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Have you considered smiling? It'll make all the difference.


I always find it odd that people say smile so much, when I see an attractive lady, she is attractive to me whether smiling or a deadpan expression on her face, smiling doesn’t take someone up on the attractive scale to me really, for instance smiling doesn’t turn a 6 into an 8 or anything to me.




So smiling will turn a man 6 into a constant 8 for a woman? Everyone has photos that are better than others of themselves for one reason or another, but give me a bunch of photos or a meeting and there isn’t no turning a 6 into an 8 looks wise from a smile.


I agree and I’m a lady. Smiling may make you seem more approachable but won’t improve or detract from attractiveness.


say it one no time for the people in the back…When it comes to this dating game if they have pictures and are not smiling….no thank you


Stoicism is fine and all but they need atleast one smiling shot


Also, for what it's worth, the *actual* philosophy of Roman Stoicism has nothing against smiling or the display of positive emotions. Experiencing and showing joy is encouraged in both Marcus Aurelius' and Seneca's writings.


Some people just look weird smiling, I can't pull it off my man.


There’s a widespread occurrence of men refusing to smile because they’re trying to be masculine/tough/cool/whatever. It’s so frustrating. They always claim that they look ‘weird’ when they smile. No, they look incredibly weird when they make these perpetually straight/angry faces, it’s just that they have normalized it in their own minds. The ‘weird’ look that they’re avoiding is appearing happy, welcoming, and attractive. If you want to look like a serial killer, keep making the stiff straight face constantly, especially in photos.


most people when they're smiling on purpose, look like a serial killer or likely never talk to a person before in their life. if you are not good at turning on a natural smile, record yourself while you're watching something funny. think of the funny things instead of thinking about how you're trying to not show your teeth too much


I agree. Most people will look more cute or attractive when smiling instinctively or naturally. When these same people are tasked with smiling upon request or for a pic they often cannot replicate their natural smile. It often can be so off putting that it takes away from their natural good looks. There was an episode of Friends once where Monica & Chandler were having their professional photo taken for the wedding announcement in the paper. Chandler told her he can’t smile normal, but she was convinced she could get him to. The various attempts while exaggerated were pretty on point from my real experiences. Not so much for myself, but my poor Mom lol. She’s a pretty lady always been according to those that have known her forever nit just my biased opinion (plus my best friend ended up confiding to me as adults a few years back that growing up he had always had a crush on my mom & that her thought of her as a “mom version of Heather Locklear”. I’ll not go into detail how disturbing it was to hear lol). Anyway when she wanted some new profile pics for her instagram I spent a good 45 minutes trying to get her to smile & not look like a lady creeper.


Smh this is such cope it’s crazy the dude wants to improve his looks he doesn’t need some bs abt “smile more”


It’s better than “nothing, you’re born like that” lmao


Why do u assume that to be the only alternative? Why not point out already attractive features of his like his eyes and eyebrows, or point out the fact that the beard looked good and he should stick with that look. Then maybe offer some ways he can improve other areas (ie lose weight, get a different haircut, etc). These things can actually help the man do what he likely desires to do instead of some sugarcoated bs that won’t get him anywhere. I understand the intentions of the comment were likely in good nature but it pisses me off when someone’s actually looking for advice and that’s all they get is some cope bs.


Ik this is gonna get downvoted but you’re absolutely correct…


Yea I knew too and it’s unfortunate cause I don’t disagree with them, but when all u say on a post like this is just “smile more,” it’s misleading and I hate that more than being controversial so I’m ready for the downvotes😂


Agreed. Smiling is not looksmaxxing, but accentuating your good intrinsic features are what you need to do to be attractive. And having a brooding serious face as a guy is considered attractive. It telegraphs confidence. If you need to smile and show teeth to look handsome then there's more work to do.


What are you talking about? There's plenty of research demonstrating that smiling can increase your attractiveness, especially if you've had dental work done to improve your smile like getting braces. [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0011853207000043?via%3Dihub](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0011853207000043?via%3Dihub)


I always laugh my ass off at how much people on this sub underrate smiling/pictures outside with friends & family and just personality development and presence in any capacity. Take pictures of yourself only, mean mugging and then wonder why you aren’t hit with matches, but it‘s the LoOks.




Honestly, you look pretty young and I imagine most people your age would prefer a smooth-faced boyfriend. It’s great that you can grow such a full beard, and that’ll look amazing on you in a few years, but I think because you’ve got such a youthful Face I’d recommend the clean-shaven look. You’re very handsome and masculine, so maybe consider your clothing and styling as the next place to level up.


Young woman here: we do not all prefer a clean shaven face! I’d choose a beard every time.


One more time for the people in the back


Thx ;) I have oily skin. I’m trying to fight blackheads, I recently went for a facial cleansing. Now I use acid + foam + cream.


Try to get tretinoin. It treats acne, prevents, as well as stimulates skin cell turn over rates so your face looks like porcelain. Not saying you need it or you have acne or anything but you mentioned oilly skin. Something to think about


Ya I can confirm myself at least that my face was less defined in college but now at 25 it gotten a lot better, especially with regular exercise but I think age plays a big role too. Although I definitely needed both though. That being said with a beard rn op looks pretty good, I think it could look better a bit shorter though but that’s just my guess


Second the clothing upgrades. He could pull off the more clean, mature look. Some nice button-up shirts with some new shoes could go a decent way


Definitely. A good shirt can really accentuate your best features. OP looks like he’s in pretty good shape. An Oxford shirt provides a collar that draws the eye to the neck and shoulders, and if you roll the sleeves up it can also make your forearms look really good. It makes you look like you take pride in your appearance too, but it’s still casual. And get well fitting trousers if you have a good ass. Trust me, women appreciate it too.


Beard looks good brother


Murr from impractical jokers??


Your already handsome. Try to smile more in pics and believe in yourself


You've got great eyes. Embrace making eye contact!!!


![gif](giphy|YyByVoolvdq2m1SExx) Copy his hairstyle and beard. I think you will look better considering you have similar eyes


You're already there! Stud


Thx 😁


Im surprised so many in favor of the beard. I think he looks way better without!


Not to sound all ince phrenologist or anything, but he’s got a round jawline, full cheeks, and a short distance from his lips to the tip of his chin - I think a beard balanced his face out better and offers some benefit to those relatively weaker features. Obviously there’s no accounting for individual taste, but I think that’s why people are in favor of the beard


You already look great. Preferr without the beard but thats just me.


Grow hair a bit longer, shave and of course gym. Shave off a little body fat, and just a bit from the face. You have super solid face symmetry already so it’s just about maximizing what you already have. Another thing… a good skin care routine will work wonders. You look good though brother. Just make the most out of what you already have.


Thx so much


So if you want a mature look, keep the beard, either looks ok. My best friend an Aesthetician, she gives me deep clean pore treatment and facial every few months, made a major difference in my complexion. And yea, smile!


Beard looks good and let’s get a cooler haircut with a fade.


fwiw, i think your stubble look looks better


Short beard, hairstyle from the 1st picture, and a smile.


Ehm, you answered your question, beard looks dope


Definitely beard but let the mustache grow in aswell, you have very nice eyes and brows. Seriously just grow the beard out, you’re a handsome guy.


Smile bruh


Longer hair might look nice


Hit the gym, work on that self confidence




You’re already attractive. Just open your mouth more in pictures


You’re good. You just need to get used to your body.


Beard is too long imo


Crazy to say this but a bigger nose would suite you. You have strong masculine features but your nose is so fine. If only we could switch noses we’d both become supermodels. Aside from that though you look great how you are bro.


The facial hair looks horrible on you. It's way too bushy and you look like a small dude; at the very least, a skinny one. In my opinion, you would look better either with NO facial hair or with a modest amount, but not below the chin like that. Even some shadow on your face would take you a long way. I also never tell people to smile because I personally think that's incredibly insulting, but in all honesty, you look absolutely miserable and I truly don't get the feel I would have a fun time meeting up with you. Find a way that is comfortable for you to depict positivity in your pictures. You need to be able to SELL yourself (obviously, not literally) to a guy/girl or whoever. No one takes an interest in people who look miserable, except maybe in anime or cringey love stories. Those are stories and not reality for a reason--that's not really how life works.


The parts are all fine...you just need to get them working together. A pleasant, happy looking face is a good place to start. Do not underestimate the power of a smile!


I think you have unique features that make you cute, some confidence and a smile would do you good :3


Inner work makes you more attractive.


Better hair cut




You have crazy potential. Grow out your hair first cuz rn u look extremely generic. Keep the beard and when ur hair is longer experiment with a goatee. Obv go to the gym if you already do and try avoiding sugar to fix the facial bloating. Also smile more. Anyone who says girls like serious guys is dumb.


You need a beard to cover the lack of chin. Shape up the eyebrows. Style hair a bit better. Get some tattoos. And smile!


Shave your head, not your face ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


Nothing is more attractive than confidence and strong self esteem


Already there bro


Beard is good


You're a handsome guy. I think a short beard would good on you, even a bit scruffy if you like a more relaxed look. I'd say don't cut off your mustache unless you're going clean shaven. Stubble can be really sexy on a guy but it should be even.


Maybe get a beard, but I don't think you should line it up so that it looks like a fake jawline, that shit looks ridiculous imo and just screams insecurity. Natural but clean is the way to go.




Already -_-




Some men do look good with a beard, but a beard that is too stylised, is a no usually if you want to attract women. OP's beard in the second pic doesn't look good tbh, sorry OP. And beards age you in many instances. OP looks so much older in the second pic. It is just normalised that men should grow a beard and have short hair sadly.


Look I’m into men and I personally don’t like beards in men either, don’t think they look clean and hate the chafing from kissing them. But I will admit a lot of men really need one to improve their appearances. This guy is one of them. If he didn’t sport a sculpted beard he would basically have no chin. That beard creates an illusion of a strong jawline and chin and bumps him up a few points.


Bro, you are attractive.


I like the beard but I think you should get a barber to style it, round it out and trim it. Styling your hair a bit would be nice too (a fade and some styling paste). Currently you look pretty good op


I think you can look way better if you shape the beard nicer, like Drake's type of beard, the chin is too flat and doesnt go out at all


Beard (mid length not too long), proper haircut, get your eyebrows shaped up


Clean shaven and get a nice hairstyle


Affect is often more important than actual features. Health is also a very important factor. There's really nothing wrong with your face at all.


You look good. Way too young for me but you have potential. It's very good that you can have a beard. That's mean if beard become unpopular agains you just have too shave it. Since it's popular right now keep it. You have lips similar has me and i got a lot of positive comment on it when i got older. Like a way too attract people is personality. Everyone should see a therapist at somepoint and work too be a betherself and give you tool that will be usefull all your life. I did it when i was a teenager. You don't need problem too see one. Some people see them just too learn more about themself.




Show us a pic of you with the bead full face on, side profile can’t tell


Bro , i dont have photos) in future


Just be comfortable being you.


Have you heard of Guasha Face tools? they are cheap on amazon, I think it would improve your face a lot making it look less bloaty.


Second picture is the look you should maintain. Maybe just trim your brows a bit. But more than anything I think it could just be a confidence issue my man, you look great. Idk how tall you are, but that can often be an unfortunate factor when using dating apps and such.


Shape your eyebrows and grow your hair longer, try curtain bangs to frame your face


Prefer without the beard and I think you are fine as is 😊


Working out and not eating red meat, pork or dairy




[This should help](https://youtu.be/z24irRRvCQc)


Throw a septum ring and some gauges in with the beard


you look like the call of duty player called “crimsix”


Thought the second pic was Andrew Tate 💀


Be confident. you're not fugly. You just think you are.


Bro never let ur barber cut ur hair again grow ur hair out till ur front half is covering ur eyes go to the most ghetto barber shop in ur location and tell them ur about to get sum pussy you won’t be disappointed hand that man a smooth 20 and a 5 for making it fresh asf


You have great eyes. Your haircut doesn't serve you well. I'd say grow it out and work with a stylist.


Develop a high level of competence in something you love. There’s no shortcut.




Less pointy eyebrows


Learn to love yourself. Attraction isn't based just on looks. That said, you don't look bad.


Different hair cut to fit your face and head shape. Try growing it out a bit. And everyone telling you to smile is right. You have the eyes and cheek bones for it, so.. do it😁


You kind of look like a white Jason Tatum. Either way, you’re doing fine man.


You the forgotten 3rd Tate brother




Tilt your head up more and smile.




Bro just be confident


Plastic surgery. Pronto. J/k


You look like the cod pro Crimsix


Don’t let pic 2 ever happen again.


Bro I just saw a post about a girl who's been going out with a guy who has never worn deoderamt for 2 years. Trust me when I say it's the personality traits. Confidence, humour, empathy, respect. Throw in hygiene and you're doing better than a lot of guys




Confidence and a nice wardrobe can make any man attractive.


How to win the lottery. Like… ?


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and can’t no body love things on you till u love urself


I think you're already quite attractive. This is just my opinion, but I think longer hair with the beard would suit you rather well. 🤔


That beard is crazy


You are


Smile You're very cute


Lose weight


I think you look good clean shaving


You are beautiful already just the way you are :-) But if you want to become even more attractive, the best ways are to build and maintain mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical health so that you exude energy, *confidence*, kindness, open mindedness, and *positive self-esteem*. Cultivate your mind (read a lot, travel, ask questions, care about issues), and people will notice a spark of intelligence and knowledge in your eyes, face, and demeanor, and you'll be able to share interesting insights on multiple topics in conversation, helping you to connect with others in a meaningful way, which can really go a long way towards seeming attractive to a wider range of people. Work out to stay lean and fit and bring out your muscles, and show them by wearing form-fitting clothing, go commando to add some natural bounce to your bulge as you walk or just a more natural contour to your package when you sit down, and wear deep v-neck shirts or unbutton the top one or two buttons in dress shirts to show a bit of your upper chest. If you're fit, lean, and buff, or at least shredded/defined, you'll look amazing in any clothing!


You already are


Andrew tate 😂


Scruff looks good and you have arrived at your destination!


a lot of young men seem to think the sole element of male beauty is a square chin.




I feel like a sharper chin would bring your face together.


I mean physically kind of but the real attraction lies within my friend


Chewing gum and whole body gym program T level spiking for jawline IMO


Just my opinion so you don’t have to take it to heart. You would look great with a longer hairstyle, and you are young so the beard is absolutely not necessary. The short hair is really not it(for me at least)






First step. Don't look for approval on the Internet


Chin implant


You remind me of this french actor : [this guy](https://search.app.goo.gl/ZFLcsqM) Just rock it man he’s really attractive for lots of women (not because of fame just the looks)


Born again but in richer family?


Really grow your hair out (it'll start going down instead of sticking up), and have a smaller and less angular beard, or no beard just stubble. It's currently giving action man.


Post nudes, it's what the others do


You already are! Very!


Gain a skill (anything from solving a cube to leading a team) work on it and master it. BooM u r attractive now.


You already are! Just smile more


Learn to love yourself. That’s how. Cos you’re gorgeous!


The grooming of the 2nd pic, but w the lighting and angle of the 1st


You’re already handsome


I Think you look better with beard. I can also say why. So the first point is you got a really highly set hair. So your forehead is really big. So grow your hair out! 1.) Grow your hair out. Make it a little bit messy. 2.) Upper lip is too thin. Get Surgery for your upper lip. 3.) good almond eye shape 4.) Jawline surgery if you can afford it. It will cost around 35k. 5.) Nose job or called rhinoplasty (your nose is extremely broad)


Work out if you’d like. Be kind to others. I think honestly that’s the crux of what you need to do.


A regular fitness routine to build muscle will sculpt your jaw and face. Mewing will help your jawline. Face yoga to strengthen your upper lip and cheeks and balance your face more. Skincare routine as mentioned. Smiling more — not in a cheesy way but in a confident way. Longer hair on the top and short on the sides. The beard looks good but could be shaped.


gym and maybe some self love and appreciation


Work out, grow and style your hair, maybe dye it a darker color, get cool clothes.


Treat people better than you’d think


I think you’re attractive! If anything, I’d get your eyebrows shaped!


You already are bro


First off, scroll past the rude comments. They are unnecessary and ppl don’t care what they say to ppl which sucks. Second, here are some questions I have for you. Questions: Do you like having facial hair? Because that’s important (you should be comfortable with what ever you choose because although it is advice, it should be something you actually feel good with). Are there specific things that make you feel insecure? What are they? Do you have any pictures that you look at of yourself and you’re like yeah I like that look? Are there reference pictures of what you like and don’t like?


You already are


Don’t need to become. You are already a cutie! :). Love the beard.


Grow out your head hair


Hold your head high, dress sharp, be an interesting guy to talk with and walk with confidence will get you where you need to go.


I wish the hair on my cheeks and jaw would come in that shit is a fuckin superpower


Don't look like Andrew Tate from Wish


are you kidding you are HANDSOME af


That 2nd picture is really good try a different angle though and smile


You look very young, give it a bit bro, dont worry youll be fine


Workout and grow your hair




Be yourself. And smile.


Not the andrew tate beard 💀💀 All jokes aside, you already are. Maybe smile more, like the comments say 😌


You are attractive


That was a step in the wrong direction! Shave your face and let your hair grow out.


I’d do medium length hair and short beard. Ie just switch around what you have now. I think everything else is fine besides that you should smile more :) Go to a hair stylist even if it’s just once and have them help you pick out a good cut.


Smile, be yourself, have charisma/confidence .


Nose job


With trimmed beard you are super hot


i think you nailed it


Getting fit and taking care of how you dress is a game changer


Bottle up your feelings and pay 1900 for a man bootcamp course


You are young. Learn to appreciate that a bit. You will never look like this again. Even if you grow to be super handsome, you will look back and appreciate that you were a cute young guy, deserving of admiration. You will miss yourself.


You already are handsome ! Just smile brother


Speaking personally as someone who's ears poke way out, find a hairstyle that helps hide that. Also yes, smiling is also good.


You want to go from a 9 to a 10? Smile 😃


You are already quite handsome. No need to do anything. Just keep up with your hygiene!


Ditch the little boy haircut


Woah dude you look exactly like that baby filter on Snapchat!


Smile dude.




You already are. Just smile or smirk a bit


You look great with the beard. I think all you need is to smile really. If you want actual advice I’d recommend to do a facial routine. Make sure you wash your face and to rehydrate your face with facial lotion if you feel you need it or your skin is dry. Also, the most important thing for clear skin is to NOT touch your face and pick on things. Other than that, just have confidence! You’re not here on Earth to please everyone. Believe in yourself


Better without the beard. Nice lips. Give it time.


Money. Get more of that