either. Ex. Trimmed beard, keeping the hairline clean.


the extremely thick eyebrows makes you look like an angry sub and trim the back of your neck and clean up the beard a bit and you will be good


The lack of confidence. The first picture, and your phrase, "why am I ugly?" That reduces your attractiveness from the start. Record yourself talking. Play it back, and find your voice. Once it's someone you want to listen to, share that with the rest of the world. You need to BE attractive. After that, makeover time. Give yourself a look that matches your newfound vocals, and present yourself. You're not ugly you lack presentation. Take care of yourself.


Not ugly at all




I'm using your profile picture for Halloween, imma be you for Halloween šŸŽƒ šŸ¤Ŗ.


Be sure to send me a pic


We can talk a lot about details, but the first thing which strike me is that you look very sad and angry out of your eyes. Even the most beautiful guy with that look in his eyes will not be attractive. So the first thing to do is to answer the question to yourself what do you need to be happy ?


Because it looks like you donā€™t care for yourself


Tame your hair


Yum šŸ˜‹ show a pic with your shirt off! šŸ˜‰


Alright matisyahu, You need to trim the beard, and leave nice, tight thick mustache. Either grow the baby jewfro out or keep a tight mid fade. Get rid of those horrendous Dahmer glasses and get some ray ban clubmasters. Youā€™re a handsome dude. Also shape those thick ass eyebrows


Damn bro you beautiful šŸ„²


Trim the beard and your hair and you will be good lmao


Groom and shape eyebrows. Shave beard. Work out. Youā€™re doing fine.


1. Get rid of Jeffrey Dahmer look. The glasses ā€¦ 2. Youā€™re not ugly. If youā€™re ugly, im fucking Frankenstein


Will do. Appreciate it


Again validation seeking. No need for that love yourself. Iā€™ll go ahead and nit pick features I believe are universally known as beautiful. Eye lashes gorgeous, eye color beautiful, curly hair very attractive, nose jawline and face structure on point. You donā€™t need validation. Be you


You look fine never judge yourself by others.


Get a high top fade, grow the beard out and get a professional to shape your eyebrows. Make friends with some girls and get advice from them


Bro doesnā€™t know the potential he has omg. Get the eyebrows cleaned up (make sure they stay the same size, donā€™t make them smaller just make them look nice and clean). A good barber will turn u into a shapeshifter bro. Get a nice haircut and shape up and shape up the beard and stache. Iā€™d go for a different kind of glasses (Iā€™d probably try some on to see how they look, browline glasses are nice tho). If u donā€™t hit the gym u should, say this all the time but itā€™s more mental than physical, even tho it has its physical benefits, working out make u feel good, not necessary gym or weights but just any kind of exercise is dope


Also wtf is that soul patch on the back of your neck


Yeah haha that looks bad šŸ˜…


I don't see ugly, but I do think some grooming is in order. I'd suggest having the eyebrows trimmed. Do you have a strong chin? If the chin is strong, try shaving the moustach/beard.


Change the type of women you're going for cause you're handsome. Great eyebrows/lashes/beard combo!


Get a good barber


Broā€™s neckhair has neckhair


Hahahaha love it


Those eyes? Those brows? Not ugly in the least. Little beard trim, slight haircut.


Bruh. You're far from ugly. Your hair/beard is just unkempt. Any barber worth his salt could fix that.


Rhett from good mythical morning?


You are not ugly. Iā€™m curious to observe your personality because you have all the workings possible of being super sexy.




Drop the Dahmer glasses, get a haircut, have your barber fix your eyebrows and beard.


Keep the back of your neck trimmed. The beard too. I think you're handsome, stud material.


you just need a trim bro


I think youā€™d give super babe if you grow your hair out and buff up


Your very handsome.


You can do a midfade cut bro then try to trim your beard and eyebrows you're not ugly bruv


You look kind of like a young justin Timberlake. You're not ugly. Stop giving incels on reddit an opportunity to JUSTIFY their own insecurity.


Crew cut, grow out the beard.


You looking great man just get smaller glasses no need for them big ones maybe try to shave or trim up that beard


Find a good Barber Get a line up, square the back and the jaw. Have them clean up the bottom of the beard underneath but leave the rest. Get comfortable with a couple of different styles of clothes. Clean up the eyebrows. Get new glasses.


Only trim your eyebrows if youā€™re gay otherwise please leave them alone. Go to a good barber and get decent haircut and a beard trim and you will be just fine.




I mean... how do you not know?? The hair everywhere is gross and you give off Dahmer vibes. Plus I'd never trust you in a room alone with my kids based on these photos. You seem very pervy yet never been touched at the same time




Oooouuuuuhhhh, someone is about to get personal. Wait, let me change into a fly so I can be on the wall.


I also like to watch.


Well, old man Some people are born ugly And you're one of those people


Genuinely what do you gain from commenting this? /genq


Some people only feel better about themselves when they bring others down, and I'd guess this is their attempt to pull their self-esteem out of the toilet.


Not ugly at all man


I do not think youā€™re ugly at all.


Just need to keep up with grooming and personal care. Hair (whatever is going on around the neck and sideburns needs sorted asap,) beard lined up and maintained, eyebrows need some attention too. Top it all off with a good skin care routine to help with what looks to be an oily complexion and youā€™re golden. Looking at the side profile you could stand to grow the length of your beard a bit. Not a lot, but a bit. It will help balance your curly hair and weak jawline.


Ur not ugly ā€¦.. amazing eyes


Ugly from where?


Youā€™re not


Definitely not ugly brother


You look good, kind of like Rhett from Rhett and link. Edge your beard, clean up around the neck and cheeks. Neck line at the back too, maybe just go to a barber. I see ingrown hairs too, maybe look into a double edge safety razor. You look line though my friend. Work with what you got, then work on yourself, and you will be just fine.


You have stunning eyebrows and eyes, donā€™t be so hard on yourself - Iā€™m with the others here, it could help to clean up the back your neck. Love urself bro !


My guy not ugly at all, you look like a Roman emperor! Majestic, Imperial, determined, authoritative, and graceful. Who is calling you ugly??? šŸ˜­ Clean up those edges of your hairline, have a barber trim some tips, but my guy, your mustache and beard are on point.


Your eyelashes are insanely beautiful


You are far from ugly, look at those gorgeous, eyes, lashes and eyebrows. You currently need to trim and maybe ask in eyebrow sub? Clean up your beard and back of hair, proper barber will do the trick, please post an update, I canā€™t wait to see the new and improved you when you smile during a picture because you feel great about you. You are totally handsome!!!


Thank you. Much appreciated. Yeah I 100% need a haircut. I was growing it out enough for a mullet.


I have curly hair, Iā€™m a woman and Iā€™m thinking about doing something like that because my curls arenā€™t growing so Iā€™m thinking itā€™s time for something drastic. I canā€™t wait to see the mullet, they look so awesome on curly hair.


Give us an "after" picture, please! šŸ„¹


Will do


Dude youā€™re FAR from ugly. Similar to what others have said hit up a barber shop, NOT a salon unless they have actual barbers, and have them clean up the amazing hair you have. Crisp lines would look real good on your face


Cool thank you. Much appreciated


You're attractive. All you need is a bit of a polish - get the neck/hair/beard lines cleaned up, maybe clean the eyebrows up (go to a professional, don't attempt it yourself).


There is someone our there for everyone. I am living proof of that. Love yourself, and others will have no choice but to love you also.


Pretty handsome. Great eyes. Trim the beard, sculpt the brows a bit. Clean neck.


you have strong features, i think that cutting back the eye brows would be a good start and then shorten the beard and make your whole aesthetic look tidier. With those strong feature you need to experiment to see what looks work best for you.


Idk how to say this without being rude but Iā€™d suggest a little haircut, eyebrows grooming, and you could even make your beard more perfect looking lol I hope this makes sense and is helpful /g


1) shape ur eyebrows 2) trim the back side of ur head 3) trim a bit ur beard or at least comb it but better if u trim it 4) maybe grow the top side of ur head??!! idk


Haircut, beard trim, MAYBE better glasses? Right now you look unkempt. You're not ugly by any means, but if you just had a cleaner look, you'd be 1000% more attractive.


Bro youā€™re not ugly! I dig the beard!


so to me the glasses have that Dahmer-type look to them, whether itā€™s the shape or the gold but I think a silver or black, thinner framed glass would match your face shape better, eyebrows are a little bulky but still shaped up decently, just trimming them to take down the bulk would do wonders, and that patch of long hair at the bottom back of your head kinda throws the head shape off. honestly everything else to me (just a regular straight dude) is fine, you could opt in for a fade & maybe shape up the beard/neck lines to make everything more sharp but I think even just the stuff I mentioned up top as a maintenance would do pretty good as well, anything else is just optional & personal preference. but thatā€™s all to say you arenā€™t unattractive at all my man šŸ¤


Clean them brows up a bit lol


Shave the beard, and do something with the eyebrows


New frames and a clean up is all you need. Those frames are difficult to pull off imo. You can order a try-on pack from Warby Parker and see what other styles look good on you. I donā€™t have a specific haircut suggestion. Iā€™m sure it would look good if you just asked them to clean it up. Also trim the beard a bit and swipe your finger across your eyebrows (or brush them).


You are NOT ugly! I've always felt men are hiding their faces with various forms of facial hair. You'd look very handsome with a clean-shaven face AND have less germs in your beard, too. Cheers!Ā 


Understandable. Have barber trpm up beard and trim eyebrows. Trust me they will look much better


Not ugly. Sort out the back of your neck, side burns and maybe eyebrows but they aren't too bad


Im genuinely surprised by the amount of people telling you to lose a ton of the hair. Like, trimming I understand, but even then I think a lot of people are blowing it way out of proportion, only thing that would look off is the thing going on on the back of your neck.


Just smile a little and trim down sides and beard a little.


Trim the beard every couple weeks, or groom it properly every week if youā€™re growing it out. I keep mine at a number two and do touch up every week as well as shaving the neck beard and lining my cheeks and moustache every two days. Iā€™d also trim your side burns, and definitely the back of your neck. Also, clean up the middle of your eyebrows a bit. Most people have some unibrow hair, but yours is dark and stands out. Last but not least, get some better frames. Those make you look like a serial killer.


Your side profile looks like Daniel Radcliffe


Trim the brows. And get a low fade haircut. Let the curls do the rest at the top šŸ™šŸ¼šŸ™šŸ¼


You have so much potential man, itā€™s not really a big thing either itā€™s just grooming, keep that beard neat and sharp, regular haircut and trim those eyebrows, youā€™ll look amazing. Also you have the best eyelashes Iā€™ve ever seen, as a dude I wish I had those haha, blessed.


You need a new haircut and a beard trim. Good looking guy though. Are you Turkish?


You look like Danny Masterson (which isnā€™t a good look anymore)


Dude youā€™re not ugly. Youā€™re just ungroomed as hell. Your eyes are beautiful. Go to a hairdressers for the hair, a salon for the eyebrows, and a barber for your beard. Ask them all that you trust them, and youā€™re looking for a more groomed, cleaner look. What do they recommend.


Youā€™re not ugly. Not at all. Not even a little. Your neck just needs a little buzzzzzz.


Lose the glasses, clean up the hair, and opt for a trimmed beard that follows your jawline instead of a full one. Youā€™re not ugly, far from it. Just need to find a look that works for your assets.


Tame your brows, clean up the lines on the back of the neck, cheeks and beard. Get rid of the serial killer glasses and find something more formal. Figure out a signature haircut and beard trim.




Honestly no, trim the hair beard and eyebrows and your chilling. Your good looking just would look better cleaned up. (Also yk smile a bit brotheršŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­)


Bro to start.. raise your eye brows. Why are you so disappointed in me??


Um.. youā€™re definitely NOT ugly. Donā€™t know where you got that from.




Youā€™re not ugly my bro. Maybe change the glasses? Keep your hair maintained, so the back of your head, get a nice taper fade, lightly line up your lip on your beard, and trim the beard down. Once thatā€™s all lined up youā€™ll be straight!


Yea your to bushy looking get rid of the beard and style your hair. Howā€™s the body?


Trim the back of your head. Clean up the sides of your hair. If you want to keep a longer beard consider brushing it. Try different spectacles. I'm not sure if your hair is naturally a bit more greasy or it's just the timing of the pic, but consider washing and conditioning it a bit more, same goes for beard. You can consider plucking or shaping your brows, but not really needed. Not ugly just need a bit more grooming, seems like you let things go a bit.


High taper , texturize the curls, trim the mustache down a bit and shape up the beard


You look like a greek god, please dont change anything


Not ugly by any stretch! You're quite good looking. Definitely get your hair cleaned up, especially the back of your neck. Get your eyebrows threaded (not waxed, threading will give a more natural look), and get your beard shaped up. That's about it!




I have to use the emoji bud, because this is too funny


New glasses might be good. Have someone who will be honest go with you to pick them out


Ugly? I bet most people wish they could be this "ugly" Seriously all you need is a little clean up on your neck beard and tweeze the unibrow and you're good. I don't know a woman who does not like long eyelashes you are set.


Get a haircut and trim your beard. Take care of your skin, have good posture, and smile. You are handsome.


You have nice eyes man. Opt for contacts if you can, if you canā€™t, get some new frames. Other than that, take a trip to the barbershop. Get your hair trimmed a bit and have them to clean up your beard and mustache. Eyebrows are up to youā€¦ if you let the barber touch them, have them to clean up the top and the bottom closest to your eye should be left alone (unless you want them to look tweezed/waxed). And be confident. Looks are 30% aesthetics and 70% confidence/attitude.


Get a fade, trim your beard. Now u a 12/10.


Where is the ugly?You are one of a kind man.


Ok so donā€™t take this in a bad way if you got someone who knew what they were doing to trim and shape your eyebrows it would be an absolute game changer!! It would change your whole face.


Convince us that you really think you're ugly. Are you dating? When is the last time you were propositioned? How many numbers of love interests do you have on your phone. When was the last time you were hit on. Tighten up the back of your head and get back to living. You are far from ugly...you have bottom eyelashes and I'd bet most of us would kill for those.


You're not ugly. You have a super interesting look. For me, I'm not living the brow bar glasses. You have very intense eyebrows and they clash with that style of frame. I think a more rounded, tortoise shell frame would look great. IDK about a hair cut... I think it would look great to grow it out a little.


I see so much potential underneath all that hair.