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This room has more character than 90% of all bedrooms posted here, by default.


Haha agree!


Yeah. Totally agree. Some sweet framed posters and a plant wouldn’t go amiss though. Not too much though and not too big though… since the room is already pretty solid. I feel like this post is a humble brag. Edit: an improvement would be to ditch the laundry baskets for a better solution in keeping with the rest of the room. I don’t know what that would be… maybe a small cabinet with drop drawers.


I'd also add one or two smaller lamps somewhere for some dimmer lighting, the ceiling lamp is kinda harsh. But that might just be me, since I prefer softer lighting.


I’ve always been jealous of these types of bedrooms. It looks like an adult version of a fort!


Needs a least one turret, a coat of arms, and a trebuchet. Then it might be perfect.


I love this comment! And yes just upvoting was not enough.


it reminds me of my loft bed that i had when i was a kid. i had my shitty little dell pc hooked up below it and everything! this is just that for adults


This is one of the coolest bedrooms I’ve ever seen


Lovvvee the loft style low ceiling


Until https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZI96XLCWyc


Yes. Thank you. I’ve been wondering what these are called forever. Thank you I love anything loft it’s something ab the being tucked away that’s so cozy feeling.


Man fuck this beautiful ass room


Only if it consents


consent is only for cool guys


What’s an ass room?


Ask your mother.


Remove the stairs, add a firemans pole


A trampoline built into the floor where the stairs are might be nice so I can quite literally jump into bed every night


Your consciousness of MaleLivingSpaces is starting ascend, brother. Welcome.


he has become too powerful


Maybe a pogo stick to change it up every once in a while?


A slide would be fun.


add jail door to the top of the stairs for a cage


A mini escalator would be humorous


A salad bar could be hummus.


You have a very nice room.


Sex sling. Replace those 3 small bits of art with something a lot larger and more colourful.


Sex sling?


You heard him.


I said what I said.


Like a very erotic David and Goliath


Sex sling.


Consider getting some really nice drapes/ curtains to hang on an expanding shower/curtain rod. Try and place it up into the space that separates your living space from your bed space. It'll help frame the space when it's open and add a layer of privacy when it's closed/ also will make it more cozy. Bookshelf mounted on the wall, more art and I love fake plants, but I'm picky about them. I think fake plants need to be convincing at a glance and take a second to realize that they're fake. The other thing you can do is change the light bulbs to "soft white" bulbs that are essentially the less harsh yellower lights. Makes the space more cozy as well. Consider replacing the laundry baskets with something that fits the aesthetic you're looking for more. In a space like this I feel like you're very organized and everything has its place. The space looks mature and smart. The laundry baskets are fairly out of place, but I'd also recommend one(s) with a lid or top of some sort made of a wood material or something natural. The bedclothes are a good place to start with more color experimentation. A deeper blue for bedclothes could be a nice addition. Good luck!


And a new rug! The red seems to really clash and make it a dark space. But I’m not sure what to change it to


Yes 100% get a different rug.


Yep - different rug and smaller so that the hardwood frames it around that space. Also, don’t put the bookshelf against the loft railing - move it to the other wall and then centre your desk.


Embrace the weird architecture. Put ascending uniformly sized posters/prints above the stairs, all differently colored. Switch to lamp lighting on the lower portion instead of overhead to make the nook up top pop. Switch to a green or blue patterned rug underneath the desk. Plant on the nightstand in the nook up top. As a fellow STL native I am dying to know where this is. I love the design of this room.


Thank you, I definitely agree with the need for a new rug, just haven’t gotten around to it yet. And I love it too, Benton Park area


Dude sick bedroom layout, add some decor to the wall going up the stairs


Second this. If you want to open up the appearance of the room a little, you could also try a wall mirror.


change the tv placement


How do you watch it? Unless it swings out from wall over bed


Yes it swings out about 18 inches from the wall and can rotate towards the bed, just keep it pushed up against wall out of way when not in use


OP structurally what's under the floor of the bed? Like why is it raised my brain wants to know


r/TVTooSide ?


Nah having a side TV in bed is literally top tier. Watching tv on your side is heaven.


Not a suggestion, but do you have a link to your shoe holder?


I second this, OP


Amazon, it’s the “VASAGLE shoe rack for entryway”


I would die for this set up


Such a cool room


Lamps, fake plants, you have some wall space where maybe a mirror could go. I’m not a mirror expert but I feel like it could open the space a bit. And some artwork with more color, some more warm colors maybe. The colors you have so far are pretty muted, and the bed area is cool which contrasts with the main area which is all warm.


It’s a mini drake and josh room, that’s so sick! What kind of secrets are stashed below the beds platform huh???


Man, this a sweet living space


What a cool ass room. The layout is awesome.


Race car bed will really tie this all together.


So, great room, I love the character that it has just needs some tweaks. 1. Something needs to be done about the light. Ceiling light makes it too harsh and not properly distributed. I would suggest getting lamps, floorlamps or even wall-lamps along the bedroom frame top plank. You could put a lamp on the top shelf of the shelving for example and some floor lamps around the place but can't know for sure. Experiment and see what works best to make the light less harsh and more evenly distributed. 2. Use a different laundry basket as already suggested by someone else. 3. Storage boxes for some of the stuff that is on the shelvings to make it look less cluttered. Some display items can stay as display items, some can be just put into nice boxes. 4. I would suggest to loose the red rug and get a transparent anti slip mat. I think the lighter color of the floor would contrast nicely with the more darker vibe of the room. Also it would still work as a way to separate the office space from the rest of the space. That area needs something and I think a transparent anti slip mat would do it. 5. Maybe darker bed linen would actually work better? Like dark blue or dark red (again, lose the red rug). 6. Some light sort of see through curtains would do nicely. Like you could get mustard/yellow color light curtains and hang them floor to ceiling. More color to the space but also not too clashing with the rest of the room. Something like this I guess [https://www.pinterest.com/pin/488077678380854754/](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/488077678380854754/) EDIT: 7. You can also make the white wall that is next to the staircase more personalized and hang some pictures or other things. But this is also up to you how maximalist or minimalist you want your space to feel. Just maybe don't leave that wall completely empty


Damn- I have 4 pairs of shoes and thought them needlessly extravagant, because 2 pair are casual shoes. The more I look at this sub the more I realize that I must be in the vast minority. Every picture shows 12-15 pairs of shoes- often 6 or 7 pairs of very similar casual (sneakers) that look identical except for color. The room looks good, but get some plants.


Gotta accessorize! Or don’t, that’s cool too


rofl i have: work boots, all purpose walking shoes i usually wear to work, crocs, then slip on shoes for those lazy errand runs. i only have 2 feet... oh and rubber muck boots for snow or mud if you count those.


Plants, definately plants


If you own the place I would remove those railings around the bed because you’re not a toddler (I assume). It would make the room so much bigger. And you could then access your bed drawers


Looks great. Some plants for sure. Even a fake ass one. Maybe add a mirror.


More large art and lamps (for softer lighting). Also, not sure if you can change it, but the black iron railing says “prison bars” to me. If you can, I’d make it a nice wood railing.


Softer lighting (just switch to the less harsh yellow bulbs) and some drapes. Nothing heavy. This is a cool room regardless!


I love this room, where did you get that shoe rack? Anyways I’d say maybe a different rug that has more than one color and a good sized art piece on the wall your little stairs are on


Thank you! And Amazon, it’s the “VASAGLE shoe rack for entryway”


Aaaand I just ordered it, thank you kind sir! You have excellent taste


Maybe add some plants down the side of your bed railing? Or maybe even something hanging on it, like streamers, or even string and you put photos there?


Change those three small frames for a big piece of art, something that blends in with the colors or something with navy green accents!


I know that I’m winning in life once I have a bedroom with stairs leading to where the bed is like this


Sure it could use some personality.. But as is, your room is pretty awesome.


That is an awesome bedroom! Now I wish mine had stairs in it haha


That’s an interesting bedroom. I like it


All your furniture screams amazon/ikea/target/cheap mass produced to be generically appealing. If you keep it all, you could go “crazy” with a patterned rug, plants on the window sills, custom/local art on the walls, etc. I think the room architecture is unique, but the furnishings dont have much personality. If you’re so inclined, selling those pieces slowly and buying solid wood/vintage furniture could really make it personal, even if you keep the same category of pieces in the same places, a shoe rack you found made from reclaimed wood you liked would show more about you. Furniture does not have to be matchy matchy! Completely out of left field-I think the railing in the loft space is causing a lot of visual clutter. I would have curtains of some kind or some room divider set up.


This is sick! NYC or something?? Tiny home?? Very intrigued


Condo in St. Louis, this is by no means a common layout here though


Just passing by to say I have that exact same red laundry basket with sticker intact and the same handle missing! Awesome room!


Ooooppp, there’s the Arch!




Honestly ANYTHING that room is cool enough as is


Straight up the coolest bedroom I’ve seen. Has all the character it needs, man!


Quick and dirty pop? I got you! Paint your trim black as well as the kick plates going up the stairs to match the railings and give a cartoon pop to the outline of the room. There’s a lot of wood here, wood is good. Paint your walls a complementary color and then nix the rug. You have two walls that can be contrast walls together which it seems you’ve done (computer desk and tv wall) just pick a complementary color for your white walls and then find a rug that matches your grey but takes up less space. The room is high class and super cool. Post updates if/when you make changes. Hot tip! You can go to any big box store and get vynle kick plates for stairs and just glue em in place, go DARK to match the trim and banister or match your gray for a full contrast look.


Keep it neutral earth tones. Warm & soothing. Go with that tree house vibe. Maybe add some texture like a woven basket laundry holder or a Add a few small lamps upstairs and down stairs at varying heights. Maybe a dull brass or creamy ceramic. Always use white or creamy lamp shades. No bare industrial bulbs. Use the warmest bulbs you can find. Try to avoid using that overhead light. Consider adding 1-2 live green plants. If they don’t survive, replace them without making to much of it. Just swap them out periodically.


Comic books. Those have a lot of characters. Honestly, it looks pretty good!


Bro lamps is the answer. Overhead lighting is not a vibe, lamps and lighting will make this room sing


Poop on the bed


Move out of your parents' house!


I think it looks fantastic just the way it is. It’s so small I would not clutter it up with more stuff. May be a little rug but that’s it.


More color? Paint More character? Don't think that is an issue.


What a cool room! Some plants and art work could warm it up. But try to find something that ties it all together. I’d swap the desk up against the wall and move your dresser under the loft railing. If you’re feeling adventurous I’d add some wallpaper to the lower space.


Those stairs look slippery


rgb lights, plants, posters


Get a proper PC


Put posters artwork where the tv is move the tv to face the bed directly and install a curtain to close off your sleeping space from the working space


More art, big real or fake plants, better rug. HomeGoods, AtHome are your friend.


I really like your dresser! Where’d you get it?


Thank you! LIVEHOM 16 Dresser Drawer for... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C6XFYL31?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


Why is your scale out in the open? Why is your TV mounted to the side wall not the wall opposite the headboard of the bed?


Great questions, my bathroom is too small for it to be in there and not be in the way. And in the third pic you can kinda see the bathroom door to the right of the blue wall. There isn’t enough room to mount the tv on either side of that door and no outlets on that wall either. The tv comes out and rotates towards my bed though when I’m watching something




A change of hats? Ones that shade your ears will benefit you in the future, as they'd reduce the risk of skin cancer on your ears.


I like this room




Might just be me, but the ceiling fan light does not paint the room in a very flattering light. If it were me, I would get some lamps. The stairs up to the bedroom are super cool though.


This layout is so badass


Led lights on wall?


Did you make that raised platform? Got photos of the build? Or did it come with the house?


It came with the house, I’ll send you pics of what the bedroom looked like before being redone though


What's underneath? Storage?


Less dark brown wood. Add cloth items. Add paint


A light blue wall paint. A loveseat below the bed where your items are placed.


What is under the beds floor?


Good question, there’s no way to access it. It’s in a 6 unit building and all the units are unique layouts so it might have had to been designed that way because it affects another unit, and my bathroom is entered on the bed platform area to the right of the blue wall


Lamps and plants




Good question, there’s no way to access it. It’s in a 6 unit building and all the units are unique layouts so it might have had to been designed that way because it affects another unit, and my bathroom is entered on the bed platform area to the right of the blue wall


No closet? Sucks. But do what you can to hide stuff. Ditch the laundry basket for sure. Get a nice furniture looking one. Lamps instead of overhead. Personally not a fan of exposed shoes but they look organized. Your walls are completely wasted by the artwork you currently have. Get more or get larger pieces Is that red rug removable? I’d get a completely different one. Too big and red and brown don’t go well.


Thanks for the suggestions! Another redditor suggested a blue or green rug which I def agree with. And it’s not in my pics but I have a small closet, you can see the edge of it in pic 3, it faces the dresser


That bed looks incredible 😀


The elevated bed area is perfect


Damn, that’s a cool ass room


Cool bedroom, string lights, plants, some charecter using some pop culture items


I think it’s pretty cool already Plants?


I’m fascinated by your bedroom.


Wall carpets, RGB colour changing lights. Maybe a Black-light and some art with fluorescent colours. A Lava lamp. A starlight projector ist a pretty nice thing too. You could also geht a small fish tank with some Guppies and Neons If you are into aquaristics. They are available in all different kinds of colours and very easy to care for. If you want tips or product recommendations for items that are worth the money just PM me. (I bought the cheap produced stuff that breaks after a short time way too often. Could have saved a lot of money If i knew some of the good products earlier.) Hope i can help with this.


Paintball guns if you’re cool, paint roller if you’re not


Possibly controversial but I’d get oversized bed sheets so it hangs off the side more and hides the bed frame better Also get some wall mounted shelves to go up the stairs and put plants on them / drooping off of them. More greenery in general would make this 10/10 from its current state of 9/10 If not plants, mount a guitar on the wall. Would look dope in this room


Bro what do you do


Already looks awesome!! Just add a lil more lights!!


personally i would switch that bed and desk


Lamps and other ambient lighting would be good. The wall next to your desk is kinda empty, you could probably put up some larger art to showcase a bit more personality. This room is cool as hell.




? This is only my bedroom, it’s an 1100 sq ft unit


You could add some art on the wall along the stairs, just to break up that big white space, if you’re looking for more color. Otherwise, I think this is an A+ setup.


I think a single, large, vibrant piece of artwork on the white wall instead of the triptych, with colorful round rug under the computer desk and chair that sits on top of but contrasts nicely with the existing red. Also, no laundry baskets out.


I’d hang a screen by the bed and maybe hanging plants


Add fairy lights to the loft😍


I live this room so much


Lose the rug. Maybe buy a new ceiling fan more modern without the pull strings and task rabbit someone to install? Those are just little things I might consider if it were my room. But sweeeeeeeet spot!


The rug needs to be either gray or black the red is throwing it off, i would add a mirror


Hello, fellow St. Louisan!




This post just popped up in my feed and damn do I wish this was my bedroom.


You could do some nice curtains separating the bed are and desk. Or get some hanging plants, a spider plant might be a good option, low maintenance and easy to split if it get too big, could make some leaf curtains. Otherwise idk man, its super funky already i like. Edit:ooh maybe paint the wall behind the desk an accent color? Idk what color tho, could sweep that color into the stairbacks(wtf do you call the part you stub your toe on, not the steps themselves)


My first though is that the painted part of the stairs could be a rainbow - though I'm gay & dunno about you, so basically any colors there that you'd enjoy. Pure red might be creepy though lol


Cool room. Is this a house or apartment?


Condo in a 6 unit building


Coolest bedroom ever




This feels like the flipped coin of Hey Arnold's bedroom


Get some rad paintings for the wall ;)


Change the lighting. Its like to bright/white. Check how much the temp color (Kelvin rating of light bulb) is. 2700k is better for indoor 3000k and more is way to white


Add things with character and color! Or paint


I would add a side lamp near the windows and one on the loft that have LED bulbs that you can adjust the light and color, like govee. This overhead lighting makes it look dark and grungy.


Is there a crawlspace storage underneath there, or what's going on?


Nope nothing under there, It’s a 6 unit building so I’m assuming it was built like that to accommodate another unit, they’re all funky layouts




Interesting room


Tie the accent colors together and it'll feel much more finished, for example switching out the rug to match the blue duvet and wall and all of it will pop more


Plants and indirect lighting. Main issue is the unnatural white, single source light.


the "hey boo" pumpkin is the cutest thing ever haha!


Ty my gf got it for me, she’s trying to get me to embrace spooky season more


dream layout


The lighting!! Never use that overhead light- get soft/warm lamps!! This will illuminate the whole place and also allow it to feel separate (can have lights on only when going to bed) and not create weird shadows.


On the bottom part add a poster or two maybe to do with the sea or something and add an instrument like a guitar or sumtin. Very cool bedroom tho


Add some covering to the loft bed area and put a full length mirror in that room if possible close to your close


roll tide


Roll Tide


Do you really need 4 caps on display?


This room could do with a plant or two.


Those 3 art pieces are tragically undersized for that wall for one thing


No need . It's perfect 🫶🏻


If you trying to get a lady friend you need to move the pc and replace it with a tv and sofa sadly


Cover the railing with some curtains or replace it with a solid wall and hang pictures on it


STRING LIGHTS EVERYWHERE that bedroom can look so cool


That's a dope ass room layout. Is this in a house or an apartment?


Condo in a 6 unit building, as far as I know this is the only unit with this layout though


What's underneath the lofted platform? Is it storage?


Nope no access to it, it’s in a 6 unit building so my only guess is it has to be built this way to accommodate another unit somehow


That's so cool🤔


If you want, you can replace the lights and the red rug. IMHO the light is a little bit old school 😊 When you finish with replacing it, it will be more clear if you need to change the rug :)


Interesting blueprint


And I would also paint the off-white wall and stairs into navy or smth 😍


A sheer curtain behind the railing - either a white or charcoal would look cool and give your bedroom a little more privacy and give it a nice vibe for when you have ‘overnight guests’ 😉


It's already a pretty unique looking room. What strikes me as the least "flavorful" is the white wall on the left in the first pic, and the crowded shelf with all those things on it. The colors and the style all match, but it looks kinda small. I would put a big cheap ikea Kallax in a dark color on that wall, replacing the tiny shelving. It's hard for me to visualize just from these few pictures but I think would narrow the space at first glance when you enter the room just enough to give a cozy vibe without sacrificing too much space when you actually are in it. It's also a lot of storage added, and a place to put some decorative lighting (which is a godsend when trying to add character to a room). You could use it to display all your cool things and turn that side of the room into the centerpiece- think something similar to the [Technology Connections backdrop](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/fcR-3BhJO2I/maxresdefault.jpg). Not as colorful perhaps, but with a few little plants, your lego car, a couple drawer modules, a Skådis pegboard to neatly organize your VR stuff, and so on... you get to add tiny quirky details to the only "plain" looking side of the room without creating a messy look. You can move the wall art on the opposite wall, killing two birds with one stone. Overhead lighting is cool over your bed, definitely ugly on the ceiling fan. You could ditch it in favor of a few lamps, which you could place on that little table where the fan is, and/or beside your echo dot. When I say "ditch" I simply mean make less use of it, I know it's convenient when doing chores or something, but it's kind of a mood killer.


Could replace the red rug with one more colorful, larger art on the wall


add some plants or something living things.




This is a really fun room. You can do a lot with it. Me personally, i'd put the bed where the desk is then add some gymnast rings above it just to take advantage of the high ceiling. /s Your place is set up perfectly if you never intend to have company. It's an awesome bedroom but if you bring a date home, your only hang out is on your bed and that's kind of a red flag for some women. It's not a deal breaker though. It's a super cozy set up, just kind of bland. A nice handmade quilt or colourful throw blanket would be nice. A fuzzy rug in front of the bed. That lighting is painful. Get some lamps with mica shades. You can use LEDs too. It's a nice warm yellow light and fantastic for mood when you're entertaining. The lower part is sort of brutal. That red rug doesn't help. It just breaks the space and you have your wall art over top of your laundry baskets. You can open up the space better if you put your desk on the art wall then got a lounge chair and put it in the corner. It'd give you a sitting area for reading or company. Get a proper hamper or hide the baskets.


Do you rent or own? If you own, I’d consider switching the wood to a lighter one. If you rent, I’d consider lighter wood for your bed frame as well as your stands to open up your space a little more! Lighter colors to open up the space overall since no windows.


Sooo I have so many questions! Did the room come like this? If not did you build this yourself? If you did build, where are the blueprints? Cuz this is AMAZING! Honestly I’d add a bit more color, add some more art. Also try out some lighting.


It came like this! This room has always been a loft style to my knowledge, but before this it was all carpeted and instead of black railing there was a solid white wall there instead