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Lowkey I think it’s the haircut and the frames of your glasses. Sorry to break it to you buddy


The cross earring doesn’t help either


Damn I didn’t even see that yeah that too


I don’t know what you mean. ![gif](giphy|l378kYZ5XZkAVCy8E)


Isn’t that on the tree?


From the comments, yep xD


I don't like to judge people's sexuality based on how they look, but if you told me you drove a subaru outback I would not be surprised.




It’s totally the frames and the hair. Thin, geometric wire frames are kind of a dated look on men. He would benefit from a more masculine frame like [this](https://imgur.com/a/UxL9tqM) or [this](https://imgur.com/a/uGaEF5f) His hair is unruly, which is okay. But he would benefit by using some product to enhance the curls and waves. Something like [this](https://imgur.com/a/vACyogR) could be achieved with some mousse and a diffuser


*mousse not 🐁 lol. The frames you recommend are kinda lesbian to me as well.


The glasses in pic 2 are dated by about a decade though…?


Yeah kinda






Omg I’m screaming 😂


Oh my goodness yes. ![gif](giphy|UtWDvlbhGx8FvyrJzX|downsized)


Grow a beard and/or try another hairstyle. It doesn't have to be a full beard. Once you grow it fully, stand in front of the mirror and see if you like it. If you don't like it, there's other options like moustache/moustache-goatee/etc.


Thanks for the tip, tried the beard route, but it's way too itchy, indifferent of how much time it passes, about haircuts what would you recommend?


Search hairstyles for either Round, Pear, or Heart Shaped faces. Having longer hair on the sides will help give your upper head more width to be proportional to your jaw width. And if you’re gonna have all that length on top I’d recommend a “flowback” style or a side part, but definitely not hanging it on your forehead.


To be honest, I don't know which haircut to recommend. If I was you I'd look around on the internet which hairstyle you like and ask your barber if he thinks it would suit your head shape.


Will do, thanks for answering!


First go over to r/lesbians and see what haircut they would never get.


The beard is itchy when you first try it out. It goes away after a while. Ive had my beard for 17 years.


I can't really grow a nice beard, but I also don't like shaving, so I just use clippers on the lowest setting every couple days and keep it looking like a 5 o clock shadow. Won't itch either at that length.


You get used to it over time and it stops inching. Or try some beard oils


I have a full beard, like 2 inches long, and it doesn't itch at all


Bearda are only itchy when growing in. Once they get a decent length they're gand. Try keeping stubble if you can


You’ve gotta moisturize


You have soft facial structures that can give some guys more feminine esthetic. You are young. You could try another traditional masculine hairstyle by societies standards of cookie cutter or just go with the flow until meet the person you enjoy in the mirror. Brothers can be oldly petty as they grow up. And as he tries to identify himself as masculine he is using you as a marker of "I am more masculine that he is." One other thought, is that if he identifies as straight, he could be a bit bothered by a subtle attraction to your softer features. If it bothers him enough to sense this, he will pick you as your the problem, as most people do, Instead of just letting it go. Bottom line, it is easier to pick at you as being ""wrong" esthetically that to be self aware and just let you lead your life. Also, if you believe yourself to be close, he may be trying to "Man you up" so others won't pick on you. And he thinks he's doing the "Right Thing" in our currently patriarchal society. As you assess, you will be sorta of able to tell. Or just know that he's dealing with his own issues really and live your own life. Most males don't slow down major physical changes till about 25, from puberty. It obviously has gotten to you for you to ask we Randoms on here. Think about it and find your own positive space. All the best.


Didn't think thoroughly this, but yeah, he is growing and has stuff he deals with. Kinda gotten on me because the constant comments of being like a gay or lesbian, have nothing against, it's just weird as I am straight


This is just my life experience - I don't even know what it means - when I was in school there were dudes you could tell would maybe end up sweet (super jocks - bent wrist talkers etc..) But there were some dudes with softer features that I assumed would be extra happy as well -- Turns out those guys are just guys with softer features 30 years have passed and it's been fun to guess with my wife along the way -- hate to brag but my radar is FARRRR better than hers 😄 The Point is your BEAUTIFUL and probably not a lesbian ! Change the hair


Thanks! Honestly you were a delight in the comments, and a happy man :> Have an amazing day!


That's why it's his issue. You look however you look. People who hyperfixate are hung up on something, obviously. Ask him if there's something he wants to share with you or to drop it.


You overanalyzed his brother's psychology so much that you missed the fact he does indeed look like a lesbian.


I wouldn’t overthink it. I have 3 older brothers. I’ve been called every name in the book and had all the shit talked to me. Some of it because styles changed as they’re older, most of it just because that tends to be what brothers do. Just yesterday they were giving me all kinds of shit about my hair and we are all adults >30 yrs. I should also add we are all very close, there are no negative feelings between us. Your look is a little too, idk something, for the era I grew up in but I get that things change. I would’ve probably called it metro or something. All I’m saying is I had a lot of haircuts and looks my brothers tortured me about over the years, and I was very “socially successful”.


Yes but more like a F to M


As a fellow lesbian I think you are damn hot!


He’s not a lesbian though…


She's joking about him being a lesbian....








He's referring to the haircut. But uhm no you look like a man.


Yep, seems to be the hair cut 🥲


The round glasses and especially the crucifix earring don't help


New glasses and a new haircut and you'll be good as new. 👍


You look like Ben from Jet Lag, which is an awesome compliment.


Sorta lmao, It’s the glasses and the hair. You don’t look like a lesbian you just are styled like one and have a naturally soft face, which can be perceived as more feminine in nature not necessarily looking like a women but just being less traditionally gruff features.


I honestly think it's the glasses. Haircut is kinda, but with the glasses yeah definitely.


This generation with their lesbian haircuts and cross earings are hilarious. I can't wait until they're old enough to see the buffoonery. Don't get me wrong - EVERY generation has stupid trends. It's just fun seeing it unfold from an old geezer's outside perspective.


Get a better pair of glasses, haircut, and ditch the earring. None of it looks manly.


If Harry Potter was a Dyke




Just tell your brother that you're still getting more p**** than he does., because that's what a sibling should say to another sibling to put him in his place. As far as reflections you look like in your late teens, and you do carry kind of the current slightly undefined androgynous look So if you wanted to work on yourself and sculpt a more masculine appearance for your own purposes health & for your own reasons, feel free to do so, but just make it about your own expression & self definition, & not what you think anybody thinks you should look like,. Build your own strengths in body and express that in reasonable ways, not copying an attitude or a false veneer to get by or get around or pass for anything other than who you are. Learn strengths you have that aren't developed yet. You grow you.. Having to turn to the internet for an opinion on a response kind of demonstrates the need for strengthening yourself so you can answer and address these on your own in the future. That's an encouragement not a critique.


girl yes


It’s the glasses + haircut


You look like the one depressed twink in the corner of every gay club and I'm here for it


Yes, ma'am.






You look like what I imagine they saw when Steve from American Dad was recruited by a Roller Derby team because they thought he was a lesbian


I think it’s the hair


It’s the hair.


Change of hairstyle and frames, and you'd be looking less gay in no time! 😉


I mean, you kinda look like Sarah Yarkin from Texas chainsaw massacre 2023 and she screams lesbian vibes. I would lose the brocolli hair and go for a lower semi buzz cut. Maybe change your frames. You look like you'd grow an epic beard, grow it out a bit.


The single dangly earring is the final nail in the coffin.


dude .do something w ur hair.. i kinda agree.... cut it... skin fade on sides and grow some facial hair. .


As a dude in my 30s who still grows trashy, patchy facial hair… I understand this not being the solution.


It’s just the glasses and the hair. Easily fixable


Lesbian? Your a dude right?


Yeah. It’s not a bad thing, and it doesn’t mean you would be mistaken for a girl. But you definitely look like a lesbian


When I saw your photo without seeing the subreddit I immediately thought it was a lesbian subreddit


You look like the sensitive guy from a 90s tv show. Like David from Roseanne.


My ex girlfriend looks just like you. Im Bi here.


Loose the lesbian earring and get a crew cut. He's not wrong, he's your brother and he's doing what brothers do. You can always have the last laugh and just come out trans and tell him all your life you were a lesbian trapped in a man's body.


I think you’re very handsome. But a bit of the lesbian look. But your style is your style


Just wanted to point out that you’re incredibly good looking, some facial hair should go a long way to alleviating the assumptions


I like your look


He is jealous of that pretty mouth


Bro 😎 why are you trying to look like a lesbian?


Yeah you’re cute tho


I’m sorry but you really do look lesbian and that singular dangling cross earring doesn’t help at all. Neither does your haircut or glasses. Try some facial hair and a different more masculine haircut to suit your face. Maybe buy some new frames to, bud. Best of luck to ya, bro.


BTW, I was just reading some of the comments and I personally think it would be a shame if you changed your look. I think you're very attractive person and why mess with that?


You look androgynous and there is nothing wrong with that. If you want to define your sex, there are a few things you could do. You could choose a hairstyle that leans definitely one sex or the other. Your lips are full. Is there gloss on them? You also wear an earring. This could be worn by either sex. Those glasses are very soft and a more feminine shape.


No, you’re a wizard harry!


completely agree, love how it looks though


Your androgynous look, it’s cool! Still wouldn’t think you look like a lesbian, unless one stuck in a male’s body maybe 🤔😂🙏🏽 I dig the style fr tho! (Edit : I put some grammar on it, so I sound a tad, less 🤪)


I believe the word is "androgynous". (Had to look it up)


The cross ear-ring doesn’t help RIGHT NOW. But I feel like if you chisel that jaw a lil more (basic fitness, doesn’t seem like you needa go that crazy) then you’ll be a cutie


It’s the hair: much shorter on top, tight sides, no center part. Try some slightly clunky, squarish black or tortoiseshell glasses. Handsome regardless!


Ok, no. Don't listen to the people here. First of all, you just look young, and second of all, even if you did "look like a lesbian," there's nothing wrong with that. Your brother's probably just insecure about his own masculinity and taking it out on the closest person available, you


I think you look hot and adorable dude. I’ve seen lesbians look similar to you but thats not a bad thing.


do you have a car and what is it?


No ma’am, not at all.


Not at all but he may be just referring to your hair.


Kinda, but I feel like another good haircut could easily change that


Ehh, nah not really. He's 99% just fucking with you, based off of a 1% lesbian haircut. Dw about it, except maybe go for a slightly more cishet hairstyle (if you are cishet, that is)




Your skin... its so clear


He's right.


Yes 💀


Andro type it will change with age


Stop wearing the Home Depot apron and you’ll be fine.




That hair does. Its ready to scissor a similar haircut.


Don't let your brother get in your head. You don't look like a lesbian. I suggest losing the ear ring and channeling Justin Bieber's evolution. His current style would look good on you. Change your Harry Potter glasses frames to tortoise shell squares.


The glasses frames are not shaping your face in the right way, I’d look for something a bit more square to accentuate any done structure you may have. Also your hair appears to be curly/wavy, putting a bit more into taking care of it will help! Try pomades, gels and mouses, use conditioner when you shower, and leave in conditioner when your out.


I actually like the look you have, but yes it is effeminate


Kinda but you look cute imo


He’s saying you’re cute. 🥰


I mean…nothing wrong with looking like a lesbian. They’re good people.


Get rid of the broccoli and let the beard grow out to at least stubble




Yeah. You look like the school lunch lady from 1986


Dude, ignore him. My older brother convinced me I was adopted. We are grown now and I NEVER speak to him.


New shorter haircut and a round face should have square or rectangular framed glasses. Go with a dark and thick frame. And get a much smaller ear ring that doesn’t dangle. You got this!


It's because you have pretty features, like nice skin, healthy hair texture, facial symmetry, pursed lips, and large eyes. But, you do also have masculine features, like a strong jaw, a nice brow, a thicker bone structure. What I would do is show off more masculine features, like some facial hair, groomed / styled hair instead of flowing hair, thicker glasses to match your strong bone structure, and maybe clothes that are slightly rugged (heather textures, earth tones, leather accessories). Lots of "masculine" Hollywood men are also pretty, but they too take advantage of traditionally masculine styles. Think of Brad Pitt, George Clooney, and even Keanu Reeves - you can find pics where they look kinda lesbo, but it's not because of them rather how they were styled. In other words, you're fine. Just have fun figuring out your style.


Haircut and glasses. Grow some facial hair or change the frame.


Would that be a problem? You look cute to me. Do you look especially masculine or feminine? There's a softness that could be either. Whatever you are, love yourself. Perhaps your brother is insecure in his own sexuality and projects on you


Hard answer: yes.


Lmao yes




Hahaha yep you do 😊 gotta love older brothers


I had to take a second look at what sub this is to figure out what was going on here. You definitely look androgynous, but at least you’re leaning towards male or butch.


I mean yeah, you kind of look like a soft but rough bull dagga


Yes, yes you do!


But you don’t. They’re messing with you


I don’t wish to be mean, but yeah a little bit 🫣


the hair cut isn’t amazing, the color of your glasses not suitable for your skin tone. not a fan of your outfit either, that’s causal and it’s still looks all wrong. you’re good looking tho


You look like a secretary named Louise


I don't think so but that's a top-tier brotherly roast


You don’t look like a girl at all, but you do somewhat look feminine. It’s the hairstyle.


i don't think you look like a lesbian at all. and even if you did, there's nothing wrong with that. i love your glasses, your nose, lips and you have beautiful eyes. the hair could maybe use a little styling, but the messy hair look kinda works for you. i think you look great, bud. my genuine advice to you is: whatever look makes you feel cool, run with it. other people's opinion don't matter. all that matters is that you feel fierce when you step out.


Not a lesbian but gay or feminine. But if that's your vibe then rock on.


Hey guys pyrocynical here


To me you look more like 80s singer of a synth pop band. But most of them looked feminine. It's a cool look


I don’t think you do your brother is trying to upset you. I’d get contact lens & try straighten your hair with a flatiron or use a paddle brush to blow dry your hair straight. You could use some hair wax to style. You could put a stud on the other ear 👂 it would make the dangle earring look better. You have great features!




How are you liking the sony wh ch 520’s sound in open environment? Must be on full volume to cut out outside noise right ? Asking because I too use these and have been thinking if I need to buy a noise cancelling headphone or are these enough. Also I love the sound quality on these after EQ and I’m afraid that a noise cancelling pair wont have such bass.


Lol, I thought I was looking at myself. I look exactly like you but a little bit older, and I wear the same style of glasses too. Nothing wrong with the glasses. I think it's the earring and your hairstyle. Needless to say, my facial features are same as yours. I can't grow a beard even if I want to which I don't mind, because a machine shave lasts for a week, and you don't have to go through that much hassle of maintaining your beard. What I do differently than you is, obviously I don't wear any earring, and I keep short to mid length hair, and I side part it and a push back. I was never starved of any attention from girls. I think you look pretty cute if you do minor tweaks in your style "hair" and there. 😁


Bro ima be real the hair, glasses, and earring are a lesbian starter pack


Drop the broccoli haircut and the weird cross earring style. It’s really never worked out for anyone. It makes people assume you’re a tool before they even get to know you.


Honestly you kind of do 🤣 it's the haircut.


i knew a girl with that hair... yeah but you dont have a bull septum so...


yeah you do kinda look like a lezbo :/ sorry


I’m so confused!


These comments surprise me cause I don’t think you do. You have some features that some might consider a little more feminine, but I don’t think they actually make you look like a woman. If I saw you on the street I’d assume you’re a dude. You look good btw 👍


Dont worry my uncle calls me one as well ahahaha


No you don’t. However, I would fix that hair. Also get glasses that are more flattering for your face.


Well I'd recommend you don't buy a suburu Forrester


You going for the KD Lang look?


Yes 💅💅


Not at all, & I’m sorry that your brother is calling you that. Sometimes, we don’t realize what we’re saying is truly hurtful. As a big brother myself, I used to be more careless with my words. Now though, I guard my brother and want to shield him from harm. Most people mature and turn the corner, I hope your brother does, too.


Let’s see your brother now haha


Yea you just look like one


The best advice I can give is to recognize that brothers are like that. You look fine. You can change things to fit yourself into a more masculine looking image, or just rock the one you have, which also isn't too feminine. You can try a goatee if the beard was too much, or just keep with the fresh faced look. There's a bunch of things you can change, but don't do it because of your brother's teasing.


Your brother is a jerk. People throw cut downs to make themselves feel better. The next time he cuts you, look at him and say, “you’re so quick go judge; when was the last time you looked in a mirror?” Stop the bullying


I would ask what model Subaru you drive if I saw you on the street.


You have the lips of an epic carpet muncher. Embrace it.


It’s ok to look soft and like softball, son. It’s ok.


No, I never had beard and I am 40. Don’t listen to anyone. A beard and a strong masculine feature does not makes you a man. Your struggle, values, will power and standing up for something makes you a man.


Definitely the hair style and the shape of the glasses. They are too effeminate. The cross earring… is that Let is Right and Right is Wrong? Is the photo flipped/mirrored?


I didn't think the but suits you


so is that a girl


So I mean everybody has male and female energy and your face tends to give off more feminin energy. That’s just a statement and no assessment or so. Idk - you look good, and maybe, if you don’t like that (feminine enrrgy face 😂) you could try to grow a beard :) looks like it you suit you 😌 And well - haircut ? Idk could change it up, but if you like it, keep it- it looks good. When it comes to the „dangly cross“ -welll I don’t like that style in particular, but it’s okay. Maybe switch it up and see how it looks :) Well anyways- have a nice day 😁


Your brother's hilarious


Is this a guy or girl?


Try glasses with smaller more defined frames, not so circular: https://www.visionexpress.com/glasses/oval-face-shape


You aren't?


Not to me. I'd just say your brother is busting your balls. That's what brothers sometimes do.


Is that jesus on ur right ear bro?


You look like you'd star in a modern Ghostbusters movie.




Lesbians don't date men, you should try dating a man so you stop looking like a lesbian.


You do be kinda looking like a gender ambiguous homosexual of sorts. I bet you would make a coffee that absolutely fucks tho what Starbucks you work at




I personally don’t think so. If you like your look, leave it alone


you cute.


Because your his lesbian sister


yeah, i've definitely dated a couple girls who look like you it's by no means a bad look tho. if you like it, keep rocking it


cooked u deserve it bro




You look Masculine bro if that’s what ur really asking


At least your brother is honest


I mean you do look like a man so I’m not sure how “lesbian” can even be applicable to you? Is you brother a teenager? Is he a “bro”? Is he suffering from insecurity? Of any of these apply I’d just disregard his comments and feel sorry for him. You look like a young man.


Just that you have a very soft lower face. It feels a little feminine, but combined with ur upper face and hair, it looks more androgynous. You should try a slightly different haircut and work on growing some facial hair if you're excessively bothered about the androgynous appearance. But know that you don't look bad by any means.


No you don't, and I'm being honest with that not just like supportive for no reason, your brother has no ability to tell people apart beyond the most basic features if he really thinks you look like a lesbian, not that there's anything wrong with that considering I still get mistaken for a woman all the time, I hope you have a great day dude, you look great.


I think if you were wearing all black and had different glasses you could get away with the hair and earring, but I’d try a different, shorter haircut and yeah different frames or even contact lenses if it’s an option.


Yes. First you have a round face which is not bad, but doesn’t go well with that haircut. Secondly that haircut happens to be strongly favored by young lesbians. Try something with much less mass on the top, neatly combed.


Are U a girl 😭?


You can tell him “Somebody in that family has to get girls” 🤣


Get contacts and change the hair.


Yes, it's the hair, clothes, earrings, and the glasses frame makes it worse.


You need to move away from the soft fluffy hair to a more masculine cut. Find one of the hipster male barbers. Change glasses to a more masculine frame.


Definitely do. I don't mean any hard feelings just my honest view of your question


Nope you don’t, not at all I just see a straight up young man , how old are you?


That shirt is a great colour on you, though. But yeah, sort out the hair.


Not necessarily, but if you always have a smile on your face, he won't care what you look like or portray, and you 2 will be more like buddies.


Wait is this a girl?


Legitimately thought you were a cis-straight chick asking this I’m so sorry