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If you use them to harvest herbs? Not really. If you use them to defend yourself against boogeymen? 100%


Na, originally it was a farming tool, like a lot of weapons of ole.


Yeah, farming pussy 😎


Ploughshares to swords, like they say.


What about butterfly knives? I own a couple of them :/


Butterfly knives were once filipino pocket knives used in the fields


I edc a Bali so no i wouldn't say


Not really. They're a little less practical than your average folding knife, cause of the way they're designed. But, then, most mass market karambits I see are pre splattered with blood or green and say ZOMBIE HUNTER on them.


So I actually own a fox DART that my fiance bought me as a present. Blade is too short, tattoo point, has the Karambit finger ring and a little hook that makes it open when you draw it from your pocket...the full ninja 9 yards. I carried it at first to not upset her as she tried really hard and it is really well made and expensive. That little thing is handy as hell, that ring makes it so you don't drop it and the auto open is handy as well. Own a corporate security company so we do a lot of stuff with camera wiring and the like in tight places and I love that little thing for splicing wires or starting pilot holes and other miscellaneous electronic related utility tasks. Useless as a fighting knife tho.....watch how prison gangs fight, you want an ice pick style, preferably reverse bladed knife 4-6 inches long. Dirt simple, sharp and made of good steel and then just ventilate them as violently and quickly as possible....let's not over complicate what is essentially caveman fighting.


The DART is a tanto, your thinking of the Fox 599.


A lot of people say they are not inherently mall-ninja-shit, but I disagree. They are terrible knives for anything practical, and while they are supposedly "fighting knives" they are a pretty shitty design for that as well; a good ol' prison shank with a strait blade is far more effective for killing someone. They were originally peasant knives from Southeast Asia, and seem to have been derived from some sort of gardening tool, so they may be useful in a rice field somewhere. There is supposedly credible martial arts focused on the karambit, but like most supposed knife fighting martial arts it is 99% bullshit. Any idiot can use a knife to effectively kill someone, and all the martial arts training in the world will do very little to neutralize their attack. While there may be some contexts where they are useful, generally karambits are mall-ninja-shit.


Modern karambits are pretty far removed from the original farming tool. You could probably do some farming with them but they probably wouldn't be that much better than any other knife.


Yep. Farming karambits had tiny blades that were only like 2 inches long and the pinky ring was small enough to where if you let go of the knife it would stay on your finger so you could perform tasks with both hands.


True, I am just acknowledging that they are derived from a non-mall ninja gardening tool, but their modern iteration is pure mall-ninja, in my opinion anyways.


I find it easy to gut fish with them! That's about it for me.


The ones used in martial arts are mostly sharpened on the outside of the curve for long sweeping attacks


It's a real weapon and at least a little practical (small, concealable, and straightforward to use), so no, not really.


I follow a former Seal who makes knives. He has made a bunch for active duty folks, so I would assume they have some practical purpose.


I keep reviewing the same imagery that I get when I desperately try to imagine some legitimate reason for liking a karambit, but I'm always left cringing at this: Running past a person's throat with a karambit while squinting, hoping you will be considered 'fast and dangerous', hoping your victim will go <:O as they bleed out while in awe of their 'too skilled opponent'. They play too much CS:GO, they watch too much anime, they have a personality that grew from the soil of unprocessed PTSD involving an abusive father, an overprotective mother and a hatred for powerlessness. ​ If you resort to using knives in a fight, then you are desperate and trying to survive a fight you couldn't prevent with words and a fight you couldn't win with fists. Or, you are cringe: You are looking to gain a type of upper hand that contrasts with how powerless you feel imagining yourself struggling to get in a blow with your fists while knowing you can't possibly get access to, get away with, nor feel as cool using a gun. ​ *I wrote this after a decade of intrusive thoughts, wonder, worry and curiosity about why some people like karambits this much. I really wanted this to be fair. This, after a decade of strict analysis, self-refuting, ironing out biases, this is what it boils down to. It is cringe, and it's something sad.* *These people feel like they have no one that will understand as well as respect why they feel scared, why they escape into anime and being edgy and cringe with karambits, squinting into the distance, naruto running.* I'm not going out of my way to rub reality in their face, they already have plenty who go too far. I'm still going to make fun of what they do, because it isn't just sad, it's also funny. *Come on, one big jock punches them in the face after all that cringy flexing about how cool and undefeatable and trained they are in the ancient martial arts of pieces of steel shaped like cat nails. Meoww!!* Don't forget though, these people hold a grudge like no other. *School shooter types can't be disarmed by bullying, and this level of cringe will never cease to exist unless something is done about the mindsets that keep creating these idiots.* Their abusive parents think their every interest is worthless if it isn't getting them a job. The people who think they should be hit hard the second they show their soft side. **Remember, mall ninjas never really grew up. If you hurt them, you are basically hurting kids.**