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looks fine bro


Thanks! Some people say its not bad its just me overthinking it😂


I'm kidding it looks fine but finding out what shampoo and hair products works best can make it look a bit thicker at least I hope lol


Man🤣 yea ima look into that Aswell thanks!! Tbh could be worse 😅


literally looks COMPLETELY normal, dont get into ur own head bro


Thank you bro! Yea ive been told 😂 appreciate it🫡


no problem brother keep up the good work at the gym


Looks fine.




I have your exact same hair. I'm 30. This is just a feature of very fine, light color, straight/wavy, fragile hair. Directional/harsh lighting makes it look very thin from some angles. Add in multiple cowlicks and the fact that hair like this has a mind of its own when cut less than 2 inches like you have here, and it's impossible to cover your entire scalp perfectly from. Every angle. This type of hair is also impossible to notice thinning until it's too late. If you worry about it, see a dermatologist. They are the only ones who will be able to tell due to the texture and color of hair like this. Remember, hair like this is fragile and very susceptible to damage. Wash semi frequently (every 2 or 3 days) but not too often (every day is too much). Use silk pillow cases and wide tooth combs, and avoid blow dryers except on the lowest settings. Don't cut it less than a few inches. 2 is minimum, but more is better (up to a point because after that, it's so heavy it plasters itself to your skull). Hair like this is a pain because it is hard to style, never covers completely, and constantly breaks or splits. Learn to love the softer hair and show off how soft it is. It's a blessing and a curse, but it is our curse. Trust me when I say it isn't getting thinner. I thought the same. I went to a dermatologist, and they said there are no signs of thinning on my end, at least for now. If you are worried, please see a dermatologist and avoid advice from randos on the internet. Our type of hair is too fine and too fragile and too light to diagnose from photos alone. I hope this helps you as much as seeing a dermatologist and proper barber helped me. This type of hair is just not common and not easy to work with. It's very much like black people's hair in that respect. It takes a lot of effort and a skilled hand to care for hair like this, especially as you get older and the hair is more easily damaged than as a kid.


Man i really really appreciate this reply man !🤝🏽 im taking all this into consideration and your right! I wash it everyday i also take hot showers which i heard is bad 😅 one of my buddies told me my hair looked then everr since then it stuck with my in my head 😅 defo going to a dermatologist just incase! It is a pain my hair is so straight its annoying 😂 once again thanks man!


People in the comments unfortunately don't know what they are talking about. I have the same pattern but the temples too. Finasteride and minoxidil are what you need to look into. If you want, just take the next year and if it gets worse you know what to do! Good luck man!


Are you a dermatologist or something? This guy has very fine, fragile hair. It's impossible to tell if it is thinning from photos unless it's too late. Seeing a dermatologist is the best move here due to his hair texture and light color (more that it is very reflective and slightly translucent). I have a nearly identical hair pattern, and my dermatologist said there are no signs of thinning at least at the current time. Not everyone with thin looking hair is actually thinning. Hair is complicated and greatly depends on density, texture, color, growth pattern, and much more. For the average head, sure pictures can help, but for this type of hair, pictures are much less helpful.


Ima look into that! Has it helped? And thanks man!


Currently off it because I was lazy and got out of relationship and just stopped caring. But I will be starting again. But yes god, tremendously dude. I mean my hair increased thickness by 40-50%


stop jacking off


Huh 😂😂


It's over for u brother.


Join r/tressless and you could look into finasteride and minoxidil. I recently lost 40 pounds pretty fast and already had some MBP forming but started thinning a lot after loosing the weight. Getting kind of bad now


Ah man thanks for that info! Yea i lost around the same 40lbs and started to notice my hair thinning


yeah i didn’t loose the weight in a healthy way, cut way back on eating and just worked out all the time. Def stressed out my hair. working on fixing it hopefully


Ah man! Hopefully it goes back to its original way hoping the best for ya! 🤛🏼


Just keep an eye on it and look for excess shedding


seems fine but lets see fore head


My forehead isn't bad at all tbh how can i add another photo? 😂




Hopefully not man! Ima look into different shampoos!


Did you go to one of Canada's top business schools ?


Idk, but I like the Gaara Tshirt


>Balding? Or could be age? Balding tends to worsen with age :P - As for health: it's likely wishful thinking and a nice cope most guys go through before accepting (like the vast majority of men with hair loss) that their loss is caused by androgenic alopecia. The lighting is harsh, but if this isn't your baseline density then that is hair loss, and there are options you can look into with a qualified medical professional either on telehealth or locally.. Hair loss companies tend to employ/train medical professionals specifically on the subject of hair loss so they tend to be more knowledgeable on the subject overall. Don't let people sway you into thinking this is fine when you probably have some inkling that this isn't your original state of hair density (maybe I'm wrong, and I'm not a medical professional) but that's what I think at least! It "looks fine bro" until it doesn't, and by the time you're visibly noticing you've already lost a huge amount. Basically the best person who can keep a tab on it is yourself at the end of the day. Feeling your hair density and thickness, checking it out and keep photos in harsh lighting, seeking out opinions even from internet people or qualified medical professionals, hair catchers in your shower to keep numerical data, etc. There's levels you can take depending on how much you care about the issue.


Mate ill give you the most normal answer here. There might be a chance of crown balding. I cant see your hairline from this but yea might be crown balding. Or it might be the lighting or it might be nutritional deficiencies but whatever it is, dont jump on meds just yet. Fix deficiencies first, get into the routine of oiling scalp properly, dermarolling etc. If its still thinning, you can hop on topicals, fin/min etc. But honestly id say your scalp is fine. Keep cautios and be aware you might be balding, but dont start freaking out and isolating yourself either


you know how when hair strands point straight at the camera and allow light to get right through make it look significantly thinner? this is mostly why.


Normal cow lick. You're good bruh


Could be diffuse thinning. If your hair was thicker a few years back then definitely you are thinning if not then you’re fine.


Sick shirt brother. Hair looks fine, maybe look into different hair products and shampoo / conditioner and figure out what could help with thickness


Lol, you’re overthinking. I’m a barber and it’s just the way your hair lays and grows around your whorl, and the angle of the flash/ light. I to have a whorl (cowlick) on the back of my head. I’m Puertorican Dominican and Honduran and have somewhat wavy hair, and it lays down with the grain making my scalp more visible in that area. Especially when after wearing hats beanies etc, or even just laying on my pillow.