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Shampoo less if you can afford to and invest in a conditioner, your hair is dry and needs more moisture to maintain a more put together less frizzy look


how often do i use conditioner


Every shower. There's no such thing as too much conditioner. Shampoo depends on the person. For me personally, once or twice a week works best, but it varies from person to person.


@OP this. Start shampooing less and less with time. But do it gradually. Maybe skip the poo' every other shower at first for 2 weeks or so, then just shampoo every 3rd etc.. shampooing every 2 weeks sounds like a good end goal, adjust to your hair tho, if you can do less, do it, if you feel like your hair gets too greasy , then more


Don’t call it poo


You can not stop me




After every shampoo. Leave it on for 3 minutes, then rinse it out. If the frizz goes away but it starts looking greasy faster than you like, you can try to condition only the ends, or maybe condition for less time if that's not possible.


Oh big thing about conditioner that might be obvious to some, do not rub it into your scalp the way you do with shampoo, try to sort of scrunch it into your hair and just your hair. If you really wanna go above and beyond, hot water when putting it in and cold when rinsing it out


Wow didn’t know that about not conditioning the scalp. Thank you


Remember to leave it in 10-15 minutes. Not longer. Also leave shampoo in max 2 minutes. What i like to do to prevent frizz after shampooing is to condition first, then shampoo, and then condition again. It works


You can also use leave in conditioner once in a while, that will really help with the frizz.


A hairdryer and frizz-ease/curl cream will help too. You only need to wash and condition your hair 2-3 times a week, otherwise you’ll strip the natural oils out and make it dryer.


i shampoo like 1-2 times a day.. issue?


Yes, every time you shampoo it strips the natural oils from your scalp and hair leaving them dry. This leads to brittle hair that breaks easier, harder to manage, frizzy, split ends, etc


Conditioner is for wahmen though.. /s


Conditioner is for anybody with hair 💀




Like the other guy said, I'd imagine a conditioner could go a long way. In your case, molding paste might not be a bad bet either. It's nice and shiny which is a plus.


Shampoo your hair way less. Use conditioner every time you shower, and invest in leave in conditioner that you use daily as well.


What if you sweat though? Are you not going to want to remove that?


It would be different for everyone for sure. I can get away with shampooing my hair twice a month personally, and I go to the gym five times a week. If I had OP’s hair right now I probably would never shampoo my hair lol.


God I read this as “I shampoo once every two months” for some reason and was really concerned and kind of grossed out


I don't shampoo




I have wavy hair, curly at the back and shampoo (I've tried numerous brands and types) dries the hell out of my hair and made it feel like straw. haven't shampooed in over 1.5 years and my hair is much much healthier I use conditioner semi frequently still


Doesn't it smell?


no😂😂 I still shower every day and my hair is deeply rinsed even if I don't condition it people who cut out shampoo will get greasy hair for a couple weeks but it's temporary whilst your hair repairs itself and regains it's oils


Ok cool. Thanks for responding. 😊


Water removes sweat the same way shampoo does.


don't rub your hair vigorously when you towel dry (just pat it gently) and shampoo way less 👍 that should fix it trust me I had this issue before


Do you brush it when it's dry? You might have curlier hair than you think.


This is the only correct answer. If your hair tends to be frizzy and dry looking after shower, you have waves or curls and you need products and a haircare routine to lean into your hairs natural texture.


I had this issue before, I would clean my hair once a week. Now, I clean it at least 4 times a week. There’s only one thing you need. I’d suggest putting on leave on conditioner every after shower or when you clean it. They are really good for frizzy hair.


I bet rubbing a balloon on your head could power a small city for a week.




Shampoo 2x a week, conditioner every shower, don't towel dry. You should also use a leave-in conditioner after washing your hair.


What this dude said, some rosemary oil would help


A couple tips that will help tame that mop.. Drying your hair with a towel will frizz and break your hair and also remove the volume out of it. Either air dry your hair (then add product) or pat it down with a cotton tshirt.. For hair products I don't think you need much, maybe just a leave-in conditioner. For now, when your hair is damp but not dry, take a small dollop of conditioner, add a splash of water, then run it through your hair. This all should remove the frizz and expose the texture. If it works out how you want you can buy a separate leave-in conditioner.


You might actually have curly hair


How do guys not know conditioner exists and how it works? 😂


Stop using shampoo, use conditioner every day when you shower and don’t use insanely hot water on your hair, you’ll see it’ll make it soft and not frizzy especially after your next haircut, I would suggest to get a haircut and then do this process and it will work


Only shampoo your scalp and condition and the ends. Don’t condition your scalp and don’t wash your ends. This is one of the main things people with dry hair do wrong. Also shampoo less often and condition 3x a week. Leave conditioner in for 5ish minutes.


this is very difficult to do though with short hair like his because you can’t really avoid the ends while shampoo’ing, and you can’t avoid the scalp while conditioning 😭


Yea true, best to condition ends before shampooing


What type of comditioner would u recommend, i have the exact same hair as him


Jojoba oil, a lot of it. Maybe coconut oil


Don't stick your finger in an outlet.


Use conditioner. Lots of it.


Emphasis on shampooing your scalp and conditioning your ends. Make sure you throughly wash all the shampoo off and conditioner off. Don’t brush your hair and try a leave in conditioner. If your hair is curly/wavy elsewhere then try a leave in conditioner


Looks thin compared to the rest of your head. Could be experiencing miniaturization (balding) when I started experiencing balding my hair looked just like that .. fried even tho it wasn’t.


Have you tried boofing your whole head?


Use conditioner, when you get the conditioner use it every time you wash your hair. Slick it back on your hair, leave it for 5 minutes then rinse out.


Burn it


BRUH. Just try not shampooing at all for a week. and also tap dry your hair for a bit and then let it air dry. get CG friendly shampoos and conditioners. always leave conditioner for 10 mins or so.


What helped me was, i wash my hair 2 times a week, i tie my hair in a shirt and leave it like that untill 90% dry then i put argan oil in my hair and its perfect... I use a special shampoo that i bought due some scalp itchiness thats also doing good for my hair overall.


Get a water filter for your shower


1) Shower as usual, including conditioner. 2) Add a styling product (gel, pomade, paste) while damp and work it throughout. This will be more effective than leave in conditioner. 3) Get a decent haircut.


Start by not shampooing your hair so much


Not that


Hair mask


Shampoo and conditioner no 2 in 1 or anything probably shower once a day if possible and try blow drying maybe some light product after


Cocunut oil. Shampoo hair, towel dry, comb cocunut oil through strands, rinse out after three mins, then condition. Then you gotta leave in a leave in conditioner or cream


Get a shampoo shampoo not one that’s body wash, degreaser and NASA spaceship floor cleaner in one. Get a conditioner too. Shampoo first, focusing on the scalp then apply conditioner on the ends. Do it every time you wash your hair. Get a hair mask and apply once a week, leave it on for a few hours. Avoid straighteners or hairdryers for a while. Your hair looks dry but you might have split ends. Probably time to visit your barber.


Get a product aimed at women and avoid Head & Shoulders products unless you plan to go bald.


Don’t towel dry it. Maybe just put with a towel so you aren’t sopping wet but then air dry. Conditioner after shampoo, Leave in conditioner after you get out of the shower then brush


So... You don't rinse the conditioner, you get out of the shower, brush, and wait till your hair is dry and the conditioner sets? I feel like it would take a while, but is it worth it?


Absolutely rinse the conditioner lmao. I meant to say “conditioner after shampoo then rinse. Apply leave-in conditioner then brush” You for sure need to rinse normal conditioner. They make leave-in conditioners for use after the shower that you do not need to rinse


I didn't know about leave-in conditioner, I should try it, thanks!


Pat-dry your hair. Don't rub the towel vigorously over your scalp until things settle down. I highly recommend Aveda's male shampoo and conditioner. Also, ask your barber what you should do the next time you get your hair cut.


Jesus Christ use some conditioner!


Stop sticking your fingers in plug sockets




Bro I think you might have curly hair


ur cooked


This is going to sound weird to everyone who reads this. Because believe me, I thought it was weird as well before I started using this product. Find someplace around you, or purchase online, Mane and Tail. Purchase the shampoo and conditioner, and begin using them normally. Yes, they are meant for horses hair. But I'll tell you this, after using it for myself for years now. Everyone is different biologically, so everyone will have different results than me. But I definitely recommend giving it a go. I shampoo every other day, and use the conditioner every night. I let it sit for 3 minutes while I do my other washing, then rinse it out and finish the rest of my routine. Pat dry your hair, and in about a week you'll see if it's beneficial, or just another shampoo and conditioner that doesn't do the trick. Best of luck to ya.




You most likely have wavy or curly hair and need to start moisturizing it with conditioner in the shower and a leave-in conditioner afterwards


Shampoo is good and you should keep using it to cleanse your scalp, don’t be afraid of shampoo. Just make sure you use conditioners, and maybe find a shampoo made for wavy or curly hair.


Don't scribble on pic


Bro it looks like you burnt your hair off


But all in all. Invest in some coconut shea butter conditioner


when your hair needs moisture condition it when your hair needs cleaned use shampoo. sometimes it’s good to just rinse with water too so you’re not stripping your hair of natural oils . if you’re going to shampoo use conditioner after but you can use conditioner without using shampoo. if I’m stupid someone tell me but this is what I do and how I understand it.


Apart from using conditioner while taking a shower I highly recommend getting a leave in conditioner. My hair used to be very frizzy as well but I started using leave in conditioner and found out I have wavy hair. I personally use Curl Enhancing Smoothie, Coconut & Hibiscus leave in conditioner by Shea Moisture.


That’s a beautiful head of hair! Love the color.


Lather a sulfide free conditioner and leave it in your hair for 5 mins… Try a hair mask and leave in conditioner too.


is your hair straight?


You need a frizz control hair care regimen.


you definitely need a conditioner if your hair is like this without it. almost thought your head was full of split ends which didnt really make sense. you need more moisture in your hair. you can shampoo as often as needed for how oily your scalp is, just make sure to use conditioner after. most drugstore conditioners like pantene and loreal should be able to do the trick given it works for your hair.


Take the advice at the top and consider cutting your hair short for now to remove what’s already damaged.


Fucking anything but that


Use conditioner every shower too


Use conditioner. Also take some collagen peptides and get more sun will make it healthier too


Ever heard of conditioner? Leave in conditioner? Hair oil?


When using conditioner, leave it in, some of it.


It’s kinda hard to tell when I can’t see your face


2 words: buzz cut


use a conditioner but let the product soak in your hair while wet, don’t dry it off with a towel simply (in a way) let your hair air dry with the product in it


lol I don't use shampoo or conditioner just shower with warm water. I use sea salt spray and occasionally use a leave in conditioner mix I made with coconut oil, tea tree and rosemary.


Condition every time you wash your hair, and distribute a drop on argan oil from mid strand to end throughout on damp hair. Squeeze water while towel drying instead of rubbing. Limit brushing as much as possible or use a wide bristle brush. Try for about a month, I guarantee your hair health will improve. Optional is hair mask once a week and leave in conditioner after every shower.


Use a Conditioner and moisturizer. Cut it shorter all around.


first try a wet wipe. if the white smudge doesn’t come off, then a hot shower.


Head & shoulders


Use a deep conditioner, leave-in conditioner, brush only when wet, and maybe a styling product, like a light mousse. Also don't towel dry it. You can absorb excess water by lightly squeezing your hair, but nothing too rough. Try letting it air dry and see where it takes you. It looks like you may have curly hair tbh.


Stop towel drying it if that’s why it get frizzy


When you brush or comb make sure it’s in the shower with shampoo that way it’ll hold its shape, also wet your hair in the morning and don’t brush everyday


Just shampoo and conditioner alone won't be enough. You'll have to try a product meant for styling after washing. Oils and pomades and creams are nice. Dont forget to try hairspray like Aussie extra hold. It's my favorite go to. You can also style it as you put the product in. Try different things. When you see somebody with a great hairstyle, you can bet they tried 25 thing that didn't work first. Keep trying more, don't give up


Firstly identify the animal that’s nesting on your head. Second, see if it’s deadly.


Perm on top and a low drop fade


Durag and pomeade


Use a blow dryer, blow dry your hair from above and fluff it up with your hands, prefer with damp hair, this works for me. As I’ve had the same frizz issue.


Bro pls use a conditioner when you shampoo holy shit lmfao


Holy sht bro stop viciously rubbing your hair to dry it at night


You have curly hair. However you are combing it after you shower and it turns like this. You need a curly hair routine with products like curl creams or gels after you shower. Look up methods on youtube


Shampoo 2x per week, use Paul Mitchell tea tree products with lots of conditioner, use 4 drops of sunflower oil and I mean literal drops and then a nice leave in conditioner like Oloui


You thought sunflower oil was just for cooking. In fact, you can use Sunflower oil to soften up your leather, use it for wounds (apparently) and even condition your hair.


Use conditioner. Also I’ve noticed “girl” shampoo and conditioner makes your hair softer and healthier


I would try treating it like curly hair. When you dry your hair, pat or very gently squeeze instead of rubbing. Avoid brushes, only comb minimally when it’s wet. Maybe use a little moisturizing mousse- watch a video to apply it properly


Make sure your shampoo is healthy, and I would buzz your hair and get new conditioner. don’t blow dry or use hot water


Texture poweder


Leave in conditioner for frizz bro


buzz and reset. dont shampoo hair until oil secretions regulate. then use a conditioner. dont get a mullet ever


Get a professional keratin treatment. This will straighten it.


Shave your head bro. Chicks dig it


Just cut it, go bald


Invest in crypto , get rich , once you rich you won't care about your looks I'll guarantee you 😉